U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), Commander General Richard Clarke testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday and told the lawmakers that the Afghan military is not ready for taking over sole responsibility for the security of the country. 

Clarke said that American Special Forces and regular troops are needed by Afghan security forces in their fight with the Taliban. Hist testimony comes amidst debate on whether to withdraw American troops by the May 1 deadline stipulated in the peace agreement signed with the Taliban last January.

Although the Taliban have not attacked American forces since they signed the agreement with the United States, they “[have] not upheld what [they said they] would do.”

“The capabilities that the U.S. provide for the Afghans to be able to combat the Taliban and other threats that reside in Afghanistan are critical to their success,” Clarke said.

Asked by lawmakers if he has submitted options for U.S. Special Operations forces remaining in the country to the administration, he declined to comment. 

With the Taliban opting to increase, rather than decrease, the violence against Afghan government targets and refusing to cut ties with al-Qaeda, the Biden administration is weighing its options regarding the May 1 deadline.

The Pentagon wants to remain in Afghanistan.

The U.S. currently has 2,500 troops in the country while the EU and NATO have about 7,000 more.