Aims: To improve the timeliness and quality of discharge for patients by creating the role of the attending nurse.
Background: Discharge time affects hospital throughput and patient satisfaction. Bedside nurses and hospitalists have competing priorities that can hinder performing timely, high-quality discharges.
Methods: This retrospective analysis evaluated the effect of an attending nurse paired with a hospital medicine physician on discharge time and quality. A total of 8329 patient discharges were eligible for the study, and propensity score matching yielded 2715 matched pairs.
Results: In the post-intervention matched cohort, the percentage of patients discharged before 2 PM increased from 34.4% to 45.9% (p < .01), and the median discharge time moved 48 min earlier. In the unmatched cohort, patient satisfaction with the discharge process improved on several questions. While length of stay was not affected, the 30-day readmission rate did increase from 8.9% to 10.7% (p = .02).
Conclusion: With the new attending nurse role, we positively impacted throughput by shifting discharge times earlier in the day while improving patient satisfaction. Length of stay stayed the same but the 30-day readmission rate increased.
Implications for nursing management: Our multidisciplinary approach to the problem of late discharge times led to the creation of a new role. This role made ownership of discharge tasks clear and reduced competing priorities, freeing up nurses and hospitalists to perform other care-related responsibilities without holding up discharges.
Keywords: leadership; nurse's role; patient discharge; patient satisfaction; practice patterns; throughput.
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.