Northern California

Northern California
Provider Directory/Directorio de Proveedores
Blue Shield 65 Plus (HMO)
Date printed/Fecha de impresión: May 2015
Plan year/Año del plan: 2015
This directory represents only those providers who are in the Northern California area and is not a full
list of our network providers. If you don't find the provider you're looking for or would like to see a
complete listing of the providers available to you by area visit Find a Provider on
You may also call Blue Shield 65 Plus Member Services to have a list sent to you.
Please refer to the next page for a listing of the plan's service area.
Este directorio representa solo a aquellos proveedores ubicados en el área de Northern California y
no es una lista completa de nuestros proveedores de la red. Si no encuentra al proveedor que busca
o le gustaría ver una lista completa de los proveedores disponibles para usted, clasificados por área,
visite la sección Find a Provider (Buscar un proveedor) en También puede
comunicarse con Servicio para Miembros de Blue Shield 65 Plus para que le envíen una lista.
Consulte la página siguiente para ver una lista del área de servicio del plan.
H0504_14_126 CMS Approved 08112014
The service area for Blue Shield 65 Plus is all of Orange, Fresno, and San Diego counties and parts of
Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, Santa Clara, and Ventura counties.
The service area for Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan is all of Orange County and parts of Los Angeles
Please refer to the plan Summary of Benefits or Evidence of Coverage for a full list of zip codes for your
applicable partial county in the service area.
This directory lists providers who are in the Northern California area. The following zip codes are part of
the Northern California area.
El área de servicio de Blue Shield 65 Plus es la totalidad de los condados de Orange, Fresno y San Diego,
y algunos sectores de los condados de Contra Costa, Los Ángeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino,
Santa Clara y Ventura.
El área de servicio de Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan es la totalidad del condado de Orange y algunos
sectores del condado de Los Ángeles.
Consulte el Resumen de Beneficios o la Evidencia de Cobertura del plan para acceder a la lista completa
de códigos postales correspondientes al área de servicio de los sectores parciales de su condado.
Este directorio incluye a los proveedores ubicados en el área de Northern California. Los siguientes
códigos postales forman parte del área de Northern California.
Contra Costa
County (Partial)
County (Partial)
Santa Clara
County (Partial)
Table of Contents
Using This Directory............................................................ p. v
Choosing Your PCP............................................................. p. vi
Changing Your PCP............................................................. p. vi
Physician Groups
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay ........................................ p. 1
Doctors Medical Center San Pablo Campus
John Muir Medical Center Concord Campus
John Muir Medical Center Walnut Creek Campus
San Ramon Regional Medical Center
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento ....................................... p. 36
Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Hospital of Folsom
Mercy San Juan Hospital
Methodist Hospital of Sacramento
John Muir Physician Network .......................................... p. 56
John Muir Medical Center Concord Campus
John Muir Medical Center Walnut Creek Campus
Mercy Medical Group ...................................................... p. 81
Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Hospital of Folsom
Mercy San Juan Hospital
Methodist Hospital of Sacramento
PMG of San Jose ............................................................ p. 90
O' Connor Hospital
St Louise Regional Hospital
PMG of Santa Cruz ......................................................... p. 102
Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital
Watsonville Community Hospital
Santa Clara County IPA .................................................. p. 109
O' Connor Hospital
St Louise Regional Hospital
Mental Health Providers ...................................................... p. 133
Dentists................................................................................. p. 137
Skilled Nursing Facilities .................................................... p. 159
Index ..................................................................................... p. 165
Table of Contents, continued
Information in this directory is current as of the date on the front
cover. Some network providers may have been added or removed
from our network after this directory was printed. Since information
changes often, a provider's listing in this directory does not
guarantee that the provider is still in the network or accepting new
To get the most up-to-date information about network providers in
your area, please visit or
call Blue Shield 65 Plus.
Prospective Members
Please call your broker or call Blue Shield 65 Plus or Blue Shield 65
Plus Choice Plan at:
(800) 488-8000
TTY 711
8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week
Current Members
Please call Member Services at:
(800) 776-4466
TTY 771
Hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1
through February 14. However, after February 14, your call will be
handled by our automated phone system on weekends and holidays.
Table of Contents, continued
Cómo utilizar este directorio .............................................. p. viii
Cómo elegir a su Médico de Atención Primaria (PCP)..... p. ix
Cómo cambiar de Médico de Atención Primaria (PCP) ... p. ix
Grupos Médicos
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay ........................................ p. 1
Doctors Medical Center San Pablo Campus
John Muir Medical Center Concord Campus
John Muir Medical Center Walnut Creek Campus
San Ramon Regional Medical Center
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento ....................................... p. 36
Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Hospital of Folsom
Mercy San Juan Hospital
Methodist Hospital of Sacramento
John Muir Physician Network .......................................... p. 56
John Muir Medical Center Concord Campus
John Muir Medical Center Walnut Creek Campus
Mercy Medical Group ...................................................... p. 81
Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Hospital of Folsom
Mercy San Juan Hospital
Methodist Hospital of Sacramento
PMG of San Jose ............................................................ p. 90
O' Connor Hospital
St Louise Regional Hospital
PMG of Santa Cruz ......................................................... p. 102
Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital
Watsonville Community Hospital
Santa Clara County IPA .................................................. p. 109
O' Connor Hospital
St Louise Regional Hospital
Proveedores de Servicios de Salud Mental ...................... p. 133
Dentistas............................................................................... p. 137
Centros de Enfermería Especializada................................ p. 159
Índice .................................................................................... p. 165
Table of Contents, continued
La información incluida en este directorio tiene vigencia a partir de la
fecha que figura en la portada. Tal vez se hayan agregado o quitado
algunos proveedores de la red luego de la impresión de este
directorio. Dado que la información cambia a menudo, el hecho de
que un proveedor figure en este directorio no garantiza que aún
forme parte de la red o que acepte nuevos pacientes.
Para obtener la información más actualizada sobre los proveedores
de la red disponibles en su área, visite o llame a Blue Shield 65
Futuros miembros
Comuníquese con su corredor o llame a Blue Shield 65 Plus o Blue
Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan al:
(800) 488-8000
TTY 711
De 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., todos los días de la semana
Miembros actuales
Llame a Servicio para Miembros al:
(800) 776-4466
TTY 771
El horario de atención es de 7:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., todos los días
de la semana, desde el 1 de octubre hasta el 14 de febrero. Sin
embargo, después del 14 de febrero, su llamada será atendida por
nuestro sistema telefónico automático los fines de semana y
Using This Directory
This directory lists the provider
network in the region indicated
on the front cover of this
• Network PCPs, specialists,
hospitals, clinics and urgent
care centers are listed by
physician group.
If you don't find the provider
you're looking for or would like
to see a complete listing of the
providers available to you by area
visit Find a Provider on You may also
call Member Services to have a
directory sent to you.
• The hospital or hospitals
affiliated with the physician
group are listed at the
beginning of the physician
group section in this directory.
To get detailed information about
your health care coverage, please
see your Evidence of Coverage.
The "network providers" listed in
this directory have agreed to
provide you with your health care
coverage. You may go to any of
our network providers listed in
this directory; however some
services may require a referral.
You will have to choose one of
our network providers who are
listed in this directory to be your
Primary Care Physician (PCP).
The term "PCP" will be used
throughout this directory.
Generally, you must get your
health care coverage from your
PCP. When you choose your PCP,
you are also choosing the
hospital(s) and specialty network
affiliated with the physician
• If you need to be hospitalized,
your PCP will coordinate your
admission to the hospital
associated with your physician
group. If more than one
hospital is associated with the
physician group, your PCP will
determine which hospital is
most appropriate for your care.
• PCPs are listed alphabetically
under one of the following
categories: Family Practice,
General Practice, Internal
Medicine, and OB/ GYN. Your
PCP will provide or coordinate
all your covered medical care
while you are a member of our
PCPs who are not accepting
new patients are listed under
the category Accepting Current
Patients Only. You may choose
a PCP in this category only if
you are new to plan name and
are currently a patient of that
physician or changing to a new
physician group and that
physician is also part of the
new physician group.
• Affiliated specialists are listed
in alphabetical order under
their specialty. If your PCP
feels you need more
specialized treatment, he or she
will refer you, upon physician
group approval, to a specialist
associated with the network
physician group.
If your specialist recommends
that you continue to see him or
her for more services, those
services may need to be
authorized by your network
physician group.
• Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice
Plan members may go to any
specialist within the PCP’s
network physician group in the
following specialties without a
Referral from the PCP for an
initial visit: cardiology,
gastroenterology, urology,
ophthalmology, gynecology,
orthopedics, and podiatry
• Urgent Care facilities affiliated
with your physician group are
listed under Urgent Care
Centers. You may use these
Urgent Care Facilities or any
other Urgent Care facility in
your plan service area if you
need urgent medical care when
your PCP's office is closed.
• If you decide to enroll in the
optional supplemental dental
plan, you can find a list of
network dentists in this
directory. For more information
Using This Directory, continued
about choosing a network
dentist, you can go to the
beginning of that section in
this directory.
• Plan pharmacies are not listed in
this directory. You may request a
list of these facilities by calling
our Member Services
Department or by going to
To choose your PCP, follow
these simple steps
1. Choose the doctor you want as
your PCP from this directory.
Note: If you are interested in a
particular specialist, make
sure he or she is in the same
physician group as the PCP
you select. You will need an
authorized referral from your
PCP's physician group before
you can be treated by a
specialist, except for routine
women's health care as
described below.
2. Call the office of the PCP you
have selected to make sure that
he or she is accepting new
patients and for answers to any
questions you may have about
the doctor (e.g. office hours,
availability evenings and/or
weekends and educational
3. Enter the ID number of the
PCP you have chosen in the
appropriate box on the plan
enrollment form.
If you need help choosing a
PCP, please call Member
Changing your current PCP is
If you have been going to one
network provider, you are not
required to continue going to that
same provider. You may change
your PCP at any time. However,
if you are under inpatient care in
the hospital or you are in the
middle of a course of treatment
with your PCP or a specialist, we
recommend that you do not
change your physician/physician
group until you are discharged or
complete your course of
If you decide to change your
PCP, simply call Member
Services and we will check to
make sure the doctor you choose
is accepting new patients. You
should ask whether the new PCP
you are selecting has a referral
relationship with any specialist
you are currently seeing. You
will need an authorized referral
from your PCP's physician group
before you can be treated by a
specialist, except for routine
women's health care as
described below and in your
Evidence of Coverage.
We will make the change for
you, tell you over the phone
when this change will go into
effect, and send you a new
member ID card.
If you call by the 15th of the
month, your transfer to a new
PCP will be effective on the first
day of the following month.
Sometimes a PCP, specialist, or
clinic you are using might leave
the plan. If this happens, you will
have to switch to another
network doctor. We will notify
you if this happens and make
sure you continue to have access
to all plan services.
If you are a female member
who prefers to see an OB/GYN
for your routine women's health
care (mammograms, pap tests,
and pelvic and breast exams),
you can make an appointment
with any OB/GYN listed under
your network physician group
without a referral from your PCP.
If possible, call your PCP
before you seek medical care. If
you go to a doctor, hospital or
other provider without the
approval of your PCP except in
an emergency or when you need
urgent care, out-of-area renal
dialysis (within the United
States), or paying any charges for
these certain gynecological care
or other self-referred services,
you will be responsible for
services. Neither Original
Medicare nor Blue Shield will
pay for non-emergency services
or non-urgently needed care
without the prior authorization of
your PCP.
Urgent Care refers to a
non-emergency situation where
you are temporarily absent from
the plan's authorized service
area, you need medical attention
right away for an unforeseen
illness, injury or condition, and it
isn't reasonable given the
Using This Directory, continued
situation for you to obtain
medical care through the plan's
provider network. Under unusual
and extraordinary circumstances,
care may be considered
urgently-needed when the
member is in the service area but
the provider network of the plan
is temporarily unavailable or
If you need care in an
emergency, get medical help as
quickly as possible. Call 911 for
help or go to the nearest
emergency room. You do not
need to get permission first from
your physician or other network
A medical emergency is when
you believe that your health is in
serious danger when every
second counts. A medical
emergency includes severe pain, a
bad injury, a serious illness, or a
medical condition that is quickly
getting much worse.
Make sure that Blue Shield
knows about your emergency
because your physician will need
to be involved in following up on
your emergency care.
You or someone else should call
to tell your physician about your
emergency care as soon as
possible, preferably within 48
hours. The number to call is
located on your plan name
member ID card.
What if you need medical
attention right away for an
unforeseen illness or injury, but
your health is not in serious
danger? If you need medical help
immediately but your health is
not in serious danger, the help
you need is called "urgently
needed care". If you are in your
plan's service area please call
your PCP or, if your physician's
office is closed, go to the urgent
care facility listed in this
If you are outside the service
area, first call your PCP
whenever possible. If you are
treated for an urgent care
condition while you are outside
the service area we prefer that
you return to the service area to
get follow-up care through your
PCP. However, we will cover
follow-up care that you get from
non-network providers outside
the service area as long as the
care you are getting still meets the
definition of "urgently needed
Some hospitals and other
providers do not provide one or
more of the following services
that may be covered under your
plan contract and that you might
need: family planning;
contraceptive services; and
sterilization, including tubal
ligation at the time of labor and
delivery. To ensure that you can
obtain the healthcare services that
you need, call our Member
Services department for
that have been shown to improve
patient safety. Leapfrog hospitals
1) do computer checks on
prescriptions to avoid drug
interactions; 2) have a full-time
physician specialist on staff in all
intensive care units; and 3)
perform high-risk surgical
procedures, such as heart surgery,
only when certain quality criteria
are met.
If you need skilled nursing,
transitional care or specialized
services, your PCP will arrange
for you to be transferred to a
subacute care facility contracting
with Blue Shield or another
facility with which he or she is
affiliated. You may request a list
of these facilities by calling our
Member Services department.
If you receive a bill from any
non-network provider for
covered services such as
emergency or urgently needed
care or out-of-area renal dialysis
services, please do not pay it.
Instead, please send it to us at the
following address and we will
pay the covered amount, minus
any applicable
Blue Shield 65 Plus and Blue
Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan
Claims Department
P.O. Box 272640
Chico, CA 95927-2640
Some hospitals participate in an
independent quality program.
Hospitals identified with the
symbol L participate in the
Leapfrog Group, an independent
California program that works to
implement three key practices
Cómo utilizar este directorio
Este directorio incluye la red de
proveedores de la región
indicada en la portada.
hospitales y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo
Si no encuentra al proveedor que
busca o le gustaría ver una lista
completa de los proveedores
disponibles para usted,
clasificados por área, visite la
sección Find a Provider (Buscar
un proveedor) en También
puede comunicarse con Servicio
para Miembros para que le
envíen un directorio.
• Los PCP, especialistas,
hospitales, clínicas y centros
de atención urgente de la red
figuran por grupo médico.
Consulte su Evidencia de
Cobertura para obtener
información detallada sobre su
cobertura de atención de la salud.
• Si necesita ser hospitalizado,
su PCP coordinará su ingreso
al hospital que esté asociado
con su grupo médico. Si hay
más de un hospital asociado
con el grupo médico, su PCP
determinará cuál es el hospital
más apropiado para su
Los “proveedores de la red” que
figuran en este directorio han
acordado brindarle su cobertura
de atención de la salud. Puede
acudir a cualquier proveedor de
la red que figure en este
directorio; no obstante, es
posible que para algunos
servicios necesite una
Tendrá que elegir a uno de
nuestros proveedores de la red
incluidos en este directorio para
que sea su Médico de Atención
Primaria (PCP, por sus siglas en
inglés). Se utilizará la sigla
“PCP” en todo este directorio.
Por lo general, debe recibir su
cobertura de atención de la salud
por medio de su PCP. Cuando
elige a su PCP, también elige los
• El hospital o los hospitales
afiliados al grupo médico están
incluidos al comienzo de la
sección correspondiente a los
grupos médicos de este
• Los PCP aparecen ordenados
alfabéticamente en una de las
siguientes categorías:
Medicina Familiar, Medicina
General, Medicina Interna y
(OB/GYN, por sus siglas en
inglés). Su PCP brindará o
coordinará toda su atención
médica cubierta mientras usted
sea miembro de nuestro plan.
Los PCP que no aceptan
actualmente nuevos pacientes
se incluyen en la categoría
Solo se aceptan pacientes
actuales. Puede elegir a un
PCP en esta categoría
solamente si es miembro
nuevo de Blue Shield 65 Plus
y es paciente actual de dicho
médico, o bien si se cambia a
un nuevo grupo médico del
cual el médico mencionado
también forma parte.
• Los especialistas afiliados
aparecen ordenados
alfabéticamente según su
especialidad. Si su PCP
considera que usted necesita
tratamiento más especializado,
dicho médico lo derivará a un
especialista asociado con el
grupo médico de la red, previo
consentimiento del grupo
médico mencionado.
Si su especialista le
recomienda que siga yendo a
las consultas para recibir más
servicios, es posible que su
grupo médico de la red tenga
que autorizar tales servicios.
• Los miembros de Blue Shield
65 Plus Choice Plan pueden
visitar a cualquier especialista
del grupo médico de la red de
su PCP sin necesidad de contar
con una derivación de su PCP
para la visita inicial. Dichos
especialistas deben dedicarse a
alguna de las siguientes
especialidades: cardiología,
gastroenterología, urología,
oftalmología, ginecología,
ortopedia y podología.
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación
• Los centros de Atención
Urgente afiliados a su grupo
médico están incluidos en la
sección Centros de Atención
Urgente. Puede utilizar estos u
otros Centros de Atención
Urgente en el área de servicio
de su plan si necesita atención
médica urgente cuando el
consultorio de su PCP esté
de la atención de rutina para la
salud femenina, tal como se
describe más adelante.
2. Llame al consultorio del PCP
que eligió para asegurarse de
que acepta nuevos pacientes y
para obtener respuestas a
cualquier pregunta que pueda
tener sobre el médico (por
ejemplo, horarios de atención,
disponibilidad por la noche y/o
los fines de semana y
• Si decide inscribirse en el plan
formación académica).
dental opcional
3. Ingrese el número de
complementario, este directorio
identificación del PCP que
incluye una lista de dentistas de
eligió en la casilla
la red. Para obtener más
correspondiente del formulario
información sobre cómo elegir
de inscripción del plan.
a un dentista de la red, consulte
el comienzo de esa sección en
Si necesita ayuda para elegir a
este directorio.
un PCP, llame a Servicio para
• Las farmacias del plan no
figuran en este directorio.
Es fácil cambiar a su PCP
Puede solicitar una lista
llamando a nuestro
departamento de Servicio para Si ha acudido con
Miembros o ingresando en
anterioridad a un determinado proveedor de la red, no es
necesario que siga acudiendo a
Para elegir a su PCP, siga estos ese mismo proveedor. Puede
simples pasos:
cambiar de PCP en cualquier
momento. Sin embargo, si recibe
1. Elija al médico de este
actualmente atención para
directorio que quiera que sea su pacientes internados en el
hospital o se encuentra en pleno
Nota: Si está interesado en un
tratamiento con su PCP o con un
especialista en particular,
especialista, le recomendamos
asegúrese de que dicho
que no cambie de médico o grupo
especialista esté en el mismo
médico hasta que le den el alta o
grupo médico que el PCP que
complete el tratamiento.
eligió. Necesitará una
Si decide cambiar de PCP,
derivación autorizada del grupo simplemente llame a Servicio
médico de su PCP antes de
para Miembros y nos
poder tratarse con un
aseguraremos de que el médico
especialista, excepto en el caso que eligió acepte nuevos
pacientes. Debería preguntar si el
nuevo PCP que eligió realiza
derivaciones a alguno de los
especialistas que visita
actualmente. Necesitará una
derivación autorizada del grupo
médico de su PCP antes de poder
tratarse con un especialista,
excepto en el caso de la atención
de rutina para la salud femenina,
tal como se describe más adelante
y en su Evidencia de Cobertura.
Nosotros haremos el cambio por
usted, le avisaremos por teléfono
cuando se lleve a cabo y le
enviaremos una nueva tarjeta de
identificación de miembro.
Si llama antes del día 15 del mes,
su traspaso a un nuevo PCP
entrará en vigor el primer día del
mes siguiente.
A veces, puede suceder que un
PCP, un especialista o una clínica
que le brinde atención abandone
el plan. De ser así, tendrá que
cambiarse a otro médico de la
red. Le notificaremos si esto
ocurre y nos aseguraremos de que
siga teniendo acceso a todos los
servicios del plan.
Si es mujer y prefiere visitar a un
OB/GYN para recibir su atención
de rutina para la salud femenina
(mamografías, pruebas de
Papanicolaou, y exámenes
ginecológicos y de los senos),
puede programar una cita con
cualquier OB/GYN que figure en
su grupo médico de la red sin
necesidad de contar con una
derivación de su PCP.
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación
Si es posible, llame a su PCP
antes de solicitar atención
médica. Si visita a un médico, un
hospital u otro proveedor sin la
aprobación de su PCP, usted será
responsable de los servicios,
excepto en caso de emergencia o
cuando necesite atención
urgente, diálisis renal fuera del
área (dentro de los Estados
Unidos) o pagar cualquier cargo
por determinada atención
ginecológica u otros servicios a
los que se haya autoderivado. Ni
Medicare Original, ni Blue
Shield pagarán los servicios sin
carácter de emergencia ni la
atención que no sea
urgentemente necesaria sin la
autorización previa de su PCP.
La Atención Urgente hace
referencia a una situación sin
carácter de emergencia en la que
usted está temporalmente fuera
del área de servicio autorizada
del plan, necesita atención
médica inmediata para tratar una
enfermedad, lesión o afección
imprevista y no es razonable,
dada la situación, obtener
atención médica por medio de la
red de proveedores del plan. En
circunstancias inusuales y
extraordinarias, es posible que la
atención se considere
urgentemente necesaria cuando
el miembro se encuentra en el
área de servicio pero la red de
proveedores del plan es
inaccesible o no está disponible
Si necesita atención en un caso
de emergencia, obtenga
asistencia médica lo más pronto
posible. Llame al 911 para
obtener ayuda o acuda a la sala
de emergencias más cercana. No
necesita obtener primero el
permiso de su médico o de otro
proveedor de la red.
Hablamos de emergencia médica
cuando usted considera que su
salud corre grave peligro y
cuando cada segundo cuenta.
Una emergencia médica incluye
dolor intenso, una lesión seria,
una enfermedad grave o una
afección médica que empeora
Asegúrese de que se informe a
Blue Shield acerca de su
emergencia, ya que será
necesario que su médico haga un
seguimiento de su atención de
Usted u otra persona deben
llamar a su médico para
notificarle acerca de su atención
de emergencia cuanto antes, en
lo posible dentro de las 48 horas.
El número al que debe llamar se
encuentra en su tarjeta de
identificación de miembro de
Blue Shield 65 Plus.
¿Qué ocurre si necesita
atención médica inmediata
para una enfermedad o lesión
imprevista pero su salud no
corre grave peligro? Si necesita
asistencia médica inmediata pero
su salud no corre grave peligro,
dicha asistencia se denomina
"atención urgentemente
necesaria". Si se encuentra en el
área de servicio de su plan, llame
a su PCP. Si el consultorio de su
médico está cerrado, diríjase al
centro de atención urgente que
figura en este directorio.
Si se encuentra fuera del área de
servicio, siempre que sea
posible, llame primero a su PCP.
Si sufre una afección que
requiere atención de urgencia y
recibe tratamiento mientras está
fuera del área de servicio,
preferimos que regrese al área de
servicio para que su PCP le
brinde atención de seguimiento.
No obstante, cubriremos la
atención de seguimiento que
reciba de los proveedores no
pertenecientes a la red que estén
fuera del área de servicio,
siempre y cuando la atención
recibida siga cumpliendo con la
definición de "atención
urgentemente necesaria".
Algunos hospitales y demás
proveedores no proporcionan
uno o más de los siguientes
servicios, que pueden estar
cubiertos en el contrato de su
plan y que usted podría necesitar:
planificación familiar, servicios
de anticoncepción, y
esterilización, incluida la
ligadura de trompas
inmediatamente después del
parto. Para asegurarse de que
puede obtener los servicios de
atención de la salud que necesita,
llame a nuestro departamento de
Servicio para Miembros y
solicite ayuda.
Algunos hospitales participan
en un programa de calidad
independiente. Los hospitales
identificados con el símbolo L
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación
participan en el programa de
California Leapfrog Group, un
programa independiente que
busca implementar tres prácticas
esenciales que se ha demostrado
que mejoran la seguridad del
paciente. Los hospitales que
participan del programa
Leapfrog: 1) controlan las recetas
por computadora para evitar la
interacción entre medicamentos,
2) cuentan con un médico
especialista de tiempo completo
entre el personal de todas las
unidades de cuidado intensivo y
3) llevan a cabo procedimientos
quirúrgicos de alto riesgo, como
cirugías cardíacas, solo cuando se
cumple con ciertos criterios de
Blue Shield 65 Plus and Blue
Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan
Claims Department
P.O. Box 272640
Chico, CA 95927-2640
Si necesita servicios de
enfermería especializada,
atención de transición o
servicios especializados, su PCP
coordinará su transferencia a un
centro de atención subaguda que
tenga contrato con Blue Shield o
a otro centro al cual su PCP esté
afiliado. Puede solicitar una lista
de estos centros llamando a
nuestro departamento de Servicio
para Miembros.
