Quantum Melting of Generalized Wigner Crystals in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moiré Systems

Phys Rev Lett. 2024 Oct 11;133(15):156501. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.156501.


The generalized Wigner crystal (GWC) is a novel quantum phase of matter driven by further-range interaction at fractional fillings of a lattice. The role of further-range interaction as the driver for the incompressible state is akin to the Wigner crystal. On the other hand, the significant role of commensurate filling is akin to the Mott insulator. Recent progress in simulator platforms presents unprecedented opportunities to investigate quantum melting in the strongly interacting regime through synergy between theory and experiments. However, the earlier theory literature presents diverging predictions. We study the quantum freezing of GWC through large-scale density matrix renormalization group simulations of a triangular lattice extended Hubbard model. We find a single first-order phase transition between the Fermi liquid and the sqrt[3]×sqrt[3] GWC state. The GWC state shows long-range antiferromagnetic 120° Néel order. Our results present the simplest answers to the question of the quantum phase transition into the GWC phase and the properties of the GWC phase.