Through the provisions of Public Act 501, 2006 the Liquor Control Commission (LLC) may issue new public on-premises liquor licenses to local units of government including Southfield Downtown Development Authority (“SDDA”). These licenses are in addition to those quota licenses allowed in cities under Section 531 of the Michigan Liquor Control code, Public Act 58 of 1998 amended. A business must be in the SDDA Tax Increment Finance District. They must be engaged in dining, entertainment, or recreation and open to the public. Additionally, they must have seating capacity of at least 25 people, have spent at least $75K rehabilitation on real property over a period of the preceding five years or a commitment of $75k in capital investment that will be spent before the issuance of the license. Lastly show that the amount of private and city investment in real and personal property, in the district, was at least $200,000 in the period covering the preceding five years. To be considered for a license the City of Southfield must pass a resolution approving the applicant. Once approved the applicant must apply to the Liquor Control Commission for final review and approval. For further information please contact us at

Author: admin