A Group-Enriched Viscoelastic Model for High-Damping Vitrimers with Many Dangling Chains

Materials (Basel). 2024 Oct 17;17(20):5062. doi: 10.3390/ma17205062.


Classical viscoelastic models usually only consider the motion of chain segments and the motion of the entire molecular chain; therefore, they will cause inevitable errors when modeling self-healing vitrimer materials with many group movements. In this paper, a group-enriched viscoelastic model is proposed for self-healing vitrimers where the group effect cannot be neglected. We synthesize a specific damping vitrimer with many dangling chains, surpassing the limited loss modulus of conventional engineering materials. Due to the dangling chains, the damping capability can be improved and the group effect cannot be neglected in the synthesized damping vitrimer. The group-enriched viscoelastic model accurately captures the experimental damping behavior of the synthesized damping vitrimer. Our results indicate that the group-enriched viscoelastic model can improve the accuracy of classical viscoelastic models. It is shown that the group effect can be ignored at low frequencies since the chain segments have sufficient time for extensive realignment; however, the group effect can become significant in the case of high frequency or low temperature.

Keywords: damping material; group effect; loss modulus; viscoelastic model; vitrimer.