Incidental detection of aluminum phosphide in abdominal subcutaneous fat- a rare reporting of chemical analysis findings in poisoning cases

Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2024 Oct 10. doi: 10.1007/s12024-024-00899-0. Online ahead of print.


Aluminum phosphide (AlP) poses a significant health challenge in developing countries, primarily because of its accessibility to the unregulated market and the absence of specific antidotes. Although chemical analysis of routine viscera can provide valuable information regarding the type of poison present in the body during poisoning incidents, numerous factors can alter the test results of chemical analysis, such as decomposition changes, postmortem redistribution, and the chemical nature of drugs. Analytical methods are frequently impeded by the interference caused by coextracted putrefactive compounds, which can mask or alter the detection of drugs. This series of three cases is particularly noteworthy because it involves the postmortem detection of AlP in the abdominal subcutaneous fat of the deceased, a previously unreported occurrence. In the first case, the body showed findings of late postmortem changes, with stomach mucosa being congested and hemorrhagic, along with routine viscera, and abdominal subcutaneous fat was sent for toxicological analysis. To confirm these findings, in two further cases of suspected AlP poisoning, subcutaneous fat was sent along with routine viscera. Stomach mucosa in the other two cases showed findings similar to those in the first. In the third case, black paste-like material was noted as stomach content. All the cases revealed the presence of AlP in routine viscera samples and abdominal subcutaneous fat on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC‒MS) analysis. Therefore, abdominal fat can serve as a suitable sample for toxicological analysis to identify the presence of AlP, even in cases with advanced putrefactive changes.

Keywords: Adipose tissue; Aluminum phosphide; Decomposition; Forensic toxicology; GC‒MS.