Background: Gastroschisis prevalence more than doubled between 1995 and 2012. While there are individual-level risk factors (e.g., young maternal age, low body mass index), the impact of environmental exposures is not well understood.
Methods: We used the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Quality Index (EQI) as a county-level estimate of cumulative environmental exposures for five domains (air, water, land, sociodemographic, and built) and overall from 2006 to 2010. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were estimated from logistic regression models between EQI tertiles (better environmental quality (reference); mid; poorer) and gastroschisis in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study from births delivered between 2006 and 2011. Our analysis included 594 cases with gastroschisis and 4105 infants without a birth defect (controls).
Results: Overall EQI was modestly associated with gastroschisis (aOR [95% CI]: 1.29 [0.98, 1.71]) for maternal residence in counties with poorer environmental quality, compared to the reference (better environmental quality). Within domain-specific indices, only the sociodemographic domain (aOR: 1.51 [0.99, 2.29]) was modestly associated with gastroschisis, when comparing poorer to better environmental quality.
Conclusions: Future work could elucidate pathway(s) by which components of the sociodemographic domain or possibly related psychosocial factors like chronic stress potentially contribute to risk of gastroschisis.
Keywords: EQI; environmental quality; environmental quality index; gastroschisis; sociodemographic.
© 2023 Wiley Periodicals LLC. This article has been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.