Purpose: Resistance to alkylators may potentially be overcome by drugs that inhibits DNA repair, thus improving the efficacy of high-dose chemotherapy. This trial was performed to determine if novobiocin, an agent that inhibits DNA repair, could be given with high-dose alkylators. Study aims were to define the toxicities and maximal-tolerated dose (MTD) of novobiocin and the pharmacokinetics of novobiocin and high-dose cyclophosphamide and thiotepa.
Patients and methods: Thirty-eight women with responsive metastatic breast cancer received high-dose cyclophosphamide (3 to 6 g/m2 over 4 days), thiotepa (400 to 800 mg/m2), and novobiocin (0.5 to 5.0 g/d x 7, orally) with autologous marrow support. Toxicity was monitored. The pharmacology of novobiocin, cyclophosphamide, and thiotepa was evaluated.
Results: There were no toxic deaths. The MTD of novobiocin was 4 g/d. All seven patients treated at 5 g/d developed grade III/IV mucositis and vomiting. The severity of mucositis correlated with the plasma levels of novobiocin. Other severe toxicities were not observed. Plasma novobiocin levels > or = 100 micrograms/mL, which are associated with reversal of drug resistance in animal models, were consistently seen at dose levels greater than 2 g. The dispositions of cyclophosphamide and thiotepa were not altered by novobiocin.
Conclusion: Novobiocin may be given with high-dose alkylators in doses that produce plasma levels that augment the activity of these cytotoxics in experimental models. The pharmacology of high-dose cyclophosphamide and thiotepa is unaffected. Novobiocin 4 g/d orally for 7 days is recommended for future study.