Spinal epidural abscess (SEA) is a very serious infection of the central nervous system (CNS). It is of very low incidence with a peak age in the geriatric age group. Immunocompromised patients are more susceptible to SEA. It can present with significant neurological deficits, which can be permanent if not identified and treated promptly. In this case report, a 75-year-old immunocompromised patient presented with progressive spastic quadriparesis and septicemia. He was diagnosed with a case of cervical spinal epidural abscess with underlying cord compression. Anterior retropharyngeal approach and button-hole disco-osteotomy of C5-C6 was performed and the cervical SEA was drained, followed by antibiotic saline irrigation (cranially and caudally) was done, total duration of surgery was 70 min. At the time of discharge (7th postoperative day), the patient improved neurologically and sepsis had resolved.
Keywords: Button-hole disco-osteotomy; cervical spine; spinal epidural abscess.