SD6 - Mandated Coverage for Mammograms (Senate Bill No. 1027, 1995)

  • Published: 1996
  • Author: Special Advisory Commission on Mandated Health Insurance Benefits
  • Enabling Authority: Code of Virginia - § 9-298

Executive Summary:
During the 1995 Session of the General Assembly, the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor referred Senate Bill 1027 to the Special Advisory Commission on Mandated Health Insurance Benefits (Advisory Commission). Senate Bill 1027 is patroned by Senator Kenneth W. Stolle.

The Advisory Commission held a hearing on May 8, 1995, in Richmond to receive public comments on Senate Bill 1027. In addition to the patron, one speaker addressed the proposal. Dr. Ellen de Paredes, Director of the Imaging Center at the Medical College of Virginia and representative of the American Cancer Society, spoke in favor of the bill. Dr. de Paredes also submitted written comments in support of the bill. Trigon BlueCross BlueShield of Virginia (Trigon), BlueCross BlueShield of the National Capital Area, the Virginia Manufacturers Association, and the Health Insurance Association of America submitted written comments in opposition of the bill. The Virginia Association of Health Maintenance Organizations (VAHMO) filed written comments noting that HMOs cover mammograms routinely as basic health services. VAHMO emphasized that it is critical that Virginia not enact legislation with requirements that differ from accepted national standards. In written comments, Advisory Commission member Dr. John T. Ashley, Associate Vice President of the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, recommended that the bill be supported; however, the schedule for screening should be amended to reflect another schedule found on the national level. The Advisory Commission concluded its review of Senate Bill 1027 on July 10, 1995.