Si recibe una factura de
cualquier proveedor no
perteneciente a la red por
servicios cubiertos, como
atención de emergencia o
urgentemente necesaria, o bien
servicios de diálisis renal fuera
del área, no la pague. Envíenos la
factura a la siguiente dirección y
nosotros pagaremos el monto
cubierto menos el (los) monto(s)
de copago o coseguro que
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay
Affiliated Hospitals
Doctors Medical Center San
Pablo Campus L
2000 Vale Rd
San Pablo, CA 94806
Family Practice
BlueShiedl65 Plus
John Muir Medical Center
Concord Campus L
2540 East St
Concord, CA 94520
John Muir Medical Center
Walnut Creek Campus L
1601 Ignacio Valley Rd
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
San Ramon Regional
Medical Center L
6001 Norris Canyon Rd
San Ramon, CA 94583
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Russell T Alpert, MD M
ID No. N61262
1801 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 225-1025
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Khalid A Baig, MD M
ID No. N60188
632 Mowry Ave
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 793-2113
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Adam M Bellamy, MD M
ID No. N60866
2325 Ocean Ave
San Francisco, CA 94127
(415) 452-2000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Amber Y Bellamy, MD F
ID No. N60865
2325 Ocean Ave
San Francisco, CA 94127
(415) 452-2000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Lori M Beltran, MD F
ID No. N60194
350 30th St STE 407
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 419-0230
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Shelli M Bodnar, MD F
ID No. N60206
46690 Mohave Dr
Fremont, CA 94539
(510) 248-1065
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Stuart A Bussey, MD M
ID No. N60215
31 Panoramic Way STE 201
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 934-7691
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pedro L Cajator, MD M
ID No. N60864
1800 Sullivan Ave STE 101
Daly City, CA 94015
(650) 994-0459
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David C Chang, MD M
ID No. N60028
1812 San Miguel Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 944-9193
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Steven C Chang, MD M
ID No. N61006
201 Spear St
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 503-9277
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tamara Cheney, MD F
ID No. N60222
2287 Mowry STE C
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 793-2645
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gabriel S Chua, MD M
ID No. N60855
96 B Springstowne Center Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 649-2228
Languages: Fukienese,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Gregory Coe, MD M
ID No. N60854
100 Hospital Dr STE 304
Vallejo, CA 94589
(707) 643-6483
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Melvin S Donaldson, MD M
ID No. N60007
461 34th St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 654-5855
Howard L Friesen, MD M
ID No. N60260
1130 A St
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 757-2250
James E Eichel, MD M
ID No. N60187
1359 Park Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 523-8162
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Padma Dasari, MD F
ID No. N60843
1620 Pennsylvania Ave
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 421-2229
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Detlef K Ehling, MD M
ID No. N60550
2485 High School Ave
STE 208
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 682-0390
Languages: German
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Steven Curran, MD M
ID No. N60237
46690 Mohave Dr
Fremont, CA 94539
(510) 248-1065
Languages: Spanish
Jack E Dudler, MD M
ID No. N60248
120 La Casa Via STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 943-5757
Languages: Russian
Timothy A Fitzer, MD M
ID No. N60259
2636 telegraph Ave STE A
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 841-1647
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John A Crockett, MD M
ID No. N60343
2485 High School Ave
STE 303
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 676-1107
Languages: French
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Peaslee F Dumont, MD M
ID No. N60841
3000 Alamo Dr STE 102
Vacaville, CA 95687
(707) 447-7751
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
2915 Telegraph Ave STE 101
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 843-4544
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Louis A Enrique, MD M
ID No. N60250
3432 Hillcrest Ave STE 150
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 754-6611
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sean A Feezell, DO M
ID No. N60252
5401 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 204
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 275-9288
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Biqi Gao, MD F
ID No. N61102
2485 High School Ave
STE 204
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 676-1995
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Victor M Gellineau, MD M
ID No. N60873
1901 W Kettleman Ln
STE 200
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 334-8540
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shankar P Ghimire, MD M
ID No. N61098
734 Mowry Ave
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 742-6274
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Julie A Goo, MD F
ID No. N60268
2636 Telegraph Ave STE A
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 841-1647
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
John C Good Jr, MD M
ID No. N60084
3100 Telegraph Ave STE 2102
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 286-8160
Susan Hsu, MD F
ID No. N60978
2287 Mowry STE C
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 793-2645
Patrick B Harpole, MD M
ID No. N60770
401 Gregory Lane STE 238
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 680-8700
Andria D Johnson, MD F
ID No. N60980
3100 Telegraph Ave STE 2102
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 286-8160
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Hart, MD M
ID No. N60037
2999 Regent St STE 622
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 883-9700
Languages: German
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sean P Hennessey, MD M
ID No. N60839
100 Hospital Dr STE 304
Vallejo, CA 94589
(707) 643-6483
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sylvia H Hoang, MD F
ID No. N61082
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-0222
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Donald K Hobert, MD M
ID No. N60214
1210 Alhambra Ave
Martinez, CA 94553
(925) 228-6517
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Steven S Hooi, MD M
ID No. N60217
27171 Calaroga Ave STE 8
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 786-0146
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Patrick V Jolin, MD M
ID No. N60275
401 Gregory Ln STE 248
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 689-4010
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Derek J Jue, MD M
ID No. N60982
1812 San Miguel Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 944-9193
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Anjali Kandpal, MD F
ID No. N61047
19682 Hesperian Blvd
STE 101A
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 783-0536
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
1393 Santa Rita Rd STE A
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 461-1632
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Hamidreza M
Khonsari, MD M
ID No. N60284
3903 Lone Tree Wy STE 104
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 755-1255
Languages: Persian
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Richard D Kilker Jr, MD M
ID No. N60285
87 Fenton St STE 210
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 373-0337
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Barbara Kostick, MD F
ID No. N60951
6236 Thornton Ave
Newark, CA 94560
(510) 248-1860
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gordon A Lake, MD M
ID No. N60087
2921 McClure St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 763-4083
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert L Landgraf, DO M
ID No. N60837
2560 N Texas St STE C
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 423-4355
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bruce P Lawrence, MD M
ID No. N60091
445 30th St FL 2
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 465-2500
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pierrette Lenoir, MD F
ID No. N61248
350 30th St STE 407
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 419-0230
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Jonathan R Lim, MD M
ID No. N60357
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 201
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-1311
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Steve Lim, MD M
ID No. N60852
1646 Broadway St
Vallejo, CA 94590
(707) 645-8576
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
John G Louie, MD M
ID No. N60360
5575 W Las Positas Bl
STE 130
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0590
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
David Louis, MD M
ID No. N60123
350 30th St STE 540
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 836-0223
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Shiu Lan Lui, MD F
ID No. N60363
373 9th St STE 301
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 465-3588
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Manuel Luna, MD M
ID No. N61025
225 Spruce Ave
South San Francisco, CA
(650) 871-5858
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Surjit K Mahal, MD
ID No. N60027
39225 State St
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 794-3641
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Subena K Mahal
Tilley, MD F
ID No. N60393
39225 State St
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 794-3641
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Elizabeth Maier, MD F
ID No. N61008
3901 23rd Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 830-4744
Languages: French
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Victor J Meceda, MD M
ID No. N61096
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-0222
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mukulika Mehta, MD F
ID No. N60878
2636 Telegraph Ave STE A
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 841-1647
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gabriel G Miranda, MD M
ID No. N60201
34167 Fremont Blvd
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 790-6315
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shazia K Mughal, Md F
ID No. N61278
5725 W Las Positas Bl
STE 110
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 416-6767
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mukesh H Naik, DO M
ID No. N60851
1001 Nut Tree Rd STE 140
Vacaville, CA 95687
(707) 448-9350
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Andrew Ness, MD M
ID No. N60371
3807 Lone Tree Way
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 757-3130
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Julie A Nickelsen, MD F
ID No. N60247
3000 Colby St STE 303
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 841-2822
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Patricia A OConnor, MD F
ID No. N60373
1690 San Pablo Ave STE F
Pinole, CA 94564
(510) 724-7644
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Alireza Pessaran, MD M
ID No. N60924
6437 Fair Oaks Blvd
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 489-3641
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Maliha Qadir, MD F
ID No. N60051
5575 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 130
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0590
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
Kamal E Shamash, MD M
ID No. N60876
901 Campus Dr STE 112
Daly City, CA 94015
(650) 991-1842
Languages: French, Spanish
and Tagalog
Charles J Renner, MD M
ID No. N60264
5161 Clayton Rd STE C1
Concord, CA 94521
(925) 687-2200
Praise T Shang, MD F
ID No. N60385
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 315
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 838-6511
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jennifer Rhee, MD F
ID No. N61009
2 Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 578-3100
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kenneth L Rothman, MD M
ID No. N60229
20130 Lake Chabot Rd
STE 202
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 582-6424
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Leah R Rothman, MD F
ID No. N61036
2 Embarcadero Center Lobby
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 658-6791
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert D Rowley, MD M
ID No. N60235
27206 Calaroga Ave STE 207
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 887-4711
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Deepti Saxena, MD F
ID No. N60384
39210 State St STE 209
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 790-2144
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
200 Porter Dr STE 300
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 838-6533
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ranjana Sharma, MD F
ID No. N60045
39141 Civic Center Dr
STE 130
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-1680
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Seema S Sharma, MD F
ID No. N60386
33077 Alvarado Niles Rd
Union City, CA 94587
(510) 248-1500
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Claudell Stephens Jr, MD M
ID No. N60346
1330 Tara Hills Dr STE E
Pinole, CA 94564
(510) 724-9300
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lorena H Tan, MD F
ID No. N60389
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 111
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-9000
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 150
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 479-3773
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Spencer B Tilley, MD M
ID No. N60392
39225 State St
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 794-3641
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hoang N Trinh, MD M
ID No. N60395
33077 Alvarado Niles Rd
Union City, CA 94587
(510) 487-6000
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Manisha N Shingate, MD F
ID No. N61205
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 201
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-1010
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Vicky Valverde Salas, MD F
ID No. N61287
2299 Bacon St STE 6
Concord, CA 94520
(625) 691-1900
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1345 Grand Ave STE 6
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 428-4900
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Fred J Von Stieff, MD M
ID No. N60081
2481 Pacheco St
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 680-8933
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cuong T Vu, MD M
ID No. N60031
412 8th St STE B
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 452-4690
Languages: Cambodian,
Cantonese and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jeffrey A Wherry, MD M
ID No. N60382
1447 Cedarwood Ln STE A
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 460-9903
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Careen R Whitley, MD F
ID No. N60163
350 30th St STE 407
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 419-0230
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Clark Williams, DO M
ID No. N60283
3741 Sunset Ln
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 778-2999
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mignonette M
Willkom, MD F
ID No. N60383
42 Fenton St
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-3232
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 150
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 479-3773
Languages: Chinese and
General Practice
Nabil F Athanassious, MD M
ID No. N60859
1930 Pennsylvania Ave
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 425-3888
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cynthia C Lim, MD F
ID No. N60853
1646 Broadway St
Vallejo, CA 94590
(707) 645-8576
PCPs -General Practci e
Paige A Yoshisato, MD F
ID No. N60844
155 Glen Cove Marina Rd
STE 100
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 558-8699
Languages: Spanish and
Arkady M Massen, MD M
ID No. N60366
19682 Hesperian Bl
STE 101A
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 783-0536
Languages: Cambodian,
Russian and Spanish
Ayasha Zaman, MD F
ID No. N60421
2636 Telegraph Ave STE A
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 841-1647
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
Internal Medicine
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 117
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 371-8885
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tsung-Pi P Wong, MD M
ID No. N60415
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 117
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 371-8885
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph A Zammuto, MD M
ID No. N60419
2287 Mowry STE C
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 793-2645
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hui Zheng, MD F
ID No. N61100
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-0222
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -General Practci e
Rajiv R Ahuja, MD M
ID No. N60339
674 Mowry Ave
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 713-1000
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
27001 Calaroga Ave STE 3
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 782-0391
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Michael R Alper, MD M
ID No. N60154
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 203
Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 373-0710
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Galicano C Andal, MD M
ID No. N60166
2250 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 439-3334
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bala P Annadurai, MD F
ID No. N60176
2147 Mowry Ave STE D4
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 574-0800
Languages: Tamil
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nikhil M Apte, MD M
ID No. N60180
5575 W Las Positas Bl
STE 130
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0590
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Muni M Barash, MD M
ID No. N60320
2557 Mowry Ave STE 12
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-1550
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Fred Bayon, MD M
ID No. N60858
155 Glen Cove Marina
STE 100
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 558-8699
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lyudmila Beyzer, MD F
ID No. N60203
108 La Casa Via STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 935-5290
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bhupinder N
Bhandari, MD M
ID No. N60205
1090 La Playa Dr
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 796-7796
Languages: Bengali, Farsi and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3755 Beacon Ave
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-7796
Languages: Bengali, Farsi and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ashwani K Bindal, MD M
ID No. N60202
2147 Mowry Ave STE B3
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-8811
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Jacques Calma, MD M
ID No. N60108
1335 Park Ave A
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 522-6053
Languages: French
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Simon C Chan, MD M
ID No. N60857
313 Kendal St STE B
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 448-8471
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Li Hon Chang, MD F
ID No. N60926
5025 J St STE 315
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 452-7256
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
27206 Calaroga Ave STE 206
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 732-6311
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
James A Blackwell, MD M
ID No. N60300
87 Fenton St STE 210
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 373-0337
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vandana Boparai, MD F
ID No. N60913
5725 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 110
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 416-6790
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
David Z Chee, MD M
ID No. N60341
5575 W Las Positas Bl
STE 130
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0590
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Anne A Chen, MD F
ID No. N60856
313 Kendal St STE B
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 448-8471
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
2560 North Texas St STE C
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 423-4355
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Kevin Chen, MD M
ID No. N60221
424 28th St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 452-4824
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
David S Cheng, MD M
ID No. N60307
39275 Mission Blvd STE 203
Fremont, CA 94539
(510) 791-1115
Languages: Cantonese,
Fukienese and Mandarin
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kushal Chhabra, MD F
ID No. N60223
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 315
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 838-6511
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
200 Porter Dr STE 300
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 838-6533
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jason S Chu, MD M
ID No. N60234
2557 Mowry Ave STE 12
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-1550
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Crawford K Chung, MD M
ID No. N60862
3838 California St STE 508
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 831-9788
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Chinnavuth P De
Monteiro, MD M
ID No. N60246
2415 High School Ave
STE 800
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 687-5210
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Samuel Dong, MD M
ID No. N60232
2844 Summit St STE 105
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 452-3342
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lolita Echaluse-Chiong, MD
ID No. N60197
31776 Alvarado Blvd
Union City, CA 94587
(510) 487-4400
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ravinder N Gupta, MD M
ID No. N60198
3741 Sunset Ln STE B
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 778-2310
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Aissatou Haman, MD F
ID No. N61037
1 Shrader St STE 640
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 752-0100
Languages: French
Sayed A Hussain, MD M
ID No. N60872
729 Sunrise Ave STE 604
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 782-5100
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vinita V Jain, MD F
ID No. N61256
2485 High School Ave
STE 107
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 686-0259
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vivekanand Jain, MD M
ID No. N60979
2485 High School Ave
STE 107
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 686-0259
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Matthew T Johnson, MD M
ID No. N60838
1525 Webster St STE A
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 423-2506
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Harry Dassah, MD M
ID No. N60842
405 Boyd st
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 449-0483
Languages: French and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Frank C Hsueh, MD M
ID No. N60836
5401 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 202
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 786-5322
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Nader Kaldas, MD M
ID No. N60983
2324 Santa Rita Rd STE 9
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 443-0313
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1374 Concannon Blvd
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-0313
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
87 Fenton St STE 100
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-0313
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Samata Kanagala, MD F
ID No. N60984
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 101
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 454-4280
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nirmala Kannan, MD F
ID No. N60985
27171 Calaroga Ave STE 3
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 785-5555
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Uma Kantamueni, MD F
ID No. N61083
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-0222
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael D Kassels, DO M
ID No. N60190
2339 Almond Ave
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 687-6111
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
100 Cortona Wy STE 160
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 513-9177
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kudaravalli, MD F
ID No. N61291
1860 Mowry Ave STE 400
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 284-4100
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Mei P Kung, MD F
ID No. N60987
237 Estudillo Ave STE 203
San Leandro, CA 94577
(510) 315-7196
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Prasad V Katta, MD M
ID No. N60644
2557 Mowry Ave STE 12
Fremont, CA 94538
(102) 155-1550
Languages: Hindi, Kannada
and Telugu
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Rabin Khetrapal, MD M
ID No. N60279
734 Mowry Ave
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 742-6274
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mark Z Klebanov, MD M
ID No. N60212
120 La Casa Via STE 102
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 296-0344
Languages: Russian and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Anthony K Koh, MD M
ID No. N61214
5565 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 260
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 460-8478
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Chai-Kiong Lau, MD M
ID No. N60286
39271 Mission Blvd STE 105
Fremont, CA 94539
(510) 742-0568
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Ivan Y Lee, MD M
ID No. N60316
27001 Calaroga Ave STE 5
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 783-6444
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Kevin K Lee, MD M
ID No. N60354
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 117
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 371-8885
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
1447 Cedarwood Ln STE A
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 460-9903
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Pandora Lee, MD F
ID No. N61188
2415 High School Ave
STE 800
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 687-5210
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Calvin K Lei, MD M
ID No. N60355
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 117
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 371-8885
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1447 Cedarwood Ln STE A
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 460-9903
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Fernandina G Lo, MD F
ID No. N60359
5720 Stoneridge Mall
STE 270
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 737-0307
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lay Hwa Lou, MD F
ID No. N61095
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-0222
Languages: Burmese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F Calvin Lemon, MD M
ID No. N60129
5601 Norris Canyon STE 200
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 277-3070
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Quinn Li, MD M
ID No. N60871
1530 3rd St STE 106
Lincoln, CA 95648
(916) 645-3388
Languages: Cantonese and
Estaban D Lovato, MD M
ID No. N60277
3022 International Bl STE 312
Oakland, CA 94601
(510) 261-1677
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
9045 Bruceville Rd STE 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 479-9110
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jiin T Lin, MD M
ID No. N60358
39271 Mission Blvd STE 205
Fremont, CA 94539
(510) 792-7875
Languages: Mandarin and
Madathanapalli, MD F
ID No. N61091
1532 150th Ave
San Leandro, CA 94578
(510) 351-6363
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Telugu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Anmol S Mahal, MD M
ID No. N60364
39225 State St
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 794-1990
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Michael J Marchiano, MD M
ID No. N60992
27206 Calaroga Ave STE 205
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 670-4773
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dianne C Martin, MD F
ID No. N60365
2191 Mowry Ave STE 500C
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 790-1045
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lincy Mathew, MD F
ID No. N60367
2557 Mowry Ave STE 12
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-1550
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Michael J McNamara, MD M
ID No. N60368
1617 Canyon Dr STE 301
Pinole, CA 94564
(510) 724-9300
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Smrutirekha Misra, MD F
ID No. N60369
2301 Camino Ramon
STE 110
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 361-5550
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Gerald H Myint, MD M
ID No. N61089
27206 Calaroga Ave STE 205
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 670-1111
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese and Mandarin
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Kishore B Narra, MD M
ID No. N60370
716 Mowry Ave
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 792-1390
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stanley Ng, MD M
ID No. N60372
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 201
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-1311
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William F Nicholson, MD M
ID No. N60244
2557 Mowry Ave STE 33
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 745-8100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
marichelle M Othman, MD F
ID No. N60850
1460 N Camino Alto STE 209
Vallejo, CA 94589
(707) 552-7421
Languages: Tagalog
Marco E Pavesi, MD M
ID No. N60301
2557 Mowry Ave STE 12
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-1550
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Rod W Perry, MD M
ID No. N60110
6200 Antioch St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 339-0438
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
424 28th St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 452-4824
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2333 Mowry Ave STE 200
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-3400
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jayesh J Patel, MD M
ID No. N60849
1525 Webster St STE A
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 423-2506
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Jon Rasak, MD M
ID No. N60039
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 305
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 838-6511
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
200 Porter Dr STE 300
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 838-6533
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Jeannette A Peterson, MD F
ID No. N60848
1261 Travis Blvd STE 100
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 422-0543
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hemant D Patel, MD M
ID No. N60204
2287 Mowry Ave STE I
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-3400
Sujatha Rajagopalan, MD F
ID No. N61062
2301 Camino Ramon STE 110
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 361-5531
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
Generoso P
Porciuncula, MD M
ID No. N60030
27171 Calaroga Ave STE 4
Hayward, CA 94545
(415) 887-6956
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jyothi Ratti, MD F
ID No. N61281
5725 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 110
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 416-6767
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Sanjay Ray, MD M
ID No. N60025
1130 A St
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 754-5656
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
1251 W Tennyson Rd STE 4
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 887-6956
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ranjit K Reen, MD F
ID No. N60376
1900 Mowry Ave STE 101
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 791-5500
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Kashmira Ragi, MD M
ID No. N60029
740 Mowry Ave STE 102
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 790-0530
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Seema Rikhy, MD F
ID No. N60377
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-7760
Languages: Hindi
Vinod K Sawhney, MD M
ID No. N60380
13847 E 14th St STE 101
San Leandro, CA 94578
(510) 351-6424
Languages: Hindi
Sung H Ryoo, MD M
ID No. N60379
2250 Gladstone Dr STE 1
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-8422
Languages: Korean
Harley S Schultz, MD M
ID No. N60115
13851 E 14th St STE 305
San Leandro, CA 94578
(510) 351-1193
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lawrence I Schwartz, MD M
ID No. N60088
424 28th St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 452-4824
Ahmed K Sadiq, MD M
ID No. N60292
1900 Mowry Ave STE 408
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 795-0880
Languages: Farsi and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Juan R Sequeira, MD M
ID No. N60236
2260 Gladstone Dr STE 7
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 427-4277
Languages: Spanish
Ajit P Sandhu, MD M
ID No. N60287
680 Mowry Ave
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 790-1511
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shaista I Shah, MD F
ID No. N61084
6250 Thornton Ave
Newark, CA 94560
(510) 791-1600
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Marilena Sandru, MD F
ID No. N60914
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 201
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-1311
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jyothi Sarma, MD F
ID No. N60096
5720 Stoneridge Mall
STE 260
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-2918
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Simin Siddiq, MD F
ID No. N60032
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 794-7887
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Devindar Singh, MD M
ID No. N60387
556 Mowry Ave STE 200
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 796-0770
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Satinder Singh, DO M
ID No. N60903
500 W Hospital Rd
French Camp, CA 95231
(209) 468-6600
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Tolbert J Small, MD M
ID No. N60015
819 Foothill Blvd
Oakland, CA 94606
(510) 286-8300
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sam Sundar, MD M
ID No. N60022
2415 High School Ave
STE 700
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 680-6846
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rajesh S Suri, MD M
ID No. N60050
27206 Calaroga Ave STE 101
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 887-2202
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
1393 Santa Rita Rd STE F
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 417-1133
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
1491 Cedarwood Ln STE D
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 417-1133
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
1900 Mowry Ave STE 201
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 790-2202
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Dina M Sverdlov, MD F
ID No. N61005
1 Baywood Ave STE 4
San Mateo, CA 94402
(650) 343-8512
Languages: Russian
Petr Utrata, MD M
ID No. N60396
13847 E 14th St STE 107
San Leandro, CA 94578
(510) 357-1830
Languages: Russian
Paul K Wheeler, MD M
ID No. N60381
200 Porter Dr STE 300
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 838-6533
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
2211 Post St STE 203
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 353-5714
Languages: Russian
Benito O Valencia Jr, MD M
ID No. N60397
2000 Mowry Ave
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-1000
Also located at:
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 315
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 838-6511
Languages: Spanish
Betty M Tam, MD F
ID No. N60388
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 101
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 454-4280
Voltaire S Velarde, MD M
ID No. N60846
1460 N Camino Alto STE 209
Vallejo, CA 94589
(707) 552-7421
Languages: Tagalog
Bill N Wong, MD M
ID No. N60149
5575 W Las Positas Bl
STE 130
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0590
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Daniel L Taylor, MD M
ID No. N60390
39275 Mission Bl STE 201
Fremont, CA 94539
(510) 713-0628
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael T Temkin, DO M
ID No. N60391
1081 Market Pl STE 300
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-3900
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hiroshi Terashima, MD M
ID No. N60126
424 28th St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 452-4824
Languages: Japanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vladimir A Titov, MD M
ID No. N60394
13851 E 14th St STE 305
San Leandro, CA 94578
(510) 351-1193
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Samir N Vora, MD M
ID No. N60398
1860 Mowry Ave STE 310
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 792-3222
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Richard L Wacht, MD M
ID No. N60009
419 30th St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 444-4305
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Deanna M Ward, MD F
ID No. N61211
5565 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 260
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 460-8478
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Kelly L Wong, MD F
ID No. N61283
5565 W Las Positas STE 260
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 460-8478
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
John W Yee, MD M
ID No. N60124
5575 W Las Positas Bl
STE 130
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0590
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Jerry Yen, MD M
ID No. N60417
5575 W Las Positas Bl
STE 130
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0590
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Lucia F Yumena, MD F
ID No. N60033
2557 Mowry Ave STE 33
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 745-8100
Languages: Spanish and
Lionel Herrera, MD M
ID No. N61197
5565 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 460-8444
Languages: Spanish
Colleen M Hogan, MD F
ID No. N61196
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 305
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 838-6511
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Pedai trics
Margie F Aleman
Martin, MD F
ID No. N60402
2299 Mowry Ave STE 3C
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-1470
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Tina S Hong, MD F
ID No. N61161
3100 Telegraph
STE 2103 Fl 2
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 452-5231
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Sonia R Santana, DO F
ID No. N60829
5575 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 330
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 734-6655
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Also located at:
1359 Park St
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 523-8162
Languages: Cantonese and
Sara B Huberman, MD F
ID No. N61199
20126 Stanton Ave STE 200
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 428-3387
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Johnette K Leikam, MD F
ID No. N61222
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 103
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 455-5050
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Also located at:
11030 Bollinger Cyn
STE 220A
San Ramon, CA 94582
(925) 455-5050
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Lara A Lembach, MD F
ID No. N61225
11030 Bollinger Canyon Rd
STE 220 A B
San Ramon, CA 94582
(925) 455-5050
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
Soter Ming M Chang, md M
ID No. N61202
1816 San Miguel Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 935-1298
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Cynthia J Hann, MD F
ID No. N61198
4000 Dublin Blvd STE 305
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 838-6511
Languages: Thai
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Harry S Huang, MD M
ID No. N61170
1776 Ygnacio Vly Rd
STE 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 933-4383
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Christi K Lombre, MD F
ID No. N61215
5725 W Las Positas Blvd
STE 110
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 416-6767
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Abbas Mahdavi, MD M
ID No. N61191
3700 Sunset Ln STE 3
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 754-7200
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Fatma Martin, MD M
ID No. N61154
2001 Springs Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 648-7337
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Jeffrey D Maynard, MD M
ID No. N61171
1134 Murrieta Ave
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
PCPs-Pedai trics
Stephanie C Moses, MD F
ID No. N61172
1134 Murrieta Blvd
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
PCPs-Pedai trics
Cynthia A Quan, MD F
ID No. N61173
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
5601 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 230
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 277-7550
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Asha Ramchandran, MD F
ID No. N61174
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Languages: German, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Also located at:
1134 Murrieta Blvd
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
Languages: German, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Lisa M Turman, MD F
ID No. N61210
22290 Foothills Blvd STE 1
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 581-1446
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Kam Y Cheung, MD M
ID No. N60210
638 Webster St STE 328
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 268-9888
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Bay Dang Vu, MD M
ID No. N60245
401 E 18th St
Oakland, CA 94606
(510) 893-0683
Languages: French and
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Dennis Y Fong, MD M
ID No. N60008
106 La Casa Via STE 110
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 934-2333
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Sue J Knight, MD F
ID No. N60249
200 Porter Dr STE 300
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 838-6511
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Steven Z Pantilat, MD M
ID No. N60902
1500 Owens St STE 360
San Francisco, CA 94158
(415) 353-8646
Languages: Hebrew and
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Anthony S Ravnik, MD M
ID No. N60192
424 28th St
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 452-4824
Languages: Italian,
Serbo-Croatian and Slovenian
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Elisabeth H Renner, MD F
ID No. N60263
2415 High School Ave
STE 800
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 687-5210
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Bakul T Roy, MD M
ID No. N60378
5601 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 340
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8080
Languages: Gujarati
Adolescent Medicine
Also located at:
1617 Canyon Dr STE 301
Pinole, CA 94564
(510) 724-9300
Languages: Gujarati
Allergy & Immunology
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Charles E Irwin Jr, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Adoel scentMedci ne
Anatomic & Clinical
Donghui Lin, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anatomci &Clni cal Patohl ogy
James A Nickelsen, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Michael A Amster, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Shilpi Anand, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Chris Chen, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Paul P Cheng, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Thomas P Collopy, MD
Lakewood, CA
David A Cook, MD M
Antioch, CA
Babak J Jamasbi, MD M
Oakland, CA
Robert Freinkel, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Elliott N Schwartz, MD M
ID No. N60220
50 Vashell Way
Orinda, CA 94563
(510) 451-3800
Karna Gendo, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Steven Kang, MD M
Oakland, CA
Joshua S Jacobs, MD M
Antioch, CA
Michael A Lee, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Gina R Wang, MD F
ID No. N60278
373 9th St STE 403
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 465-3588
Sanjeev Jain, MD M
Fremont, CA
Paul L Ludmer, MD M
Oakland, CA
Barbara I Karpel, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Also located at:
2301 Camino Ramon
STE 290
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-7090
Languages: Gujarati
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Yvonne Yeung, MD F
ID No. N60256
373 9th St STE 403
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 465-3588
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Adil N Irani, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Brian S Lipson, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Aditya Jain, MD M
Hayward, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Matthew J Lodewick, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Ashit Jain, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Nancy B Mozelsio, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Eric L Johnson, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specialty Physicians
Dennis D Lee, CA M
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Acupuncture
Fannie W Su, MD F
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Gary B Marcus, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Allyson Tevrizian, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Alden J McDonald III, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Richard L Wacht, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiology
Aman Saw, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
David Hill, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Howard K Min, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
General K Hilliard, MD M
Livermore, CA
Mark D Nathan, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Earl Holloway, MD M
Oakland, CA
Ramford Ng, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Ashit Jain, MD M
Fremont, CA
William F Nicholson, MD M
Fremont, CA
Steven Kang, MD M
Oakland, CA
Thirupathi K Reddy, MD M
Fremont, CA
Patrick E Kavanaugh, MD M
Concord, CA
Walter T Savage, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Patrick E Kavanaugh, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Aman Saw, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Gopala R Kolluru, MD M
Fremont, CA
Baijnath Saw, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Alexander Kopelnik, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Rohit Sehgal, MD M
Fremont, CA
Donald M Lai, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Richard Stern, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Michael A Lee, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Ronald K Szeto, MD M
Oakland, CA
Morgan Z Lin, MD
Livermore, CA
Dineshkumar M
Thakur, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
David J Anderson, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Steven L Anton, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Agustin J Argenal, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Stephen B Arnold, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Kristine W Batten, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Andrew J Benn, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Sanjay M Bindra, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Madhusudan Borde, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Carl J Carlson, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Henry Chen, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Henry A Chen, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Wai Bong Lok, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Paul L Ludmer, MD M
Oakland, CA
Cyrus R Mancherje, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Matthew S Devane, DO M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Alden J McDonald III, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Gurinder S Dhillon, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Paul D McWhirter, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Robert C Feldman, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Timothy G Tsoi, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Harry Dassah, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
John H Chiu, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Vafadouste, MD M
Turlock, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Arie Van Gemeren, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
John D Vu, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
David S Weiland, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
Jeffrey A West, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Benicia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Kimberley A Marquis, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Neal W White, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Vandana V Singh, DC F
San Ramon, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
James E McFeely, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Gary R Woodworth, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
John S Sosine, DC M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Chirag Pandya M
Livermore, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Christopher W Wulff, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Robert Stojanovich, DC M
Walnut Creek, CA
Hemal J Parekh, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Edward J Yoon, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Dean F Weinberg, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Glen W Petersen, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Cardiovascular Surgery
Murali Dharan, MD M
Danville, CA
Kevin M Wong, MD M
Orinda, CA
Petropoulos, MD M
Oakland, CA
Jatinder S Dhillon, MD M
Concord, CA
Kevin M Wong, DC M
Orinda, CA
Robert B Schoene, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Clinical Molecular G
Hyma T Vempaty, MD F
San Leandro, CA
Peter F Chase, DDS M
Walnut Creek, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Junaid H Khan, MD M
Oakland, CA
Michael M Gottlied, MD M
Danville, CA
Katherine L Ball, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Tanveer A Khan, MD M
Antioch, CA
Ran S Kim, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Edward V Becker, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Russell D Stanten, MD M
Oakland, CA
Brian J McGuinness, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Robert Beer, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Ramesh S
Veeragandham, MD M
Concord, CA
Dat T Nguyen, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Karl R Beutner, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Samuel C Oommen, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Richard Burroughs, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Robert J Ammon, MD M
Livermore, CA
Critical Care Medicine
Bruce Carlton, MD M
Richmond, CA
Donald R Brophy III, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -CrticalCareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Coyness L Ennix, MD M
Danville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cil nci al Moel cual rG
Andreas Kamlot, MD M
Antioch, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dentsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Kristina M Kury, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Robyn L Chimenti, DC
San Ramon, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Noel T Chiu, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Michael C Luu, DO M
Vallejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -CrticalCareMedci ne
Minh O Dang, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Dermatology
Sunil S Dhawan, MD M
Fremont, CA
Norman M Price, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Prasad V Katta, MD M
Fremont, CA
Terris R Dunn, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Curtis A Raskin, MD M
Concord, CA
Jaspreet Kaur, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Marvin L Engel, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Robert J Roth, MD M
Fremont, CA
Deborah K Murray, MD F
Vacaville, CA
Ervin H Epstein Jr, MD M
Oakland, CA
Ani L Tajirian, MD F
Oakland, CA
Michael D OConnor, MD M
Pinole, CA
Jason F Fung, MD M
Oakland, CA
Kristin K Walker, MD F
Orinda, CA
Endocrinology &
John K Geisse, MD M
Vallejo, CA
John W Weiss, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Anita Bhat, MD F
Concord, CA
Richard S Graham, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Jay W Zimmerman, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Grace S Eng, MD F
Oakland, CA
Julia E Graves, MD F
Oakland, CA
Peter A Linfoot, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Robert G Greenberg, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatopathol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
Pragnesh M Patel, MD M
Pittsburg, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
Nikolajs A Lapins, MD M
Burlingame, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatopathol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Herbert A Holman, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
John K Geisse, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Leslie G Hilger Jr, MD M
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Wen Yee Tsai, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
Norman M Price, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatopathol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Avantika C Waring, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
Diagnostic Radiology
Vacaville, CA
Leonard M Campbell, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Elaine Wong, MD F
Oakland, CA
Donald M Kay, MD M
Burlingame, CA
Emergency Medicine
Family Practice
Hon-Wai K Lam, MD M
Alameda, CA
Daniel H Ciccarone, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Robert G Wagner, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Lorena H Tan, MD F
Livermore, CA
Tsung-Pi P Wong, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Nikolajs A Lapins, MD M
Burlingame, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Diagnostci Radiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
William Littman, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Janet L Maldonado, MD F
Daly City, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
David A Paslin, MD M
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Archana S Bindra, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Shefali Dham, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Alex A Aslan, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Paul S Chard, MD M
Oakland, CA
Kalyani Maganti, MD F
Antioch, CA
Sylvia M Villagomez, MD F
Oakland, CA
Earl M Darby, MD M
Oakland, CA
Anmol S Mahal, MD M
Fremont, CA
Phillip A Wolfe, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Christopher R
Entwisle, MD M
Livermore, CA
Richard A Messian, MD M
Concord, CA
David T Wong, MD M
Livermore, CA
Jacqueline J Park, MD F
San Pablo, CA
Danny W Wu, MD M
Oakland, CA
John W Roark Jr, MD M
Oakland, CA
Dennis Y Zai, MD M
Antioch, CA
Frederick A Rowe, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Sam S Zamani, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Thomas B Hargrave
Oakland, CA
Eric M Rowen, MD M
Livermore, CA
General Surgery
Sukhwinder S
Sandhu, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Peter A Hooberman, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ming Fang, MD M
Pittsburg, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ramakrishna P
Gollapudi, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Shakir Hyder, MD M
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Wei Fang Ko, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Mark H Kogan, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Henry I Kung, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Stephen M Lee, MD M
