Purpose: To report three cases of spontaneous regression of new vessels of the disk and elsewhere in proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Methods: We retrospectively examined the clinical records of three young women (27, 26, and 19 years old) with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (for 16, eight, and 17 years, respectively) associated with other systemic diseases and referred to us for treatment of retinopathy. Complete general and ophthalmologic findings, visual field, and angiographic and electroretinographic examinations were available for each patient.
Results: All the patients showed marked, spontaneous improvement of their proliferative retinopathy, with regression of new vessels. Assessment of metabolic control did not bring to light any noteworthy change during the period when the new vessels disappeared. Regression of new vessels was associated with a marked improvement in blood-retinal barrier breakdown as detected on fluorescein angiograms.
Conclusions: Although very unusual, spontaneous regression of neovascularizations in proliferative diabetic retinopathy can happen. We can offer no explanation for the regression of the new vessels and retinovascular hyperpermeability.