Title: What are we searching for?Subtitle: A visual essay of what we're searching for throughout the day, night, and in between.

Google Trends reached out to me last year with a request: do anything you want with our daily search trends. Fun! Yeah! OK!

I looked at the data, sorted the data, stared at the data, and responded: I’m not really a data person, I just like to make charts. I think you might try someone else. They asked me to try anyway.

I brought on Raphael Lee to help with the actual data analysis, and I focused on the overanalysis: what does this mean? What might people really be searching for when they’re searching for crying and constipation at 2am?

We’ll show you the topics people search for at the same times of day, across the world, and the journey we dream up for them. Because at the end of the day, we’re all searching for something (on our phones, in the dark).

So, what are we searching for...
In the morning
Weekend morning routine

Yoga + French toast= ends in corpse poseExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Wishin' & hopin', etc.

Hopin' + horoscope = ✓
Hopin' + lottery = ✓
Hopin' + meditation = blank
Hopin' + praying  = ✓

Wishin' + horoscope = ✓
Wishin' + lottery = ✓
Wishin' + meditation = blank
Wishin' + praying = ✓

Thinkin' + horoscope = ✓
Thinkin' + lottery = ✓
Thinkin' + meditation = 🚫
Thinkin' + praying = ✓

Prayin + horoscope = blank
Prayin + lottery = ✓
Prayin + meditation = blank
Prayin + praying = ✓Explain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Apologies in advance

(A crossword)
1 down: the Bible's main protagonist
2 across: crossword instructionsExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Blood sugar highs and lows

Breakfast + coffee = I'm good
No breakfast = coffee = I'm great!!! For a limited time
Breakfast + no coffee = technically alive, technically well 
No breakfast + no coffee = please get me out of this rectangleExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
We're done for the day

Closed when I need it to be open [clock set to 7pm]: the bank
Open when I need it to be open [clock set to 1am]: the hospital
Open when I need it to be closed [clock hands positioned like open computer]: my laptopExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Let them eat pancake

Monday-Friday: shorted stocks
Saturday-Sunday: short stacksExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
In the afternoon
Certified public al pastor

Taxes + taco trucks = improving our streetsExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten

Pho + noodles = ✓
Water park + noodles = ✓
Pho + mmm, salty = it's salt
Water park + mmm, salty = it's pee peeExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
World Travel

Vacation rental + paella = there's only one panExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
"Flow" chart

I'm at an office park -->
I'm at a dog park -->
Midday pissing contestExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Good soup

Delivery + soup = it's someone else's fault my soup spilled
Take-out + soup = it's my fault my soup spilledExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
In the evening
This counts as exercise, right?

Plank + pizza = ✓
Plank + sushi = ✓
Plank + falafel = blank
Plank + bruschetta = ✓
Plank + bar = blank

Crunch + pizza = blank
Crunch + sushi = ✓
Crunch + falafel = ✓
Crunch + bruschetta = ✓
Crunch + bar = blank

Row + pizza = blank
Row + sushi = ✓
Row + falafel = blank
Row + bruschetta = ✓
Row + bar = blank

Barre + pizza = blank
Barre + sushi = blank
Barre + falafel = blank
Barre + bruschetta = blank
Barre + bar = ✓Explain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Dessert menu?

Popularity as a dessert = panna cotta
Popularity as a dessert and a dog name = mochiExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
How to exercise while traveling

Calories burned at hotel gym: low
Calories burned while fighting with tight sheets at 3am: highExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Our Friday night plans are basically the same

I'm watching a concert -->
I'm watching a child -->
I'm getting a drink spilled on my shirtExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
At night
Well, this isn't helping (part one)

I'm sad -> queue up the sad music -> (repeat)Explain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Why me?

Back pain + diarrhea + constipation = usually happens while sittingExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
This isn't helping (part two)

Can't sleep -> *checks phone* -> (repeat)Explain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Attachment theory

Breastfeeding + backpacking = is this thing latched correctly to my body?Explain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
What do you believe in?

Agnosticism: maybe god
Atheism: no god
Cryptocurrency: oh godExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
[-] = sad
[+] = happy
[red hospital plus symbol] = perinealExplain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Google the price of the wine -> regift the wine (repeat)Explain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Death and taxis

Death + the car I called = it's coming for us someday (we might as well enjoy ourselves)Explain it with data (Expand button)
  • horoscope
  • lottery
  • meditation
  • prayer
People in these countries search for terms related to the topic Horoscope during the morning.
Search Interest
High -
Low -
Vereinigte Staaten
Link: Explain how you made this piece (and show me the bloopers)