Hayward, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
David H Lin, MD M
Danville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
James M Lin, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Barry N Gardiner, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Michael M Gottlieb, MD M
Danville, CA
Salim M Shelby, MD M
Livermore, CA
William N Hamstra, DO M
Livermore, CA
Jeffery Singerman, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Ran S Kim, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Harpriya Singh, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Yen Chung A Lee, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Arun Srivatsa, MD M
Fremont, CA
Peter V Leoni, MD
Vallejo, CA
Neil H Stollman, MD M
Oakland, CA
Collins Mbanugo, MD M
Oakland, CA
Gerald L Tarder, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Brian J McGuinness, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Veerappan, MD M
Fremont, CA
Arash Mohebati, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Liana Vesga, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Andrea L French, MD F
Fremont, CA
Gerald N Schaffer, MD M
Richmond, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Varujan A Keledjian, MD M
Antioch, CA
Kenneth A Kelsen, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Bruce D Moorstein, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - General Surgery
Hamid R Rassai, MD M
Antioch, CA
David H Irwin, MD M
Oakland, CA
Donato J Stinghen, MD M
Oakland, CA
Daniel P Birkbeck, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Nitin Joshi, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
John Zopfi, DO M
Fairfield, CA
Douglas H Chin, MD M
Lafayette, CA
Tyler Y Kang, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Geriatric Family Practice
Juon K Fong, MD F
Oakland, CA
Shoba Kankipati, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Prasad G Kilaru, MD M
Fremont, CA
Yelena Krupitskaya, MD F
Vallejo, CA
Kendrick E Lee, MD M
Oakland, CA
Chainarong Limvarapuss
Vallejo, CA
Joshua C Richards, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Ostap G Melnyk, MD M
San Leandro, CA
John T Schwartz Jr, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Jelena Milojevic Kao, MD F
San Leandro, CA
Andrew J Stein, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Qaiser Niaz, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Hand Surgery-Plastic
Samuel D Kao, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Elizabeth A
Odumakinde, MD F
Concord, CA
Thomas B Mcnemar, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Kavitha P Raj, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Srikanth A Reddy, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Purnima R
Sreenivasan, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci Famyli Practci e
Teresita Degamo, MD F
Orinda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Tuan Hua, MD M
Orinda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Helen S Kao, MD F
San Francisco, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Alan N Kaplan, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Eugene Kaplan, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Scott H Kramer, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Abraham J Sklar, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Carl W Watson, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Paul C Wright, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Gynecology Oncology
Samuel C Ballon, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gyOncol gy
Babak Edraki, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pl astci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pl astci
Ravinder K Arora, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Gary R Cecchi, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Jiyon J Choi, MD F
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Ricardo Da Roza, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
John T Ganey, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Alice C Reier, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Ahmed K Sadiq, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Mervyn A Sahud, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Frank A Santoli, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Rishi Sawhney, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Hematology
Vandana B Sharma, MD F
Fremont, CA
Jorge Bernett, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael E Vollmer, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Steven L Turman, MD M
Pinole, CA
Peter Binstock, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Ronald B
Wasserman, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Ann M Wexler, MD F
Oakland, CA
Bela V Chheda, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Peter P Wong, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Valerie A Chirurgi, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Infertility Specialist
Ryszard J
Chetkowski, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Inferlti ySpecai l st
Hematology Oncology
Kim S Erlich, MD M
Daly City, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Larry Strieff, MD M
Oakland, CA
Internal Medicine
Christina T Hopson, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Anitha Angan, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Valerie A Chirurgi, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Matthew T Johnson, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Eric J Huang, MD M
Alameda, CA
Detlef K Ehling, MD M
Concord, CA
William P Joseph, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Nani Kanen, MD F
Burlingame, CA
Christina T Hopson, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Ranjani Kalyan, MD F
Roseville, CA
Bakul T Roy, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Li Kuo Kong, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Li Kuo Kong, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Elliott N Schwartz, MD M
Orinda, CA
Joseph B Marzouk, MD M
Oakland, CA
Joseph B Marzouk, MD M
Oakland, CA
Benedict C
Villanueva, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Robert E McCabe, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Purnima R
Sreenivasan, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Hiv/Aids Specialist
Joshua D Perlroth, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
William P Joseph, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Roger T Phelps, MD M
Oakland, CA
Dianne C Martin, MD F
Fremont, CA
Bakul T Roy, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Infectious Diseases
Jevon Tang, MD M
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds Speciasil t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds Speciasil t
Fareed R Asfour, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Muni M Barash, MD M
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Benedict C
Villanueva, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Nitun Verma, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Youssef E Youssef, MD M
Hayward, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Maternal & Fetal
David N Marinoff, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Larry Rand, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Medical Oncology
John T Ganey, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology
Tyler Y Kang, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Shoba Kankipati, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Archana Aggarwal, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Yelena Krupitskaya, MD F
Vallejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Alice C Reier, MD F
Oakland, CA
Varun Chawla, MD M
Hayward, CA
Ahmed K Sadiq, MD M
Fremont, CA
Qi Che, MD F
Hayward, CA
Rishi Sawhney, MD M
Livermore, CA
Yvonne Y Chen, MD F
Oakland, CA
Vandana B Sharma, MD F
Fremont, CA
Mario L Corona, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Steven L Turman, MD M
Pinole, CA
Maria E Diaz
Pagtalunan, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Ann M Wexler, MD F
Oakland, CA
Terry M Maher, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Ranjan Chanda, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Gwendolen Y Chang, MD F
San Leandro, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Peter L Lunny, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Anita M Carstensen, MD F
Oakland, CA
Kavitha P Raj, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Peter A Lee, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Donald Block, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Elizabeth A
Odumakinde, MD F
Concord, CA
Edward T Kim, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Cristina M Arce, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Ostap G Melnyk, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Oliver K Khakmahd, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Hamoudi Albander, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Beverly F Mcleod, MD F
Concord, CA
Claudia I Iota-Herbei, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Jeanie J Ahn, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Lesley C Martin, MD F
Concord, CA
Ileana A Helms, MD F
Concord, CA
Cynthia Mahoney, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Veena Manjunath, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Leena Mehandru, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Terina Miller, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ellen C Morrissey, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
John G Mouratoff, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Byron E Wilson, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Ole Dierks, MD
Castro Valley, CA
Swati P Patel, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Robert B Doud, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Katherine Rausa, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Hussain A Gilani, MD M
Oakland, CA
Leena S Ray, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Peter P Wong, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Denise M Ricker, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Lucia F Yumena, MD F
Fremont, CA
Leslie A Gillum, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Rahul Rishi, MD F
Livermore, CA
Neurological Surgery
Charlene Hu, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Oleg F Rubin, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Sandeep M Kunwar, MD M
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Rohit Sharma, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Jasbir K Multani, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Attigupam R
Jayaram, MD M
Livermore, CA
Jeffrey B Randall, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Ravinder Kahlon, MD F
Hayward, CA
Peter P Sun, MD M
Oakland, CA
John H Karan, MD M
Antioch, CA
Jeffrey E Thomas, MD M
Fremont, CA
Prabhjot S Khalsa, MD M
Fremont, CA
Edie E Zusman, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Melissa A Lehmer, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Man Kong Leung, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Evan H Strong, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Shalini P Sundar, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
David Tay, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Josie A Tebben, MD F
El Cerrito, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Steven R Tolkan, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Kathryn M Welty, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Bryan M Wong, MD M
El Cerrito, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Clifford Wong, MD M
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Clifford Wong, MD M
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Samuel J Wong, MD M
El Cerrito, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Elizabeth M Wrone, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Monte M Wu, MD M
El Cerrito, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Robert C Algar, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Angela Anagnos, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Tarun Arora, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Alok K
Bhattacharyya, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Benjamin P Ligot, MD M
Benicia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Stan Lin, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Barry S Mann, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Patricia S Maska, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
David E Collins, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Kulveen Sachdeva, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Joanna A Cooper, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Robert L Sieben, MD M
Concord, CA
Vasiliki Economou, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Charan K Singh, MD F
Fremont, CA
Robert A Fox, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Randall R Starkey, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Eric J Huang, MD M
Alameda, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ronnie I Mimran, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jason J Shey, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neurology
Angelita D Tangco, MD F
Brentwood, CA
Becky Vatanparast, RD F
Lodi, CA
Hahn Nguyen Do, MD F
Fremont, CA
Timothy Y Wei, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Carrie M Duffy, DO F
Oakland, CA
Bowen Y Wong, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nutritonist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Philip M Adamson, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Bradley T Wrubel, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Scott D Eaton, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Mehrnoosh Almassi, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Emil Eyvazzadeh, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Deborah A Banskter, MD F
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Uchechukwu I Ezeh, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Lawrence D
Dickinson, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Stacey F Barrie, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Eldan B Eichbaum, MD M
Fremont, CA
Kent J Farney, MD M
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Ylayaly K Bianco, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Hon Fong, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Desmond Erasmus, MD M
Fremont, CA
Edward M
Blumenstock, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Thomas J Mampalam, MD M
Pinole, CA
Siobhan L Calhoun, MD F
Fremont, CA
Yvette M Gentry, MD F
Oakland, CA
Gordon Tang, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Ryszard J
Chetkowski, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Carol A Gerdes, MD F
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Yaron Friedman, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Nuclear Medicine
Joshua Taifer, MD M
Oakland, CA
John A Crockett, MD M
Concord, CA
Nuclear Radiology
Jing Dai, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nucel arMedci ne
Barry P Huang, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nucel arRadoi l ogy
Nurse Mid-Wife
Elisabeth P
Griffinger, CNM F
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nurse Mdi -Wife
Virginia Y Hwang, RD F
Dublin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nutri onsi t
Elizabeth T Leong, RD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nutri onsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Janet M Goldman, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Padma Dasari, MD F
Fairfield, CA
Jennifer L
Grabenstetter, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Mary L Davenport, MD F
El Sobrante, CA
Goldee H Gross, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Patrick A Dawkins, MD M
Hayward, CA
Thomas L Hambrick, MD M
Oakland, CA
Sharon De Edwards, MD F
Pittsburg, CA
Renee S Hilliard, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Rosemary Delgado, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Amy M Huibonhoa, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Magdy H Girgis, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Dong H Hwang, MD M
Oakland, CA
Gregory A Minevich, MD M
Hayward, CA
Carla J Stelling, MD F
Oakland, CA
William M Isenberg, MD M
Oakland, CA
Barbara S Newman, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Debra L Stewart, DO F
Antioch, CA
Nicole Jeffrey Starr, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Trang Ngo, MD
Fremont, CA
Rebecca J Stone, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Sara Johnson, MD F
Oakland, CA
John Nunes, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Susan C Sykes, MD F
Oakland, CA
Shivinder B Kaur, MD F
Alameda, CA
Tracy T Phillips, MD F
Oakland, CA
Mari-Paule Thiet, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Young M Kim, MD M
Antioch, CA
William H Phillips Jr, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Karen P Tuan, MD F
Oakland, CA
Richard J
Kochenburger, MD M
Alameda, CA
John F Polito, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Ke H Tuan, MD M
Oakland, CA
Sudeepthi Prasad, MD F
Fremont, CA
Juan E Vargas, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Jennifer A Salata, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Madhavi Vemulapalli
Brahmarouthu, MD F
Fairfield, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Elizabeth V Kurkjian, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Christine K Lee, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Anahat K Sandhu, MD F
Lafayette, CA
Tun S Lee, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Joanne R Vogel, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Gabrielle S Schaefer, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Debra A Levinsky, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Alan S Wei, MD M
Pittsburg, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Andrew P Lin, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Elisabeth M
Schleuning, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Lonnie P Lin, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Padmaja Sharma F
Fremont, CA
Careen R Whitley, MD F
Oakland, CA
Mark W Lollar, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Laura N Silverstein, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Christina M Wong, MD F
Fremont, CA
Kerith L Lucco, MD F
Oakland, CA
Michael A Singer, MD M
Oakland, CA
Eve F Yalom, MD F
Oakland, CA
Stacie L MacDonald, MD F
Fremont, CA
Jorge S Siopack, MD M
Oakland, CA
Jennifer L Yarger, MD F
Oakland, CA
Michael J McGlynn Jr, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Alison C Slack, MD F
Fremont, CA
Bettina Zatuchni, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Jonathan D Weiss, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Daniel L Zimmerman, MD M
Antioch, CA
Margaret A Chang, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Viet H Ho, MD M
Concord, CA
Marya G Zlatnik, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Suraj M Cherry, MD M
Antioch, CA
Melanie L Hom, MD
Oakland, CA
Tina M Chou, MD F
Oakland, CA
Erich P Horn, MD M
Oakland, CA
Stephen D Cohen, MD M
Alameda, CA
Sarbjit S Hundal, MD M
Fremont, CA
Stewart A Daniels, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Ivan P Hwang, MD M
San Ramon, CA
David R Demartini, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Robert N Johnson, MD M
Oakland, CA
Barbara R Devane, do F
Concord, CA
James M Jumper, MD M
Oakland, CA
Christopher J
Dickens, MD M
Oakland, CA
Barry M Kerman, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jiyon J Choi, MD F
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
David H Irwin, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Nitin Joshi, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Chainarong Limvarapuss
Vallejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Qaiser Niaz, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Frank A Santoli, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
James E Dowling, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Nadine A Kindy
Degnan, MD F
Concord, CA
Robert A Edelman, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Selim T Koseoglu, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Robert A Equi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
James E Langham, MD M
Oakland, CA
Gupta Etwaru, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Scott E Lee, MD M
Pinole, CA
Vineet N Batra, MD
San Leandro, CA
Michael R Gagnon, MD
Livermore, CA
Richard H Lee Jr, MD M
Oakland, CA
Barry E Breaux, MD M
Pinole, CA
Philip L Gardner, MD M
Alameda, CA
Craig J Leong, MD M
Antioch, CA
David P Bui, MD M
Alameda, CA
David D Gilbert, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Hilary J Lerner, MD F
Concord, CA
Roger F Carlson, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Karen T Graham, MD F
Concord, CA
Mira Lim, MD F
Oakland, CA
Resham S Chahal, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Robert S Grosserode, MD M
Antioch, CA
Jane V Loman, MD F
Lafayette, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Everett Ai, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Steven C Andersen, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Amy B
Badger-Asaravala, MD F
Hayward, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Kenneth C Low, MD M
Fremont, CA
J Frederick Riedel, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Tony Tsai, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Rupinder K Mann, MD F
Danville, CA
Paul H Ryan Jr, MD M
Pinole, CA
David W Vastine, MD M
Oakland, CA
Taliva D Martin, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Maskeen K
Sabharwal, MD F
Fremont, CA
Allen Z Verne, MD M
Antioch, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Thomas J McDonald, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Bradley J Sandler, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Michael L Wang, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Robert B Neves, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Neha N Shah, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Robert T Wendel, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Steven G Pascal, MD M
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Rona Z Silkiss, MD F
Fremont, CA
Patricia S Yoon Ferrell, MD
Hayward, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Arun C Patel, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Gordon H Smith, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
San Leandro, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Andrew L Sorenson, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Gilbert M Matsuoka M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Lionel W Sorenson, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Rick S Pope, OD M
Hayward, CA
Berkeley, CA
Fletcher Thames, OD M
San Ramon, CA
Earl L Stern, MD M
Oakland, CA
Mujda Zhublawar, OD F
Hayward, CA
Kala Swamynathan, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Robert J Peralta, MD M
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Claudia S Pinilla, MD F
Danville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sara S Prasertsit, MD F
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Tushar M Ranchod, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
George H Tanaka, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Subhransu K Ray, MD M
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jennifer B Taylor, MD F
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
J Brian Reed, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
David G Telander, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John B Reed, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Clark S Tsai, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Tanya N Gill, OD F
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Joel A Pearlman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Patricia Ebright, OD F
Vallejo, CA
James J Song, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Theodore O Paul, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Basil J Alwattar, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Semon R Bader, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Kevin C Booth, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Joseph M Centeno, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Orthopedic Surgery
Norman L Cheung, MD M
Fremont, CA
Eric G Meinberg, MD M
Oakland, CA
Laura N Sciaroni, MD F
San Francisco, CA
Bradley D Crow, MD M
Concord, CA
John K Merson, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Michael W Shifflett, MD M
Napa, CA
John N Diana, MD M
Napa, CA
Ricardo A Molina, MD M
Fremont, CA
Peter R Silvero, MD M
Fremont, CA
Joseph R Donnelly, MD M
Livermore, CA
Saam Morshed, MD M
Oakland, CA
Peter B Slabaugh, MD M
Oakland, CA
Rakesh Donthineni, MD M
Oakland, CA
Soheil Motamed, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Jason A Smith, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Juon K Fong, MD F
Oakland, CA
Vallejo, CA
Robert C Sproul, MD M
Livermore, CA
Robert S Forster, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Russell Nord, MD M
Fremont, CA
Vikram Talwar, MD M
Oakland, CA
John K Frazier, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Michael A Oberlander, MD M
Concord, CA
Robert M Tamurian, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Brian D Freeto, MD M
Napa, CA
Gregg T Pottorff, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Oakland, CA
Joseph M Grant, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Kevin M Roth, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Michael D Tseng, MD M
Oakland, CA
Jan E Henstorf M
Fremont, CA
Coleen S Sabatini, MD F
San Francisco, CA
Stephen R Viess, MD M
Livermore, CA
Jason T Huffman, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Michael F Sacco, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Ashay A Kale, MD M
Fremont, CA
Kirk L Jensen, MD M
Aaron K Salyapongse, MD M Lafayette, CA
Oakland, CA
Lisa L Lattanza, MD F
Oakland, CA
Aenor J Sawyer, MD F
Oakland, CA
John W Carrigg, MD M
Orinda, CA
Jeffery A Mann, MD M
Oakland, CA
David M Schiff, MD M
Benicia, CA
Wade R Cartwright, MD M
Oakland, CA
Roger Mann, MD M
Oakland, CA
John T Schwartz Jr, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Bernard J Drury, MD M
Oakland, CA
Robert E Martin, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Charles A Sciaroni, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Lloyd C Ford, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology
Adnan J Hadeed, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Mark I Zeme, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Physical Medicine &
Abraham G Hsieh, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Pain Management
Michael A Amster, MD M
Fairfield, CA
William B Lewis, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Ernest Y Cheng, DO M
Berkeley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Co V Banh, MD M
Hayward, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Leslie R Delaney, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Tsuan T Li, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
David C Bradshaw, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Robin Dennings, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Benjamin M Loos, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Marina V Bulatov, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Babak J Jamasbi, MD M
Oakland, CA
Michael P Murphy, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Ernest Y Cheng, DO M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Manijeh Ryan, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Bassem M Said, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Rajpreet S Dhesi, MD
Vacaville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Lawrence Yabroff, PhD M
Berkeley, CA
Timothy A Scott, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Hussam I El Gohary, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Pediatric Hematology
Armen Serebrakian, MD M
Pinole, CA
Christi K Lombre, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Michael S Goldin, MD M
Fremont, CA
Erin J Simms, MD F
Oakland, CA
Pediatric Neonatal-P
Corby S Kessler, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematlo gy
Richard E Bell, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Trent W Smith, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Neonat-l P
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Benjamin C Lau, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Dale A Tylor, MD F
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Jason R Van Tassel, MD M
Fremont, CA
Steven G
Gwiazdowski, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Randall K Wenokur, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Janet Lord, MD
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Suresh K Mahawar, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Physical Med & Rehab
Eduardo I Lin, MD M
Fremont, CA
Kishore B Narra, MD M
Fremont, CA
Robert M Wesman, MD M
Oakland, CA
David K Padgett, DO M
Danville, CA
Michael K Park, MD M
Lafayette, CA
Kristin Woodbury, DO F
Fairfield, CA
Manijeh Ryan, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Elaine L Pico, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Murray A Woolf, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Timothy C Shen, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Daniel B Allen, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
James R Boccio, DPM M
Antioch, CA
Karim C Canoun, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Catherine Cheung, DPM F
San Francisco, CA
David S Chang, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Robert Y Choy, DPM M
Fairfield, CA
Stephen P Daane, MD M
Oakland, CA
Michael A
Digiacomo, DPM M
Oakland, CA
Cristian Neagu, MD M
Hayward, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Randall D Osborn, DPM M
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Dennis M Osborne, DPM M
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
John R Griffin, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Laurence Ellner, DPM M
Fremont, CA
Sonia E Erickson, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Paul D Weiner, DPM M
Vallejo, CA
James M Greer, DPM M
Brentwood, CA
Frederick S Wilson, DPM M
Fremont, CA
Dwayne L
Highsmith, DPM M
Vacaville, CA
Kam Y Wong, DPM M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Samuel D Kao, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Prasad G Kilaru, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Gabriel M Kind, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Thomas B Mcnemar, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Douglas S Patton, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Kyle Song, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Joseph N Togba, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Steven H Williams, MD M
Dublin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Paul J Wotowic, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Ted S Tanaka, DPM M
El Cerrito, CA
Joshua R Van
Gompel, DPM M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Donnis S Hobson, MD F
Oakland, CA
Howard M Sokoloff, DPM M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Denten E Eldredge, DPM M
Vallejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Eric T Hisaka, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Brian Elchinoff, DPM M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Adnan J Hadeed, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Reyzelman, DPM M
San Francisco, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Dale R Wright, MD M
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Maria J Highsmith, DPM F
Vacaville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Randolph T Wright, DPM M
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Anthony R Hoffman, DPM M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Pulmonary Disease
Robert Kaplan M
Oakland, CA
Anitha Angan, MD F
San Ramon, CA
David A Laver, DPM M
Fremont, CA
Richard A Bordow, MD
San Pablo, CA
William J Lehrich, DPM M
San Leandro, CA
Herman R Bruch, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Kevin M Miller, DPM M
Vacaville, CA
Jason S Chu, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Disease
Crawford K Chung, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Minh H Nguyen, MD M
Concord, CA
Glen W Petersen, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Leland G Dobbs, MD M
Oakland, CA
Richard A Nusser, MD M
Oakland, CA
Radiation Oncology
Donald R Doyle, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Chirag Pandya M
Livermore, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Andrea L Green, MD F
Oakland, CA
Hemal J Parekh, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Frederic N
Herskowitz, MD M
Oakland, CA
Anit B Patel, MD
Fairfield, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Marco E Pavesi, MD M
Fremont, CA
R S Rajah, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Sammy Hung, MD M
Hayward, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Daniel M Chinn, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
D Jeff Demanes, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
David S Safianoff, MD M
Concord, CA
M Michael Kazemi, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Yeeyie E Fogarty, MD F
Hayward, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Ajit P Sandhu, MD M
Fremont, CA
Richard S Kops, MD M
Concord, CA
Ranu Grewal Bahl, MD F
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Robert B Schoene, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Jerrold A Kram, MD M
Alameda, CA
Vincent Massullo, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Hiromi C Takekuma, DO M
Concord, CA
Kevin K Lee, MD M
Livermore, CA
Marjaneh Moini, MD F
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Donna D Tigno, MD F
Oakland, CA
Michael C Luu, DO M
Vallejo, CA
Gautam Prasad, MD M
Dublin, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Samir N Vora, MD M
Fremont, CA
Abid Majid, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Patel R Rakesh, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Bill N Wong, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Narendra K Malani, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Gopal Sachdeva, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Kimberley A Marquis, MD F
Berkeley, CA
John W Yee, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Valery Uhl, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Kuang Hwa K Chao, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Hsien Wen Hsu, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Frederick J
Nachtwey, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Michael D Bastasch, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Zahora Ally, MD F
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Forest H Mealey, DO M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monol gy
Carl C Vanwey, MD M
Dublin, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Kristina M Kury, MD F
Berkeley, CA
James E McFeely, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml on l ogy
Evan L Custer, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml on l ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Radiology
Charles E Fiske, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Christopher J Govea, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Sleep Disorder
Rajiv K Dixit, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Eric J Huang, MD M
Alameda, CA
Rashmi B Dixit, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Nitun Verma, MD M
Fremont, CA
Zuzana U Foster, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Speech Therapy
Ernest I Katler, MD M
Pinole, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Spe ch Therapy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
David W Wu, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Ronald G Connolly, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
David C Hansen, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Sel p Dsi order
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Robert P Huberman, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Sel p Dsi order
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
James Knister, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Stuart S London, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Michael H Maiman, MD M
Oakland, CA
Brian R Kaye, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Marilyn Nikkari, SLP F
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Spe ch Therapy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Brian J Oloughlin, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Dennis D Lee, CA M
Oakland, CA
John M Loeb, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Kranthi K Achanta, MD F
Fremont, CA
Molly D Magnano, MD
Berkeley, CA
Ramsey A Araj, MD M
Fremont, CA
Melissa McNamara, MD
San Ramon, CA
Giovanni Begossi, MD M
Oakland, CA
Midori J Nishio, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Ronald G Bieselin, MD M
Vallejo, CA
Hisako Ohmoto, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Mary K Cardoza, MD F
Concord, CA
Anthony S Padula, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Kenneth H Chang, MD M
Oakland, CA
Sabiha Rasheed, MD F
Fremont, CA
Lorna A Cogen, MD F
San Pablo, CA
Rania M Shammas, MD F
San Leandro, CA
Chau V Dang, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Vandana D Sharma, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
William E Dugoni Jr, MD M
Fremont, CA
Barry E Shibuya, MD M
Fremont, CA
Mary E Estakhri, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Vani Velkuru, MD F
Fremont, CA
Bobby S Glickman, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Dipa H Patel, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Brian S Sakamoto, MD M
Volcano, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Patricia L Seid, MD
Vallejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
David W Stoller, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Joshua Taifer, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Aimee D Eyvazzadeh, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Christopher N
Herndon, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Surgery
Michael M Gottlied, MD M
Danville, CA
Benjamin Wolsztejn, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Jonathan L Chin, MD M
Antioch, CA
Carlos R Gracia, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Michael L Wynn, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Edward J Collins, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Jon M Greif, MD M
Oakland, CA
Surgical Oncology
Michael J DiSandro, MD
Pleasanton, CA
Louise Hom, MD F
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgi cal Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lisa Bailey, MD F
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Jon W Floyd, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Thoracic Surgery
Rupert R Horoupian, MD M
Hayward, CA
Ramsey A Araj, MD M
Fremont, CA
John P Heine, MD M
Fremont, CA
Teresa H Kim, MD F
Oakland, CA
Jatinder S Dhillon, MD M
Concord, CA
Brian D Hopkins, MD M
Concord, CA
Robert A Lanflisi, MD M
Vacaville, CA
Shashank Jolly, MD M
Fremont, CA
Kenneth C Hsiao, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Vanni C Manthiram, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Andreas Kamlot, MD M
Antioch, CA
Kisseng Hsieh, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Elliot Mitmaker, MD M
San Francisco, CA
Junaid H Khan, MD M
Oakland, CA
Young M Kang, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Dat T Nguyen, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Mary S Maish, MD F
Fremont, CA
Eugene Kaplan, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Samuel C Oommen, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Robert J Stallone, MD M
Berkeley, CA
James B Karol, MD M
Oakland, CA
Srinivas R
Ramachandra, MD M
Danville, CA
Russell D Stanten, MD M
Oakland, CA
Robert W
Kindrachuk, MD M
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Ramineni V Rao, MD M
Fremont, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Rakhee N Shah, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Steven A Stanten, MD M
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Ajay K Upadhyay, MD M
Oakland, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Brian K Walker, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Albert V Assali, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Nabil F Athanassious, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Mark R Avon, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Laurence S Baskin, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Judson M Brandeis, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Chi K Lee, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Richard J Long, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Clifford R Melton, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Sourjya P Misra, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Andrew J Pienkny, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay, continued
Specialty Physicians - Urology
Joel A Piser, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Tanveer A Khan, MD M
Antioch, CA
Mark Saleh, MD M
Fremont, CA
John T Mehigan, MD M
Fremont, CA
Bernd W Schmidt, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Gonzalo P Obnial, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Parminder S Sethi, MD M
Antioch, CA
Keshav K Pandurangi, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Mark Silvert, MD M
San Pablo, CA
Lamont D Paxton, MD M
Alameda, CA
Andrew D Smith, MD M
Concord, CA
Ramineni V Rao, MD M
Fremont, CA
Rao V Sunkavally, MD M
Fremont, CA
Robert J Stallone, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Stephen P Taylor, MD M
Concord, CA
Ramesh S
Veeragandham, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Yevgeniy Veltman, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Edward Wang, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Chih Hsin C Wen, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Jeffrey A Wieder, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Qingwei R Yan, MD
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Vascular Surgery
Mental Health Providers
For a list of mental health
providers please go to the
Mental Health Providers
section on page 133.
Para obtener una lista de
proveedores de salud mental
visite la sección Proveedores
de Salud Mental en la página
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Robert O Gingery, MD M
Alameda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Gabriel Herscu, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Michael D Ingegno, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento
Affiliated Hospitals
Mercy General Hospital L
4001 J St
Sacramento, CA 95819
Family Practice
Mercy Hospital of Folsom L
1650 Creekside Dr
Folsom, CA 95630
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mercy San Juan Hospital L
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
Methodist Hospital of
Sacramento L
7500 Hospital Dr
Sacramento, CA 95823
Anna P Abalos, MD F
ID No. JG0433
701 Pleasant Grove Blvd
STE 125
Roseville, CA 95678
(916) 784-7700
Languages: Tagalog
Ronald G Chambers
ID No. JG0443
7601 Hospital Dr STE 103
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-1600
Fernanda N Dasilva, MD F
ID No. JG0074
7248 S Land Park Dr
STE 205
Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 392-4000
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mark I Debruin, DO M
ID No. JG0083
9352 Madison Ave STE 1
Orangevale, CA 95662
(916) 989-2929
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Biljinder Chima, MD M
ID No. JG0523
3104 Sunset Blvd STE 2B
Rocklin, CA 95677
(916) 624-0300
Languages: Punjabi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Surendar S Chima, MD M
ID No. JG0031
3029 El Camino Ave
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 485-8810
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Terence A Degan, MD M
ID No. JG0391
1216 Suncast Ln STE 1
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(919) 933-5028
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Justin G English II, MD M
ID No. JG0300
3939 J St STE 304
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 733-6993
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Marc L Concepcion, DO M
ID No. JG0044
2101 Stone Blvd STE 190
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 371-4939
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel J Cooper, DO M
ID No. JG0049
1561 Creekside Dr STE 150
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 983-2193
Larry R Feliciano, MD M
ID No. JG0326
7601 Hospital Dr STE 209
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 689-1966
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ronald R Flores, MD M
ID No. JG0104
3480 El Dorado Hills Blvd
STE 303
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 941-9222
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Michael S Gaddini, MD M
ID No. JG0337
1600 Creekside Dr STE 3300
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 983-7200
Languages: Italian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen Hart, MD F
ID No. JG0361
5340 Elvas Ave STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 736-2225
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Hayne Y Khalil
Kelada, MD M
ID No. JG0469
1000 Camerado Dr
Cameron Park, CA 95682
(530) 677-3688
Languages: French and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David L Kosh, MD M
ID No. JG0132
8110 Timberlake Way
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 689-4111
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jeffrey V Hill, DO M
ID No. JG0704
Francisco L Garcia, MD M
1743 Creekside Dr STE 130
Folsom, CA 95630
ID No. JG0338
7248 S Land Park Dr STE 205 (916) 983-8693
Sacramento, CA 95831
Hung G Hoang, MD M
(916) 392-4000
ID No. JG0006
Languages: Spanish
6540 Stockton Blvd STE A
Henry Go, MD M
Sacramento, CA 95823
ID No. JG0339
(916) 391-0170
11733 River Rd Hwy STE 160 Languages: Vietnamese
Courtland, CA 95615
Also located at:
(916) 775-1711
2001 Zinfandel Dr STE B2
Languages: Cantonese and
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 391-0170
Gary A Gramm, MD M
Languages: Vietnamese
ID No. JG0460
Steve D Hwang, MD M
6135 King Rd STE A
ID No. JG0465
Loomis, CA 95650
2410 Del Paso Rd
(916) 652-0427
Sacramento, CA 95834
Languages: German and
(916) 928-0856
Languages: Cantonese
Roy A Greenberg, MD M
Marcelina G Ibanez, MD F
ID No. JG0340
1600 Creekside Dr STE 2100 ID No. JG0611
8100 Timberlake Way STE C
Folsom, CA 95630
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 983-2663
(916) 681-5000
Roy M Harris, MD M
Languages: Tagalog
ID No. JG0461
Youssary Y Kelada, MD M
3104 Sunset Blvd STE 2-B
ID No. JG0468
Rocklin, CA 95677
406 Sunrise Blvd STE 250
(916) 624-0300
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 786-4700
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
417 C St
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-1778
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Paul E Kramer, MD M
ID No. JG0472
720 Sunrise Ave STE 108B
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 791-7285
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alok Krishna, MD M
ID No. JG0584
87 Scripps Dr STE 210
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 569-8585
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Patrick C Lau, MD M
ID No. JG0138
2410 Del Paso Rd
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 928-0856
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joe Le, MD M
ID No. JG0152
8120 Timberlake Wy STE 207
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 691-5855
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
James F Lee, MD M
ID No. JG0157
2101 Stone Blvd STE 190
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 371-4939
Languages: Spanish
Cheryl A Matossian, MD F
ID No. JG0486
4989 Golden Foothill Pkwy
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 941-7362
Marina Rasnow-Hill, MD F
ID No. JG0534
7601 Hospital Dr STE 103
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-1600
Languages: Spanish
Dennis L Levin, MD M
ID No. JG0431
3227 Professional Dr STE A
Auburn, CA 95602
(530) 889-6300
Languages: French
Aisha R Mays, MD F
ID No. JG0708
155 15th St STE A
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 375-8981
Languages: Spanish
Thomas I Revesz, MD M
ID No. JG0014
5444 Laurel Hills Dr
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 331-1333
Languages: Hungarian
Joy Liu, DO F
ID No. JG0189
2545 E Bidwell St STE 110
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 983-8868
Languages: Chinese and
Denise H Nguyen, MD F
ID No. JG0358
2545 E Bidwell St STE 110
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 983-8868
Languages: Vietnamese
Patricia L Samuelson, MD F
ID No. JG0714
2020 J St
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 441-0918
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1901 W Kettleman Ln
STE 200
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 334-8540
Languages: Vietnamese
Vincent Lo, MD M
ID No. JG0422
7601 Hospital Dr STE 103
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-1600
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Scarlett T Lu, DO F
ID No. JG0484
1102 Corporate Wy STE 170
Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 691-5855
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Joanna H Nguyen, MD F
ID No. JG0495
785 Hana Way STE 102
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 983-3069
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Erlinda R Marasigan, MD F
ID No. JG0193
9624 Elk Grove Florin Rd
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 685-7500
Pavel M Polskiy, MD M
ID No. JG0247
5810 Jameson Ct
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 979-0621
Languages: Russian
Gilbert Martinez, MD M
ID No. JG0396
5525 Dewey Dr STE 204
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 967-7285
Marilynn H Price, MD F
ID No. JG0604
155 15th St STE A
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 375-8981
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
George M Scarmon, MD M
ID No. JG0379
801 Sterling Pky STE 120
Lincoln, CA 95648
(916) 645-3388
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Daniel S Sewell, MD M
ID No. JG0508
13555 Bowman Rd STE 100
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 885-3951
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Parul W Singh, MD F
ID No. JG0695
6608 Mercy Ct STE C
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 966-8500
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Alvin M Sockolov, MD M
ID No. JG0100
1 Scripps Dr STE 202
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 927-1114
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Ronald Sockolov, MD M
ID No. JG0229
1 Scripps Dr STE 202
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 927-1114
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Amir R Sweha, MD M
ID No. JG0231
7601 Hospital Dr STE 103
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-1600
Languages: Egyptian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lisa A Swensson, MD F
ID No. JG0675
1 Scripps Dr STE 202
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 927-1114
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Timothy R Takagi, MD M
ID No. JG0237
7601 Hospital Dr STE 103
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-1600
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gina Tobalina, MD F
ID No. JG0568
1615 Creekside Dr STE 101
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 817-4132
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Venkatapathy, MD M
ID No. JG0697
155 15th St STE A
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 375-8981
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reed H Vuong, DO M
ID No. JG0276
8120 Timberlake Way
STE 207
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 691-5855
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
7248 S Land Park STE 206
Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 399-9000
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ritchie Wong, MD M
ID No. JG0287
3650 Mission Ave STE 1
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 972-0882
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Harry Yeates, MD M
ID No. JG0290
8110 Timberlake Way
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 689-4111
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
417 C St
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-1778
General Practice
Jerry J Boeye, MD M
ID No. JG0438
275 Grass Valley Hwy
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 885-0344
Danialypour, MD M
ID No. JG0066
5710 Watt Ave
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 344-8866
Languages: Farsi
Allen E Priest Jr, MD M
ID No. JG0254
6600 Mercy Ct STE 210
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 967-8201
Languages: Spanish
Hung Y Rogers, MD F
ID No. JG0036
3939 J St STE 330
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 419-8851
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Dawei Zheng, MD M
ID No. JG0298
4635 Freeport Blvd STE D
Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 457-9879
Languages: Japanese and
Also located at:
1996 Del Paso Road Rm#176
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 419-8851
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine
Mohammad N
Alocozy, MD M
ID No. JG0382
87 Scripps Dr STE 114
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 333-5977
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
3701 J Street STE 201
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 454-2345
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
8701 Center Pky STE 170
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 896-1682
Languages: Japanese and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Josefina A Aquino, MD F
ID No. JG0002
1995 Zinfandel Dr STE 201
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 852-6001
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
John T Bakos, MD M
ID No. JG0706
729 Sunrise Ave STE 610
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 784-1050
Languages: Spanish
Katherine B Bisharat, MD F
ID No. JG0007
5931 Stanley Ave STE 8
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 481-4389
Languages: French and
Natalia M Black, MD F
ID No. JG0009
5810 Jameson Ct
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 979-0621
Languages: Russian
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Manjula Bobbala, MD F
ID No. JG0011
2575 E Bidwell St STE 210
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-7850
Languages: Telugu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Rashida Bokhari, MD F
ID No. JG0016
1924 Del Paso Rd
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 419-4962
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Lindsey Dawson, MD F
ID No. JG0414
5821 Jameson Court
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 486-0411
Chia Y Chou, MD M
ID No. JG0445
1212 Coloma Way STE A
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 782-1264
Languages: Chinese and
Also located at:
621 Capitol Mall STE 950
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 486-0411
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jenifer L Burkhalter, MD F
ID No. JG0144
5821 Jameson Ct
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 486-0411
Richard B Chun, MD M
ID No. JG0446
729 Sunrise Ave STE 601
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 783-7118
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
8735 Sierra College Blvd
STE 210
Sacramento, CA 95661
(916) 486-0411
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Wali A Danesh, MD
ID No. JG0059
1611 Creekside Dr STE 104
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-6100
Languages: Persian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
3860 El Dorado Hills Blvd
STE 601
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 941-9222
Languages: Persian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Floyd C David, MD M
ID No. JG0549
1201 E Bidwell St
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 920-6337
Jay T Draeger, MD M
ID No. JG0115
1600 Creekside Dr
STE 1300A
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-7860
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kali S Eswaran, MD M
ID No. JG0302
1995 Zinfandel Dr STE 201
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 852-6001
Languages: Tamil
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
3941 J St STE 370
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 852-6001
Languages: Tamil
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
701 Sunrise Ave
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 772-6337
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jamshid Faraji, MD M
ID No. JG0324
6620 Coyle Ave STE 402
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 965-8161
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Donald Gutman, MD M
ID No. JG0003
1600 Creekside Dr STE 3700
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-7840
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tri Dung G Hoang, MD M
ID No. JG0013
6540 Stockton Blvd STE 3A
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 391-0170
