Anti-obesity Medication Use for Adolescent Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Patients: A Systematic Literature Review

Cureus. 2023 Dec 21;15(12):e50905. doi: 10.7759/cureus.50905. eCollection 2023 Dec.


Bariatric surgery, in combination with pharmacotherapy, has been proven to be successful in combatting weight regain in adults; however, the use of anti-obesity medications to augment weight loss in adolescents before and after bariatric surgery is not well studied. In adolescent obese patients, the efficacy of anti-obesity pharmacotherapy before and after bariatric surgery on weight loss compared to no interventions in various studies was investigated. A PubMed literature search using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines was performed to identify studies related to the pharmacologic treatment of obesity in adolescents with a history of bariatric surgery. Inclusion criteria consisted of clinical trials, case reports, case series, chart reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses written in English and published between 2005 and 2022 using our search criteria. Exclusion criteria were studies that investigated adults, did not include pharmacotherapy, and were not relevant to the outcome of interest. The initial search yielded 1275 results, which was reduced to 879 after removal of duplicates. After applying exclusion criteria, the number of articles was reduced to 63. Full articles were examined and 44 were excluded due to relevance. Nineteen articles were included in the qualitative analysis. A total of 2471 adolescents were treated with various types of pharmacotherapy, 65 of whom had a history of bariatric surgery. The results showed varied effects of pharmacotherapy with the different medications studied. However, the 65 patients were included in cohorts of patients with no history of bariatric surgery. These studies did not include data specific to adolescent bariatric surgery patients. There is a wealth of evidence highlighting the efficacy of pharmacotherapy in assisting with weight loss in adolescents with obesity; however, our literature search showed a lack of studies focusing on the use of pharmacotherapy in the adolescent bariatric surgery population. Potential limitations include missing studies in our literature search, the variability in methods between studies, and the lack of standardized quality assessment. Additionally, studies involving our objective of choice regarding bariatric surgery with anti-obesity medication were limited. Clinical trials to determine the efficacy of medications as an adjunct to bariatric surgery in preventing weight regain and leading to optimal weight loss in this population are of utmost importance.

Keywords: adolescent obesity; anti-obesity medications; bariatric pediatric surgery; bariatric surgery; weight loss medications.

Publication types

  • Review