Exploring uterine contractility frequency in infertile population: A comparative study among different control groups with and without a C-section defect

JBRA Assist Reprod. 2024 Jul 8. doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20240037. Online ahead of print.


Objective: Women undergoing IVF who have had a previous c-section (CS) have a lower live birth rate than those with a previous vaginal delivery. However, the precise underlying mechanisms need clarification. Does a previous CS affect the pattern of uterine contractility?.

Methods: Prospective evaluation in patients undergoing frozen blastocyst embryo transfer in medicated endometrial preparation cycles. Twenty patients were included in groups: A/nulliparous. B/previous vaginal delivery. C/ previous CS without a niche, whereas fifteen patients were recruited in group D (CS and a niche). Patients employed estradiol compounds and 800 mg vaginal progesterone. A 3D-scan was performed the transfer-day where uterine contractility/minute was recorded.

Results: Baseline characteristics (age, BMI, smoking, endometrial thickness) were similar. Mean frequency of uterine contractions/minute was similar between groups (1.15, 1.01, 0.92, and 1.21 for groups A, B, C, and D, respectively). There was a slight increase in the number of contractions in patients with a sonographic niche versus controls, not reaching statistical significance (p=0.48). No differences were observed when comparing patients with a previous C-section (regardless of the presence of a niche) to those without a C-section, either nulliparous (p=0.78) or with a previous vaginal delivery (p=0.80). The frequency of uterine contractions was similar between patients who achieved a clinical pregnancy and those who did not (1.19 vs. 1.02 UC/min, p=0.219, respectively).

Conclusions: Our study found no significant difference in the frequency of uterine contractility between patients with or without a previous C-section or sonographic diagnosed niche. Further investigation is necessary to understand the physiological mechanisms affecting implantation in patients with isthmocele.

Keywords: ART; Caesarean section; isthmocele; niche; uterine contractility; uterine peristalsis.