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Cuenca, Ecuador

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Reveesion aes o 01:53, 16 Januar 2012 bi Ptbotgourou (Collogue | contribs) (r2.6.5) (robot Addin: mi:Cuenca, Ekuatoa)

Cuenca, kent offeecially as Santa Ana de los cuatro ríos de Cuenca, is the third lairgest ceety in Ecuador bi population, which totals 467,000. It is the caipital o the Azuay Province. It is locatit in the hielands o Ecuador at aboot 2500 m abuin sea level. The center o the ceety is leetit as a UNESCO Warld Heritage Trust site acause o its mony historical biggins.

Geography an location

Cuenca, caipital o the province o Azuay, is locatit in the sierra o the Andes in the Austro or soothren region o Ecuador. It is approximately nine oors sooth o Quito an fower oors east o Guayaquil. The ceety ranges frae 2,350 tae 2,550 meters abuin sea level.

The dominant features o the ceety's geography are an aa the source o its name in Spainyie: the fower rivers o Cuenca (meanin a basin made bi a confluence o rivers). These rivers are the Tomebamba (named efter the Cañari cultur), Yanuncay, Tarqui an Machangara, in order o importance. The first three o these rivers oreeginate in the Páramo o Parque Nacional Cajas tae the wast o the ceety. These fower rivers are pairt o the Amazon river watershed. Cuenca is surroondit bi muntains on aww sides, wi passes tae the wast, sooth an east.


Cuenca Canton contains the follaein parishes: