Prevalence of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) infections in Asian elephants in Japan was assessed by determination of EEHV gB specific antibody levels. Among 28 healthy Asian (sub)adult elephants from 11 zoos, 27 animals exhibited intermediate to high antibody levels. Like elsewhere worldwide, this suggested exposure of Asian elephants in Japan to at least one EEHV (sub)species. Longitudinal observations of two elephants monitored from birth to 30-month of age showed consistent high antibody levels. Another juvenile showed antibody levels that decreased to undetectable levels prior to death at 13 months of age. This fatal case supports earlier reports that low antibody levels are a risk factor for development of EEHV hemorrhagic disease.
Keywords: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus); Japanese zoo; antibody levels; elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV); elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus gB specific antibody.