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List of Internet top-level domains

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Here is a list of currently existing top-level domains (TLDs).

iTLD Entity Notes
.arpa Address and Routing Parameter Area This is an internet infrastructure TLD.
gTLD Entity Notes
.com commercial This is an open TLD; any person or entity is allowed to use it.
.edu educational The .edu TLD is limited to places of learning, such as 2 and 4-year colleges and universities.
.gov government The .gov TLD is limited to government organizations and agencies.
.int international organizations The .int TLD is strictly limited to organizations, offices, and programs which are allowed by a treaty between two or more nations.
.mil United States Military The .mil TLD is limited to use by the United States military.
.net network This is an open TLD; any person or entity is allowed to use it.
.org organization This is an open TLD; any person or entity is allowed to use it.
New gTLDs (2013) Entity Notes
.aero air-transport industry  
.biz Geschäft This is an open TLD; any person or entity is permitted to register.
.cat Catalan This is a TLD for websites in the Catalan language or related to Catalan culture.
.cam entertainment This is an open TLD; any person or entity is permitted to register.[1][2]
.coop cooperatives  
.info information This is an open TLD; any person or entity is allowed to use it.
.jobs companies The .jobs TLD is designed to be added after the names of established companies with jobs to advertise. At this time, owners of a "company.jobs" domain are not permitted to post jobs of third party employers.
ccTLD Country/dependency/region Notes
.ac Ascension Island  
.ad Andorra  
.ae Vereinigte Arabische Emirate  
.af Afghanistan  
.ag Antigua und Barbuda  
.ai Anguilla  
.al Albanien  
.am Armenien  
.ao Angola  
.aq Antarktis Defined as per the Antarctic Treaty as everything south of latitude 60°S
.ar Argentinien  
.as Amerikanisch-Samoa  
.at Österreich  
.au Australien Includes Ashmore and Cartier Islands and Coral Sea Islands
.aw Aruba  
.ax Åland Islands
.az Aserbaidschan  
.ba Bosnien und Herzegowina  
.bb Barbados  
.bd Bangladesch  
.be Belgien  
.bf Burkina Faso  
.bg Bulgarien  
.bh Bahrain  
.bi Burundi  
.bj Benin  
.bm Bermuda  
.bn Brunei Darussalam  
.bo Bolivien  
.bq Bonaire Not currently available for use
.br Brasilien  
.bs Bahamas  
.bt Bhutan  
.bv Bouvetinsel Not in use
.bw Botswana  
.by Weißrussland  
.bz Belize  
.ca Kanada  
.cc Cocos (Keeling) Inseln  
.cd Democratic Republic of the Congo Formerly Zaire
.cf Zentralafrikanische Republik This domain is also freely available to the public
.cg Republic of the Congo  
.ch Switzerland (Confœderatio Helvetica)  
.ci Côte d'Ivoire  
.ck Cook Inseln  
.cl Chile  
.cm Kamerun  
.cn People's Republic of China (mainland only) The special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau use separate Internet top-level domains. For the islands under the administration of the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), such as Taiwan, Quemoy, Matsu and Penghu, please refer to ".tw" .
.co Kolumbien  
.cr Costa Rica  
.cu Cuba  
.cv Kap Verde  
.cw Curaçao
.cx Weihnachtsinsel  
.cy Zypern  
.cz Tschechische Republik  
.de Germany (Deutschland)  
.dj Dschibuti  
.dk Dänemark  
.dm Dominica  
.do Dominikanische Republik  
.dz Algerien not available for private use
.ec Ecuador  
.ee Estland  
.eg Ägypten  
.er Eritrea  
.es Spain (España)  
.et Äthiopien  
.eu European Union The TLD .eu is shared between the European Union countries.
.fi Finnland  
.fj Fidschi  
.fk Falklandinseln  
.fm Federated States of Micronesia  
.fo Färöer Inseln  
.fr Frankreich  
.ga Gabun This domain is also freely available to the public
.gb Vereinigtes Königreich Rarely used; the primary ccTLD is .uk
.gd Grenada  
.ge Georgien  
.gf Französisch-Guayana  
.gg Guernsey  
.gh Ghana  
.gi Gibraltar  
.gl Grönland  
