Neko Health

Neko Health

Sjukhus och hälsovård

Ahead of your health.

Om oss

Neko Health is a Swedish health-tech company co-founded in 2018 by Hjalmar Nilsonne and Daniel Ek. Neko's vision is to create a healthcare system that can help people stay healthy through preventive measures and early detection. This requires completely reimagining the patient's experience and incorporating the latest advances in sensors and AI. Neko has developed a new medical scanning technology concept to make it possible to do broad and non-invasive health data collection that is convenient and affordable for the public.

Sjukhus och hälsovård
11–50 anställda
Privatägt företag


Anställda på Neko Health


  • Visa organisationssidan för Neko Health, grafik

    16 244 följare

    A bit over a year ago, we opened our first Neko Health Centre in Stockholm, driven by the mission to build a proactive healthcare system focused on disease prevention. Since then, thousands have come to do a Neko Body Scan. Today, we want to share the data that we’ve gathered.  Here are the key findings: - Healthy majority – overall health maintained & optimized: For 78.5% of people scanned, our examinations showed no health issues or need for further examination.    - Medical treatment initiated: 14.1% of the people who underwent a Neko Body scan needed medical treatment and monitoring. This included diseases that were life-threatening or could cause serious injury, diseases of moderate severity, or mild conditions:     - Life-saving /avoidance of severe injury: 1% of all people that we scanned received a potentially life-saving intervention. These interventions addressed severe conditions such as cardiovascular diseases (e.g. aortic aneurysms, severe hypertension, and stenosis), severe metabolic diseases (e.g. severe diabetes, severe hyperlipidemia) and skin cancer (malignant melanomas). None of these people were aware of their condition prior to their visit. Notably 1 in 4 individuals (26%) who were diagnosed were under the age of 50.     - Significant health conditions: 6.6% of the people scanned had a moderate to severe health condition. Through detection of conditions such as heart diseases (e.g. non-rheumatic aortic valve disorder, hypertension, atrial fibrillation), type 2 diabetes, and skin cancer, timely interventions were made possible. Majority of the people (90%) were not aware of their condition or had any symptoms prior to the visit. 1 in 3 (28%) who were diagnosed with significant conditions were under the age of 50.     - Reversible conditions where primary prevention was initiated: 2.1% of the people showed early signs of health issues such as elevated blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels, abnormal heart rhythms, or pre-cancerous skin conditions. By successfully identifying these risks, we can now monitor and guide them towards preventive measures.     - Cleared with skin examinations: 2.8% of the people were cleared with a skin follow-up through short term monitoring with dermoscopies and excisions, according to medical guidelines.   - Undergoing further investigation: 1.5% of the people are still undergoing further investigation and the final diagnosis has yet to be determined.  - Cleared: 3.5% of the people were cleared through follow-up tests within our clinics, covered by Neko Health. After the control tests, no further examination was needed (e.g. ECG, control blood tests and BP). These follow-up tests were offered in order to minimize false positives and unnecessary burden to the healthcare system.   - Others: Lastly, 3.9% of the people referred were excluded from further analysis as they opted to follow-up at other clinics, cancellations, or no-shows.  

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Neko Health 1 runda totalt

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Serie A

65 130 951,00 US$

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