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dheeraj Kamra, MD M
ID No. JG0107
1737 Creekside Dr
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-7880
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
6608 Mercy Ct STE C
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 966-8500
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Thomas Hopkins, MD M
ID No. JG0353
2025 P St
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 446-4449
Marvin H Kamras, MD M
ID No. JG0063
5821 Jameson Ct
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 486-0411
Sayed A Hussain, MD M
ID No. JG0390
729 Sunrise Ave STE 604
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 782-5100
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Also located at:
621 Capitol Mall STE 950
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 486-0411
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Parvez S Islam, MD M
ID No. JG0682
508 Gibson Dr STE 110
Roseville, CA 95678
(916) 783-1080
Languages: Bengali
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sunita Jain, MD F
ID No. JG0043
7 Parkcenter Dr STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 569-4400
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
8735 Sierra College Blvd
Granite Bay, CA 95661
(916) 784-8228
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sukhdev Khangura, MD M
ID No. JG0118
3609 Mission Ave STE H
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 483-5589
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mahmoud Khattab, MD M
ID No. JG0689
9390 Big Horn Blvd STE 145
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 691-6666
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sami M Khouri, MD F
ID No. JG0127
1580 Creekside Dr STE 260
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-7870
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Hussam Kujok, MD M
ID No. JG0540
3637 Mission Ave STE 8
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 971-9000
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Quinn Li, MD M
ID No. JG0477
841 Sterling Pky STE 120
Lincoln, CA 95648
(916) 645-3388
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
1620 35th Ave STE A
Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 457-3681
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
7200 S Land Pakr Dr
Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 422-9110
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
9045 Bruceville Rd STE 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 479-9110
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Xin Nong Li, MD M
ID No. JG0175
6600 Mercy Ct STE 130
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 961-3084
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Kenneth T Low, MD M
ID No. JG0663
6015 Watt Ave STE 2
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 679-3925
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Delbert H Meyer, MD M
ID No. JG0212
6945 Fair Oaks Blvd STE 2
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 488-5864
Charanjit S Sandhu, MD M
ID No. JG0068
7 Parkcenter Dr STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 569-4400
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Conrad T Tsai, MD M
ID No. JG0270
7529 Sunset Ave STE D
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 961-3773
Languages: Chinese
Navneet Sekhon, MD F
ID No. JG0709
6608 Mercy Ct STE C
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 966-8500
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Chou Y Wu, MD F
ID No. JG0289
3939 J St STE 330
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 290-9003
Languages: Chinese
Jeffrey A Shulkin, MD M
ID No. JG0080
1600 Creekside Dr STE 1300
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-7890
Also located at:
1996 Del Paso Road Rm#176
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 419-8851
Languages: Chinese
Sultan A Sultan, MD M
ID No. JG0511
6500 Coyle Ave STE 4
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 967-2273
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
Douglas G Young, MD M
ID No. JG0295
1122 Corporate Wy STE 300
Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 392-3655
Lester C Pan, MD M
ID No. JG0232
1740 Fruitridge Rd STE 101
Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 391-7200
Languages: Cantonese
Saman Teymouri, MD M
ID No. JG0249
7 Parkcenter Dr STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 569-4400
Languages: Farsi and Turkish
Stephaine M Radke, MD F
ID No. JG0715
621 Capitol Mall STE 950
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 486-0411
Ernesto S Quinto, DO M
ID No. JG0005
3939 J St STE 370
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 453-2800
Languages: Spanish and
Thong D Tram, DO M
ID No. JG0256
1600 Creekside Dr STE 2800
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-4948
Languages: Mandarin and
Arvind K Rhasin, MD F
ID No. JG0004
8100 Timberlake Wy STE A
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-2539
Hoi K Trinh, MD M
ID No. JG0269
6175 Stockton Blvd STE 225
Sacramento, CA 95824
(916) 421-7720
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Parween L Moness, MD
ID No. JG0222
1611 Creekside Dr STE 102
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-9004
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3840 El Dorado Hills STE 303
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 941-9222
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kuo S Ooi, MD M
ID No. JG0496
3104 Sunset Blvd STE 2B
Rocklin, CA 95677
(916) 624-0300
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
Scott C Budd, MD M
ID No. JG0602
650 Howe Ave STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 924-9337
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Raoul B Del Mar, MD M
ID No. JG0572
6508 Lonetree Blvd STE 103
Rocklin, CA 95765
(916) 771-5533
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Thomas J Howell, MD M
ID No. JG0575
9727 Elk Grove Florin
STE 250
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 686-5003
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Ravinder S Khaira, MD M
ID No. JG0603
2101 Stone Blvd STE 100
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 371-3787
Languages: French, Punjabi
and Spanish
Glenn K Law, MD M
ID No. JG0662
6555 Coyle Ave STE 310
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 965-4612
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Also located at:
1301 Secret Ravine STE 140
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 788-3030
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
902 Cirby Way
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 789-1798
Languages: French, Punjabi
and Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Avala Lakshmi, MD F
ID No. JG0609
902 Cirby Way
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 789-1798
Languages: Hindi, Telugu and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
1561 Creekside Dr STE 140
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 983-8595
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Also located at:
2345 El Camino Ave STE A
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 920-8311
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Marrero-Nasirov, MD F
ID No. JG0608
7237 E Southgate Dr STE A
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 422-6635
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Maria N Tan, MD F
ID No. JG0573
7501 Hospital Dr STE 203
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-1130
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
9291 Laguna Springs Dr
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 714-9777
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Warren F Brandle, MD M
ID No. JG0028
11226 Gold Express Dr
STE 205
Gold River, CA 95670
(916) 638-2800
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Li-Hon Chang, MD F
ID No. JG0409
5025 J St STE 315
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 452-7256
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Also located at:
1 Scripps Dr STE 107
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 929-3456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Rebecca G Chinn, MD F
ID No. JG0630
3939 J St STE 210
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 451-5678
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Robert J Debruin, MD M
ID No. JG0101
1600 Creekside Dr STE 3800
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 984-7830
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Arthur Y Fong, MD M
ID No. JG0328
6600 Mercy Ct STE 240
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 863-1193
Candace M Lawson, MD F
ID No. JG0142
7601 Hospital Dr STE 103
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-1600
Larry A Saltzman, MD M
ID No. JG0551
1 Scripps Dr STE 202
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 927-1114
Pau K Fong, MD M
ID No. JG0330
3939 J St STE 108
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 454-5555
Languages: Chinese
Francisco J
Marasigan, MD M
ID No. JG0199
9624 Elk Grove Florin Rd
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 685-7500
Languages: Spanish and
Mimi K Sato Re, MD
ID No. JG0359
1600 Creekside Dr STE 3300
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 983-7200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
3939 J St STE 108
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 454-5555
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Jeannette I Frei, MD F
ID No. JG0335
2382 Maritime Dr STE 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 691-6622
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Christopher A Price, MD M
ID No. JG0252
5301 F Street STE 112
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 868-6300
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Elena Ralik, MD F
ID No. JG0500
5810 Jameson Court
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 979-0621
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Kevin D Fujikawa, MD M
ID No. JG0336
4944 Sunrise Blvd STE H
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 966-8158
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Eddy Joelson, MD M
ID No. JG0054
1 Scripps Dr STE 202
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 927-1114
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
1 Scripps Dr STE 202
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 927-1114
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Elizabeth J Kailath, MD F
ID No. JG0096
6614 Mercy Ct STE A
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 536-1136
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Donald C Rifas, MD M
ID No. JG0017
3941 J St STE 366
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 733-6260
Languages: French
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Pira Rochanayon, MD M
ID No. JG0022
3811 Florin Rd STE 23
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 399-1171
Languages: Laotian and Thai
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Eric G Tepper, MD M
ID No. JG0239
5030 J St STE 201
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 455-1155
Languages: German and
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Sandra E Willis, MD F
ID No. JG0411
4629 Whitney Ave STE 2
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 482-9800
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
Bradley A Cimino, CA M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Acupuncture
Bradley E Chipps, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Tanuja R Raju, MD F
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Joseph T Marino, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Travis A Miller, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Anesthesiology
Nick Majetich Jr, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Child Neurology
Walt Marquardt, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chli dNeurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Harold K Humphreys, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Micheal G Chez, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Cardiovascular Disease
Arash Aryana, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Padraig G ONeill, MD M
Sacramento, CA
James G Barger, DC M
Folsom, CA
David A Bayne, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Margaret M Penkala, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Paul K Schmidt, DC M
Sacramento, CA
Rohit Bhaskar, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Joseph E Rahman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
John S Sosine, DC M
Roseville, CA
Michael L Chang, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Karanjit Singh, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Clinical Genetics
John Chin, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Jeffrey A Southard, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Howard H Dinh, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Rajendra S Sudan, MD M
Folsom, CA
James M Foerster, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Patricia A Takeda, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Mehrdad Jafarzadeh, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Danny W Tsoi, MD M
Auburn, CA
Ajay K Joshi, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Lynn K Mclean, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cil nci al Genetci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
John R Dein, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
John B Hackert, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
James O Myers, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Ranganath Pathak, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
David Rodriguez, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Roy F Kaku, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Richard J Kaplon, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Jeanne Yu, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Joseph Kozina, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Allen S Morris, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Peter J Zegarra, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Tennyson G Lee, MD M
Auburn, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Stephen J Rossiter, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Timothy Y Lee, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Kapil Sharma, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Reginald I Low, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Frank N Slachman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
David J Magorien, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Critical Care Med (n
Saman Hayatdovoudi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CrticalCareMed(n
Critical Care Medicine
Nasrollah Ahmadpour, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CrticalCareMedci ne
Imran Aurangzeb, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CrticalCareMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Critical Care Medicine
Lawrence D Bistrong, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Jon A Erickson, MD M
Auburn, CA
Jack C Kraft, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Wali A Danesh, MD
Folsom, CA
Stephen C Goetz, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Allen I Lin, DO M
Elk Grove, CA
Marvin G Gatz, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Scott B Hearth, MD M
Roseville, CA
Adam Seiver, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Daniel P Ikeda, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Artur Z Henke, MD M
Roseville, CA
Ban G Truong, DO M
Elk Grove, CA
Janice E Manjuck, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Layne Hersh, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Imran Mohammed, MD M
Roseville, CA
Monica A Lawry, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Nagaraj, MD M
Carmichael, CA
David No, MD M
Folsom, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Manish R Upadhyay, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Endocrinology &
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Margaret E Parsons, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Kanwaldeep S
Randhawa, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Adeela N Ansari, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metbaol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Marc A Silverstein, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Ulhas M Nadgir, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metbaol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Sreenivas R Ravuri, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Jazim I Rubaii, MD
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Elliott L Adams, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Alfred T Gaddis, MD M
El Dorado Hills, CA
An Yen, MD M
Folsom, CA
El Dorado Hills, CA
Summer R Youker, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Jon D Overholt, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Douglas T Pleatman, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Lawrence J Bass, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Family Practice
Andrea Willey, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Brent E Van Hoozen, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatophathol ogy
Alison A Boudreaux, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Sheila M Braunstein, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Gregory M Bricca, MD M
Roseville, CA
Emergency Medicine
Alisa Sabin, MD F
Stockton, CA
Anne S Braunstein, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Auburn, CA
Greg Hachigian, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Paul E Kaplan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Jacqueline M Calkin, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
David M Arenson, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
John M Canio, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
William K Chen, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Rakesh K Parikh, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Lisa M Guirguis, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Rekha Cheruvattath, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Robert Pecha, MD M
Folsom, CA
Darrow E Haagensen
Jr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Theodor Feinstat, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Nazir A Rahim, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Wen M Long, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Gautam N Gandhi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Jasbir S Rangi, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Clifford C Marr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Jeffrey A Goldstein, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Ransibrahmanakul, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
John T Hata, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Lawrence W Milne, MD M
Citrus Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Mark W Redor, MD M
Folsom, CA
Patrick J OMalley, MD M
Folsom, CA
Kuldip S Sandhu, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Thiru Rajagopal, MD M
Sacramento, CA
De Tan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Benjamin D Shadle, MD M
Roseville, CA
Randell P Vallero, MD
Carmichael, CA
John Tiedeken, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Sidney Yassinger, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Richard E Ward, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Todd W Zimmerman, MD M
Carmichael, CA
General Vascular
General Surgery
Romel E Velastegui, MD
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Vascual r
Alexander H Low, MD M
Folsom, CA
Michael M Aguilar, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Richard E Ward, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Anand Madan, MD M
Roseville, CA
Musbah Al-Salti, MD M
Sacramento, CA
MIchael S Mahoney, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Kathryn C Amirikia, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Roy M Matsuyama, MD M
Roseville, CA
Ajit S Deol, MD M
Fair Oaks, CA
Frederic B Newman, MD M
Folsom, CA
Afshin Eslami, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ronald K Hsu, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Thomas J Imperato, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Drew C Ingram, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ralph E Koldinger, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hansen Kwok, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Shahin Laghaee, MD M
Turlock, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Vascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Richard Leach, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Gynecology Oncology
Kevin S Elliott, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Hand Surgery-Orthopaedic
Bilal Naseer, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Scott R Lipson, MD
Sacramento, CA
Vinod Trivedi, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Christopher J Wilson M
Sacramento, CA
Internal Medicine
Kuo S Ooi, MD M
Rocklin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Saunders C Hsu, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Jazim I Rubaii, MD
Sacramento, CA
Kyung N Kim, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Sultan A Sultan, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Naveen K Atray, MD
Sacramento, CA
Samer Shihabi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Maternal & Fetal
John R Ballenger, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Yung S Yim, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Jean-Claude Veille, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Adarsh Bhat, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Hematology Oncology
Medical Oncology
Gregory R Blair, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Mansoor Javeed, MD M
Folsom, CA
Don Chang, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Joy L Graf, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Jan M Lanouette
Conley, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Arthur E Lyons III, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Matrenal &FetaMel dci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Lana Gafter, MD F
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
David T Harrison, MD M
Sacramento, CA
John M Kailath, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Elena V Gelfand, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
John M Kailath, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Ram N Lalchandani, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Ram N Lalchandani, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Luko M Laptalo, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Luko M Laptalo, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Delphine W Ong, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Yi Sheng Lee, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Nitin Rohatgi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Shirish A Mahajan, MD M
Folsom, CA
Samer Shihabi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Infectious Diseases
Colin P Spears, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Richard D Defelice, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Nora W Wu, MD
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Ranjani Kalyan, MD F
Roseville, CA
Kambhampati, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Rohit Kashyap, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sourabh P Kharait, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Roger A Lieberman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ratnaji B Nallamothu, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
David S Pai, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Tarang B Patel, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Asish Ghoshal, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Nurse Practitioner
Stanley W Ruggles, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Vladimir S Rafanov, MD
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nurse Practi oner
Gregory D Spin, DO M
Roseville, CA
Ardeep K Sekhon, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Anne M Adams, MD F
Fair Oaks, CA
Monica Srivastava F
Roseville, CA
David S Seminer, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Kathy L Adams Berry, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Brian D Thornton, MD M
Roseville, CA
Firdos S Sheikh, MD F
Folsom, CA
Nathan H Allen, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Johan Winoto, MD M
Sacramento, CA
James C Stoody, MD M
Roseville, CA
Rita A Biesen-Bradley, MD F
Roseville, CA
Neurological Surgery
Nora W Wu, MD
Sacramento, CA
Bruce A Bob, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Lydia M Wytrzes, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Parvinder K Bola, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Nadine H Yassa, MD F
Roseville, CA
Stuart G Bostrom, MD M
Roseville, CA
Dahlia M Bu, MD M
Fair Oaks, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Hamidreza Aliabadi M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Andrew Fox, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Barry N French, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Nikki R Love, NP F
West Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Tushar M Goradia, MD M
Fair Oaks, CA
Marcia Craig Smith, PsyD F
Auburn, CA
Jennifer S Jennings, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Jenifer L Burkhalter, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Praveen Prasad, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Jessee D Babbitz, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Harold G Burton, MD M
Roseville, CA
Kawanaa Carter, MD F
Folsom, CA
Dina M Canavero, MD F
Roseville, CA
Shailesh M Asaikar, MD
Sacramento, CA
Michael Chan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Victor K Chan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Richard P Atkinson, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Bahram B Chehrazi, MD M
Roseville, CA
Carol L Conrad
Forrest, MD F
Elk Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurophysi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Cully A Cobb III, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Kavian Shahi, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Jeffrey R Cragun, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
A Reza Ehyai, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
John K Yen, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Jay Curkendall, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Fouad D Darwish, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Jacqueline Ho, MD F
Roseville, CA
Sandra Mendez, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Lindsey Dawson, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Dana R Jacques, MD F
Roseville, CA
Judith Mikacich, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Gregory E Douglas, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Ira T Joyner Jr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Robert G Myers, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Erwin A Eichhorn, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Olivia T Juhn, MD F
Roseville, CA
Julie Nguyen, DO F
Sacramento, CA
Mary M Finegan, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Marvin H Kamras, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Katherine A Overton, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Laurel A Finta, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Monica R
Kasrazadeh, MD F
Folsom, CA
Timothy E Phelan, MD M
Folsom, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Wiley Fowler, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Antoinette Khowong, MD F
Roseville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Steven Polansky, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Tatiana I Fromlak, MD F
Roseville, CA
Orel H Knight, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Marina Rasnow-Hill, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
William M Gilbert, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Blake R Lambourne, MD M
Roseville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
David H Scates, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Carrie A Gordon, MD F
Folsom, CA
Penny L Larson, MD
Elk Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Anjali Sharma, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Akiba E Green, DO F
Sacramento, CA
Leonard K Lehr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Gail N Shaw, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Laurie C Gregg, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Abraham D Lerner, MD M
Roseville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jennifer U Spiegel, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Hanns C Haesslein, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Chainaronk Limanon, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Denise L Sweeney, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Ruth E Haskins, MD F
Folsom, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Herman L Hedriana, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Wesley S Hilger, MD
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Stephen g Hiuga, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Christopher M
Lindeken, MD M
Auburn, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Carol Livingston, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Tanya Maagdenberg, MD
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Jo L Taylor, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Dariush Tonkaboni, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
John O Womach, MD M
Rancho Cordova, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Mark Z Zhang, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Thomas E Melchione, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
H T Patchett, MD M
Auburn, CA
Arun C Patel, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optmo etry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Colin B Arnold, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Dwight E Clark, OD M
Rancho Cordova, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Lewis S Bliss, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Joel A Pearlman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Loche Johnson, DDS M
Sacramento, CA
James M Reece Jr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Preddis Sullivan, DDS M
Roseville, CA
John B Reed, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Charles Bradbrook, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jacob W Brubaker, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Margaret A Chang, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
Paris E Royo, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-OralMaxli ofacai l Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-OralMaxli ofacai l Surgery
Steven J Barad, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jenny Chou, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Michael J Sakamoto, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Robert L Cameto, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ronald J Cole, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Denise Satterfield, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Michael A Cerruti, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Howard D Cooper, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Michael J Schermer, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Daniel M Damico, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Robert A Equi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Christian Serdahl, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Mark E Endicott, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Alexander Grand, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Patricia B Sierra, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Erin E Forest, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Richard D
Grutzmacher, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Cecille G Taylor, MD F
Folsom, CA
David G Telander, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Richard A Jones, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Tony Tsai, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Richard A Lewis, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Dorotheea O
Warmerdam, MD F
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Martin R Goldberg, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Robert T Wendel, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Shawn L Palmer, MD M
Folsom, CA
Scott T Gherini, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
David W Ottman, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael S Jedrzynski, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Scott K Fujii, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Stephen K Wong, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
David R Gotham JR, DO M
Rocklin, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Hunter S Greene, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Guy P Guilfoy, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Richard D Heater, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Orthopedic Surgery
Alan M Hirahara, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Harold B Strauch, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Kevin X McKennan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Stephen M Howell, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Robert M Tamurian, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Randall A Ow, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Harry A Khasigian, MD M
Sacramento, CA
James M Van Den
Bogaerde, MD M
Folsom, CA
Winston C Vaughan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Michael W Leathers, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Dana R Verch, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
George J Lian, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Geoffrey P Wiedeman
Jr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Timothy P Mar, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Richard G Areen, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Philip Bernstein, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Paul M Sasaura, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Karen J Fong, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Peter N Sfakianos, MD F
Folsom, CA
Michael J Kearns, MD M
Fair Oaks, CA
Howard F Shortley Jr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
David J Kiener, MD M
Roseville, CA
Robert R Slater Jr, MD M
Folsom, CA
John R Macri, MD M
Roseville, CA
Pediatric Endocrinology
Floyd L Culler III, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Jacquelyn K Chyu, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Neonatal-P
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Pediatric Neonatal-P
Steven L Schule, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Catherine L Vincent, SP F
Folsom, CA
David A Evans, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Prakasam, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Donald J Clutter, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Gary A
Schneiderman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Michael C Yang, MD M
El Dorado Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
George D Picetti III, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Glenn A Powers, PhD M
Folsom, CA
Edward W Younger III, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Nancy H Appelblatt, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Christopher O
Neubuerger, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Roger B Stephens, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Paul K Metzger, MD M
Folsom, CA
Donna Anne K
Kalauokalani, MD F
Folsom, CA
Cedric L Wong, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Pain Management
Carolyn E Getman, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Neonatal-P
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Hanns C Haesslein, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Neonatal-P
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Robert A Kahle, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Neonatal-P
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Neonatal-P
Sherrie S McElvy, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Vinay M Reddy, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Bruce D Gorlick, DPM M
Sacramento, CA
Plastic Surgery
Richard Gould, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Craig E Berris, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Ernest J Hook, DPM M
Folsom, CA
Richard S Lloren, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Joseph R Coscia, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Kuo S Ooi, MD M
Rocklin, CA
Scott D Green, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Lynne Hackert, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Neonat -l P
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Katherine L Kalthoff, DPM F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Robert W Larsen, DPM M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Brian A McDowell, DPM M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Joy L Graf, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Perinatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Debra J Johnson, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Physical Med & Rehab
Dennis W McKibben, DPM M
Sacramento, CA
Susan M Ryan, DPM F
Auburn, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Alicia Abels, MD F
Folsom, CA
James T Lin, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
George C Lin, DO M
Sacramento, CA
Zahid B Niazi, MD
Elk Grove, CA
Imad M Rashid, MD M
Roseville, CA
Matthew J Nykiel, MD M
Roseville, CA
Physical Medicine &
Charles W Perry, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Pulmonary Disease
Rita Bermudez, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Jason H Solomon, MD M
Roseville, CA
Muhammad Afzal, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Dennis M Hembd, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Wayne I Yamahata, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Shawn S Aghili, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Michael J Henry, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Imran Aurangzeb, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Alton J Smalley, DPM M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Michael A Uro, DPM M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Craig A Wilkes, DPM M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Bradley E Chipps, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Amy L Duckworth, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Moola P Reddy, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Lawrence D Bistrong, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Carla I Docharty, DPM F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Margaret Portwood, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Paul Bilunos, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Thomas A Delzotto, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Stephen I Mann, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Jamie A Bakal, DPM F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Ethelynda T Jaojoco, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Alan P Cubre, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Disease
Richard D Defelice, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Michael E Thelen, MD M
Fair Oaks, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Sacramento, CA
Ahmadpour, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Marvin G Gatz, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Kapil Dhawan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Neil L Wood Jr, MD M
Auburn, CA
G H Hayat, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Imran Mohammed, MD M
Roseville, CA
Saman Hayatdovoudi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Bradley W Schroeder, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Daniel P Ikeda, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Radiation Oncology
Robert P Freed, MD M
Fair Oaks, CA
Monte P Fisher, MD M
Manteca, CA
Jack D Friedlander, MD M
Roseville, CA
Hsinju R Gatschet, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml on l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml on l ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml on l ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Amitabha Karmakar, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Sreenivas R Ravuri, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Mark W Lischner, MD M
Roseville, CA
Daniel I Loube, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Michael J Murray, MD M
Roseville, CA
Peter J Murphy, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Shirin Ahmad, MD
Folsom, CA
Nagaraj, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Anupama Bhat, MD F
Fair Oaks, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Kanwaldeep S
Randhawa, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Douglas M
Haselwood, MD M
Fair Oaks, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Douglas E Roberts, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Scott C Braley, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Joshua L Jones, DO M
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Alan G Mcnabb, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Mohammed Siddiqui, MD
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Costanzo Diperna, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
James F Brennan, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Samuel Chan, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Brent E Van Hoozen, MD M
Roseville, CA
Alan Yee, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Richard R Stack, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml on l ogy
Richard T Kim, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Kenneth B Wiesner, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Raul Romea, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
David Couillard, MD M
Rocklin, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Robert F Shapiro, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Julia B Golden, DO F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Kiumars R Hekmat, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hill Phys Med Grp-Sacramento, continued
Specialty Physicians - Urology
Javid Javidan Nejad, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Brian N Naftulin, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Udayshankar R
Poonamallee, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Prithipal S Sethi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Vascular Surgery
Jung J Lim, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Norman D Reyes, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Ali T Tajlil, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Mental Health Providers
For a list of mental health
providers please go to the
Mental Health Providers
section on page 133.
Para obtener una lista de
proveedores de salud mental
visite la sección Proveedores
de Salud Mental en la página
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network
Affiliated Hospitals
Stuart A Bussey, MD M
ID No. EL0048
31 Panoramic Way STE 201
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 934-7691
Languages: Spanish
John Muir Medical Center
Concord Campus L
2540 East St
Concord, CA 94520
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Muir Medical Center
Walnut Creek Campus L
1601 Ygnacio Valley Rd
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Urgent Care Centers
Patricia S Carter, MD F
ID No. EL0052
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 330
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 225-1234
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Diane B Chandler, DO F
ID No. EL1533
5161 Clayton Rd STE F
Concord, CA 94521
(925) 609-8282
Languages: Czech and
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
David C Chang, MD M
ID No. EL0057
1812 San Miguel Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 944-9193
Languages: Chinese and
Family Practice
Scott C Bledsoe, DO M
ID No. EL0033
2400 Balfour Rd STE 120
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8112
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Leatrice L Chang, MD F
ID No. EL0061
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 947-0417
John T Cho, MD M
ID No. EL0065
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9744
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Randolph J Clarke, MD M
ID No. EL0067
3436 Hillcrest Ave STE 150
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 777-0477
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Laura J Dalton, MD F
ID No. EL0071
1440 Military West STE 101
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-0711
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Padma Dasari, MD F
ID No. EL0749
1620 Pennsylvania Ave
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 421-2229
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Uma S Desai, MD F
ID No. EL0583
907 San Ramon Valley Blvd
STE 104
Danville, CA 94526
(925) 837-1044
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 947-0417
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vandana Duggal, MD
ID No. EL0568
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 330
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 225-1234
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
James L Edwards, MD M
ID No. EL0075
3725 Lone Tree Wy STE C
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 754-1205
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
James E Eichel, MD M
ID No. EL0009
1776 Ygnacio Valley Rd
STE 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 933-4383
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Siamak Elyasi, MD M
ID No. EL0011
3720 Sunset Ln STE A
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 779-9601
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2220 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-3318
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Louis A Enrique, MD M
ID No. EL0017
3432 Hillcrest Ave STE 150
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 754-6611
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sean A Feezell, DO M
ID No. EL0022
5401 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 204
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 275-9288
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Faranak S Fiedler, MD F
ID No. EL1590
2301 Camino Ramon STE 180
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-1005
Languages: Farsi
Richard I Gracer, MD M
ID No. EL0034
5401 Norris Cyn Rd STE 102
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 277-1100
Languages: Spanish
Ralph Fong Jr, MD M
ID No. EL0024
2305 Camino Ramon STE 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8050
Seymour Greenstein, MD M
ID No. EL0037
380 Civic Dr STE 100
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 676-1700
Neil S Fruman, MD M
ID No. EL0027
3466 Mt Diablo Blvd
STE C104
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-4442
Rachelle T Hanft, MD F
ID No. EL0755
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Biqi Gao, MD F
ID No. EL0732
2485 High School Ave
STE 204
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 676-1995
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Lance R Gibson, MD M
ID No. EL0738
2400 Balfour Rd STE 120
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8112
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Patrick B Harpole, MD M
ID No. EL0633
401 Gregory Lane STE 238
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 680-8700
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Julia S Hohman, MD F
ID No. EL0045
1181 Boulevard Way STE B
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 935-3113
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Erik M Gracer, MD M
ID No. EL0032
11030 Bollinger Canyon Rd
STE 200
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 362-1001
Ethan D Hollander, MD M
ID No. EL0047
2305 Camino Ramon STE 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8050
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
11030 Bollinger Canyon Rd
STE 200
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 362-1001
Brian A Honbo, MD M
ID No. EL0569
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Jonathan B
Humphrey, MD M
ID No. EL0060
4165 Blackhawk Plaza Cir
STE 100
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 736-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Ravinder S Hundal, MD M
ID No. EL0062
401 Gregory Ln STE 104
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 682-2401
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Adric H Huynh, MD M
ID No. EL0599
2400 Balfour Rd STE 120
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8112
Languages: Vietnamese
Hamidreza M
Khonsari, MD M
ID No. EL0078
3903 Lone Tree Wy STE 104
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 755-1255
Languages: Persian
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Richard D Kilker Jr, MD M
ID No. EL1506
87 Fenton St STE 210
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 373-0337
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kristina J Kim F
ID No. EL0648
1440 Military W STE 101
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-0711
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Patrick V Jolin, MD M
ID No. EL0072
401 Gregory Ln STE 248
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 689-4010
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Derek J Jue, MD M
ID No. EL0076
1812 San Miguel Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 944-9193
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Steven M Kaplan, MD M
ID No. EL0639
5439 Clayton Rd STE B
Clayton, CA 94517
(925) 672-6744
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Paul H Kim, MD M
ID No. EL0083
1776 Ygnacio Valley Rd
STE 201
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 288-0828
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
140 Gregory Ln STE 280
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 288-0828
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Surinder S Kohal, MD
ID No. EL0090
2400 Balfour Rd STE 120
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8112
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
Tien H Lam, MD M
ID No. EL0096
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9737
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Lillian W Leong, DO F
ID No. EL0275
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9746
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Nicolas E Makhoul, MD M
ID No. EL0289
401 Gregory Ln STE 104
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 682-2401
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Theresa B Manaloto, MD F
ID No. EL0291
2400 Balfour Rd STE 120
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8112
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shelly M Maramonte, MD F
ID No. EL0293
1440 Military West
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-0711
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Naomi R Mata, MD F
ID No. EL0605
2301 Camino Ramon Bishop
Ranch 11 STE 180
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-1005
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maureen Mbadike
Obiora, MD
ID No. EL0557
2415 High School Ave
STE 300
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 685-8894
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Marie J Mcglynn, MD F
ID No. EL0298
3291 Walnut Blvd STE 100
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 513-9495
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nathalie Michaud, MD F
ID No. EL0706
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 947-0417
Languages: French
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kishore V Nath, MD M
ID No. EL0554
2305 Camino Ramon STE 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8050
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Andrew Ness, MD M
ID No. EL0309
3807 Lone Tree Way
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 757-3130
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Fredric C Morgan, MD M
ID No. EL0304
5776 Stoneridge Mall STE 175
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 600-0660
Nicole Nurse, DO F
ID No. EL1594
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
Afsheen Mostofi, DO M
ID No. EL0608
2305 Camino San Ramon
STE 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8050
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Tighe R Ohanrahan, MD M
ID No. EL0313
120 La Casa Via STE 106
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 934-5380
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dolores K Musco, MD F
ID No. EL0305
2301 Camino Ramon Bishop
Ranch 11 STE 180
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-1005
Languages: Polish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark P Musco, MD M
ID No. EL0306
2301 Camino Ramon Bishop
Ranch 11 STE 180
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-1005
Languages: Polish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Thuthuy T Phamle, MD
ID No. EL0132
2400 Balfour Rd STE 120
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8112
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gurinder K
Randhawa, MD M
ID No. EL0142
401 Gregory Ln STE 104
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 682-2401
Languages: French, German
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jessica B Roberts, MD F
ID No. EL1530
3440 Hillcrest Ave STE 150
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 779-1331
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John W Roberts, MD M
ID No. EL0148
4165 Blackhawk Plaza Circle
STE 100
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 736-7070
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jolanta M Omski, MD F
ID No. EL0085
2301 Camino Ramon Bishop
Ranch 11 STE 180
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-1005
Languages: Polish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Shawndra C Parise, MD F
ID No. EL0097
2301 Camino Ramon Bishop
Ranch 11 STE 180
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-1005
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
5720 Stoneridge Mall STE 330
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 225-1234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
2400 Balfour Rd STE 230
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 935-0627
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Adriana A Sablan, DO F
ID No. EL0593
2400 Balfour Rd STE 120
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8112
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael J Schierman, MD M
ID No. EL0209
4165 Blackhawk Plaza Circle
STE 265
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 648-7140
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Douglas E Severance, MD M
ID No. EL0224
5601 Norris Cyn Rd STE 330
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 275-0400
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jasleen K Sohal, MD F
ID No. EL1574
1455 Montego
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 933-0707
Languages: Punjabi
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Shobana S
Vankipuram, MD F
ID No. EL1540
4165 Blackhawk Plaza Circle
STE 100
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 736-7070
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2455 San Ramon Valley Rd
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 552-1000
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9736
Languages: Punjabi
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
3424 Camino Tassajara Rd
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 736-7070
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen J Sommer, MD M
ID No. EL0600
911 Moraga Rd
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 962-9120
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Michael S Varon, MD M
ID No. EL0239
5161 Clayton Rd STE F
Concord, CA 94521
(925) 609-8282
Jana Tomsky, MD F
ID No. EL0216
5439 Clayton Rd STE B
Clayton, CA 94517
(925) 672-6744
Languages: Czech
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Herbert J Ure, MD M
ID No. EL0233
3466 Mt Diablo Bl STE C104
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-4442
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Vicky Valverde Salas, MD F
ID No. EL0746
2299 Bacon St STE 6
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 691-1900
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Catherine M Wang, MD F
ID No. EL0240
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 947-0417
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alphaeus M Wise, MD M
ID No. EL0243
1150 Civic Dr STE 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 935-3113
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tsung-Pi P Wong, MD M
ID No. EL0649
1133 E Stanley Blvd STE 117
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 371-8885
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Amber L Yee, MD F
