Genetic and epigenetic variability between iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs) combined with differences in investigator technique and selection protocols contributes to variability between NPC lines, which subsequently impacts the quality of differentiated neuronal cultures. We therefore sought to develop an efficient method to reduce this variability in order to improve the purity of NPC and neuronal cultures. Here, we describe a magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) method for enriching NPC cultures for CD271-/CD133+ cells at both early (<2-3) and late (>10) passage. MACS results in a similar sorting efficiency to fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), while achieving an increased yield of live cells and reduced cellular stress. Furthermore, neurons derived from MACS NPCs showed greater homogeneity between cell lines compared to those derived from unsorted NPCs. We conclude that MACS is a cheap technique for incorporation into standard NPC differentiation and maintenance protocols in order to improve culture homogeneity and consistency.