The Impact of Melanoma Imaging Biomarker Cues on Detection Sensitivity and Specificity in Melanoma versus Clinically Atypical Nevi

Cancers (Basel). 2024 Sep 4;16(17):3077. doi: 10.3390/cancers16173077.


Incorporation of dermoscopy and artificial intelligence (AI) is improving healthcare professionals' ability to diagnose melanoma earlier, but these algorithms often suffer from a "black box" issue, where decision-making processes are not transparent, limiting their utility for training healthcare providers. To address this, an automated approach for generating melanoma imaging biomarker cues (IBCs), which mimics the screening cues used by expert dermoscopists, was developed. This study created a one-minute learning environment where dermatologists adopted a sensory cue integration algorithm to combine a single IBC with a risk score built on many IBCs, then immediately tested their performance in differentiating melanoma from benign nevi. Ten participants evaluated 78 dermoscopic images, comprised of 39 melanomas and 39 nevi, first without IBCs and then with IBCs. Participants classified each image as melanoma or nevus in both experimental conditions, enabling direct comparative analysis through paired data. With IBCs, average sensitivity improved significantly from 73.69% to 81.57% (p = 0.0051), and the average specificity improved from 60.50% to 67.25% (p = 0.059) for the diagnosis of melanoma. The index of discriminability (d') increased significantly by 0.47 (p = 0.002). Therefore, the incorporation of IBCs can significantly improve physicians' sensitivity in melanoma diagnosis. While more research is needed to validate this approach across other healthcare providers, its use may positively impact melanoma screening practices.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; dermoscopy; imaging biomarkers; melanoma.