June 2024
Date Zeit Titel
6/13/24 2:00 PM Investigations & Oversight Subcommittee Hearing - Environmentalism Off the Rails: How CARB will Cripple the National Rail Network
May 2024
Date Zeit Titel
5/16/24 10:00 AM Research and Technology Subcommittee Hearing - Oversight and Examination of the National Science Foundation’s Priorities for 2025 and Beyond
March 2024
Date Zeit Titel
3/6/24 10:00 AM Environment Subcommittee Hearing - Winning in Weather: U.S. Competitiveness in Forecasting and Modeling
February 2024
Date Zeit Titel
2/29/24 10:30 AM Investigations & Oversight Subcommittee Hearing - Examining the Risk: The Dangers of EV Fires for First Responders
November 2023
Date Zeit Titel
11/30/23 2:00 PM Joint Investigations & Oversight and Environment Subcommittee Hearing - Missing the Target: CEQ’s Meritless Selection of SBTi
September 2023
Date Zeit Titel
9/27/23 10:00 AM Full Committee Hearing - Science and Technology at the EPA
9/20/23 10:00 AM Investigations & Oversight Subcommittee Hearing - A Bar Too High: Concerns with CEQ’s Proposed Regulatory Hurdle for Federal Contracting
July 2023
Date Zeit Titel
7/12/23 10:00 AM Full Committee Hearing - Enhancing Fire Weather Prediction and Coordination
June 2023
Date Zeit Titel
6/6/23 10:00 AM Environment Subcommittee Hearing - Reauthorizing the Weather Act: Users of Weather Data and Areas for Improvement by Sector
May 2023
Date Zeit Titel
5/11/23 10:00 AM Environment Subcommittee Hearing - An Overview of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2024