Spinal cord injury (SCI), which is the injury of the spinal cord site resulting in motor dysfunction, has prompted the use of motor imagery (MI)-based brain computer interface (BCI) systems for motor function reconstruction. However, analyzing electroencephalogram signals and brain function mechanisms for SCI patients is challenging. This is due to their low signal-to-noise ratio and high variability. We propose using the phase locking value (PLV) to construct the brain network in α and β rhythms for both SCI patients and healthy individuals. This approach aims to analyze the changes in brain network connectivity and brain function mechanisms following SCI. The results show that the connection strength of the α rhythm in the healthy control (HC) group is stronger than that in the SCI group, and the connection strength in the β rhythm of the SCI group is stronger than that in the HC group. Moreover, we extract the PLV with common spatial pattern (PLV-CSP) feature from the MI data of the SCI group. The experimental results for 12 SCI patients include that the peak classification accuracy is 100%, and the average accuracy of the ten-fold cross-verification is 95.6%. Our proposed approach can be used as a potential valuable method for SCI pathological studies and MI-based BCI rehabilitation systems.
Keywords: Brain network; Motor imagery; Pattern recognition; Phase locking value; Spinal cord injury.
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