Toward peripheral nerve mechanical characterization using Brillouin imaging spectroscopy

Neurophotonics. 2023 Jul;10(3):035007. doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.10.3.035007. Epub 2023 Aug 26.


Significance: Peripheral nerves are viscoelastic tissues with unique elastic characteristics. Imaging of peripheral nerve elasticity is important in medicine, particularly in the context of nerve injury and repair. Elasticity imaging techniques provide information about the mechanical properties of peripheral nerves, which can be useful in identifying areas of nerve damage or compression, as well as assessing the success of nerve repair procedures.

Aim: We aim to assess the feasibility of Brillouin microspectroscopy for peripheral nerve imaging of elasticity, with the ultimate goal of developing a new diagnostic tool for peripheral nerve injury in vivo.

Approach: Viscoelastic properties of the peripheral nerve were evaluated with Brillouin imaging spectroscopy.

Results: An external stress exerted on the fixed nerve resulted in a Brillouin shift. Quantification of the shift enabled correlation of the Brillouin parameters with nerve elastic properties.

Conclusions: Brillouin microscopy provides sufficient sensitivity to assess viscoelastic properties of peripheral nerves.

Keywords: brillouin; confocal imaging; ex vivo; nerve.