[PDF][PDF] Comment on Bell's quadratic quotient method for hash coded searching

L Lamport - Communications of the ACM, 1970 - dl.acm.org
L Lamport
Communications of the ACM, 1970dl.acm.org
The revised version of the procedure Coulomb was translated into IBM System/360 Algol
and tested on an IBM S/360 Model 75 Computer. When v> 12 overflow problems were
encountered in the generation of intermediate arrays. These were due to the smaller
exponent range of the S/360,--64 _< exp< 63. The following changes, while not completely
eliminating the overflow probe ins, greatly alleviate them. tr~ sert real scale; after begin
integer L, nu, nui, mu, mul, i, k;
The revised version of the procedure Coulomb was translated into IBM System/360 Algol and tested on an IBM S/360 Model 75 Computer. When v> 12 overflow problems were encountered in the generation of intermediate arrays. These were due to the smaller exponent range of the S/360,--64 _< exp< 63. The following changes, while not completely eliminating the overflow probe ins, greatly alleviate them. tr~ sert real scale; after begin integer L, nu, nui, mu, mul, i, k;
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