Looking for Articles, Statistics, or E-books? Get a State Library Card!

At the intersection of Wilmington and Jones Streets sits a handsome white building. It looks like this.

Inside that building is the Government & Heritage Library, which is part of the State Library of North Carolina. The GHL Library has thousands of books you can check out plus dozens of databases you can use from home. And it’s all free!

What do you need to access these materials? A GHL Library card.

Just fill out this form, and you’ll get your card number via email. This is all you need to access the databases. If you want the physical card, you can pick it up at the handsome white building at Wilmington and Jones.

For more information, click here or contact the Library at 919-814-6790 or [email protected].

Addict, Addiction, Cannabinol, Cannabis

In the last day or two, you may have read headlines like the following:

N.C. Senate Passes Medical Cannabis Legislation

Those who follow this issue know it’s been a long, winding road. Does this headline mean the journey is over? Is medical marijuana now legal in the Tar Heel State?

No. The journey is only half over. S.711, known as the Compassionate Care Act, still has to pass the NC House of Representatives, which will probably make changes to the bill. It would then need to go back to the Senate to agree with the changes. If the Senate makes further changes, then it would go back to the House . . . you get the idea.

Bottom line: medical cannabis in NC is not dead. But it is not yet legal. You can track the bill through every step on the General Assembly website or the UNC School of Government Reporting Service.

Curious about other states’ medical marijuana laws? This page from the National Conference of State Legislatures can help.

How about a federal law? The United States House of Representatives recently passed this bill. It will have to be passed by the U.S. Senate and signed by President Biden to become law.