ID No. EL0248
3440 Hillcrest Ave STE 150
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 779-1331
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Paige A Yoshisato, MD F
ID No. EL0249
155 Glen Cove Marina Rd
STE 100
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 558-8699
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Walter J Zaks, MD M
ID No. EL0252
1440 Military West STE 101
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-0711
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine
Johnson O Adeyanju, MD M
ID No. EL1586
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Pacita R Aducayen, MD
ID No. EL0004
2250 Gladstone Dr STE 2
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-6208
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Galicano C Andal, MD M
ID No. EL0008
2250 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 439-3334
Languages: Spanish and
Lyudmila Beyzer, MD F
ID No. EL0023
108 La Casa Via STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 935-5290
Languages: Russian and
Natalie H Chang, MD F
ID No. EL0734
1450 Treat Blvd STE 250B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9707
Languages: Chinese and
Carlos E Andersen, MD M
ID No. EL0010
3301 Clayton Rd
Concord, CA 94519
(925) 685-3020
Languages: Serbo-Croatian
and Spanish
Anita Bhat, MD F
ID No. EL0717
2182 East St
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 685-4224
Languages: Kannada and
Kausalya N
Chennapragada, MD F
ID No. EL1572
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
Maria E Andrae
Hammond, MD F
ID No. EL0737
140 Brookwood Rd STE 201
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9090
K Narasimha N Bhat, MD M
ID No. EL0026
2182 East St
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 685-4224
Languages: Hindi
Mei Y Chow Kwan, MD F
ID No. EL0063
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 932-3798
Jose R Arias Vera, MD M
ID No. EL1524
2211 East St
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 603-1363
Languages: Spanish
James A Blackwell, MD M
ID No. EL0029
87 Fenton St STE 210
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 373-0337
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Joy S Bloch, MD F
Tasneem Bader-Omarali, MD ID No. EL0598
ID No. EL0012
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120A
2324 Santa Rita Rd STE 11
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 296-9753
(925) 417-7505
David I Bressler, MD M
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
ID No. EL0043
2700 Grant St STE 200
Fred Bayon, MD M
ID No. EL0013
Concord, CA 94520
155 Glen Cove Marina
(925) 677-0500
STE 100
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 558-8699
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Chinnavuth P De
Monteiro, MD M
ID No. EL0074
2415 High School Ave
STE 800
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 687-5210
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Baldomero Deleon, MD M
ID No. EL0710
1479 Ygnacio Valley Rd
STE 201
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 932-1018
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Gerald R Delrio, MD M
ID No. EL0002
2220 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-3318
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Lee B Eisan, MD M
ID No. EL1577
907 San Ramon Valley Blvd
Danville, CA 94526
(925) 837-7409
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Yelena Gambarin, MD F
ID No. EL1591
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Garima Gandhir, DO F
ID No. EL1592
2220 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-3318
Victorina P Hoffmann, MD F
ID No. EL1593
1081 Market Place STE 200
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8800
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2400 Balfour Rd STE 306
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 432-3318
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Janet E Gaston, MD F
ID No. EL0028
1505 St Alphonsus Wy
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 838-4633
Parham Gharagozlou, MD M
ID No. EL0744
3108 Willow Pass Rd
Concord, CA 94519
(925) 849-6634
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Frank C Hsueh, MD M
ID No. EL0054
5401 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 202
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 786-5322
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Juana Gonzalez
Aguirre, MD F
ID No. EL0779
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Denise M Hilliard, MD M
ID No. EL0042
907 San Ramon Vly STE 104
Danville, CA 94526
(925) 837-1044
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ravinder N Gupta, MD M
ID No. EL0733
3741 Sunset Ln STE B
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 778-2310
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Lisa A Hudson, MD F
ID No. EL0056
1450 Treat Blvd STE 220A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9754
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Elise M
Hughes-Watkins, MD F
ID No. EL0058
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9721
Languages: Danish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vinita V Jain, MD F
ID No. EL0069
2485 High School Ave
STE 107
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 686-0259
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vivekanand Jain, MD M
ID No. EL0070
2485 High School Ave
STE 107
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 686-0259
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Loreta Kalish, MD F
ID No. EL0080
1220 Rossmoor Parkway
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 939-1220
Languages: Russian
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Tehmina Kanwal, MD F
ID No. EL0745
911 Moraga Rd STE 101
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 962-9120
Languages: Pashtu/Pushto,
Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Michael D Kassels, DO M
ID No. EL0059
2339 Almond Ave
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 687-6111
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
100 Cortona Wy STE 160
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 513-9177
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Irina V Kolomey, DO F
ID No. EL0578
2220 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-3318
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2400 Balfour Rd STE 306
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 634-0425
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Anita Krishnamurthy, MD F
ID No. EL0093
140 Brookwood Rd STE 201
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9090
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
ID No. EL0776
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 947-0417
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pandora Lee, MD F
ID No. EL0705
2415 High School Ave
STE 800
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 287-5210
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Manisha Malhotra, MD F
ID No. EL0665
1505 St Alphonsus Way
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 838-5750
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joseph Y Mardanzai, MD M
ID No. EL1587
11030 Bollinger Canyon Rd
STE 240
San Ramon, CA 94582
(925) 736-1001
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jatinder P Marwaha, MD M
ID No. EL0296
1081 Market Pl STE 200
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8800
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
112 La Casa Via STE 120
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 930-9120
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
ID No. EL0777
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 947-0417
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Sujatha Rajagopalan, MD F
ID No. EL0687
2301 Camino Ramon STE 110
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 361-5531
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Ramaswamy, MD F
ID No. EL1549
140 Brookwood Rd STE 201
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9090
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Smrutirekha Misra, MD
ID No. EL0302
2301 Camino Ramon STE 110
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 361-5550
ID No. EL0729
Languages: Hindi
100 Cortona Wy STE 140
Brentwood, CA 94513
Neil R Okamura, DO M
(925) 516-4488
ID No. EL0316
Languages: Tagalog
1320 El Capitan Dr STE 310
Danville, CA 94526
Soo Rhee, MD F
(925) 244-9355
ID No. EL1589
5820 Stoneridge Mall Rd
Iqbal I Omarali, MD M
STE 101
ID No. EL0081
Pleasanton, CA 94588
2324 Santa Rita Rd STE 11
(925) 224-0720
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 417-7505
Meena M Rijhwani, MD F
ID No. EL1535
Neesha S Pammi, MD F
1450 Treat Blvd STE 220A
ID No. EL0095
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
2021 Mt Diablo Blvd STE 100 (925) 296-9752
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Languages: Hindi
(925) 930-9978
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Bakul T Roy, MD M
ID No. EL0166
2301 Camino Ramon
STE 290
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-7090
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
2301 Camino Ramon
STE 290
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-7090
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
5601 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 340
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8080
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
5601 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 340
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8080
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Sung H Ryoo, MD M
ID No. EL0181
2250 Gladstone Dr STE 1
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-8422
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hari K Samplay, MD M
ID No. EL0198
2182 East St
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 597-0202
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Sarah R Sanders, MD F
ID No. EL0756
1450 Treat Blvd STE 140
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9726
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Juan R Sequeira, MD M
ID No. EL0218
2260 Gladstone Dr STE 7
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 427-4277
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Yshay M Shlesinger, MD M
ID No. EL0450
400 El Cerro Blvd STE 106
Danville, CA 94526
(925) 552-5280
Languages: Hebrew
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joseph H Siino, MD M
ID No. EL0227
5601 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 340
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-8080
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arseen E Soliman, MD M
ID No. EL0244
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sam Sundar, MD M
ID No. EL0087
2415 High School Ave
STE 700
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 680-6846
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael T Temkin, DO M
ID No. EL0094
1081 Market Pl STE 300
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 866-3900
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Maha B Toma, MD F
ID No. EL1518
3466 Mt Diablo Blvd
STE C104
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-4442
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Yogesh K Trehan, MD M
ID No. EL0226
100 Cortona Wy STE 140
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 516-4488
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Matthew D Walvick, DO M
ID No. EL0731
1450 Treat Blvd STE 250B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9732
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
James J Woods, MD M
ID No. EL0247
1505 St Alphonsus Way
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 838-4633
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Tricia Yeap, MD F
ID No. EL0555
1450 Treat Blvd STE 250A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9706
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Wengang Zhang, MD M
ID No. EL0255
2220 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-3318
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
3720 Sunset Ln STE A
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 779-9601
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Jennifer L Anderson, MD F
ID No. EL1451
930 Dewing Ave
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-1800
PCPs-Pedai trics
Marian Birdsall, MD F
ID No. EL1423
1844 San Miguel Dr STE 310
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 937-6000
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Katharine Brown, MD F
ID No. EL1458
Richard D Ash, MD M
1505 St Alphonsus Wy
ID No. EL1475
Alamo, CA 94507
5720 Stoneridge Mall STE 240
(925) 838-7337
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Languages: Polish and
(925) 463-1234
Also located at:
Jennifer L Burgham, MD F
1776 Ygnacio Rd STE 100
ID No. EL1429
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
2165 East St
(925) 933-4383
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 827-9195
Lisa M Asta, MD F
ID No. EL1456
Soter Ming M Chang, md M
301 Lennon Ln STE 203
ID No. EL1472
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
1816 San Miguel Dr
(925) 939-7334
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Languages: Spanish
(925) 935-1298
Also located at:
Languages: Cantonese and
140 Gregory Ln STE 280
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Cristina Chua Lim, MD F
(925) 288-0828
ID No. EL1482
Languages: Spanish
1822 San Miguel Dr
Kelly D Beatty, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
ID No. EL1437
(925) 945-3580
2165 East St
Paul S Cortez, MD M
Concord, CA 94520
ID No. EL1439
(925) 827-9195
2305 Camino Ramon STE 120
Languages: Spanish
San Ramon, CA 94583
Eileen H Benway, MD F
(925) 275-3888
ID No. EL1428
Languages: Spanish
1844 San Miguel Dr STE 310
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 937-6000
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
Maria T Deleon
Tallman, MD F
ID No. EL1427
1261 Travis Blvd STE 190
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 426-5693
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Pedai trics
Lisa A Erburu, MD F
ID No. EL1431
5601 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 230
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 277-7550
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
1776 Ygnacio Vallley STE 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 933-4383
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
5720 Stoneridge Mall STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
PCPs-Pedai trics
James D Evans, MD M
ID No. EL1447
4 Country Club Plz
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Patricia O Francis, MD F
ID No. EL1470
930 Dewing Ave
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-1800
Languages: German
PCPs-Pedai trics
Jaime Garcia, MD M
ID No. EL1422
1191 Central Blvd STE D
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 240-7337
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Carol L Gill, MD F
ID No. EL0757
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Harry S Huang, MD M
ID No. EL0758
1776 Ygnacio Vly Rd
STE 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 933-4383
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
1134 Murrieta Blvd
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Also located at:
3700 Sunset Lane STE 6
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 755-8500
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Gretchen D Graves, MD F
ID No. EL1471
2260 Gladstone Dr STE 2
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 427-0391
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Carol Y Im, MD F
ID No. EL1450
380 Civic Dr STE 100
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 682-7871
Montgomery L Kong, MD M
ID No. EL1474
1822 San Miguel Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 945-3580
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Michael A Kubalik, MD M
ID No. EL1513
930 Dewing Ave
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-1800
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Purnima G Kudlu, MD F
ID No. EL1565
1450 Treat Blvd STE 140
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9770
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
Gregory P Hahn, MD M
ID No. EL1468
1505 St Alphonsus Wy
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 838-7337
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Nasser Jafarian, MD M
ID No. EL1461
2001 Springs Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 648-7337
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
2305 Camino Ramon
STE 120
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 275-3888
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Robert I Kadas, MD
ID No. EL1507
1505 St Alphonsus Wy
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 838-7337
PCPs-Pedai trics
Charles H Hanson, MD M
ID No. EL1473
1855 San Miguel Dr STE 15
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 930-8770
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Erin M Lee, MD F
ID No. EL1435
2305 Camino Ramon
STE 120
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 275-3888
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Anna R Kerr, MD F
ID No. EL1445
1134 Murrieta Blvd
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
Samuel J Lewis, MD M
ID No. EL1460
15 Altarinda Rd STE 100
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 253-1199
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
5720 Stoneridge Mall
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(510) 463-1234
Tobias E Lustig, MD
ID No. EL1455
1822 San Miguel Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 945-3580
PCPs-Pedai trics
Juliana B Herbert, MD F
ID No. EL1457
930 Dewing Ave
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-1800
Sophie A Lay, MD F
ID No. EL1426
2001 Springs Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 648-7337
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Abbas Mahdavi, MD M
ID No. EL0781
3700 Sunset Ln STE 3
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 754-7200
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Pedai trics
Michael H Malone, MD M
ID No. EL1505
930 Dewing Ave
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-1800
PCPs-Pedai trics
Fatma Martin, MD M
ID No. EL1464
2001 Springs Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 648-7337
PCPs-Pedai trics
Jeffrey D Maynard, MD M
ID No. EL0760
1134 Murrieta Blvd
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
4598 S Tracy Blvd STE 110
Tracy, CA 95376
(209) 839-1432
PCPs-Pedai trics
Robin G Meezan, MD F
ID No. EL1419
140 Brookwood Rd STE 201
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9090
PCPs-Pedai trics
Brita C Moilanen, MD F
ID No. EL0761
1134 Murrieta Ave
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
John K Morgan, MD M
ID No. EL1463
380 Civic Dr STE 100
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 682-7871
PCPs-Pedai trics
Stephanie C Moses, MD F
ID No. EL0762
5720 Stoneridge Mall STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Nita H Patel, MD F
ID No. EL1508
2400 Balfour Rd STE 229
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8113
Also located at:
1134 Murrieta Blvd
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
Lorna T Paz, MD F
ID No. EL1421
2400 Balfour Rd STE 229
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8113
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Taraneh Mostaghasi, MD F
ID No. EL1514
3108 Willow Pass Rd
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 849-6633
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Andrew L Nash, MD M
ID No. EL1448
911 San Ramon Valley Blvd
STE 100
Danville, CA 94526
(925) 362-1861
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Randi B Nelson, MD F
ID No. EL0743
2160 Appian Wy STE 100
Pinole, CA 94564
(510) 724-8300
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Trai Hoa T Nguyen, MD F
ID No. EL1446
155 Glen Cove Marina
STE 100
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 558-8699
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Peidatrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
Sam Pejham, MD M
ID No. EL1438
5401 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 304
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 380-6230
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Pedai trics
Cynthia A Quan, MD F
ID No. EL0765
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
5601 Norris Canyon Rd
STE 140
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 277-7550
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Denise O’Riordan, MD F
ID No. EL1510
4165 Blackhawk Plz Cir
STE 100
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 736-7070
PCPs -Peidatrci s
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Asha Ramchandran, MD F
ID No. EL0766
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Languages: German, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Also located at:
1134 Murrieta Blvd STE A
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
Languages: German, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Margaret J Saltzstein, MD F
ID No. EL1444
2305 Camino Ramon
STE 120
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 275-3888
Languages: Spanish
Jody L Ullom, MD F
ID No. EL1453
5720 Stoneridge Mall
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Languages: Farsi
Rina P Shah, MD F
ID No. EL1432
2001 Springs Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 648-7337
Usha Vallamdas, MD F
ID No. EL1532
2400 Balfour Rd STE 302
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 684-7443
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
Alan K Sher, MD M
ID No. EL1462
2001 Springs Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 648-7337
Melissa J Rose, MD F
ID No. EL0767
3700 Sunset Ln STE 6
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 755-8500
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Also located at:
1776 Ygnacio Valley STE 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 933-4383
June Tanaka, MD F
ID No. EL1466
1075 1St STE 1
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-2574
Languages: Japanese
Also located at:
5720 Stoneridge Mall Rd
STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Stephanie Toy, MD F
ID No. EL1442
1261 Travis Blvd STE 190
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 426-5693
Philip A Rush, MD M
ID No. EL1467
91 Gregory Ln STE 15
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 685-0843
Ryan P Tracy, MD M
ID No. EL1511
2299 Bacon St STE 7
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 676-6500
Suresh K Sachdeva, MD M
ID No. EL1449
1081 Market Pl STE 800
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 275-0404
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
Also located at:
1200 Central Blvd STE A
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 516-6888
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
4049 Lone Tree Wy STE G
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 676-6500
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs -Pedai trci s
David Wagner, MD M
ID No. EL1430
91 Gregory Ln STE 15
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 685-0843
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Ting W Wang, MD M
ID No. EL1443
1134 Murrieta Blvd STE A
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-7795
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Gary A Winston, MD M
ID No. EL1469
1075 1ST St
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-2574
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Also located at:
2001 Springs Rd
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 745-2574
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Pelen T Wu, MD F
ID No. EL1424
4 Country Club Plz
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9500
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Lucia Y Yang, MD F
ID No. EL1459
1200 Central Blvd STE A
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 516-6888
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
2299 Bacon St STE 7
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 676-6500
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
4049 Lone Tree Wy STE G
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 676-6500
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Pedai trics
Albert M Yu, MD M
ID No. EL1476
5720 Stoneridge Mall STE 240
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-1234
Michael A Zwerdling, MD M
ID No. EL0763
2160 Appian Way STE 100
Pinole, CA 94564
(510) 724-8300
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Also located at:
11875 Dublin Blvd STE C140
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 587-2500
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Devorah E Ben Zeev, MD F
ID No. EL0018
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9727
Languages: Hebrew and
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Anthony T Bernens, MD M
ID No. EL0020
1450 Treat Blvd STE 220A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9756
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Also located at:
1776 Ygnacio Valley Rd
STE 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 933-4383
PCPs -Peidatrci s
Kenneth V Bowers, MD M
ID No. EL0807
1440 Military West
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-0711
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Johnson O Adeyanju, MD M
ID No. EL0005
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
Also located at:
Languages: French, Nigerian
1776 Ygnacio Vly Rd STE 100 and Spanish
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Susan J
(925) 933-4383
Adler-Bressler, MD F
Yvone G Yu, MD F
ID No. EL0006
ID No. EL1512
2700 Grant St STE 200
5401 Norris Cyn Rd STE 304 Concord, CA 94520
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 677-0500
(925) 380-6230
Yeran Bao, MD M
ID No. EL0753
1220 Rossmoor Pky
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 988-7570
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
1440 Military West
Benicia, CA 94510
(707) 745-0711
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Julie A Cahill, MD F
ID No. EL0546
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Christine M Chang, MD F
ID No. EL0055
4165 Blackhawk Plaza Circle
STE 265
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 648-7144
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Robert Davidson, MD M
ID No. EL0073
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Paul T Endo, MD M
ID No. EL0545
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9718
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Carol L Lamb, MD F
ID No. EL0272
4165 Blackhawk Plz Cir
STE 265
Danville, CA 94506
(925) 648-7144
Lisa D Rood, MD F
ID No. EL1465
2400 Balfour Rd STE 229
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8113
Languages: Spanish
Maeve O Regan, MD
ID No. EL0558
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 947-0417
Michael Russell, MD M
ID No. EL0178
2220 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-3318
Catherine A Owen, MD F
ID No. EL0092
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
Languages: Spanish
Benjamin U Sadoff, MD M
ID No. EL0191
2700 Grant St STE 200
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 677-0500
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Tracy B Goldman, MD F
ID No. EL1509
2400 Balfour Rd STE 229
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 308-8113
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Sandra E Goldstein, MD F
ID No. EL0031
140 Brookwood Rd STE 201
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9090
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Lawren S Hicks, MD M
ID No. EL0041
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9724
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Rebecca A Parish, MD F
ID No. EL0120
1450 Treat Blvd STE 250A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9717
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Hsien Wen Hsu, MD M
ID No. EL0051
2220 Gladstone Dr STE 3
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 432-3318
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Priti H Patel, MD F
ID No. EL0123
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120B
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9743
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Also located at:
2400 Balfour Rd STE 306
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 634-0425
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Nhu Q Pham, MD F
ID No. EL0127
1505 St Alphonsus Way
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 838-5750
Languages: Vietnamese
Richard O Kamrath, MD M
ID No. EL0082
1450 Treat Blvd STE 120A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9731
Languages: Spanish
Ross A Pirkle, MD M
ID No. EL0136
1450 Treat Blvd STE 220A
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 296-9757
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Mary R Sears, MD F
ID No. EL0212
140 Brookwood Rd STE 201
Orinda, CA 94563
(925) 254-9090
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Christopher A
Simmons, MD M
ID No. EL0235
3466 Mt Diablo Blvd
STE C104
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-4442
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Tanya A Threewitt, MD F
ID No. EL0211
5161 Clayton Rd STE F
Concord, CA 94521
(925) 609-8282
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Diane B Wight, MD F
ID No. EL0283
1777 Oakland Blvd STE 103
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 947-1609
Languages: Polish and
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Howard L Zeiger, MD M
ID No. EL0253
1505 St Alphonsus Way
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 838-4633
Carleton T Nibley, MD M
Concord, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Nabil K Abudayeh, MD M
Castro Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Michaela Straznicka, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Agustin J Argenal, MD M
Concord, CA
Kristine W Batten, MD F
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Specialty Physicians
Allergy & Immunology
Shilpi Anand, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Michael A Brown, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
David A Cook, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Paul L Ludmer, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Alejandro R Prieto, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Allyson Tevrizian, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael A Lee, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Paul P Ho, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Fannie W Su, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
John R Krouse, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Gary Gershony, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Bruce F Paterson, MD M
Concord, CA
Patrick E Kavanaugh, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Andrew Dublin, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Nancy B Mozelsio, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
General K Hilliard, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Matthew S Devane, DO M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Matthew J Lodewick, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Faizul Haque, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Sally L Davis, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Barbara I Karpel, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Henry P Gong, MD M
Pittsburg, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Richard M Chang, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Joshua S Jacobs, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Jacques Chahin, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Lacey S Carolyn, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Karna Gendo, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Andrew J Benn, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Ryan A Brown, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Anthony N Demeo, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Paul D McWhirter, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Srikrishin A Rohra, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Howard K Min, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Walter T Savage, MD M
Cardiac Electrophysiology Brentwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Mark D Nathan, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Susan J Eisenberg, MD F
Concord, CA
Perkin M Shiu, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Steven Kang, MD
Oakland, CA
Hennessey Tseng, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Pramodh S Sidhu, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Arie Van Gemeren, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
John D Vu, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Jerral S Seibert, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Douglas W Zlock, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Neal W White, MD M
Brentwood, CA
William Ting, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Family Practice
Christopher W Wulff, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Jay W Zimmerman, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Detlef K Ehling, MD M
Concord, CA
Dale A Giessman, DC M
Brentwood, CA
Anurag Gupta, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Ruqaya Fatima, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Christopher W
Pedretti, DC M
Concord, CA
Emergency Medicine
Hany A Nakhla, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metbaol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Sonal Aggarwal, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Eel ctromyography
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Victoria F Hsiao, DO F
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Adriana A Sablan, DO F
Brentwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Ran S Kim, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Anna R Chang, MD F
Concord, CA
Sandra S Win, MD F
Brentwood, CA
Brian J McGuinness, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Bonnie S Kimmel, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Samuel C Oommen, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Endocrinology &
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Col on& Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Col on& Rectal Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Col on& Rectal Surgery
Critical Care Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Sonia Badreshia, MD F
Danville, CA
Richard O Kamrath, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Edward V Becker, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Peter A Linfoot, MD M
Lafayette, CA
Minh O Dang, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Pragnesh M Patel, MD M
Pittsburg, CA
Robert G Greenberg, MD M
Livermore, CA
Ammar Qoubaitary, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Melinda L Myers, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Yshay M Shlesinger, MD M
Danville, CA
Curtis A Raskin, MD M
Concord, CA
Frank S Tzeng, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Ming Fang, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Steven A Friedman, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Huilan J Cheng, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Luisa A Duran, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Faraz F Berjis, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Crti cal Care Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Alex A Aslan, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Lindsay E Chong, MD F
Concord, CA
Oana V Spataru, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Ramakrishna P
Gollapudi, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ramakrishna P
Gollapudi, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Lisa K Higa, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Mehra Hosseini, MD F
Berkeley, CA
Sam S Zamani, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Deborah L Kerlin, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Varujan A Keledjian, MD M
Concord, CA
General Practice
Charleen L Kim, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Vinod K Kurupath, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Ran S Kim, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
General Surgery
Will H Lane, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael S Baker, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Diane Kwan, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Kalyani Maganti, MD F
Antioch, CA
Ramon Berguer, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Peter J Mazolewski, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Jeffrey C Mark, MD M
Danville, CA
Joseph M Brandel, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Arash Mohebati, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Richard A Messian, MD M
Concord, CA
Mary K Cardoza, MD F
Pittsburg, CA
Jason F Moy, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Subhendu Narayan, MD M
Berkeley, CA
John N Childs III, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Fernando R Otero, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Subhendu Narayan, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Brian T Chin, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Hamid R Rassai, MD M
Antioch, CA
F A Rowe, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Ronald E Cooper, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Gregory A Rhodes, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Salim M Shelby, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Chau V Dang, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Rakhee N Shah, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Sundeep Singh, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael W
Deboisblanc, MD M
Alamo, CA
Michael L Wynn, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Gerald L Tarder, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
David N Varon, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
David T Wong, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Philip C Yee, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Dennis Y Zai, MD M
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Monica S Eigelberger, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Steven M Young, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
General Vascular
Bobby S Glickman, MD M
Antioch, CA
Rajiv Nagesetty, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael M Gottlieb, MD M
Danville, CA
Phillip W Polido, MD M
Antioch, CA
William N Hamstra, DO M
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Eugenia Kang, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Vascual r
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Vascual r
Elwood L Kronick, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gynecology Oncology
Gynecology Oncology
Babak Edraki, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Dimitry L Lerner, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Robert L Robles, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Rishi Sawhney, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Benedict C
Villanueva, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Michael P Sherman, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael E Vollmer, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Matthew N Sirott, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Ronald B
Wasserman, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Yelena Krupitskaya, MD F
Concord, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Yelena Krupitskaya, MD F
Concord, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Diana Superfin, MD F
Concord, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Hematology Oncology
Ravinder K Arora, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Esther Q Catalya, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Gigi Q Chen, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Jewel Johl, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Nitin Joshi, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Shoba Kankipati, MD
Pleasant Hill, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Kasra Karamlou, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Ostap G Melnyk, MD M
Antioch, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Kavitha P Raj, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Jason T Sun, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Internal Medicine
Tiffany H Svahn, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Sinan Alshahwany, MD M
Concord, CA
Ann M Wexler, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Andreux W Chernne, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Peter P Wong, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Matheresa V Egasani, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
David P Wu, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Sherellen B Gerhart, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Medical Oncology
Benedict C
Villanueva, MD M
San Ramon, CA
John T Ganey, MD M
San Leandro, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hvi /Adi s
Infectious Diseases
Yelena Krupitskaya, MD F
Concord, CA
Jorge Bernett, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Yelena Krupitskaya, MD F
Concord, CA
Peter Binstock, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Lesley C Martin, MD F
Concord, CA
Bela V Chheda, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Elizabeth A
Odumakinde, MD F
Concord, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Tyler Y Kang, MD M
Dublin, CA
Konark Sharma, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol ogy
Lesley C Martin, MD F
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Joshua D Perlroth, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Michael E Ein, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Matthew N Sirott, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology
Diana Superfin, MD F
Concord, CA
David E Collins, MD M
Oakland, CA
Leslie A Gillum, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Mehrnoosh Almassi, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
May Y Chiu, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Ok Kyung Kim, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Frederick R
Anderson, MD M
Danville, CA
Melissa A Lehmer, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Deborah A Banskter, MD F
Concord, CA
Man Kong Leung, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
John A Crockett, MD M
Concord, CA
Janet F Lin, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Rosemary Delgado, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Chenyin He, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Patricia S Maska, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Emil Eyvazzadeh, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Edward T Kim, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Steven M
Schadendorf, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Yaron Friedman, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Mario P Curzi, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Robert W Davies, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Doris Sofia Galina
Quintero, MD F
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Peter A Lee, MD M
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Randall R Starkey, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Leena Mehandru, MD F
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Raymond M Stephens, MD M Nadine B Hanna, MD F
Brentwood, CA
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Leena S Ray, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Jennifer L
Grabenstetter, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Angelita D Tangco, MD F
Pittsburg, CA
Renee S Hilliard, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Brad A Volpi, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Luman H Hughes III, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Timothy Y Wei, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Sari J Kasper, DO F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Elizabeth M Wrone, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Geoffrey R Adey, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Gerald F Katz, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Terence L Chen, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Rahul Rishi, MD F
Livermore, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Rohit Sharma, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Jason J Shey, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Louis A Klein, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Robert C Algar, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Timothy A Leach, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
George J Counelis, MD M
Alok K Bhattacharyya, MD M Brentwood, CA
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Mark W Lollar, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Christine M Riley, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Viet H Ho, MD M
Concord, CA
John M Knight, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Ivan P Hwang, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Joseph X Kou, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Anahat K Sandhu, MD F
Lafayette, CA
Scott S Lee, MD M
Concord, CA
John L Kronick, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Janine E Senior, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Eugene S Lit, MD M
Concord, CA
Douglas M Lange, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Debra L Stewart, DO F
Antioch, CA
Arun Prasad, MD M
Concord, CA
Steven S Lee, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Madhavi Vemulapalli
Brahmarouthu, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Soraya Rofagha, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Donald M Lewis, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Sanford L Severin, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Norman B Livermore III, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Todd D Severin, MD
San Ramon, CA
John K Merson, MD M
Concord, CA
Samir B Shah, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Ramiro A Miranda, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Rona Z Silkiss, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Paul B Nottingham, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
James F Policy, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Janette G Walker, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Janette G Walker, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Stephen G Weinstein, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Stephen R Wells, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Rosa H Won, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Semon R Bader, MD M
Concord, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Daniel L Zimmerman, MD M
Antioch, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
David M Contreras, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Michael F Sacco, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Bradley D Crow, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Daniel A Brinton, MD M
Concord, CA
Eric W Fulkerson, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Vahid Feiz, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Scott A Hoffinger, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Robert S Grosserode, MD M
Antioch, CA
Kirk L Jensen, MD M
Orinda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
John P Schilling, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Jason A Smith, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Abid A Qureshi, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Christopher J Coufal, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Beverly F Mcleod, MD F
Concord, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Charles F Preston, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
George J Tischenko, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Orthopedic Surgery
Louay Toma, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Neesha A Dave, DO F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Craig M Wiseman, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Carl W Fieser Jr M
Walnut Creek, CA
Richard J Wyzykowski, MD
Pittsburg, CA
Douglas Grant, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Sabina A Ali, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Matthew D Johnson, DO M
Antioch, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Michael G Michlitsch, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Ruben Kalra, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Murali Moorthy, MD
Brentwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci s
Kenneth W Kim, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
William C Longton, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Abraham G Hsieh, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Navin A Mallavaram, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Benjamin M Loos, MD M
Concord, CA
Jacob A Rosenberg, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael P Murphy, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Richard C Shinaman, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Bassem M Said, MD M
Brentwood, CA
Lawrence Weil, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Timothy A Scott, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Pediatric Hematology
Caroline A Hastings, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Allison T Matsunaga, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Joseph C Torkildson, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Alok K Bose, MD M
Fairfield, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Randall K Wenokur, MD M
Concord, CA
Yvette Wild, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Lloyd C Ford, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy
Susan D Jeiven, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Judy T Fuentebella, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Pediatric Neurology
Robert L Sieben, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Neurol ogy
Pediatric Rheumatology
James G Helton, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Imelda M Balboni, MD F
Palo Alto, CA
Kasra Amirdelfan, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Gregory H Kurio, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Geraldina T Lionetti, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Navjeet Boparai, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Kathleen M Newkumet, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Pediatric Surgery
Michael Y Chang, DO M
Walnut Creek, CA
Hitendra t Patel, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Pain Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Rheumatol ogy
James M Betts, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Surgery
Matias Bruzoni, MD M
Stanford, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Surgery
Jeff S Chen, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Surgery
Sanjeev Dutta, MD M
Palo Alto, CA
Nourollah B Ghorbaini, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Teresa M Van Woy, DPM F
San Pablo, CA
Gary E Hartman, MD M
Palo Alto, CA
Ziv Peled, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Judianne Walker, DPM F
Danville, CA
Claudia M Mueller, MD F
Palo Alto, CA
Vivian Ting, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Karl G Sylvester, MD M
Stanford, CA
Paul J Wotowic, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Elvio Ardilles, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Namita A Agarwal, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Brian Elchinoff, DPM M
Concord, CA
Vala Berjis M
Walnut Creek, CA
Candida M Brown, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
James M Greer, DPM M
Brentwood, CA
Ka Ling K Cheung, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Lionel Herrera, MD M
San Ramon, CA
William K Hoddick, MD M
Berkeley, CA
Michael L Cohen, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Andrew J Maxwell, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Colleen Kenney, MD F
Concord, CA
Aamir A Faruqui, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael A Zwerdling, MD M
Pinole, CA
Dimple K Marwaha, DPM F
San Ramon, CA
Hsien Wen Hsu, MD M
Pittsburg, CA
Physical Med & Rehab
Gitanjali J Patel, DPM F
Walnut Creek, CA
M Michael Kazemi, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Nisha S Patel, DPM F
Walnut Creek, CA
Ramin Khashayar, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Paul Schwartz, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Richard S Kops, MD M
Concord, CA
John Scivally, DPM M
Walnut Creek, CA
Kristina Kramer, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Cecile R Shepard, DPM F
Walnut Creek, CA
Ming Tyh Maa, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Howard M Sokoloff, DPM M
San Ramon, CA
Harry J Macdannald, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Ramin A Behamand, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
William P Stewart, DPM M
San Ramon, CA
Narendra K Malani, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Stephen P Daane, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Lawrence A Teplin, DPM M
Concord, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Marina V Bulatov, MD F
Lafayette, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
David K Padgett, DO M
Danville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Physical Medicine &
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Matthew D Johnson, DO M
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Plastic Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Anitha Angan, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Tanja L Kujac, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Disease
Frederick J Nachtwey, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Sophia Rahman, MD F
Pleasant Hill, CA
Therapeutic Radiology
Manjari Nathan, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ThearpeuticRadoi l ogy
Minh H Nguyen, MD M
Concord, CA
Aimee D Eyvazzadeh, MD F
San Ramon, CA
Murali Dharan, MD M
Danville, CA
Valerie A Schneider, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Mary D Hinckley, MD F
Orinda, CA
Jatinder S Dhillon, MD M
Concord, CA
Hiromi C Takekuma, DO M
Concord, CA
Evan M Rosenbluth, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Andreas Kamlot, MD M
Danville, CA
Jamal J Zaka, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Carmelo S Sgarlata, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Tanveer A Khan, MD M
Antioch, CA
Radiation Oncology
Louis N Weckstein, MD M
San Ramon, CA
Mary S Maish, MD F
Danville, CA
Susan P Willman, MD F
Orinda, CA
Nils Parson, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Reproductvi eEndocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Reproductvi eEndocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Reproductvi eEndocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Reproductvi eEndocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Reproductvi eEndocrni ol gy
Z Nicola Ally, MD F
Antioch, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Reproductvi eEndocrni ol gy
Richard J Carmel, MD M
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Michael L Levine, MD M
Concord, CA
Thoracic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Kuang Hwa K Chao, MD M
Antioch, CA
Ronald G Connolly, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Srinivas R
Ramachandra, MD M
Danville, CA
Daniel M Chinn, MD M
Concord, CA
Midori J Nishio, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Saurin Shah, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Daniel M Chinn, MD M
Concord, CA
Chetachi A Okereke, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Michael R Forrest, MD M
Dublin, CA
Vandana D Sharma, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Sachin S Kamath, MD M
Pleasant Hill, CA
Sports Medicine Family
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Vincent Massullo, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Marjaneh Moini, MD F
Walnut Creek, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Rakesh R Patel, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Gautam Prasad, MD M
Dublin, CA
Susan J
Adler-Bressler, MD F
Concord, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
James B Karol, MD M
Danville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
William A Kennedy, MD M
Stanford, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Robert W Kindrachuk, MD M
Oakland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-SportsMedci neFamli y
Andrew D Smith, MD M
Concord, CA
Raman N Nambisan, MD M
Pleasanton, CA
Yevgeniy Veltman, MD M
Concord, CA
John U Zink, MD
Walnut Creek, CA
Chih Hsin C Wen, MD M
Danville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
John Muir Physician Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Vascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Gonzalo P Obnial, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Keshav K
Pandurangi, MD M
Walnut Creek, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mental Health Providers
For a list of mental health
providers please go to the
Mental Health Providers
section on page 133.
