[Interpretation of the key points of Regulation for Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-neonatal Tetanus (2024 Edition)]

Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2024 Oct 25:45:1-9. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112338-20241017-00640. Online ahead of print.
[Article in Chinese]


Non-neonatal tetanus is an acute, specific, toxic disease in patients over 28 days of age, characterized by continuous rigidity and paroxysmal spasms of the skeletal muscles throughout the body caused by the intrusion of Clostridium tetani through skin or mucosal membrane into the body and reproducing in anaerobic environments to produce exotoxins. The mortality rate of severe patients is close to 100% without medical intervention. Even with aggressive comprehensive treatment, the global mortality rate remains at 30%-50%, making it a potentially fatal disease. In order to standardize the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of non-neonatal tetanus, based on "Regulation for Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Neonatal Tetanus (2019)", experts have revised this regulation according to clinical practice and recent research progress in this field to guide medical institutions in the prevention and control of non-neonatal tetanus. This article interprets the key points and basis for updating the 2024 edition regulation to guide clinical implementation and application.

非新生儿破伤风是指年龄超过28 d,因破伤风梭状芽孢杆菌通过皮肤或黏膜破口侵入人体,在厌氧环境中繁殖并产生外毒素,引起的以全身骨骼肌持续强直性收缩和阵发性痉挛为特征的急性、特异性、中毒性疾病。重症患者在无医疗干预的情况下,病死率接近100%,即使经过积极的综合治疗,全球范围病死率仍为30%~50%,是一种极为严重的潜在致命性疾病。为进一步规范非新生儿破伤风的诊断、治疗和预防,专家组在《非新生儿破伤风诊疗规范(2019年版)》基础上,结合临床应用实践及近年来领域内的研究进展,修订并制定本规范,以指导各级医疗机构进行非新生儿破伤风的防治工作。本文对2024年版诊疗规范的更新要点及依据进行解读,以指导临床实施和应用。.

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