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Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BCBA) and the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (SSE) launched the Spanish version of the SSE Action Plan on Green Finance on 18 July, coinciding with the G20 meetings in Buenos Aires. The two exchanges worked with the SSE in order to further advance in green financing throughout the region.

NOTE: This event already took place. The news release on this event can be found here.

The Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BCBA) and the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (SSE) launched the Spanish version of the SSE Action Plan on Green Finance on 18 July, coinciding with the G20 meetings in Buenos Aires. The two exchanges worked with the SSE in order to further advance in green financing throughout the region.

“The Group of the Mexican Stock Exchange, given its regional leadership in the promotion of green and sustainable finance, reiterates its commitment and dedication to promote the greening of the Mexican financial system with the support granted to the SSE,” said José-Oriol Bosch Par, CEO of the BMV, who translated the document into Spanish. “Undoubtedly, this document prepared by the SSE and the Expert Advisory Group is a valuable action plan to promote the development and growth of green finance among the stock exchanges of Latin America.”

The launch of the Action Plan was made within the framework of the event “Advancing in Sustainable Finance” held at the BCBA and organized by the three institutions. More than 170 participants gathered to hear experts speak about green capital and green bonds, as well as the role of stock exchanges, regulatory authorities, small businesses, investors, banks and other key stakeholders in the capital market.