Founders at Campus

Join Founders at Campus and connect with a vibrant community of like-minded entrepreneurs from Israel. Tap into learning opportunities, access to dedicated workspaces, and build meaningful relationships.

A cool cafe where people are totally into their work.

Entry Criteria

Group of people seating and have fun conversation.
Group of employees seating and discussing something important.

Entry Criteria

  • AI-powered solutions: Your startup develops products or services that leverage artificial intelligence technologies in a significant way.
  • Initial runway: You have raised your initial round of funding.
  • Google Cloud platform: Your startup either sits, or are open to working with the Google Cloud Platform.
  • Pay-it-forward mentality: You are committed to a collaborative environment where knowledge and expertise are openly shared with other members of the community.
  • Campus presence: You can commit to being physically present at the Google for Startups Campus a minimum of three days per week to engage with the community.

Join our Founders at Campus community

Match the criteria? Fill in the form and we’ll be in touch soon

Apply now

Frequently asked questions

What is Google for Startups Campus?

Campus Tel Aviv is Google for Startups physical space for startups. Here, our alumni, Founders at Campus members and a wider startup community from the region connect with inspiring events, Google's resources, training and mentorship opportunities, and a passionate community of entrepreneurs, fostering growth and collaboration.

What is Founders at Campus initiative?

Throughout the years, Google for Startups Campuses have been a thriving hub of innovation, a place for everyone in the startup ecosystem to gather, work, and connect; and where founders are more likely to succeed. With our Founders at Campus offering we want to open Google for Startups Campus doors to support startup founders. Participating startups gain access to curated learning opportunities, dedicated workspace, and a vibrant founder community of peers in similar stages of their journey.

What's the process to become a Founders at Campus member?

After applying, we'll review your submission and get back to you within a week with next steps. If you meet our criteria, we'll invite you for a short interview to learn more about your exciting startup. Successful applicants will then be welcomed into our Founders at Campus community.

How long is the standard Founders at Campus membership?

To foster a thriving community, your Founders at Campus membership starts with a two-month trial. This is your chance to connect with other founders, share your expertise, and see the benefits of being part of our community. Members who actively participate will have their membership extended for a total of 12 months.

Is there a deadline to apply?

You can apply anytime, as we have a rolling admissions process, but please be aware that spaces are limited.

Can I work from Campus if I'm not a member of Founders at Campus?

Coworking space at Campus is exclusively for members of Founders at Campus and Google for Startups alumni. If you want to join them, apply to Founders at Campus initiative or to one of our programs.

Do I get an assigned desk?

No, we have a hot-desking model. This fosters a dynamic atmosphere and encourages interaction within our community.