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Reform Support
Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change

Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change

Funding Programme
  • 2019

Strategy for the economic and social development of the Jiu Valley, a coal region in transition in Romania

The Commission supported the elaboration of a strategy for economic and social development of the Jiu Valley, a region historically dependent on coal, in Romania. The strategy was officially adopted by the Romanian Government on 13 July 2022. 


The Jiu Valley, located in the Hunedoara County has been producing coal for 150 years.  The decline of coal mining in the Jiu Valley region, while supporting the decarbonisation of the economy, has resulted in high unemployment and a need for reskilling former employees of the mining sector. Locals, especially young people, were leaving the region due to limited employment opportunities.  

The project supported the objectives of the Green Deal by contributing to a just transition from coal in Romania. 

Support delivered 

The support included a very comprehensive stakeholder engagement, the elaboration of the strategy for economic and social development of the region, as well as a clear action plan to implement the strategy, the identification of possible funding sources, the development of a pipeline of projects and a communication plan. Exchanges of good practices were also held with other coal regions in the EU. 

Results achieved 

The strategy was formally adopted by the Romanian government on 13 July 2022. It focusses on improving quality of life in the region and ensuring its transition to the green economy, fostering economic diversification, innovation and entrepreneurship, capitalising on the local natural and cultural heritage, and improving accessibility within the region as well as the connection to neighbouring regions. The Romanian authorities are planning to implement the strategy through a combination of national and EU funds, including the Just Transition Mechanism

More about the project 

Commission press release (in Romanian): Comisia sprijină România în tranziția sa justă de la cărbunele din Valea Jiului (europa.eu)