Para obtener una lista de
proveedores de salud mental
visite la sección Proveedores
de Salud Mental en la página
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mercy Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
Mercy General Hospital L
4001 J St
Sacramento, CA 95819
Family Practice
Mercy Hospital of Folsom L
1650 Creekside Dr
Folsom, CA 95630
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mercy San Juan Hospital L
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
Robert C Duncan, DO M
ID No. H60254
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 537-5079
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Diana L Arteaga, MD F
ID No. H60245
2110 Professional Dr STE 120
Afshine Ghaemi, MD M
Roseville, CA 95661
ID No. H60039
(916) 536-2500
6555 Coyle Ave
Languages: Spanish
Carmichael, CA 95608
Venugopal Bellum, MD M
(916) 536-3540
ID No. H60251
Amelia D Mendoza, MD F
3000 Q St
ID No. H60316
Sacramento, CA 95816
6555 Coyle Ave
(916) 733-3440
Languages: Hindi and Telugu Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
Margaret E
Michael L Nichols, DO M
Bojanowski, MD F
ID No. H60131
ID No. H60062
9394 Big Horn Blvd
3160 Folsom Blvd
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 691-8500
(916) 733-3333
Christopher R Olson, MD M
Himdip K Dehal, MD F
ID No. H60110
ID No. H60214
1264 Hawks Flights Ct
550 W Ranch View Rd
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Rocklin, CA 95765
(916) 939-8400
(916) 409-1400
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Methodist Hospital of
Sacramento L
7500 Hospital Dr
Sacramento, CA 95823
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jason K Deitchman, MD M
ID No. H60297
1700 Prairie City Rd
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 351-4800
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Cecilia R Divin, MD F
ID No. H60388
1700 Prairie City Rd
Sacramento, CA 95630
(916) 351-4800
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rowena D
Pantig-Astorga, MD F
ID No. H60113
8220 Wymark Dr STE 200
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 667-0600
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ed W Redard, MD M
ID No. H60116
8220 Wymark Dr STE 200
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 667-0600
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Mohammad S Reza, MD M
ID No. H60286
550 W Ranch View Dr
STE 3000
Rocklin, CA 95765
(916) 409-1400
Languages: Bengali, Hindi
and Urdu
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Joan B Roberts, MD F
ID No. H60311
4400 Duckhorn Dr STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 575-8000
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Maria C Soller, MD F
ID No. H60287
3000 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3440
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Lisa M Sprowl, MD F
ID No. H60266
4400 Duckhorn Dr STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 575-8000
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Aymel J Tarrar, MD M
ID No. H60234
8001 Madison Ave
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
(916) 536-2420
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Theam L Tay, MD M
ID No. H60173
3000 Q St
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3440
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mohammadreza M
Toussi, MD M
ID No. H60004
6555 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Thomas A Valdez, MD M
ID No. H60167
9394 Big Horn Blvd
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 691-8500
Languages: German and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Biju Varughese, MD M
ID No. H60008
3000 Q ST
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3440
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Julie R Wei Shatzel, MD F
ID No. H60265
550 W Ranch View Dr
STE 3000
Rocklin, CA 95765
(916) 409-1400
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1700 Prairie City Rd
Sacramento, CA 95630
(916) 351-4800
Dakane A Billow, MD M
ID No. H60060
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 537-5079
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Choon Weng Chan, MD M
ID No. H60381
8220 Wymark Dr
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 667-0600
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Helen Cheng, MD F
ID No. H60122
3427 Robin Ln STE 100
Cameron Park, CA 95682
(530) 676-7337
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
4987 Golden Foothill Parkway
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 933-4222
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Wing Yan C Yuen, MD F
ID No. H60304
1264 Hawks Flight Ct
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 939-8400
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jojet L Zara, MD M
ID No. H60285
6555 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine
Keith A Andrews, MD M
ID No. H60125
4400 Duckhorn Dr STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 575-8000
Kamyar Farhangfar, MD M
ID No. H60263
3000 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3400
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hadi A Firoz, MD M
ID No. H60347
6555 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3620
Languages: Persian
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rafieh Hajiani, MD F
ID No. H60040
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Wajahat M Khan, MD M
ID No. H60055
8220 Wymark Dr STE 200
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 667-0600
Languages: Spanish
Anwar Saeed, MD M
ID No. H60154
6555 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3620
Richard T Tu, MD
ID No. H60092
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
Elizabeth T Madarang, MD F Sennimalai, MD F
ID No. H60103
ID No. H60056
6555 Coyle Ave
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
(916) 536-3540
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Raja H Wasim M
ID No. H60217
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 733-6850
Arash Y Nassim, MD M
ID No. H60107
4400 Duckhorn Dr STE 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 575-8000
Shefali Shah, MD
ID No. H60259
3000 Q St
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3400
Mylapore S Niranjan
Kumar, MD M
ID No. H60224
2110 Professional Dr STE 120
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 536-2500
Mohammad O
Shareef, MD M
ID No. H60119
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 537-5079
Also located at:
550 W Ranch View Dr
STE 3000
Rocklin, CA 95765
(916) 409-1400
Kingshuk Sharma, MD M
ID No. H60118
3160 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3333
Dean P Rinard, MD M
ID No. H60117
8120 Timberlake Way
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-6000
Pooja Sharma, MD F
ID No. H60222
6501 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 537-5079
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mira Roganovic, MD F
ID No. H60132
8220 Wymark Dr STE 200
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 667-0600
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jane Tsai, MD F
ID No. H60006
3000 Q St
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3400
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Robert J Weston, MD M
ID No. H60010
6555 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Mohammad A
Yusufzai, MD M
ID No. H60341
3000 Q St
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3400
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Andrew J Katz, MD M
ID No. H60293
8220 Wymark Dr STE 200
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 667-0600
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
James K Abshire, MD M
ID No. H60002
3000 Q St
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3400
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Terri E Bigler, MD F
ID No. H60007
2110 Professional Dr STE 120
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 536-2500
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Christine L Braid, MD F
ID No. H60009
8001 Madison Ave
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
(916) 536-2420
Donna R Jordan, MD F
ID No. H60123
3427 Robin Ln STE 100
Cameron Park, CA 95682
(530) 676-7337
Henry K Chang, MD M
ID No. H60019
6555 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3620
Languages: Cantonese and
Also located at:
4987 Golden Foothill Parkway
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 933-4222
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Kenneth L Corbin, MD M
ID No. H60031
2110 Professional Dr
STE 120
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 536-2500
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Mark A Levy, MD M
ID No. H60082
3160 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3400
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Wendy Dyer, MD F
ID No. H60121
3427 Robin Ln STE 100
Cameron Park, CA 95682
(530) 676-7337
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
4987 Golden Foothill Pkwy
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 939-4222
Wendy W Lin, MD F
ID No. H60084
9394 Big Horn Blvd
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 691-8500
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Daniel M Yuen, MD M
ID No. H60016
8120 Timberlake Way
STE 101
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 681-6000
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
Allergy & Immunology
Binita Mandal, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Andrew J Linn M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Robert M Kirchner, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Ryan H Nicholas, MD M
ID No. H60151
1700 Prairie City Rd
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 351-4800
David S Lao, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Anna A Petrovich, DO F
ID No. H60114
6555 Coyle Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 536-3540
Amardeep K Singh, MD F
Carmichael, CA
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Steven L Silver, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
John F Gisla, MD M
ID No. H60043
1700 Prairie City Rd
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 351-4800
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Bruce W Jensen, MD M
ID No. H60052
8001 Madison Ave
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
(916) 536-2420
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Gregory R Spears, MD M
ID No. H60129
1700 Prairie City Rd
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 351-4800
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Don S Yokoyama, MD M
ID No. H60013
3160 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 733-3440
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Inder M Singh, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease
Stephen L Morrison, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Cardiovascular Surgery
Peter S Carruth, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
John R Dein, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Richard J Kaplon, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Surgery
Malinda J Lydon, NP F
San Francisco, CA
Allen S Morris, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Patricia L Ostrander, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
George A Nava, PA M
Sacramento, CA
Christian Swanson, MD F
El Dorado Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Deborah K Plante, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Stephen J Rossiter, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Eric D Morse, MD M
Carmichael, CA
John W Young, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Patrick Richards, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
General Vascular
Family Practice
Larry J Cardoza, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Kapil Sharma, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Donald A Miles, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Kapil Sharma, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Alastair Mondala, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Geriatric Family Practice
Frank N Slachman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Mark L Ratley, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Ashkan Javaheri M
Sacramento, CA
Critical Care Medicine
Alex C Nee, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Renee A Debose, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Alastair Mondala, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ghayyar A Qureshi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Earl V Gear, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Vanessa J Mandal, MD F
Roseville, CA
Zakwan Quwatli, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Rana M Khan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Sorour Rahgoshay, MD
Sacramento, CA
Linda W Lee, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Syed A Zaidi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Diagnostic Radiology
Frank S Reynolds, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Parminder S Deol, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Sunita T Sood, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Gregory B Kugel, MD M
Folsom, CA
General Practice
George Y Luh, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Critcal CareMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Critcal CareMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Critcal CareMedicni e
Elyn V Bowers, MD F
El Dorado Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Vascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Karl R Clayson, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Vascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci Fma li yPrcatci e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci Fma li yPrcatci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Kevin S Elliott, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Neil K Whiting, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Joelle L Jakobsen, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Gynecology Oncology
General Surgery
Wiley Fowler, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Shaghayegh S Nealon, MD
Sacramento, CA
Ben Hunt, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Monica R Kasrazadeh, MD F
Folsom, CA
Janice R Reinke, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Wen M Long, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Hematology
Vanessa J Mandal, MD F
Roseville, CA
Michael K Dengel, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Guneet Natt, MD
Sacramento, CA
Robert A Dias, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Luko M Laptalo, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Jennifer L Osborn, MD F
Roseville, CA
Ehsan M Hadi, MD M
Big Bear Lake, CA
Gurvinder S Shaheed, MD M
Rocklin, CA
Neil A Parikh, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Sabeen T Lulu, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Samer Shihabi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Benjamin A Quiamco, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Lucian M Maidan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Infectious Diseases
Poulina Q Uddin, MD F
San Diego, CA
Alex C Nee, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Medical Oncology
John A Schafer, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Shahzad A Siddique, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Hematology Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Abderrahmane, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Robert E Quadro, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Mohammad J
Kabbesh, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Alan J Shatzel Jr, DO M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Internal Medicine
Jasminder Momi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Alan J Shatzel Jr, DO M
Folsom, CA
Abderrahmane, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Ushir V Patel, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Amy G Wandel, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Roopinder S Poonia, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Nuclear Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Murali D Adusumalli, MD
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Herman A Kensky, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nucl earMedci ne
Neurological Surgery
Gaurav Aggarwal, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Tushar M Goradia, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Khurram B Ali, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Nurse Practitioner
Kulbir Dhillon, NP M
Gold River, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Mark T Burniston, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Ryan A Armour, DO M
Folsom, CA
Lluvia A Esparza, NP F
Folsom, CA
Gabriel F Galofre, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Asad A Chaudhary, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Malinda J Lydon, NP F
San Francisco, CA
Rajbarinder S Hundal, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Kenneth H Cheung, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Rochelle Moralde, NP F
Folsom, CA
Kanwaljit S Kahlon, MD M
Folsom, CA
Edwin A Cruz, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Velvet D Nelson, NP F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nurse Practitioner
Mary T Ward, NP F
Sacramento, CA
Robert D Bellinoff, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Paula L Akin, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Michael D Moore, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Pain Management
Hui Min Cheong, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Christianna M Stuber, Md F
Sacramento, CA
Andrew J Linn M
Sacramento, CA
Lisa D Chodak, MD F
El Dorado Hills, CA
Physical Med & Rehab
Katherine M Gillogley, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Megan H Anasco, OD F
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Albert D Hwang, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Kevin C Talaga, OD M
Sacramento, CA
Andres Pena, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Karen C Taugher, OD F
Carmichael, CA
Jeremy J Wren, DO M
Sacramento, CA
Daniel S Tiedeman, OD M
Elk Grove, CA
Physical Medicine &
Orthopedic Surgery
Heather R Davids, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nurse Parcti oner
Deanne M Roberts, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Shoab A Siddique, MD
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Armine P Hadar, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Mwanga M Kazadi, MD F
Roseville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Helen Nutter, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Jennifer N Overbey, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Daniel D Anderson, MD M
Folsom, CA
Tanuja R Raju, MD F
Folsom, CA
Samuel J Hu, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Gertrude Shiu, MD F
Sacramento, CA
William A Junglas, MD
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Ronald T Zielinsky, MD
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Christopher L
Stephenson, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Physician Assistant
Fallon N Lopez, PA F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
Ravi J Patel, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Van Hong T Nguyen, PA F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
Occupational Medicine
Franklin J Chinn Jr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Frank J Boutin Jr, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Michael G Outslay, PA M
Folsom, CA
Evelyn G Fainsztein, MD F
Folsom, CA
Angelica D Perez, PA F
Elk Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Medci ne
Marshall H Lee, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cs
John B Miles, PA M
Carmichael, CA
Delphine W Ong, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
Antonia M Reynaga
Rankin, PA F
Carmichael, CA
Steven C Littlewood, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Nina T Vasiliev, PA F
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Osteopathci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Robert Bemrick, MD M
Folsom, CA
Lindsey C Satre, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Amardeep Bhatia, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Thomas Wu, MD
Carmichael, CA
Dana Y Cozzetto, DPM F
Carmichael, CA
Paul R Brown, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Rajiv K Chopra, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
John M Dawson, DPM M
Carmichael, CA
Matthew C Garrison, DPM M
Sacramento, CA
Brian T Evans, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Dianne I Mitchell, DPM F
Sacramento, CA
Brian Fellmeth, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Robert A Dias, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Philip Haines, MD
Carmichael, CA
Sports Medicine Family
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Jeffrey A Sweat, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Michael T Barger, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Arshad Ali, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Timothy Lee, MD
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Dennis M Liu, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Sleep Disorder
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Sl e pDisorder
Michael A Shea, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-SportsMedci ne Famli y
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Leslie W Barger, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Franklin Li, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Parimal T Bharucha, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
George Y Luh, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Paul J Hoffman, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Brian Marten, MD M
Roseville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Ghayyar A Qureshi, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
James M Moorefield, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Zakwan Quwatli, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Dwight H Mukuno, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Radiation Oncology
Dominique Rash, MD F
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
John M Stevenson, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Ellen M Wiegner, MD F
Carmichael, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Stanley M Batiste, MD M
Roseville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Miguel Nieves, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Paul M Parsons, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Raghav Raman, MD
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Gregory Rogalski, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Thoracic Surgery
Larry J Cardoza, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Costanzo Diperna, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
James F Brennan, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Samuel Chan, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Julia B Golden, DO F
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Javid Javidan, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Javid Javidan Nejad, MD M
Sacramento, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Brian N Naftulin, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Joonha Ok, MD M
Elk Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mercy Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Urology
Udayshankar R
Poonamallee, MD M
Folsom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Vascular Surgery
Karl R Clayson, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Paul G Hayes, MD M
Carmichael, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Mental Health Providers
For a list of mental health
providers please go to the
Mental Health Providers
section on page 133.
Para obtener una lista de
proveedores de salud mental
visite la sección Proveedores
de Salud Mental en la página
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of San Jose
Affiliated Hospitals
Rau V Bui, MD F
ID No. CD0041
27 S 13th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 298-6706
Languages: Vietnamese
O’ Connor Hospital L
2105 Forest Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
St Louise Regional
Hospital L
9400 No Name Uno
Gilroy, CA 95020
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Peter K Chung, DO M
ID No. CD0090
1470 Halford Ave STE 168
Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 247-0099
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Darith S Khay, MD M
ID No. CD0340
200 Jose Figueres STE 315
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 254-1500
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shiau Yeng Lai, MD F
ID No. CD0341
1715 Lundy Ave STE 108-116
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
Also located at:
1870 Lundy Dr
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
Also located at:
1870 Lundy Ave
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
Byung Gook Park, MD M
ID No. CD0457
100 Oconnor Dr STE 11
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 885-0807
Languages: Korean
Stephanie P Le, DO F
ID No. CD0434
1693 Flanigan Dr STE 100
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 274-3881
Languages: Vietnamese
Sylvia H Hoang, MD F
ID No. CD0134
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-0222
Languages: Vietnamese
Nhat V Mai, MD M
ID No. CD0226
636 E Santa Clara St STE A
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 294-1990
Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at:
500 Calaveras Blvd STE 100
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 942-0980
Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at:
2641 Senter Rd
San Jose, CA 95111
(408) 294-1991
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Linh T Dang, MD F
ID No. CD0327
1715 Lundy Ave STE 108
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sabi Ahmed F
ID No. CD0323
1715 Lundy Ave STE 108
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
Dhanu Kapoor, MD F
ID No. CD0175
2110 Forest Ave STE E
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 241-2900
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of San Jose, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Sophia Mohammad, MD F
ID No. CD0454
2728 Aborn Rd
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 270-2103
Languages: Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hai Hoang Nguyen, MD
ID No. CD0266
210 N Jackson Ave STE 20
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-6127
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter L Nguyen, DO
ID No. CD0272
749 Story Rd STE 20
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 794-2088
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vu H Nguyen, MD M
ID No. CD0283
210 N Jackson Ave STE 20
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-6127
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gustovo B Parra, MD M
ID No. CD0257
2820 Alum Rock Ave STE 10
San Jose, CA 95127
(408) 254-5040
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dung My Phan, MD F
ID No. CD0303
1693 Flanigan Dr STE 100
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 274-3881
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tuan V Phan, MD M
ID No. CD0368
1569 Lexann Ave STE 120
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 270-4267
Languages: French and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Juan E Posada, MD M
ID No. CD0372
200 Jose Figueres
STE 485 495
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-3022
Languages: Spanish
Khae V Saephanh, DO F
ID No. CD0466
1715 Lundy Ave STE 108 116
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1870 Lundy Ave
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sharmin Qureshi, MD F
ID No. CD0376
2040 Forest Ave STE 1A
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-9800
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Galiba G Rahman, MD F
ID No. CD0455
200 Jose Figueres Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-8821
Languages: Bengali, Hindi and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ramachandran, MD F
ID No. CD0383
15195 National Ave STE 205
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(831) 335-7640
Languages: French, Hindi and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Minh Q Thai, MD M
ID No. CD0412
60 N 13th St STE B
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 294-2616
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
An Ngoc To, MD M
ID No. CD0418
87 N 6th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-1180
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rick M To, MD M
ID No. CD0401
87 N 6th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-1180
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tuan A Tran, MD M
ID No. CD0422
629 S Main St
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 263-6207
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jessica M Ybarra, MD F
ID No. CD0395
2660 Grant Rd STE F
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 962-4360
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of San Jose, continued
PCPs - General Practice
General Practice
Daniel B Martinez, MD M
ID No. CD0388
854 N Hillview Dr
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 262-5011
Hong H Bui, MD F
ID No. CD0035
1661 Burdette Dr STE I
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 270-9642
Languages: Vietnamese
Sergio Court, MD M
ID No. CD0093
25 N 14TH St STE 870
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 294-1967
Languages: Spanish
Richard Cathey, MD M
ID No. CD0069
1333 Piedmont Rd STE 101
San Jose, CA 95132
(408) 254-2107
Joseph A Cu, MD M
ID No. CD0097
2680 S White Rd STE 207
San Jose, CA 95148
(408) 270-2107
Languages: Ilocano, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Pacifico Santos, MD M
ID No. CD0397
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 325
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 937-9000
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Maggie S Chau, DO F
ID No. CD0074
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 245
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-0835
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Internal Medicine
Natasha Ahmed F
ID No. CD0320
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 325
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 937-9000
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Manjari Aravamuthan, MD F
ID No. CD0325
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 23
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 929-6922
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1569 Lexann Ave STE 220
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 929-6922
Fayaz Asghar, MD M
ID No. CD0015
135 N Jackson Ave STE 203
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 926-1202
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
Kenny K Chen, MD M
ID No. CD0326
2485 Hospital Dr STE 241
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 988-8460
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
54 N Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 294-7179
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Vietnamese
Maggie W Chen, MD F
ID No. CD0449
2360 McKee Rd STE 10
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 729-7128
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dinh X Dam, MD M
ID No. CD0100
200 N Jackson Ave STE C
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 923-8080
Languages: Norwegian,
Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Phuc C Dang, MD
ID No. CD0328
1692 Tully Rd STE 10
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 531-8572
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
1879 Lundy Ave STE 166
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 531-8572
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Christopher N Do, MD M
ID No. CD0111
1569 Lexann Ave STE 206
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 531-8808
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of San Jose, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Trang U Do, MD F
ID No. CD0116
2114 Senter Rd STE 15
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 975-9800
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jose M Guanzon, MD M
ID No. CD0125
2395 Montpelier Dr STE 4
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-3041
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Teresita V Guanzon, MD
ID No. CD0331
2395 Montpelier Dr STE 4
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-3041
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Naeem U Hashmi, MD M
ID No. CD0332
2504 Samaritan Dr STE 20
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 356-1111
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tin T Hla, MD F
ID No. CD0131
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 430
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 929-6088
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thomas T Hsu, MD M
ID No. CD0333
20395 Pacifica Dr STE 104
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 446-5353
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Eng H Huan, MD M
ID No. CD0143
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 430
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 929-6088
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mary Hutchins, MD F
ID No. CD0146
14911 National Ave STE 6
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 358-8998
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dat T Huynh, MD M
ID No. CD0152
1661 Burdette Dr STE N
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 270-4582
Languages: French and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Minh Q Huynh, MD M
ID No. CD0154
57 N 13th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 998-3075
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ashit Jain, MD M
ID No. CD0164
175 N Jackson Ave STE 103
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-1600
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
2333 Mowry Ave STE 300
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 796-0222
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
500 E Calaveras Blvd
STE 100
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 942-0980
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Sudha Karupaiah, MD F
ID No. CD0179
65 N 14th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-1400
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Alexander Korsunsky, MD M
ID No. CD0185
5150 Graves Ave STE 5B
San Jose, CA 95129
(408) 517-0560
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Tuan Le, MD M
ID No. CD0204
1569 Lexann Ave STE 122
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 531-1555
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of San Jose, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Boo W Lee, MD M
ID No. CD0207
2040 Forest Ave STE 3
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 977-1310
Languages: Korean
Chau T Nguyen, MD M
ID No. CD0470
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 325
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-7700
Raymond W Lee, MD M
ID No. CD0210
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 245
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 923-3388
Languages: Cantonese and
Hanh M Nguyen, MD F
ID No. CD0396
1692 Tully Rd STE 10
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 531-8572
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1879 Lundy Ave STE 166
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 531-8572
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Andrew Y Lin, MD M
ID No. CD0224
500 E Remington Dr STE 30
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 739-5950
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Lynn X Liu, MD F
ID No. CD0480
1870 Lundy Ave
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ngai X Nguyen, MD M
ID No. CD0269
696 E Santa Clara St
STE 108
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 971-8441
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tuan N Nguyen, MD
ID No. CD0281
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 380
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-0737
Languages: French and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vinh Q Nguyen, MD M
ID No. CD0282
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 460
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 254-1794
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hung Ninh, MD M
ID No. CD0336
1661 Burdette Dr STE E
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 531-9735
Languages: French and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ashraf S Noorani, MD M
ID No. CD0337
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 365
San Jose, CA 95116
(831) 770-3102
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Thinh V Nguyen, MD M
ID No. CD0274
2470 Alvin Ave STE 70
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 223-0505
Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at:
1715 Lundy Ave STE 108
San Jose, CA 95131
(415) 391-9686
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rosalinda A
Mandreza, MD F
ID No. CD0342
2593 S King Rd STE 11
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 274-2880
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Trang D Nguyen, MD F
ID No. CD0353
246 Ranch Dr
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 263-9936
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sally Nacianceno, MD F
ID No. CD0263
175 N Jackson Ave STE 110
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-3364
Languages: Spanish
Rose Palma, MD F
ID No. CD0308
175 N Jackson Ave STE 110
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-3364
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of San Jose, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Rashmi J Patel, MD F
ID No. CD0313
1900 Mowry Ave STE 406
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 797-2787
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nga V Pham, MD M
ID No. CD0304
1569 Lexann Ave STE 122
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 532-0105
Languages: Danish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michelle S Tam, MD F
ID No. CD0409
1715 Lundy Ave STE 108-116
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1870 Lundy Dr
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 573-9686
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Grace K Tee, MD F
ID No. CD0411
200 Jose Figueres STE 450
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 929-8385
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nicole Thai, MD F
ID No. CD0414
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 355
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 928-5656
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vijay K Thukral, MD M
ID No. CD0415
995 Montague Expy STE 213
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 258-7400
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Habib A Tobbagi, MD M
ID No. CD0404
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 260
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-2013
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Tracy P Tram, MD
ID No. CD0408
2360 Mckee Rd STE 1
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 926-2420
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Don D Tran, MD M
ID No. CD0413
25 N 14th St STE 780
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-2377
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Thai V Tran, MD
ID No. CD0419
652 E Santa Clara St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 294-2868
Languages: Chinese, French
and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Thang D Tran, MD M
ID No. CD0420
1569 Lexann Ave STE 114
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 223-8818
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Toan Q Tran, MD M
ID No. CD0421
1776 N Milpitas Blvd
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 956-9096
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Phillip F Tse, MD M
ID No. CD0380
266 N Jackson Ave STE 7
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 937-7581
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Chung H Vu, MD M
ID No. CD0366
2593 S King Rd STE 15
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 274-0226
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Inna Yaskin, DO F
ID No. CD0387
515 South Dr STE 12
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 318-3384
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
815 Pollard Rd
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(650) 318-3384
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Virender K Sachdeva, MD M
ID No. CD0394
175 N Jackson Ave STE 108
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 926-1340
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs-Pedai trics
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of San Jose, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Allergy & Immunology
Marietta F
Abalos-Galito, MD F
ID No. CD0284
125 N Jackson Ave STE 107
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 937-3607
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
John H Lien, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Viet Hong D Bui, DO F
ID No. CD0048
696 E Santa Clara St
STE 210
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 295-9839
Languages: Vietnamese
Virender K Sachdeva, MD M
San Jose, CA
Anthony C Lopez, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Sally H Allen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Adrian O Ma, MD M
San Jose, CA
Erica M Burdoin
Rogers, MS F
San Jose, CA
Cesar R Molina, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Audoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Audoi l gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Julie K Cutting, MS
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Audoi l gy
Nobuko M Ito, MA F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Audoi l gy
Emiro Burbano, MD M
ID No. CD0056
2112 B Mckee Rd
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 258-5864
Languages: Spanish
June McCullough F
San Jose, CA
Tran C Khanh, MD M
ID No. CD0416
2899 Senter Rd STE 140
San Jose, CA 95111
(408) 281-3889
Languages: Vietnamese
Sharon A Bogerty, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Audoi l gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Jennifer A Tucker, MA F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Audoi l gy
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi o/Thoraci cSurgery
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Fayaz Asghar, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Thirupathi K Reddy, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Mehrdad Rezaee, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Ibrahim D Saah, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Neal A Scott, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Shahid K Siddiqui, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease
Mohammed H
Ahmed, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Dwain L Coggins, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Silpa Avula, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specialty Physicians
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Hoang Nguyen M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Arthur A Biedermann, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dan V Dang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Judy T Del Mundo, MD F
San Jose, CA
Ngai X Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Surendra B Gudapati, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Cardiovascular Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Adil N Irani, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Alan B Goldsobel, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Jeffrey L Kishiyama, MD M
San Jose, CA
Ashit Jain, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Matthew T Levy, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Hossein Askariyah
Yazdy, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Miguel D Doria, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Colon& Rectal Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of San Jose, continued
Specialty Physicians - Dentist
Rasik T Kansara, MD M
San Jose, CA
Jin Young Lee, MD M
San Jose, CA
Brian S Levitt, MD M
San Jose, CA
Huy T Nguyen, DO M
San Jose, CA
Marie B Britz, MD F
San Jose, CA
Hugh D Mai, MD M
San Jose, CA
Nang T Nguyen, DO M
San Jose, CA
Sunil S Dhawan, MD M
Fremont, CA
Sally Nacianceno, MD F
San Jose, CA
Richard T Nguyen, DO M
San Jose, CA
Hong T Do, MD F
Milpitas, CA
Huy A Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Hoang M Duong, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Khanh K Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Rohaninejad, MD M
San Jose, CA
George C Hsieh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Jagjit S Raju, MD M
San Jose, CA
Duke T Khuu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Huy Trinh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Mychael Luu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Harsha Vittal, MD M
San Jose, CA
Sudin Vittal, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Victor D Woodlief, DDS M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dentis
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Dyron J Jue, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Joanabel S Cepe, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Dennis Salcido, MD M
San Jose, CA
Tzuooming Yeh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
K M Yi, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Peter Y Youn, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Jenny D Yang, MD F
San Jose, CA
Munawar Alavi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Andy S Yu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Inna Yaskin, DO F
Mountain View, CA
General Surgery
Besosie M Ganal, MD M
San Jose, CA
Kambiz K. K Zand, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Family Practice
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ming Li, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Patrick F Gartland, MD M
Eduardo B Da Silveira, MD M San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Thomas J Hirai, MD F
Hashem Farr, MD M
San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Manjula M Jeyapalan
Ruel T Garcia, MD M
Noone, MD F
San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Alfred L Hurwitz, MD
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Gynecology Oncology
Samuel C Ballon, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Eric S Chan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of San Jose, continued
Specialty Physicians - Hand Surgery-Orthopaedic
Michael W Cluck, MD M
San Jose, CA
Azita Yavari, MD F
San Jose, CA
Neurological Surgery
Hand Surgery-Plastic
Marshal Rosario, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Hien N Nguyen, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Brian J Carrie, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Ali Shirzadi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Timothy S Weibel, MD M
San Jose, CA
Raymond R Carrillo, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Hematology Oncology
Maggie W Chen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pal stci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pal stci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Mohammed F Ahmed, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Raymond W Lee, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Sergio Court, MD M
San Jose, CA
Lidia K Brown, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ronald H Yanagihara, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Rashid Elahi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Peter C Fung, MD M
Sunnyvale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Infectious Diseases
Michael T Charney, MD M
San Jose, CA
Gopal G Krishna, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Rani V
Ramachandran, MD F
San Jose, CA
Raj Kumar, MD M
San Jose, CA
Chuong M Le, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Wei Wang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Jerwin Wu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Infertility Specialist
Cynthia Lin, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Mary E Abusief, MD F
San Jose, CA
Ashraf S Noorani, MD M
San Jose, CA
Geoffrey D Adamson, MD M
San Jose, CA
Kajal P Patel, MD F
San Jose, CA
Alexis H Kim, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dennis N Phan, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Internal Medicine
George O Ting, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Preete Bhanot, MD F
Morgan Hill, CA
Habib A Tobbagi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dung V Cai, MD M
San Jose, CA
Phillip F Tse, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dale A Capulong, MD M
San Jose, CA
Sheng-Yong Wang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Violetta Faryno, MD F
San Jose, CA
Padma Yarlagadda, MD M
San Jose, CA
Hanh Ngan Hoang, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Inferlti ySpecai l ts
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Inferlti ySpecai l ts
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Inferlti ySpecai l ts
Munawar Alavi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Maggie W Chen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Khanh K Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sheng-Yong Wang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Kenneth S
Blumenfeld, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
David D Yeh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of San Jose, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Athiya D Javid, MD F
San Jose, CA
Dai J Kim, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Krikor Barsoumian, MD
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Suresh R Nayak, MD M
San Jose, CA
Raghunand C Sastry, MD M
San Jose, CA
Timothy T Wang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Howard H Chen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Brian Ward, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Jessica L Chen, MD F
Palo Alto, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Orthopedic Surgery
Ho Sun Choi, MD M
Santa Clara, CA
Jeffrey J Anderson, MD M
San Jose, CA
Clement C Chow, MD M
Campbell, CA
Robert G Aptekar, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Claudio S Contreras, MD F
San Jose, CA
Michael D Butcher, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Amr A Dessouki, MD M
Campbell, CA
Jeffrey Coe, MD M
Campbell, CA
John W Duggan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Morteza M Farr, DO M
San Jose, CA
Gerald E Hughes JR, MD M
San Jose, CA
Christian Foglar, MD M
San Jose, CA
Danny B Luong, MD M
San Jose, CA
Sandeep N Gidvani, MD M
Campbell, CA
Patrick M Monahan, MD M
Campbell, CA
Bruce R Huffer, MD M
San Jose, CA
Keshav Naarain, MD M
Sunnyvale, CA
Julia S Kahan, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Khoa D Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Varqa Rouhipour, MD M
Campbell, CA
Lan T Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Samir Sharma, MD M
Campbell, CA
Lien H Nguyen, MD F
San Jose, CA
William W Wall, MD
San Jose, CA
Tin T Hla, MD F
San Jose, CA
Ngoc T Nguyen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Frank Fook Y Wong, MD M
San Jose, CA
Laura T Phan, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Donald Z Wroblewski, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Dan Anh T Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Phuong T Nguyen, MD F
Santa Clara, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Hung Ninh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Tae W Noh, MD M
Santa Clara, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Hyun Kyo Park, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Bichvan Phan, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Kenneth T Phan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
John Richard IV, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Jumnah Thanapathy, MD F
Gilroy, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Xuananh P Tran, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Giao V Vu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
James A Watson, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of San Jose, continued
Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology
Physical Medicine &
Robert C Ang, MD M
Sunnyvale, CA
Sherman N Tran, MD
Campbell, CA
Ali G Bassiri, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Plastic Surgery
Jennifer A Grady, MD F
San Jose, CA
Howard S Sutkin, MD M
San Jose, CA
Emiro Burbano, MD M
San Jose, CA
Janardan S Joshi, MD
San Jose, CA
Anthony H Nguyen, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Donald W Burt Jr, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Richard S Eng, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Richard R Abe, DPM M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Kaveh Akhbari, DPM M
Gilroy, CA
Richard Trevino, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Sydney C
Choslovsky, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Eng H Huan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Thomas D Lei, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Pain Management
Hector Cervantes, DPM M
San Jose, CA
Alphonsus Cheung, MD M
San Jose, CA
Leonard Greenwald, MD M
San Jose, CA
Tulsidas R Gwalani, MD M
San Jose, CA
Timothy C Ho, DPM M
San Jose, CA
Justin L Lo, MD M
San Jose, CA
Nguyen Ky, DPM M
San Jose, CA
Pediatric Neurology
Benjamin V Pham, DPM M
Mountain View, CA
Constance R Bowie, MD F
San Jose, CA
Timothy Pham, DPM M
San Jose, CA
Gregory O Colburn, MD M
San Jose, CA
Robert E Neger, MD M
San Jose, CA
Adrienne C Sabin, MD F
San Jose, CA
Ly V do, MD M
San Jose, CA
Pediatric Surgery
Stuart A Slamowitz, DPM M
Los Gatos, CA
Morteza Dowlatshahi, MD
San Jose, CA
Hoan Van, DPM M
San Jose, CA
Ann Y Minn, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Rachel Wood, DPM F
Milpitas, CA
Robert N Sinha, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Al V Taira, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Edward J Guarino, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNeurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircOphthaml ol ogy
Olajire Idowu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Physical Med & Rehab
Konrad H Ng, MD M
Campbell, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Felicia Radu
Radulescu, MD F
Campbell, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Sanjay K Agarwal, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Edward Omron, MD M
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Vu A Tran, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Donald Wroblewski, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Radiation Oncology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of San Jose, continued
Specialty Physicians - Radiation Oncology
Loan N Tran, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Alexander A Clerk, MD M
San Jose, CA
Vascular Surgery
Stephen A Weller, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Wei Wang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Vascul arSurgery
Speech Therapy
Rakesh Safaya, MD M
Fremont, CA
Raghav Raman, MD
San Jose, CA
Corrina Chang, SP F
San Jose, CA
Jafar Tay, MD M
San Jose, CA
Cynthia F Galt, SP F
San Jose, CA
Mental Health Providers
Mary E Abusief, MD F
San Jose, CA
Melanie E Meyer, SP F
San Jose, CA
Geoffrey D Adamson, MD M
San Jose, CA
Nupur Thukral, SP F
Milpitas, CA
Alexis H Kim, MD M
San Jose, CA
H Preston Nelson, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Sl e pDisorder
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Sl e pDisorder
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapy
Robin M Cisco, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Balasubramanian, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Vascul arSurgery
For a list of mental health
providers please go to the
Mental Health Providers
section on page 133.
