File a Statement of Change
Who Can File Here?
  • Registered business entities which are 'Active' can use the Statement of Change process to file an original Statement of Change.. Use the Search option to see if your business entity can E-file a Statement of Change.
What You Will Need to Create or E-File a Report
  • Secretary of State Business ID. If you don't have your Business ID, use the Search option to find it.
  • The information for your new Registered Agent. You can also search for an existing one later in the process.
  • If you wish to file electronically, we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express credit/debit cards.

Zusätzliche Informationen
  • Information provided should be current as of the date the Statement of Change is submitted on behalf of the company.
  • Customers who do not wish to electronically E-File their Statement of Change may still use this tool and then choose to print the Statement of Change and mail it in for an additional $15 paper processing fee. The Print option will be available on the 'Confirmation' step of the online Statement of Change. Simply print and sign the completed Statement of Change and mail it in with the proper filing fee.