
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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[[Категория:Википедия:Ошибка выражения: неожидаемый оператор <, редактируемые прямо сейчас]]

Пирак — археологический памятник Хараппской цивилизации. Находится в пакистанском Белуджистане, в 20 км к югу от г. Сиби, к востоку от реки Нари. Останки древнего поселения обнаружены под курганом высотой 8 метров и площадью около 4,9 гектаров. Впервые об археологическом памятнике писал Роберт Рейкс (Robert Raikes) в 1963 году. Первые раскопки состоялись в период 1968—1974 годов, ещё до открытия более крупных памятников Мергарх и Наушаро. Памятник датируется периодом 1800—800 гг. до н. э.

The excavaotor records three phases of unbroken occupation in Pirak, In the first period, structures of unburnt brick associated with a large platform were found. A major part of the pottery was a coarse ware decorated with applique bands and fingertip impressions. Both terracota and unburnt clay figurines of horses and camels were found, along with numerous bones of both the species. Terracota button seals of circular, square or curved forms were common. The second period also showed a similar assemblage with large numbers of terracota and clay figurines, which include not only Bactrian camels and horses but also human figures, including riders. Along with numerous tools of copper and bronze, first pieces of iron are also found. The third period (c.1000-800 BCE) produced a greater quantity of iron and a continuation of all the elements of the earlier periods. Along with three varieties and two varieties of barley, rice and sorghum were also found here, which is the first recorded appearance of these two cereals in this region.[1]

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  1. Alchin, Bridget and Frank Raymond Alchin (2003). The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-28550-X, pp.233-4