.gm The Gambia  
.gn Guinea  
.gp Guadeloupe  
.gq Äquatorial-Guinea This domain is also freely available to the public
.gr Griechenland  
.gs Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln  
.gt Guatemala  
.gu Guam  
.gw Guinea-Bissau  
.gy Guyana  
.hk Hongkong Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. It uses a separate internet top-level domain from the rest of China.
.hm Heard Island und McDonald Islands  
.hn Honduras  
.hr Croatia (Hrvatska)  
.ht Haiti  
.hu Ungarn  
.id Indonesien  
.ie Irland  
.il Israel  
.im Isle of Man  
.in Indien  
.io Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean  
.iq Iraq  
.ir Iran  
.is Island  
.it Italien Restricted to companies and individuals in the European Union
.je Jersey  
.jm Jamaika  
.jo Jordanien  
.jp Japan  
.ke Kenia  
.kg Kirgisistan  
.kh Cambodia (Khmer)  
.ki Kiribati  
.km Komoren  
.kn St. Kitts und Nevis  
.kp North Korea
.kr Südkorea  
.kw Kuwait  
.ky Cayman-Inseln  
.kz Kasachstan  
.la Laos  
.lb Libanon  
.lc St. Lucia  
.li Liechtenstein  
.lk Sri Lanka  
.lr Liberia  
.ls Lesotho  
.lt Litauen  
.lu Luxemburg  
.lv Lettland  
.ly Libyen  
.ma Marokko  
.mc Monaco  
.md Moldawien  
.me Montenegro
.mg Madagaskar  
.mh Marshallinseln  
.mk North Macedonia  
.ml Mali This domain is also freely available to the public
.mm Myanmar  
.mn Mongolei  
.mo Macau Macau is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. It uses a separate internet top-level domain from the rest of China.
.mp Nördliche Marianen  
.mq Martinique  
.mr Mauretanien  
.ms Montserrat  
.mt Malta  
.mu Mauritius  
.mv Malediven  
.mw Malawi  
.mx Mexiko  
.my Malaysia  
.mz Mosambik  
.na Namibia  
.nc Neukaledonien  
.ne Niger  
.nf Norfolkinsel  
.ng Nigeria  
.ni Nicaragua  
.nl Niederlande  
.no Norwegen  
.np Nepal  
.nr Nauru  
.nu Niue  
.nz Neuseeland  
.om Oman  
.pa Panama  
.pe Peru  
.pf Französisch-Polynesien With Clipperton Island
.pg Papua-Neuguinea  
.ph Philippinen  
.pk Pakistan  
.pl Polen  
.pm Saint-Pierre and Miquelon  
.pn Pitcairn Islands  
.pr Puerto Rico  
.ps Palestinian territories i.e., West Bank and Gaza Strip
.pt Portugal  
.pw Palau  
.py Paraguay  
.qa Katar  
.re Réunion  
.ro Rumänien  
.rs Serbien
.ru Russland  
.rw Ruanda  
.sa Saudi-Arabien  
.sb Salomonen  
.sc Seychellen  
.sd Sudan  
.se Schweden  
.sg Singapur  
.sh Sankt Helena  
.si Slowenien  
.sj Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Not in use
.sk Slowakei  
.sl Sierra Leone  
.sm San Marino  
.sn Senegal  
.so Somalia  
.sr Surinam  
.ss South Sudan  
.st São Tomé and Príncipe  
.su former Soviet Union Still in use
.sv El Salvador  
.sx Saint Martin (Netherlands)
.sy Syria  
.sz Swasiland  
.tc Turks- und Caicosinseln  
.td Tschad  
.tf French Southern and Antarctic Lands  
.tg Togo  
.th Thailand  
.tj Tadschikistan  
.tk Tokelau This domain used to be freely available to the public. 
.tl Timor-Leste Created to replace .tp
.tm Turkmenistan  
.tn Tunesien  
.to Tonga  
.tr Türkei  
.tt Trinidad und Tobago  
.tv Tuvalu also sold as advertising domains  
.tw Taiwan This is only used in the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of China on Taiwan, such as the islands of Taiwan, Quemoy, Matsu and Penghu.
.tz Tansania  
.ua Ukraine  
.um United States Minor Outlying Islands
.ug Uganda  
.uk Vereinigtes Königreich  
.us United States of America  
.uy Uruguay  
.uz Usbekistan  
.va Vatican City State Not available for use by the public.
.vc St. Vincent und die Grenadinen  
.ve Venezuela  
.vg Britische Jungferninseln  
.vi U.S. Jungferninseln  
.vn Vietnam  
.vu Vanuatu  
.wf Wallis und Futuna  
.ws Samoa Formerly Western Samoa
.ye Jemen  
.yt Mayotte  
.za South Africa (Zuid Afrika)  
.zm Sambia  
.zw Simbabwe  


[change | change source]
  1. "IANA — .cam Domain Delegation Data". www.iana.org.
  2. ".CAM Registry - .CAM Domains names information". nic.cam.

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