Resistance to Root Galling Caused by the Powdery Scab Pathogen Spongospora subterranea in Potato

Plant Dis. 2008 Dec;92(12):1643-1649. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-92-12-1643.


Potato (Solanum tuberosum) selections (clones and commercial cultivars) were examined for resistance to root galling, caused by the powdery scab pathogen Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea in seven field trials conducted between 2003 and 2007 in the states of Washington and Idaho. Four industry reference cultivars-Shepody, Russet Burbank, Russet Ranger, and Umatilla Russet-were used as susceptible standards. Every year, selections less susceptible than the standards were considered resistant and progressed to the next season. Selections that did not demonstrate resistance in at least two consecutive trials were discarded. Eight potato selections were more resistant to root galling than the susceptible standards in two or more trials: PA98NM38-1 was more resistant than the susceptible standards in 5 of 5 trials, PO94A009-10 in 4 of 5 trials, PA95B2-4 and PA98N5-2 in 3 of 5 trials, POR00HG5-1 in 2 of 5 trials, PO94A009-7 in 3 of 4 trials, PO94A012-2 in 2 of 3 trials, and Summit Russet in 2 of 2 trials. POR00HG5-1 has Solanum hougasii in its ancestry, while the other selections have the Mexican wild species Solanum bulbocastanum and the commercial cultivar Summit Russet appearing in their ancestry. Summit Russet is the most plausible source of resistance.