Molecular alterations of the P53 gene were investigated in 27 unselected patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) blast crisis. A rearrangement of the P53 gene was evident by Southern blotting in 3 cases, one of which also showed the same alteration in the chronic phase. Single strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing analysis showed point mutations in 4 blast crisis cases. Of interest, P53 point mutations were evident in all the 3 cases of extramedullary blast crisis examined and the same point mutation was found in the myeloblastoma tissues and in the subsequent peripheral blast cells. These data indicate that: a) P53 gene mutations occur in a significant but not a large number of CML acute phase cases; b) P53 gene point mutations seem to correlate strongly with the infrequent extramedullary presentation of the blast crisis; c) the presence of the same P53 gene point mutation in extramedullary and bone marrow blast cells confirms the common clonal origin of the two cellular populations.