RD54 - Status Reports of Highway Construction Projects for Quarter Ending December 31, 2012

    Executive Summary:
    Quarterly report concerning the current status of all highway construction projects in the Commonwealth. The report shall contain, at a minimum, the following information for every project in the Six-Year Improvement Program: (i) project description; (ii) total cost estimate; (iii) funds expended to date; (iv) project timeline and completion date; (v) statement of whether project is ahead of, on, or behind schedule; (vi) the name of the prime contractor; (vii) total expenditures of federal transportation funds in each county and city; (viii) total expenditures of state transportation funds in each county and city; (ix) statewide totals for federal, state, and local funds expended for highways; (x) statewide totals for federal, state, and local funds expended for transit; (xi) total funds expended on intercity passenger and freight rail line and trains; and (xii) total funds expended in each federal and state programmatic category. (2Q FY 2013)

    VDOT Six-Year Improvement Program

    VDOT Dashboard

    DRPT Six-Year Improvement Program