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Crisis in Palestine: UNFPA Palestine Situation Report, Issue #9, 03 July 2024



38,492 Fatalities
37,953 in Gaza
539 in West Bank

92,686 Injuries
87,266 in Gaza
5,420 in West Bank

~1.9M Internally Displaced
1.9M in Gaza (90% of Gaza)

1.34M Women of Reproductive Age
541,567 in Gaza
797,097 in West Bank

15 of 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip are partially functional
21 hospitals are out of service

43 of 103 primary health care centres in the Gaza Strip are partially functional
60 PHC are out of service

28,000 pregnant women experiencing emergency and catastrophic food insecurity
11,000 IPC Phase 5
17,000 IPC Phase 4

13,649 expected deliveries in the next month
5,522 in Gaza
8,127 in West Bank


The people of Gaza are enduring unimaginable suffering. As of 3 July, 37,953 Palestinians have been killed and 87,266 injured, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH). They have been nearly entirely deprived of the means and resources necessary for food security, shelter, health, and livelihood. Approximately 1.9 million people have been displaced, often repeatedly, forced into tents, overcrowded shelters, or even on the streets, lacking the most basic necessities for dignified life and survival. Based on the accounts of individuals in Gaza, its residents are profoundly entrenched in a sense of helplessness, with many having little hope of returning home or seeing an end to this persistent conflict.

Women and adolescent girls, especially those displaced, widowed and girls who are unaccompanied/separated, continue to be the most at risk of GBV and other protection risks. Older women and those with a disability face additional risks and vulnerabilities including accessing the limited aid being distributed and being able to flee from land and air attacks.

“The tent is suffocating, small, and hot. And it is hot for my children. And the smoke from the fires affects the lungs and breathing. For someone pregnant, it is very difficult. My children get fever and burns from the sand and heat. And strange bugs come into the tent and sting them. I hope that when I give birth, the war will be over, and we can go home safely.” - Fatima, a displaced pregnant woman in Mawasi, Khan Younis

Humanitarian aid has faced severe obstacles since October, including security risks, crossing point closures, and manmade bureaucratic hurdles that slow/stop the provision of life-saving assistance - including for SRH and GBV services. The breakdown of law and public order has exacerbated humanitarian challenges, leading to increased incidents of theft and violence in a significant security vacuum, endangering humanitarian workers and operations.

Following the widespread destruction of Gaza’s essential infrastructure and food supply chain, the population now relies heavily on humanitarian food aid for its survival. According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report, around 96 per cent of Gaza’s population face crisis levels of hunger (IPC3), including an estimated 49,300 pregnant women. Over 745,000 people including 17,000 pregnant women are at emergency levels (IPC4), and 11,000 in catastrophic/famine conditions (IPC 5).

Doctors report alarming trends such as increasing numbers of preterm and low-birth weight babies - common indicators of severe malnourishment exacerbated by stress, fear, and exhaustion that pregnant women are now experiencing. Malnourishment poses severe risks to the health of both pregnant women and newborns, leading to increased risks of stillbirths, low birthweight, wasting, and developmental delays for children. There is also a critical shortage of nutritional supplements for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The healthcare sector in Gaza is beyond crisis levels, having lost 70 per cent of its bed capacity. The workforce is exhausted and largely unpaid since October 2023, while the volume of medical supplies and fuel entering Gaza is insufficient, due to the imposed restrictions. Medical evacuations outside Gaza have dramatically decreased since the intensification of Israel’s Rafah offensive. Across the Strip, only 15 out of 36 hospitals are partially functioning.

According to a recent UN interagency rapid assessment, an estimated 155,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women in Gaza are facing critical challenges in accessing antenatal (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC). Unaffordable transportation and the lack of ambulance services are hindering access to hospitals, many of which are partially functioning. There are reports of emergency deliveries occurring in tents with no medical support during late-night hours, due to impeded access. Fear and uncertainty about future access to medical facilities due to the volatile security situation and constantly changing circumstances. Doctors are operating under extreme conditions, lacking essential supplies to provide adequate care.

“Imagine being a pregnant woman in Gaza – what should be a time of joy and anticipation is overshadowed by death, destruction, and despair. If her baby is delivered safely, she wonders how will she keep her newborn warm, fed, alive? Traumatized, dehydrated, and malnourished, many pregnant and breastfeeding women, who have higher daily water and calorie requirements, face the looming threat of famine without even the basics for survival.” - UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem, Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza Conference in Amman on 11 June

The conflict has intensified pre-existing levels of gender-based violence (GBV). Factors such as poverty, intra-family conflicts, negative coping mechanisms, and displacement have led to increased incidents of GBV including intimate partner violence, emotional violence, and sexual violence. Children are being compelled into arduous and risky tasks, like collecting water and food, exposing them to violence at distribution points and the pervasive danger of unexploded ordnance.

As the conditions in Gaza continue to deteriorate, frontline GBV response providers are experiencing a surge in demand for services but face significant operational, security, and funding challenges. According to a rapid assessment conducted with GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR) members, 50 GBV response actors have been killed, 98 wounded, and 118 have left Gaza. Sixty per cent of women-led organizations surveyed reported total destruction of their offices, with 40 per cent reporting partial damage. All organizations have lost essential equipment. Movement restrictions and safety concerns severely limit staff’s ability to conduct fieldwork and reach vulnerable populations. Seventy per cent reported a loss of funding, either due to the donors withdrawing committed funds or freezing of accounts.

“There was heavy bombing and then I found myself buried under three floors. It was my family’s house. I woke up in the hospital, and knew that I lost many of my family members. Everyday I feel like I’m losing my soul while still alive. And that’s the most painful feeling a human can experience.” - GBV Case Manager

Palestinians in the West Bank including East Jerusalem are facing a severe escalation in violence. Since 7 October 2023, over 539 Palestinians have been killed and more than 5,420 injured in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Attacks on healthcare facilities and restrictions on the movement of people and ambulances are severely limiting access to essential health services - including impacting access to services for pregnant women and newborns. Those same movement restrictions also severely increase GBV risks and impact access and support to GBV survivors.