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Emil A Anaya, MD M
San Jose, CA
Hrair P Gulesserian, MD M
San Jose, CA
Para obtener una lista de
proveedores de salud mental
visite la sección Proveedores
de Salud Mental en la página
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Christopher J Kim, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Bruce J Dreyfuss, MD M
San Jose, CA
Ming Liu, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Helen Feng, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Surgical Oncology
Shyamali M Singhal, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgci al Oncol gy
Lily Kao, MD F
San Jose, CA
Sleep Disorder
Hossein Habibi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Sanjay K Agarwal, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Yu Hwong, MD
San Jose, CA
Robert C Ang, MD M
Sunnyvale, CA
Han P Lo, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Sel pDisorder
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Sel pDisorder
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Sydney C Choslovsky, MD M Terry R Sullivan, MD M
San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Sel pDisorder
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of Santa Cruz
Affiliated Hospitals
Family Practice
Dominican Santa Cruz
Hospital L
1555 Soquel Dr
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
John D Bergren, MD M
ID No. TG0281
13350 Big Basin Way
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
(831) 338-6491
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Watsonville Community
75 Nielson St
Watsonville, CA 95076
Chinnakotla, MD F
ID No. TG0252
528 Capitola Ave
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 475-1630
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Cardiovascular Disease
Hossein Hassani, MD M
ID No. TG0250
2018 Mission St
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 706-2220
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kevin J Hasenauer, MD M
ID No. TG0012
528 Capitola Ave
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 475-1630
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Carol M Haubach, MD F
ID No. TG0334
9515 Soquel Dr STE 100
Aptos, CA 95003
(831) 661-6020
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Steven Cortes, MD
ID No. TG0221
550 Walter St STE A
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 425-0420
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bernard Hilberman, MD M
ID No. TG0013
1505 Soquel Dr STE 2
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 462-4500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Michael J Coulson, MD M
ID No. TG0007
2980 El Rancho Dr
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 438-1430
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jennifer K Daodu, MD F
ID No. TG0223
2018 Mission St
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 706-2220
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shirley L Dickinson, MD F
ID No. TG0290
1150 Main St STE 3
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 728-0551
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Cardoi vascual rDisease
Stephen J Halpern, MD M
ID No. TG0011
550 Water St STE A
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 425-0420
Judith A Garcia, MD F
ID No. TG0273
9515 Soquel Dr STE 100
Aptos, CA 95003
(831) 661-6020
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen Lynch, MD F
ID No. TG0019
2980 El Rancho Dr
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 438-1430
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Steven E Magee, MD M
ID No. TG0260
13350 Big Basin Wy
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
(831) 338-6491
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Drew E Maris, MD M
ID No. TG0020
2980 El Rancho Dr
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
(831) 438-1430
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of Santa Cruz, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Meghan Mccandlish
Thomas, MD F
ID No. TG0022
2980 El Rancho Dr
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 438-1430
Internal Medicine
Clayton R McDaniel, MD M
ID No. TG0023
1066 S Green Vly Rd
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 722-2422
Languages: Spanish
Robert Keet, MD M
ID No. TG0018
1595 Soquel Dr STE 400
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 475-1111
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Richard D Minkner, MD M
ID No. TG0323
540 Soquel Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
(831) 425-1279
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jackson Nagle, DO M
ID No. TG0239
13350 Big Basin Way
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
(831) 338-6491
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2018 Mission St
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 706-2220
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Anthony Tyler, MD M
ID No. TG0042
6215 Highway 9
Felton, CA 95018
(831) 335-9111
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jack R Watson, MD M
ID No. TG0264
550 Water St STE A
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 425-0420
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert J Weber, MD
ID No. TG0046
1066 S Green Valley Rd
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 722-2422
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Satish Chandra, MD
ID No. TG0004
1595 Soquel Dr STE 400
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 475-1111
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Melissa Z Lopez
Bermejo, MD
ID No. TG0017
1041 Freedom Blvd
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 761-6327
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Francisco L Ravago, MD M
ID No. TG0028
99 Airport Blvd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 724-7521
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Elias S Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. TG0033
1095 S Green Valley Rd
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 722-4016
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
10 West Fifth St
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 722-4016
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Lawrence C
Rosenbaum, MD M
ID No. TG0035
1595 Soquel Dr STE 400
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 475-1111
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Rahnea L Sunseri, MD F
ID No. TG0274
1595 Soquel Dr STE 400
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 475-1111
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Jeric C Villaruz, MD M
ID No. TG0043
99 Airport Blvd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 724-7521
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Thanh V Vu, MD M
ID No. TG0044
1667 Dominican Way STE 230
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 462-3800
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Melinda M White, DO F
ID No. TG0048
528 Capitola Ave
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 475-1630
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Elizabeth B Bakerville, MD F
ID No. TG0302
4145 Clares St STE A
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 476-1933
PCPs-Pedai trics
Carmen P Hsu, MD F
ID No. TG0312
222 Green Valley Rd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 728-2969
PCPs-Pedai trics
Edward H Lipson, MD M
ID No. TG0299
4145 Clares St STE A
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 476-1933
PCPs-Pedai trics
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of Santa Cruz, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Robert L Moler, MD M
ID No. TG0307
1820 41st Ave STE D
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 476-3000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Michelle L Simon, MD F
ID No. TG0305
252 Green Valley Rd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 722-0272
Dean S Kashino, MD M
ID No. TG0015
1595 Soquel Dr STE 411
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 475-8834
Tim B Truong, DO M
ID No. TG0309
252 Green Valley Rd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 722-0272
Also located at:
1667 Dominican Way
STE 134
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
(831) 475-8834
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Ariel Martinez, MD M
ID No. TG0021
1185 Freedom Blvd STE 1
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 786-9250
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Leigh A Mueller, DO F
ID No. TG0289
4145 Clares St STE A
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 476-1933
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Cory Parello, MD M
ID No. TG0306
4145 Clares Ave STE A
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 476-1933
George Bunch, MD M
ID No. TG0246
222 Green Valley Rd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 728-2969
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Jill P Parello, MD F
ID No. TG0303
4145 Clares St STE A
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 476-1933
Robert P Chen, MD M
ID No. TG0005
528 Capitola Ave
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 475-1630
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Madhu Raghavan, MD M
ID No. TG0316
64 Aspen Way STE 102
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 724-9200
Languages: Tamil
Gael F Decleve, DO M
ID No. TG0008
528 Capitola Ave
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 475-1630
Languages: French and
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Linda L Shaw, MD F
ID No. TG0304
252 Green Valley Rd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 722-0272
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Andrew T Mihalik, MD M
ID No. TG0024
13350 Big Basin Wy
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
(831) 338-6491
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Christopher J
OGrady, MD M
ID No. TG0026
65 Nielson St STE 104
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 786-8595
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Kimberly J Owens, MD F
ID No. TG0220
2018 Mission St
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 706-2220
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Maria Greaves, MD F
ID No. TG0247
2980 El Rancho Dr
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 438-1430
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Thomas R Silverman, MD M
ID No. TG0300
3065 Porter St STE 104
Soquel, CA 95073
(831) 462-5439
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Romo-Gritzewsky, MD
ID No. TG0034
268 Green Valley Rd
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 728-0440
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of Santa Cruz, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Amy B Solomon, MD F
ID No. TG0039
231 Main St STE A
Ben Lomond, CA 95005
(831) 336-1300
Dena M Janigian, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Rajinder Singh, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Patricia L Kubo, MD
Santa Cruz, CA
Michael G Leaton M
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Adam O Yarme, MD M
ID No. TG0049
2018 Mission St
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 706-2220
Languages: Spanish
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Darlene A Zanker, MD F
ID No. TG0051
528 Capitola Ave
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 475-1630
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Santa Cruz, CA
Allergy & Immunology
Goldberry I Maynes, DC F
Watsonville, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Victor Li, MD M
Capitola, CA
Andrew S Calciano, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Cruz, CA
Morgan L Magid, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Bryan R McCleve, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specialty Physicians
Kerri A Crandell, DC
Felton, CA
Mark L Rigler, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Molly C Shields, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Jeffrey F Williams, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Alan B Goldsobel, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Roland C Sharp, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Jeffrey L Kishiyama, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Joshua B Siegel, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Aida M Hasbun, MD F
Watsonville, CA
James D Wolfe, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Nabipour Solmaz, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Josefa F Simkin, MD F
Freedom, CA
Anatomic & Clinical
Thuan Hau T Trinh, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Carlene A Hawksley, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Zaheer S Zaidi, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Paula S Quinn, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anatomic& Cil ncalPathol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anatomic& Cil ncalPathol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Kirtikumar G Desai, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Jay A Johnson, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Jonathan J Fox, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Edward E Herold, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Justin D Bennet, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Navaid Asad, MD M
Watsonville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Family Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease
Benjamin Potkin, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Chandrasekaran, MD F
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Albert J Crevello, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Ali Khademi, DO M
Aptos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Gordon E Lee, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of Santa Cruz, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Infectious Diseases
Zenowij Majuk, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Narinder Bhullar, MD M
Watsonville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Nanette M
Mickiewicz, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Linda R Miller, PhD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Internal Medicine
Nicholas Niven, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Tony J Masri, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Milan C Patel, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
General Surgery
Howard E Lee, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Edgar A Gamboa, MD M
Freedom, CA
Victor M Ochoa, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Dennis Chamberlain, MD M
Freedom, CA
Louis C Lee, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Himabindu Pitta, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Janna L Doherty, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Siddharth V Malhotra, MD M
Freedom, CA
Lesley C Prince, MD M
Watsonville, CA
Maria S Granthom, MD F
Freedom, CA
Ben F Tarsitano, MD M
Watsonville, CA
Raheleh Sarbaziha, MD F
Watsonville, CA
Stephanie K Hatfield, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Brian J Waddle, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Watsonville, CA
Marsha L Muir, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Joel A Weinstein, MD M
Watsonville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
General Vascular
Medical Oncology
Stuart A Mumm, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Andrea G Edwards, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Martina Nicholson, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Julie M Jaffe, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Cheryl L Northey, MD F
Watsonville, CA
Larisa Taylor, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Lawrence J Spingola, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Vascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Ann-Marie Jackson, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Ronald K Albright, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Katharine A Brady, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Surinder Kumar, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Nancy Thorner, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Hematology Oncology
Maritina S Rodriguez, MD
Santa Cruz, CA
Amy McMullen, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Christen Allaman, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Joshua Babad, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Michael H Yen, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Princy Arora, MD F
Watsonville, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Joydip Bhattacharya, DO M
Santa Cruz, CA
Lawrence A Birndorf, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PMG of Santa Cruz, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Craig L Blackwell, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Howard H Chen, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Ted Bailey, OD
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Kyong Mee S Kim, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Clement J Cheng, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Nicholas A Abidi, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Clement C Chow, MD M
Campbell, CA
Edward T Bradbury, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Kimberly P
Cockerham, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Mathias Daniels, MD M
Soquel, CA
Arthur Dover, MD M
Aptos, CA
Christian Heywood, MD M
Capitola, CA
Physical Medicine &
Stefan F Klein, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Peggy C Chen, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Leroy M Rasi, MD M
Freedom, CA
Alpana R Gowda, MD F
Soquel, CA
Peter M Reynolds, MD M
Capitola, CA
Jennie Jet, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Varqa Rouhipour, MD M
Capitola, CA
William A Martin, MD M
Aptos, CA
Gustavo A Gonzalez, MD M
Freedom, CA
Christopher D
Summa, MD M
Aptos, CA
Robert P Quinn, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Conrad Hamako, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jonathan Cress, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John V Crowder, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Eric J Del Piero, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Amr A Dessouki, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Harvey A Fishman, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Rex C Hsei, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Thomas V Barker, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Marc Seftel, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Daniel A Spilman, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Brian Ward, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Matthew M Ryan, DO M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Plastic Surgery
Robert D Ley, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Randall P Nacamuli, MD
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Pain Management
Marie Pletsch, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Kalle Varav, MD M
Soquel, CA
Thomas L Yen, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Courtney J Ray, MD F
Freedom, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Samuel Masters, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Marc F Lieberman, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Phuong C Nguyen, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PMG of Santa Cruz, continued
Specialty Physicians - Podiatry
James R Fisher, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Underseas Medicine
Jennifer C Lin, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-UnderseasMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Mark Brenis, DPM M
Capitola, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Alan K Nirady, MD M
Watsonville, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
William Hopkins, DPM M
Watsonville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Roy E Martinez, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
David S Benjamin, MD M
Freedom, CA
Kevin M Mchugh, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Philip A Knorr, MD M
Freedom, CA
Howard T Nelson, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Vascular Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Alvie Hurray, DPM M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Thomas O Hyland, DPM M
Capitola, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Jason Novick, DPM M
Capitola, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Richard B Peterson, MD
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Hardeep Ahluwalia, MD M
Freedom, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgeyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Nicole Surdock, MD F
Watsonville, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Annette J Rasi, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Marylynn L Tam, DPM F
Scotts Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Juan R Rodiguez, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Pulmonary Disease
Michael J Ellison, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Mark A Schemtz, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
David L Kipps, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Evan M Sirc, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Laura Likar, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Richard A Williams, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Aaron B Morse, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Mental Health Providers
For a list of mental health
providers please go to the
Mental Health Providers
section on page 133.
Para obtener una lista de
proveedores de salud mental
visite la sección Proveedores
de Salud Mental en la página
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Lester Miller, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Randall J Rea, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Thaila Ramanujam, MD F
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Radiation Oncology
David Gallardo, MD M
Freedom, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Sleep Disorder
Tony J Masri, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Sel pDisorder
Nicholas Astromoff, MD
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Thoracic Surgery
Peter L Birnbaum, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Daniel Erdman, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Robert D Stewart, MD M
Santa Cruz, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA
Affiliated Hospitals
O’ Connor Hospital L
2105 Forest Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
St Louise Regional
Hospital L
9400 No Name Uno
Gilroy, CA 95020
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Sheetal C Ankolekar, MD
ID No. NQ1019
8833 Monterey Rd STE D
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 278-3115
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph C Barbara, MD M
ID No. NQ0009
7880 Wren Ave STE C133
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-0278
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Frederick P Benson, MD M
ID No. NQ0013
5595 Winfield Blvd STE 214
San Jose, CA 95123
(408) 224-6211
Languages: Italian
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Tatyana V Borodulin, MD M
ID No. NQ0017
1600 W Campbell Ave
STE 202
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 378-3300
Languages: Russian
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
William G Broad, MD M
ID No. NQ0021
143 E Main St
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 354-3920
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rau V Bui, MD F
ID No. NQ0024
27 S 13th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 298-6706
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jamie L Busch, MD F
ID No. NQ0984
1569 Lexann Ave STE 128
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 274-1654
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David A Cahn, MD M
ID No. NQ0028
295 O Connor Dr
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-0548
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark F Campbell, MD M
ID No. NQ0033
1390 S Winchester Blvd
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 866-8200
Languages: German
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joanabel S Cepe, MD F
ID No. NQ0043
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 260
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-0835
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joceliza G Chaudhary, MD F
ID No. NQ0051
2460 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-1911
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Annie B Chern, MD F
ID No. NQ0683
455 O’Connor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Norman Chow, DO M
ID No. NQ0089
320 Dardanelli Ln STE 10B
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 866-4576
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Henry S Chua, MD M
ID No. NQ0103
6475 Camden Ave STE 105
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9155
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Peter K Chung, DO M
ID No. NQ0895
1470 Halford Ave STE 168
Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 247-0099
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David L Griffith, MD M
ID No. NQ0059
6475 Camden Ave STE 105
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9155
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Samuel J Cipoletti, MD M
ID No. NQ0144
554 Blossom Hill Rd
San Jose, CA 95123
(408) 281-2772
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jennifer D Haggerty, MD F
ID No. NQ0722
2460 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-1911
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jorge V Contreras, MD M
ID No. NQ0157
841 Blossom Hill Rd STE 215
San Jose, CA 95123
(408) 629-7095
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edward C Dewees, MD M
ID No. NQ0015
1600 W Campbell Ave
STE 202
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 378-3300
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Michael J Henehan, DO M
ID No. NQ0085
455 Oconnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sylvia H Hoang, MD F
ID No. NQ0717
500 Calaveras Blvd STE 100
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 942-0980
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jeffrey C Ettinger, MD M
ID No. NQ0031
6475 Camden Ave STE 105
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9155
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tripty M Gandhi, MD F
ID No. NQ0047
1080 Scott Blvd STE 5
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 247-8100
Languages: Gujarati and
Dan D Hopner, MD M
ID No. NQ0105
340 Dardanelli Ln STE 24
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 378-8648
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Diana F Fink, MD F
ID No. NQ0039
554 Blossom Hill Rd
San Jose, CA 95123
(408) 278-3210
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Bertha S Jalilie, MD F
ID No. NQ0181
20555 Prospect Rd
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 996-9339
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Maria D
Jumagdao-Sakai, MD F
ID No. NQ0725
9460 N Name Uno STE 115
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-3133
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shashwati S Kale, MD
ID No. NQ0218
2690 S White Rd STE 200
San Jose, CA 95148
(408) 223-8228
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Manjula Kamaraju, MD M
ID No. NQ0241
2460 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-1911
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Michael E Kan, MD M
ID No. NQ0252
360 Dardanelli Ln STE 1G
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 378-2900
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Dhanu Kapoor, MD F
ID No. NQ0035
2110 Forest Ave STE E
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 241-2900
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Manika V Kaushal, MD F
ID No. NQ0727
6475 Camden Ave STE 105
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9155
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Robert K Lin, MD M
ID No. NQ0134
888 N Winchester Blvd
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 243-1528
Languages: Chinese and
Phiroze Kazi, MD
ID No. NQ0044
2505 Samaritan Dr STE 304
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-3585
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
Joshua D Lopez, MD M
ID No. NQ0729
227 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Becky S Kroll, MD F
ID No. NQ0850
18181 Butterfield Blvd
STE 180
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-7696
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Smitha Kumar, MD F
ID No. NQ0073
9460 N Name Uno STE 115
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-3133
Languages: Hindi, Russian
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephanie P Le, DO F
ID No. NQ0986
1693 Flanigan Dr STE 100
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 274-3881
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jocelyn G Lim, DO F
ID No. NQ0118
9460 N Name Uno STE 230
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-1544
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Elham J Louis, DO F
ID No. NQ0720
1580 S Winchester Blvd
STE 202
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 364-7600
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Robert J Marx, MD M
ID No. NQ0196
14911 National Ave STE 7
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 358-3511
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Michelle M Maxey, MD F
ID No. NQ0219
455 Oconnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David W McCullough, MD M
ID No. NQ0232
6475 Camden Ave STE 105
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9155
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Victor J Meceda, MD M
ID No. NQ0845
500 E Calaveras Blvd
STE 100
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 942-0980
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gunjan Mittal, MD F
ID No. NQ0730
9360 No Name Uno STE 240
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 846-8100
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sophia Mohammad, MD F
ID No. NQ0985
2728 Aborn Rd
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 270-2100
Languages: Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sandra L Morse, MD M
ID No. NQ0294
143 E Main St
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 354-3920
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Anakha R Nambiar, MD F
ID No. NQ0859
700 W Parr Ave STE B
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 871-9100
Languages: Malayalam and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hai H Nguyen, MD M
ID No. NQ0328
210 N Jackson Ave STE 20
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-6127
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Peter L Nguyen, DO
ID No. NQ0057
1879 Lundy Ave STE 139
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 993-0380
Languages: Vietnamese
Robert Norman, MD M
ID No. NQ0080
25 N 14th St STE 520
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 977-4677
Languages: Spanish
Kompal Piplani, MD F
ID No. NQ0965
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Also located at:
749 Story Rd STE 20
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 794-2088
Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at:
455 OConnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
Languages: Spanish
Quynh-Queen A
Nguyen, DO F
ID No. NQ0061
1675 Burdette Dr STE 20
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 274-6944
Languages: Spanish and
Mi Ran Park, MD F
ID No. NQ0825
5150 Graves Ave STE 11B
San Jose, CA 95129
(408) 293-0800
Languages: Korean
Arthur A Polussa, MD M
ID No. NQ0842
812 Pollard Rd STE 5
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 866-6776
Languages: Farsi and Persian
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Trung Nguyen, MD M
ID No. NQ0066
280 N Jackson Ave STE D
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 254-9192
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Vu H Nguyen, MD M
ID No. NQ0075
210 N Jackson Ave STE 20
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 251-6127
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Robert P Nishime, MD M
ID No. NQ0077
280 Jackson St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 293-5864
Languages: Japanese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mittal Patel, MD F
ID No. NQ0656
2505 Samaritan Dr STE 505
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-4200
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
James M Pellegrin, MD M
ID No. NQ0095
143 E Main St
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 354-3920
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dung My Phan, MD F
ID No. NQ1035
1693 Flanigan Dr STE 100
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 274-3881
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Juan E Posada, MD M
ID No. NQ0104
200 Jose Figueres
STE 485 495
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-3022
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Daljeet S Rai, MD M
ID No. NQ0108
455 OConnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ramachandran, MD F
ID No. NQ0841
15195 National Ave STE 205
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(831) 335-7640
Languages: French, Hindi and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
John M Rashkis, MD M
ID No. NQ0109
485 Monterey Ave
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 354-9200
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Daniel J Reyes Villa, MD M
ID No. NQ0732
227 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew D
Schechtman, MD M
ID No. NQ0130
455 OConnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Frederick W
Schwertley, MD M
ID No. NQ0133
10373 Torre Ave STE G
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 996-1511
Frances R Sun, MD F
ID No. NQ0071
455 Oconnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Minh Q Thai, MD M
ID No. NQ0074
60 N 13th St STE B
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 294-2616
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Elise C Torres, MD F
ID No. NQ0966
455 OConnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jon M Scott, DO M
ID No. NQ0136
1150 Scott Blvd STE D1
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 246-9915
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rina B Shah, MD F
ID No. NQ0973
143 E Main St
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 354-3920
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Tamil
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Donald Y Siao, MD M
ID No. NQ0179
2690 S White Rd STE 200
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 223-7771
Joseph J Walters, MD M
ID No. NQ0173
12961 Village Dr STE A
Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 253-4806
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
William S Warshal, MD M
ID No. NQ0183
2460 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-1911
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Edwin L Weeks, MD M
ID No. NQ0199
2060 Aborn Rd STE 100
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 223-9055
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Henry Weinstock, MD M
ID No. NQ0207
227 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Polish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
George A Whang, MD M
ID No. NQ0610
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3620
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 287-3003
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
455 O Connor Dr STE 150
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 298-8770
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roger W Washington, MD M
ID No. NQ0191
885 Scott Blvd STE 4
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 246-9926
Languages: Spanish
Hung-Kwong Wong, MD M
ID No. NQ0260
2020 Forest Ave STE 8
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 295-1886
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
Amy G Watson, MD F
ID No. NQ0999
2030 Forest Ave STE 110
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 297-5959
Norman P Woods, MD M
ID No. NQ0305
2460 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-1911
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael B Stevens, MD M
ID No. NQ0056
455 Oconnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
John M Wortley, MD M
ID No. NQ0313
6475 Camden Ave STE 105
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9155
Languages: Dutch and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jessica M Ybarra, MD F
ID No. NQ0988
2660 Grant Rd STE F
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 962-4360
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Gopi N Ayer, MD M
ID No. NQ0003
14981 National Ave STE 6
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 358-1811
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Russian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Liangxue Zhu, MD F
ID No. NQ0734
6475 Camden Ave STE 105
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9155
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Michael S Cahn, MD M
ID No. NQ0030
295 OConnor Dr
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-8171
Languages: German and
Jerry L Callaway, MD M
ID No. NQ0032
2512 Samaritan Ct STE M
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-3715
Languages: French
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Richard Cathey, MD M
ID No. NQ0040
1333 Piedmont Rd STE 101
San Jose, CA 95132
(408) 254-2107
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mandeep B Ayer, MD
ID No. NQ0004
15215 National Ave STE 104
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 358-1811
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Leena Badhwar, MD F
ID No. NQ1020
240 Oak Meadow Dr STE 6
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 358-8958
Maggie S Chau, DO F
ID No. NQ0049
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 205
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 923-8098
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Vietnamese
Sailaja R
Bommakanti, MD M
ID No. NQ0016
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3003
Also located at:
54 N Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 294-7179
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hong H Bui, MD F
ID No. NQ0022
1661 Burdette Dr STE I
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 270-9642
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Chiu J Yuan, MD M
ID No. NQ0415
475 N 1st St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 297-3200
Languages: Fukienese,
Japanese and Mandarin
Sheldon A Zitman, MD M
ID No. NQ0424
20555 Prospect Rd
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 996-9339
Suzanne M Austin, MD F
ID No. NQ0002
2498 Stevens Creek Blvd
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 998-5400
Languages: French, Italian
and Spanish
Also located at:
455 OConnor Dr STE 290
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 998-5400
Languages: French, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Internal Medicine
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Tsung-Chang Chen, MD M
ID No. NQ0054
10430 S De Anza Blvd
STE E220
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 257-8860
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dominic M Chiong, MD M
ID No. NQ0062
2690 S White Rd STE 200
San Jose, CA 95148
(408) 223-8118
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jack L Coombs Jr, MD M
ID No. NQ0006
2505 Samaritan Dr STE 302
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 358-3640
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Victor F Corsiglia, MD M
ID No. NQ0010
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3228
Languages: Italian
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dinh X Dam, MD M
ID No. NQ0014
Kisuk J Cho, MD M
200 N Jackson Ave STE C
ID No. NQ0067
San Jose, CA 95116
2344 El Camino Real STE 105 (408) 923-8080
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Languages: Norwegian,
Spanish and Vietnamese
(408) 249-4603
Languages: Korean
Christopher N Do, MD M
ID No. NQ0018
Yoon Jung Cho, MD M
ID No. NQ0070
1692 Tully Rd STE 10
2344 El Camino Real STE 105 San Jose, CA 95122
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 531-8808
(408) 249-1212
Languages: Spanish and
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Lawrence A Epstein, MD M
ID No. NQ1017
2500 Hospital Dr BLDG 11
Mountain View, CA 94040
(209) 579-5628
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Frank G Gregory Jr, MD M
ID No. NQ0967
340 Dardanelli Ln STE 13
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 379-8140
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Jose M Guanzon, MD M
ID No. NQ0069
2395 Montpelier Dr STE 4
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-3041
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Taimur H Habib, MD M
ID No. NQ1018
2660 Grant Rd STE E
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 962-4370
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hankyu Chung, MD M
ID No. NQ0115
2039 Forest Ave STE 303
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 297-8600
Languages: Korean
Trang U Do, MD F
ID No. NQ0020
2114 Senter Rd STE 15
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 975-9800
Languages: Vietnamese
Donald J Conlon, MD M
ID No. NQ0149
340 Dardanelli Ln STE 13
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 370-7200
Linda Eglin, MD F
ID No. NQ0029
360 Dardanelli Ln STE 1G
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 378-2900
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
2660 Grant Rd STE F
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 962-4360
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Lewis L Haut, MD M
ID No. NQ0198
2039 Forest Ave STE 301
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 998-8800
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Khoi N Hoang, MD M
ID No. NQ0100
2505 Samaritan Dr STE 405
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 356-8133
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Chia-Yi S Hung, DO F
ID No. NQ0868
227 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Mandarin
Lyth H Kaileh, MD M
ID No. NQ0840
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Arabic and Farsi
Boo W Lee, MD M
ID No. NQ0082
2040 Forest Ave STE 3
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 977-1310
Languages: Korean
Shabnam Husain, MD M
ID No. NQ0129
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
Aradhana Kar, MD F
ID No. NQ0038
20555 Prospect Rd
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 996-9339
Languages: Hindi
Sang K Lee, MD M
ID No. NQ0087
5150 Graves Ave BLDG 4
San Jose, CA 95129
(408) 973-1313
Languages: Korean
Chau Huynh, MD M
ID No. NQ0137
1865 Alum Rock Ave STE B
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-8814
Languages: French and
Sudha Karupaiah, MD F
ID No. NQ0041
65 N 14th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-1400
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
Cheung T Leung, MD M
ID No. NQ0106
9360 N Name Uno STE 110
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 848-2525
Languages: Cantonese and
Dat T Huynh, MD M
ID No. NQ0145
1661 Burdette Dr STE N
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 270-4582
Languages: French and
Shahe V Komshian, MD
ID No. NQ0055
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Armenian and
Chung H Liao, MD M
ID No. NQ0114
14651 S Bascom Ave
STE 102
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 358-1898
Languages: Chinese
Minh Q Huynh, MD M
ID No. NQ0153
57 N 13th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 998-3075
Languages: Vietnamese
Korsunsky, MD M
ID No. NQ0060
5150 Graves Ave STE 5B
San Jose, CA 95129
(408) 517-0560
Languages: Russian
Andrew Y Lin, MD M
ID No. NQ0123
500 E Remington Dr STE 30
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 739-5950
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
William B Joyce, MD M
ID No. NQ0204
18550 De Paul Dr STE 208
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 776-8040
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Osama F Lam, MD F
ID No. NQ0078
227 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jimmy J Lin, MD M
ID No. NQ0128
2411 Forest Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 983-1012
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Leewen Liu, MD F
ID No. NQ0151
19040 Cox Ave STE 1
Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 973-8861
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jean F Luong, MD F
ID No. NQ0164
295 Oconnor Dr
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-8171
Languages: French and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Richard A Mahrer, MD M
ID No. NQ0172
2206 Business Cir STE B
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 293-0779
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Allen K McGrath Jr, MD M
ID No. NQ0243
340 Dardanelli Ln STE 13
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 379-8140
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
San San Myint, MD F
ID No. NQ0731
105 N Jackson Ave STE 103
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 272-3580
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Masha M Nakelchik, MD F
ID No. NQ0317
295 Oconnor Dr
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-8173
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ngai X Nguyen, MD M
ID No. NQ0263
696 E Santa Clara St STE 108
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 971-8441
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Roeliza E Pascua, MD F
ID No. NQ0093
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Tuan N Nguyen, MD
ID No. NQ0072
2324 Montpelier Dr STE 5
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-0737
Languages: French and
Dushyant N Patel, MD M
ID No. NQ0094
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 340
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 923-1711
Languages: Farsi, Gujarati
and Hindi
Also located at:
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 380
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-0737
Languages: French and
Nga V Pham, MD M
ID No. NQ0098
1569 Lexann Ave STE 122
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 532-0105
Languages: Danish and
Joy A Nishime, MD F
ID No. NQ0874
280 Jackson St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 293-5864
Languages: Japanese
Eric A Pifer, MD M
ID No. NQ0990
2660 Grant Rd STE F
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 962-4360
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Richard A Ornelas, MD M
ID No. NQ0088
2100 Forest Ave STE 107
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 793-8377
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
ID No. NQ1001
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3003
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Rafia Parveen, MD M
ID No. NQ0092
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 390
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 929-0234
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Anitha Raghavan, MD F
ID No. NQ0982
18511 Mission View Dr
STE 120
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-9422
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
Kavita H Sharma, MD F
ID No. NQ0154
221 E Hacienda Ave STE D
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 376-3380
Languages: Hindi and
Caroline K Stratz, MD F
ID No. NQ1004
2660 Grant Rd STE F
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 962-4360
Languages: French and
Also located at:
9460 N Name Uno STE 115
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-2133
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
Albert C Shen, MD M
ID No. NQ0323
316 Rosewood Ave
San Jose, CA 95117
(408) 296-9800
Languages: Chinese and
Also located at:
2500 Grant Rd
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 940-7393
Languages: French and
Shahab M
Roohparvar, MD M
ID No. NQ0113
2660 Grant Rd
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 969-9101
Frank D Shin, MD M
ID No. NQ0174
1440 S De Anza Blvd STE A
San Jose, CA 95129
(408) 366-0405
Languages: Mandarin
Anjali V Sagdeo, MD F
ID No. NQ0122
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Gujarati and
Leo J Sifflet, MD M
ID No. NQ0186
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3003
Languages: French
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Devang S Shah, MD M
ID No. NQ0140
18550 De Paul Dr STE 101
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 776-3900
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Nimisha H Shah, MD F
ID No. NQ0143
18550 De Paul Dr STE 101
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 776-3900
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert P Silva, MD M
ID No. NQ1036
340 Dardanelli Ln STE 13
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 379-8140
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
James C Son, MD M
ID No. NQ0194
1150 Scott Blvd STE B3
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 261-7245
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Nicole Thai, MD F
ID No. NQ0079
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 355
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 928-5656
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vijay K Thukral, MD M
ID No. NQ0083
2664 Berryessa Rd STE 118
San Jose, CA 95132
(408) 258-7400
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Steven M Tilles, MD M
ID No. NQ0086
2505 Samaritan Dr STE 405
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 356-8133
