A genetic basis for neural tube defects (NTD) is rarely doubted, but the genes involved have not yet been identified. This is partly due to a lack of suitable families on which to perform linkage analysis. An alternative approach is to use the many mouse genes that cause NTD as a means of isolating their human homologues. Loop-tail (Lp) is a semidominant mouse gene that, in homozygous mutants, causes the severe NTD phenotype cranio-rachischisis. As a first step toward cloning Lp, we have performed linkage analysis on an intraspecific backcross, using microsatellite and RFLP DNA markers. This study has localized Lp to a region of approximately 1.46 cM on mouse chromosome 1, flanked by the gene for the alpha chain of high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE (Fcer1 alpha) and a microsatellite repeat D1Mit113. Physical mapping data in the region suggest that the interval is likely to be no more than 1.8 Mb in size. The localization is several centimorgans distal to that previously assigned by linkage studies with biochemical and visible markers and suggests that the human homologue of Lp is likely to reside in a region of conserved homology on 1q21-q23.