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Take the #SayItWithScience Art Challenge

In the fight against climate change we are stronger when we unite around the best science. The facts tell a clear story. Can you also show the story? Art is a powerful to catalyze dialogue and understanding, something that climate science needs much more of. That’s what the Say It With Science art challenge is about. Help the IPCC illustrate the importance of climate change and better reflect your vision of a better, more sustainable climate future.

Submit Your Art

How to Participate

  1. Choose
    Pick an art prompt from the IPCC list below.
  2. Create
    We welcome many kinds of artwork, including photography, paintings, drawings, poems, and more, but unfortunately we are not able to accept video, and we can accept only images of 3D artworks like sculptures, papier-mache, or welding. Supported file types include .png, .jpg, and .gif. File sizes larger than 5mb are not supported.
  3. Share
    Click Submit Artwork to share your creation with us. Then post it on your social and spark a climate conversation using the hashtag #SayItWithScience.

Art Prompts

What the science says:

Scientists often study what Earth’s climate was like in the past in order to understand and explain current and future climates. They do this by analyzing every available clue, from the latest satellite observations to samples of prehistoric ice extracted from glaciers and ice sheets.

Say it with art:

Capture how scientists study the climate of Earth’s past and how that helps us understand climate change as we know it today.

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What the science says:

IPCC research shows that the world has already warmed by 1.2°C (2.1°F) since 1850. But what does that actually mean? Some places will warm while others cool, and some places will receive more rainfall or snow while others will experience droughts that are worse and happen more frequently. Around the world, these changes have huge impacts on the health and safety of people and ecosystems.

Say it with art:

What does global warming mean for your community? Your country? The world?

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What the science says:

Our current energy systems rely primarily on burning fossil fuels, a major contributor to global warming. To limit climate change, we need to use more renewable energy, increase energy efficiency, and power less with fossil fuels.

Say it with art:

Imagine a planet completely powered by renewable energy. Show us what the promise of energy transformation looks like to you.

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What the science says:

From farming to developing cities to destroying wild spaces, humans have used and abused the land for centuries. Fortunately, scientists have identified strategies for sustainable land management that protect wetlands, forests, and grasslands for cleaner air and water and for healthier food.

Say it with art:

Get inspired by the science and push the possibilities of what sustainable land use can look like.

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What the science says:

Biodiversity is the rich variety of plant and animal species that helps our planet thrive and keeps our ecosystems healthy. Every species of plant and animal on Earth, no matter how big or small, contributes to our planet’s resilience and protects it from shock and disruption. However, climate change is negatively affecting this biodiversity, threatening our health and the health of the world.

Say it with art:

Think about your favorite plants, animals, and insects. Now think about a world in which they don’t exist. Channel these thoughts to show the connection between climate change and biodiversity loss.

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What the science says:

Human practices, like pollution and deforestation, affect communities differently depending on factors such as income, race, ethnicity, and gender. Studies continue to show that the most vulnerable among us are disproportionately affected by climate change.

Say it with art:

Illustrate the connection between climate change and equity. Think about how the two go hand in hand, including uneven access to resources and how that can make some communities more vulnerable to climate change.

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What the science says:

The majority of the world’s population lives in cities, which are major emitters of greenhouse gases. The good news is that cities around the world have started incorporating renewable energy, expanded green space, and other measures to reduce their negative impact on the climate and environment.

Say it with art:

Pretend you’re a city planner tasked with turning your hometown into a sustainable city. Get creative and use real-world examples where you can.

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What the science says:

Sustainable development means meeting key human development goals without depleting Earth’s natural resources. It means thinking about the next generation and what they will need to live healthy, safe lives. IPCC science shows how we can limit climate change by designing smart policies that reduce emissions, alleviate poverty, secure our food supplies, and allow us to survive in a changing climate.

Say it with art:

Show how climate action can help secure progress on other human development goals.

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