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
2505 Samaritan Dr STE 405
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 356-8133
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Habib A Tobbagi, MD M
ID No. NQ0107
200 Jose Figueres Ave
STE 260
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-2013
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tracy P Tram, MD
ID No. NQ0117
2360 Mckee Rd STE 1
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 926-2420
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Don D Tran, MD M
ID No. NQ0121
702 E Santa Clara St STE 3
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-2377
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
25 N 14th St STE 780
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-2377
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thai V Tran, MD
ID No. NQ0126
652 E Santa Clara St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 294-2868
Languages: Chinese, French
and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thang D Tran, MD M
ID No. NQ0131
1569 Lexann Ave STE 114
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 223-8818
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Toan Q Tran, MD M
ID No. NQ0815
1776 N Milpitas Blvd
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 956-9096
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Phillip F Tse, MD M
ID No. NQ0146
373 S Redwood Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 261-3739
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
266 N Jackson Ave STE 7
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 937-7581
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ronald R Uyeyama, MD M
ID No. NQ0156
2577 Samaritan Dr STE 745
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 356-7188
Languages: Japanese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
2101 Forest Ave STE 102
San Jose, CA 95128
(831) 642-5442
Languages: Japanese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Chung H Vu, MD M
ID No. NQ0166
2593 S King Rd STE 15
San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 274-0226
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jan A Winetz, MD M
ID No. NQ0237
2505 Samaritan Dr STE 405
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 356-8133
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
David C Wong, MD M
ID No. NQ0246
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3003
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Samuel W Wu, MD M
ID No. NQ0333
7880 Wren Ave STE D143
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 846-1800
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Inna Yaskin, DO F
ID No. NQ0694
515 South Dr STE 12
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 318-3384
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
Also located at:
815 Pollard Rd
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(650) 318-3384
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
George K Yeh, MD M
ID No. NQ0387
706 N Winchester Blvd
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 298-4495
Languages: Fukienese, Hakka
and Mandarin
PCPs-Itnernal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
James H Yeh, MD M
ID No. NQ1041
706 N Winchester Blvd
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 298-4495
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gabriel Young, MD M
ID No. NQ0397
10011 N Foothill Blvd
STE 105
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 366-0600
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jim R Hur, MD M
ID No. NQ0345
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 357-1480
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Jim R Hur, MD M
ID No. NQ0345
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 357-1480
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
2516 Samaritan Dr STE J
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3115
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Huma Aziz, MD F
ID No. NQ0007
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3003
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Viet Hong D Bui, DO F
ID No. NQ0026
696 E Santa Clara St
STE 210
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 295-9839
Languages: Vietnamese
Gul A Zikria, MD M
ID No. NQ0640
1109 S Park Victoria Dr
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 946-9453
Languages: Spanish
Sydney C
Choslovsky, MD M
ID No. NQ0081
65 N 14TH St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-1400
Cynthia Cummings, MD F
ID No. NQ0012
2585 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3003
Languages: French, German
and Norwegian
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Fareeda N Adeeb, MD F
ID No. NQ0921
275 Oconnor Dr STE B
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 279-8798
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Frank F Huang, MD M
ID No. NQ0120
50 E Main Ave STE A
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-7348
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Thuy N Huynh, MD F
ID No. NQ0723
1189 E Calaveras Blvd
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 262-9992
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Dae W Kang, MD M
ID No. NQ0726
2000 W Hedding St STE 10
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 280-5500
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
2516 Samaritan Dr STE J
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 278-3115
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Arthur B Feldman, MD M
ID No. NQ0034
227 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 278-3003
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
George P Kent, MD M
ID No. NQ0048
455 Oconner Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Melanie A Martin, MD M
ID No. NQ0180
554 Blossom Hill Rd
San Jose, CA 95123
(408) 281-2772
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
1580 S Winchester Bl
STE 202
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 364-7600
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Marvin P Masada, MD
ID No. NQ0206
1569 Lexann Ave STE 128
San Jose, CA 95121
(408) 274-1654
John S Kellogg, MD M
San Jose, CA
Steven M Block, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Allergy & Immunology
Marta C Murawski, MD F
ID No. NQ0304
625 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 278-3003
Arthur A Biedermann, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Maia U Chakerian, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Harvey J Sachs, MD M
ID No. NQ0116
227 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 278-3003
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Addy Squarer, MD F
ID No. NQ0211
105 N Bascom Ave STE 103
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 998-2100
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Paul C Reynolds, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
Joann C Blessing
Moore, MD F
Palo Alto, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Theodore J Chu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Sanjay M Bindra, MD M
Fremont, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Alan B Goldsobel, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dan V Dang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Jeffrey L Kishiyama, MD M
San Jose, CA
Anjali Gulati, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Roxanne S Leung, MD F
Gilroy, CA
David S Hirschfeld, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Toby Levenson, MD M
San Jose, CA
Raymond I Huang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Donald Wroblewski, MD M
ID No. NQ0318
65 N 14th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-1400
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Grace C Yu, MD F
ID No. NQ0407
455 Oconnor Dr STE 210
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 995-5453
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Katherine S Nelson, MD F
San Jose, CA
Adil N Irani, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Virender K Sachdeva, MD M
San Jose, CA
Suman S Kuppahally, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Robert T Torrano, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Andrew T Kwa, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
James D Wolfe, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Cheung T Leung, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Anlin Xu, MD F
San Jose, CA
Akik K Parikh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specialty Physicians
Anatomic & Clinical
Martin A Knaus, LAC M
San Jose, CA
John M Gonzales, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Acupncture
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anatomci &Clni cal Pathol ogy
Shahid K Siddiqui, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Cardiovascular Disease
Kurt N Bausback, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Anuradha Chirala, MD F
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
Dwain L Coggins, MD M
San Jose, CA
Ronald M Rossen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Costantino T Gallo, MD M
San Jose, CA
Charles F Tuffli Jr, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dentsi t
Michael M Gold, MD M
San Jose, CA
Benjamin M Wu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Stephen E Green, MD M
San Jose, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
John R Kao, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Lyubov Kisilyuk, DDS F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Inna Shturman, DDS F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dentsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Henry J Fee, MD M
Monte Sereno, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Ada A Koransky, MD F
San Jose, CA
Dentist, Specialist
Srujal Shah, DDS M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dentsi t,Specai l si t
Steven M Schwartz, MD M
Campbell, CA
Katherine L Ball, MD F
San Jose, CA
Raymond Silva, MD M
Campbell, CA
Dorothy J Buckner, MD F
San Jose, CA
Child Neurology
Kent S Carson, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Felix H Lee, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Matthew T Levy, MD M
San Jose, CA
Edward J Guarino, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
John H Lien, MD M
San Jose, CA
Leon T Tan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Norman S
Lowenbraun, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Sunil S Dhawan, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Jorn T Jensen, DC M
Los Gatos, CA
Hong T Do, MD F
San Jose, CA
Sherry D McAllister, DC F
San Jose, CA
Orval M Eshelman, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
George C Hsieh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chli dNeurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Adrian O Ma, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Durga Madala, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Michael R Nagel, MD M
San Jose, CA
Anh Quan T Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Miguel D Doria, MD M
San Jose, CA
Richard M Parrish, MD M
San Jose, CA
Mark M Segall, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Rajesh Prasad, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Rita Khodosh, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Duke T Khuu, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Leon Lubianker, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Critical Care Medicine
Sharad K Dass, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -CrticalCareMedci ne
Mehrdad Rezaee, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Richard J Coughlin, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Visoth Chhiap, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chli dNeurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Mychael Luu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Michele W Mak Fung, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Dermatology
Khosrow Mehrany, MD M
San Jose, CA
Harley B Negin, MD M
San Jose, CA
Heideh S Khalilnejad, MD F
Sunnyvale, CA
Andrew B Menkes, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Vladimir Oykhman, MD M
San Jose, CA
Nancy N Salama, MD F
San Jose, CA
Kenneth A Miller, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
John Uhl, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Thai D Vo, MD M
San Jose, CA
Martin B Miller, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Ellis Weeker, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Anjali V Morales, MD M
San Jose, CA
George A Whang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Greg S Morganroth, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Robert F Bronstone, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Robert J Roth, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Nicole C Borau, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
David W Chui, MD M
San Jose, CA
Joselito C Cabaccan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Eduardo B Da Silveira, MD M
San Jose, CA
Michael Greenfield, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Hashem Farr, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dyron J Jue, MD M
San Jose, CA
Ruel T Garcia, MD M
San Jose, CA
Diagnostic Radiology
Ming Li, MD M
San Jose, CA
Alfred L Hurwitz, MD
San Jose, CA
Yueh Ju Y Chung, MD
San Jose, CA
Endocrinology &
Rasik T Kansara, MD M
San Jose, CA
Reza Malek, MD F
San Jose, CA
Charles J Bruhn, MD M
San Jose, CA
Michael C Kushlan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Emergency Medicine
Anuradhika Kandula, MD F
San Jose, CA
Jeffrey W Kwan, MD M
San Jose, CA
David L Peterson, MD M
San Jose, CA
Brian S Levitt, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Family Practice
Shalla S Khan, MD F
San Jose, CA
Robert D Daigle, MD M
San Jose, CA
Terry C Lin, DO M
San Jose, CA
Andrew T Mihalik, MD M
Boulder Creek, CA
Sekhar U Eadula, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Marwan A Balaa, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Lillian F Soohoo, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
D Thomas Urban, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Sandra T Yeh, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metbaol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metbaol si m
Miles R Congress, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metbaol si m
Sekhar U Eadula, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Hugh D Mai, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Huy A Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Khanh K Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Scott Benninghoven, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Maureen M Tedesco, MD
San Jose, CA
Bassam Saffouri, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Carl A Bertelsen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Matthew H Tranduc, MD M
San Jose, CA
Sheila A Savur, MD F
San Jose, CA
Alfred N Butner, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Christopher N Traver, MD M
San Jose, CA
Prince Shah, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Robin M Cisco, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Tzuooming Yeh, MD M
San Jose, CA
David S Shields, MD M
Palo Alto, CA
Saul Eisenstat, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Peter Y Youn, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Geoffrey S Spencer, MD M
San Jose, CA
Amy L Gonsier, MD F
San Jose, CA
General Vascular
David E Stein, MD M
San Jose, CA
Hrair P Gulesserian, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Vascul ar
Kevin D Stuart, MD M
Gilroy, CA
James G Hinsdale, MD M
San Jose, CA
Huy Trinh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Jeffrey H Kaplan, MD M
San Jose, CA
William S Warshal, MD M
San Jose, CA
Harsha Vittal, MD M
San Jose, CA
Richard A Kline, MD M
San Jose, CA
Gynecology Oncology
Sudin Vittal, MD M
San Jose, CA
Rita L Lechleitner, MD F
San Jose, CA
Alice L Yang, MD F
San Jose, CA
Jin-Young Lee, MD M
San Jose, CA
Jenny D Yang, MD F
San Jose, CA
Jamal Modir, MD M
San Jose, CA
Andy S Yu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Peter L Naruns, MD M
Mountain View, CA
General Practice
Richard T Nguyen, DO M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Scott W Baldwin, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Polyxene Gazetas, MD F
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Peter J Schubart, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gearitrics
Samuel C Ballon, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
James F Lilja, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
John R Saranto, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Vladimir Oykhman, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Shyamali M Singhal, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Hand Surgery-Plastic
Vincent D Lepore, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pl astci
Reginald V McCoy, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pl astci
Anthony H Nguyen, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pl astci
Shehzad Aziz, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Elwyn C Cabebe, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Hematology
May C Chen, MD F
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Rachana M Palnitkar, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InefctiousDsi eases
Rani V
Ramachandran, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Thomas T Chen, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Rani V
Ramachandran, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InefctiousDsi eases
Peter S Galatin, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Alex E Studemeister, MD M
San Jose, CA
Thirupathi K Reddy, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Internal Medicine
Varsha Saha, MD
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InefctiousDsi eases
Laura V Stampleman, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Deepa K Rathi, MD F
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Hematology Oncology
Manoj Agarwal, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Jack L Ackerman, DO M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Alexander A Clerk, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Ying Cao, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Shane P Dormady, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Sara M Farr, MD F
San Jose, CA
Andrew C Combs, MD M
Campbell, CA
William J Firman, MD M
San Jose, CA
Vicki L Duncan, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Ioana A Gheorghiu, MD F
San Jose, CA
Alan Fishman, MD M
Campbell, CA
Amy W Hockenbrock, MD F
San Jose, CA
Sarah Y Lee, MD
Campbell, CA
Minhtruong T Lai, MD M
San Jose, CA
Santosh Pandipati, MD
Campbell, CA
Timothy A Lockyer, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Medical Oncology
Arezou Minooe, MD F
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
George Labban, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Jiali Li, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Pei Hua Lu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Martha C Man, MD F
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
tung ho wang, md F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Mahsa Esfahani, MD
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Tin T Hla, MD F
San Jose, CA
Vidhi Shah, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Martin D Rubenstein, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Peter S Galatin, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Byron E Wilson, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Daniel H Morgan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Peyman Haghighat, MD M
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Infectious Diseases
Michael T Charney, MD M
San Jose, CA
Harish H Murthy, MD M
San Jose, CA
Sumit Majumder, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Thanh Tam N Nguyen, DO F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfcetoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfcetoi usDiseases
Laura V Stampleman, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Geetha N Varma, MD F
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InetrnalMedicni e
Ronald H Yanagihara, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neonatology
Gopal G Krishna, MD M
Salinas, CA
Tony J Masri, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Raj Kumar, MD M
San Jose, CA
Hiep Quy Ngo, MD M
San Jose, CA
Cynthia Lin, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Sonya S Patel, DO F
Los Gatos, CA
Dennis N Phan, MD M
Salinas, CA
Harmeet S Sachdev, MD M
San Jose, CA
Barbara L Rever, MD F
Salinas, CA
Noor S Sachdev, MD M
San Jose, CA
Addy Squarer, MD F
San Jose, CA
Paul H Singer, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
George O Ting, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Neal E Slatkin, MD M
San Jose, CA
Suzanne M Austin, MD F
San Jose, CA
Phillip F Tse, MD M
San Jose, CA
John M Sum, MD M
San Jose, CA
Brian J Carrie, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Padma Yarlagadda, MD M
San Jose, CA
Xihua Sun, MD M
San Jose, CA
Raymond R Carrillo, MD M
Salinas, CA
Wei Wang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Anju R Bhatia, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Cindy Chen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Priya Jegatheesan, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Eun G Kim, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Katayoun Sadri, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Kenneth I Tan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Maggie W Chen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Tarla P Joshi, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Russell Andrews, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Mitra Emami, MD F
San Jose, CA
Kenneth S
Blumenfeld, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Peter C Fung, MD M
Sunnyvale, CA
Ronald S Greenwald, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Robert S Gould, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Marshal Rosario, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Raul Guisado, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Khoi N Hoang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Angela Anagnos, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Lewis L Haut, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Alexander D Doan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Michael E Dicus, MD M
Salinas, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Mohammed F Ahmed, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Archana Dhawan, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ali Shirzadi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Kouyoumdjian, DO F
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
David D Yeh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Lelanya B Kearns, MD F
San Jose, CA
Dan Anh T Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Narisse Kendrick, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Phuong T Nguyen, MD F
Santa Clara, CA
Maureen Khoo, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Hung Ninh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Mary E Kilkenny, MD M
Campbell, CA
Tae W Noh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dai J Kim, MD F
San Jose, CA
Mary M O’Neill, MD F
Campbell, CA
Zena A Levine, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Nilima B Parekhji, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
James F Lilja, MD M
San Jose, CA
Hyun Kyo Park, MD M
San Jose, CA
Thomas T Lin, MD M
San Jose, CA
Vida K Parsi, MD F
San Jose, CA
Michael T Margolis, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Bichvan Phan, MD F
San Jose, CA
Eleanor M Martinez, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Kenneth T Phan, MD M
San Jose, CA
William D Mccallum, MD M
Palo Alto, CA
Angela M Pollard, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Smriti Nalwa, MD M
San Jose, CA
Kavitha M Raj, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Carl R Nash, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Rita S Raman, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Suresh R Nayak, MD M
San Jose, CA
Thomas L Rarick, MD
Mountain View, CA
Anca V Neacsu, MD F
San Jose, CA
Veronica R Rivera, MD F
San Jose, CA
Ilene Newman, MD F
San Jose, CA
Francis R Sacco, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Hanh Ngan Hoang, MD
San Jose, CA
Anjali Sahai, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Kari A Bertrand, MD F
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Preete Bhanot, MD F
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Elizabeth A Buescher, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Dung V Cai, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Dale A Capulong, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Virginia Chan, DO F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Margaret W Chu, MD
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Erik N Cohen, MD M
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Mario N Cordero, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Kim-Phuong T Dang, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Violetta Faryno, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Neil Granader, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Nadine E Graven, MD F
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Un H Har, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Ali Hoda, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Michael H Huang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstertci s/Gynecol gy
Athiya D Javid, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste ircs/Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Nezhat Solimani, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Jesus L Borrillo, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Rahul Khurana, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Linda A Teagle, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Anita L Breckenridge, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Jeehee Kim, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Jumnah Thanapathy, MD F
Gilroy, CA
Bart A Carey, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Donald Y Lesser, MD M
San Jose, CA
Eduardo A Vergara, MD M
San Jose, CA
David F Chang, MD M
Los Altos, CA
Peter S Levin, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Steven P Vo, MD M
San Jose, CA
Louis K Chang, MD M
San Jose, CA
James C Liu, MD M
Cupertino, CA
Giao V Vu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Marina S Chechelnitsky, MD
San Jose, CA
Danny B Luong, MD M
San Jose, CA
Valli A Vujjeni, MD M
San Jose, CA
Jessica L Chen, MD F
Palo Alto, CA
David B Mark, MD M
Sunnyvale, CA
James A Watson, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Joseph Decker, MD M
San Jose, CA
Robert S Mastman, MD M
Cupertino, CA
Kenneth M Weber, MD M
Mountain View, CA
John W Duggan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Khoa D Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Elizabeth Wu, MD F
San Jose, CA
Christopher J
Engelman, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Lan T Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Elwyn C Cabebe, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Martin L Fishman, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
May C Chen, MD F
Campbell, CA
Barry Y Fung, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Thomas T Chen, MD M
Campbell, CA
Ajita Grewal, MD F
Los Altos, CA
Sterling J Haidt, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Alok S Bansal, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Daniel J Beers, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Edwin E Boldrey, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ngoc T Nguyen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
James D Palmer, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Douglas B Pulley, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Peter J Rutti, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Amy L Hennessy, MD F
San Jose, CA
Raghunand C Sastry, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
George R Hewes, MD M
San Jose, CA
Lee Shahinian Jr, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Harrup Kaur, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
John H Sullivan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opht aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Thomas Tayeri, MD M
Palo Alto, CA
Sanaz Hariri, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
David M Lieberman, MD M
San Jose, CA
Mark Volpicelli, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Maury K Harwood, MD M
Morgan Hill, CA
James W Linehan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Jennifer P Wang, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Bruce R Huffer, MD M
San Jose, CA
Jennifer Maw, MD F
San Jose, CA
Mark R Wieland, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Jaideep J Iyengar, MD M
San Jose, CA
Michael T Murray, MD M
San Jose, CA
Gloria Wu, MD F
San Jose, CA
Eric M Kagel, MD M
San Jose, CA
Lionel M Nelson, MD M
San Jose, CA
George S Yang, MD M
Santa Clara, CA
Julia S Kahan, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Mauro B Ruffy, MD M
San Jose, CA
Alejandro Zaffaroni, MD M
Los Altos, CA
Kris Okumu, MD
Mountain View, CA
Hamed Sajjadi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Leo B Semkiw, MD M
San Jose, CA
Hussein Samji, MD M
San Jose, CA
Samir Sharma, MD M
Campbell, CA
Pain Management
Barry A Tuch, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Anh X Bui, OD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Kimberly C Cheng, OD
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Venkat Aachi, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Sophie K Dao, MD F
Milpitas, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
William W Wall, MD
San Jose, CA
Alphonsus Cheung, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Emmanuel Dela Cruz
San Jose, CA
Gang Li, MD M
Campbell, CA
Ngon H Dinh, DO M
San Jose, CA
Annu Navani, MD M
Campbell, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Richard S Eng, MD M
San Jose, CA
Tu V Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Dinesh N Bhuva, MD M
San Jose, CA
Karen Y Fann, DO F
San Jose, CA
Eli Chen, MD M
Morgan Hill, CA
Philip T Ho, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pathol ogy
Paul H Dossick, MD
Los Gatos, CA
Mark S Kita, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Mark Golod, MD M
San Jose, CA
Patrick C Lay, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Thomas Pan, OD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
David Berkeley, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
John V Collin, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pathol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Bruce P Douglas, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pathol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pathology
Charles Lombard, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Sunghoon Kim, MD M
San Jose, CA
Tripta Sachdev, MD
San Jose, CA
Mahendra Ranchod, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Sherman N Tran, MD
Campbell, CA
Reardon West, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Plastic Surgery
Leon T Tan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Laurence Berkowitz, MD M
Campbell, CA
Michael L Griffin, MD M
San Mateo, CA
Eric S Chan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Kyong Mee S Kim, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Perinatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Dean M Didech, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Pediatric Cardiology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Anju R Bhatia, MD F
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Rhonda S Lappen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Peter S Levin, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Priya Jegatheesan, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Perinatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Michael P Tran, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Jerome H Liu, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Eun G Kim, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Perinatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Tom S Liu, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Physical Med & Rehab
Tracy E Liu, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Melody Lynd, MD F
Campbell, CA
Adel B Abi Hanna, MD M
San Jose, CA
James Petros, MD M
San Jose, CA
Sachin S Parikh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Marjorie F
McCracken, MD F
San Jose, CA
Felicia Radu
Radulescu, MD F
Campbell, CA
Agheg Yenikomshian, MD M
San Jose, CA
Phuong C Nguyen, MD F
San Jose, CA
Physical Medicine &
Pediatric Neonatal-P
Venkat Aachi, MD M
Campbell, CA
Jack E Fisher, DPM M
Gilroy, CA
Norman J Kahan, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Leonard Greenwald, MD M
San Jose, CA
Suresh K Mahawar, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Sara Karamloo, DPM F
Los Gatos, CA
Pediatric Surgery
Maliheh Massih, MD F
Campbell, CA
Olajire Idowu, MD M
San Jose, CA
Tuyen N Ngo, MD M
San Jose, CA
Richard T
Koenigsberg, DPM M
Sunnyvale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastroenterol gy
Richard J Powers, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Kamakshi R Zeidler, MD F
Campbell, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNeonatl -P
Pediatric Orthopedic
Jeffrey S Kanel, MD M
Campbell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircOrthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Sandi E Matarangas, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Podiatry
Kelly A Nix, DPM F
Los Gatos, CA
Deepak Khuntia, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Karl P Nguyen, MD M
San Jose, CA
Joan Oloff, DPM F
Los Gatos, CA
Steven M Kurtzman, MD M
Campbell, CA
Kenneth C Ong, MD M
San Jose, CA
Stuart A Slamowitz, DPM M
Los Gatos, CA
Ann Y Minn, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Arash M Padidar, MD M
San Jose, CA
Matthew S Smith, MD M
San Jose, CA
Rizwan D Nurani, MD M
Campbell, CA
Matthew E Pasto, MD M
San Jose, CA
Robert Verrette, DPM M
San Jose, CA
Patel R Rakesh, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Cynthia J Sigler, MD F
San Jose, CA
James B Warne, DPM M
Los Gatos, CA
Robert N Sinha, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Anup K Singh, MD M
Modesto, CA
Al V Taira, MD M
Campbell, CA
Robert B Skor, MD M
Hollister, CA
Raymond C Tan, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Ralph L Smith, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Sanjay K Agarwal, MD M
Milpitas, CA
Loan N Tran, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Drew W Sullivan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Ali G Bassiri, MD M
San Jose, CA
Stephen A Weller, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Rajeev L Tandon, MD M
Modesto, CA
Robert Filuk, MD M
San Jose, CA
Gordon W Wong, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Matthew T Tran, MD M
San Jose, CA
Paul I Huang, MD
San Jose, CA
Bahram Varjavand, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Kathleen L Eldredge, PhD F
Palo Alto, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Pulmonary Disease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Jesus M Leon, MD M
Hollister, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Baldev Singh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Stephen A Wilson, MD M
Fremont, CA
Allan Wright, MD M
Modesto, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Donald R Fox, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Jagat B Satia, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Keith B Ford, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Anne J Pickersgill, MD F
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Paul R Cipriano, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Edward Omron, MD M
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Carmelo S Sgarlata, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ReproductiveEndocrinol gy
Reza Malek, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Radiation Oncology
Gregory O Colburn, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Stuart I Mass, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Santa Clara County IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Rheumatology
Morteza Dowlatshahi, MD
San Jose, CA
Robert P Panvini, MD M
San Jose, CA
Thoracic Surgery
Amir Saffarian, MD M
Morgan Hill, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ThearpeuticRadoi l ogy
Balasubramanian, MD F
Los Gatos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Sharon A Bogerty, MD F
San Jose, CA
Bruce J Dreyfuss, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Terry R Sullivan, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Gordon E Katske, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Helen Feng, MD F
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Patrick E Wherry, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lily Kao, MD F
San Jose, CA
Shahram S Gholami, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Gerlie L Papillion, MD M
Gilroy, CA
Yu Hwong, MD
San Jose, CA
Vidya Parameswaran, MD F
San Jose, CA
Edward Karpman, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Sundaramurthy, MD F
San Jose, CA
David King, MD M
Palo Alto, CA
Sleep Disorder
Wesley G Kong, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Vascular Surgery
David W Chang, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgeyr
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Roger M Hayashi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgeyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Rakesh Safaya, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgeyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Alexander A Clerk, MD M
San Jose, CA
John Kersten Kraft, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Sl e pDsi order
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Tony J Masri, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Larry Kretchmar, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Sl e pDsi order
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Richard J Coughlin, MD M
Los Gatos, CA
Frank C Lai, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Walsh G Hugh, MD M
San Jose, CA
Leonard Levine, MD M
Mountain View, CA
Mental Health Providers
For a list of mental health
providers please go to the
Mental Health Providers
section on page 133.
Para obtener una lista de
proveedores de salud mental
visite la sección Proveedores
de Salud Mental en la página
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Han P Lo, MD F
San Jose, CA
Danagra G Ikossi, MD M
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
David Noller, MD M
San Jose, CA
Marc M Zare, MD
San Jose, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Therapeutic Radiology
Mark W Noller, MD M
San Jose, CA
Constance R Bowie, MD F
San Jose, CA
David M Nudell, MD M
San Jose, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Therapeutci Radiol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mental Health Providers
If your PCP’s physician group
does not have any mental
health providers in its network,
please refer to the list below.
You may contact these
BlueShiedl65 Plus
providers directly. Please note
that some services may
require the mental health
provider to obtain prior
authorization from Blue Shield,
in order for services to be
Proveedores de Servicios de Salud Mental
Si el grupo médico de su PCP
no cuenta con proveedores de
servicios de salud mental en
su red, consulte la lista que se
incluye a continuación. Puede
comunicarse con estos
proveedores directamente.
Tenga en cuenta que, para
acceder a ciertos servicios, tal
vez sea necesario que el
proveedor de servicios de
salud mental obtenga una
autorización previa de Blue
Shield para que los servicios
estén cubiertos.
Clinical Psychology
Jeffrey A Phipps, PhD
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 932-2168
LPCH Medical Group
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-5052
William F Coby, Phd
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 935-8000
Sarah E Dorrell, PhD
Martinez, CA 94553
(925) 372-6630
Johanna Gladieux, PhD
Lafayette, CA 94549
(510) 332-0329
Carmelina A Mule, PhD
Mcclellan, CA 95652
(707) 562-8202
Austin Hurst, PhD
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 330-1374
Toren Psychological
Services Inc
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 833-8834
Patrice A Forte, PhD
Albany, CA 94707
(530) 622-1017
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Gina Murrell, PsyD
Albany, CA 94706
(510) 205-3711
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clairinda l Howard, PhD
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 522-0465
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Carl R Viesti Jr, PhD
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 778-1444
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Sandy Dibbell Hope, PhD
Danville, CA 94526
(925) 824-2600
Clni cal Psychol gy
Cathia T Walters, PhD
El Cerrito, CA 94530
(510) 499-4054
Clni cal Psychol gy
John T Havey, PhD
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 956-8933
Clni cal Psychol gy
Louanne L
Ellison-Cole, PhD
Los Altos, CA 94022
(408) 406-6690
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Robert C Miller, PhD
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 949-1189
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Jewish Family and
Childrens Services
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 688-3095
Clni cal Psychol gy
Family and Children
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 326-6576
Clni cal Psychol gy
PEERS Associates Inc
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 354-5071
Cil nci al Psychol gy
When you choose your Personal Physician, you
are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  133
Clinical Social Work, continued
Clinical Psychology
Inna M Gluhovsky, PhD
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 353-7498
Franz N Kaiser, MD
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 966-9845
May C Wolff, LCSW
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-9269
Phyllis Sherlock, PhD
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 325-8131
Cheri D Wheeler, PhD
San Jose, CA 95148
(408) 528-8939
Pinole, CA 94564
(510) 758-4039
Portia Polner, PhD
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 798-5323
Cynthia Corbett, PhD
San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 831-0341
Victoria Coad, PhD
Richmond, CA 94801
(510) 233-1992
Geri D Weitzman, PhD
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(831) 338-5638
Mery L Shuer
Chaney, LCSW
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 228-3544
Caryn M Banque, PsyD
Sacramento, CA 95811
(530) 383-3051
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 389-8233
Alison A Beland, PhD
Sacramento, CA 95817
(916) 459-0654
Patrice A Forte, PhD
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(510) 528-4330
John T Havey, PhD
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 956-8933
A Joseph Salais, PhD
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 942-7110
Theodore G Sneed, PhD
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 489-2415
Clinical Social Work
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Clni cal Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
134  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 239-6387
Cil nci al Socai l Work
George Hearne, LCSW
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 482-3070
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Teresa Martinez, LCSW
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 399-5975
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Corina E Seashore, LCSW
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 764-5778
Mabel Moses, LCSW
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 779-9161
Lynne M Taylor, LCSW
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 708-1537
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
(916) 239-6387
Olson W Kent, LCSW
San Jose, CA 95126
(650) 288-8771
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
(916) 723-8773
Lucia Merino, LCSW
San Jose, CA 95129
(831) 475-8242
Susan Cohn, LCSW
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 257-5772
Ellen Castleman, LCSW
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 934-3991
Clni cal Socai l Work
Clni cal Socai l Work
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Clni cal Socai l Work
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Foundations Psych A Prof
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 269-1714
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 239-6387
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Veronica L Baines, LCSW
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 234-3993
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Nicolette E Varzos, PhD
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 849-0843
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Clni cal Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Harley Vande Streek, PsyD
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 442-5800
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Clni cal Psychol gy
Cil nci al Psychol gy
Robin Timm, PhD
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 734-7436
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Clni cal Socai l Work
Clni cal Socai l Work
Cil nci al Socai l Work
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo
el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas
afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Psychiatry, continued
Clinical Social Work
John M Hamel, LCSW
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 930-0900
Vidya Krishnan, MD
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 295-8111
Harvey J Widroe, MD
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 944-9711
Joann L Leskovar, LCSW
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(510) 684-1363
Kevin D Morse, MD
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 293-3888
Mansoor Zuberi, MD
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 944-9711
Jane Weil, LCSW
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(510) 653-4963
Oanh N Vu, MD
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 998-8464
Farzana Amin, MD
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 393-4205
Clni cal Socai l Work
Clni cal Socai l Work
Clni cal Socai l Work
Psychi atry
Psychi atry
Psychai try
Psychai try
Psychi atry
Psychi atry
Richard Sanchez, MD
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 962-0021
Psychai try
Lydia A Breen, MD
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 393-4205
Psychi atry
Hisham Soliman, MD
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 351-9400
Psychai try
Dan Yang, MD
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 393-4205
Psychi atry
Perry R Segal, MD
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 395-1441
Psychai try
Gregory Braverman
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(831) 384-2095
Psychi atry
Shahbaz R Khan, MD
Martinez, CA 94553
(925) 370-0500
Psychai try
David S Golub, MD
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 945-1518
Psychi atry
Robert C Burr, MD
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 969-9670
Psychai try
Deepak Rao, MD
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 944-9711
Psychi atry
Kenneth Seeman, MD
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 321-9900
Psychai try
Craig P Rudnick, MD
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 944-9711
Psychi atry
Peter J Cotsirilos, MD
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 222-4429
Psychai try
Gerard M Schmit, MD
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 944-9711
Psychi atry
Janak Mehtani, MD
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 486-7555
Psychai try
Smita H Thakkar, MD
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 944-9711
Psychi atry
Frank J Stass, MD
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 489-3336
Psychai try
When you choose your Personal Physician, you
are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  135
This page intentionally left blank
Dental Providers
If you decide to enroll in the optional supplemental dental plan, you will need to select a network dentist.
BlueShiedl65 Plus
If you would like to inquire about the status of a listed dental provider, or if you would like to change your
dentist, you can call your plan’s dental benefits administrator at (888) 679-8928 [TTY (800) 855-2881],
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays, excluding holidays.
Out-of-area emergency dental care
If you are outside your plan service area and require emergency dental care, you may obtain treatment
from any licensed dentist. You will need to submit a claim to us for reimbursement. Please contact us at
the number on your plan ID card if you receive services from an out-of-area dentist.
Reimbursement for out-of-area emergency dental care
To obtain reimbursement, submit your request for reimbursement, payment receipt, and description of
services rendered in writing to:
Blue Shield of California
P.O. Box 272590
Chico, CA 95927-2590
Generally, bills for services must be submitted to Blue Shield 65 Plus within one year of the service date.
For more information about the optional supplemental dental plan, please read the plan’s Evidence of
Proveedores dentales
Si decide inscribirse en el plan dental opcional complementario, deberá elegir a un dentista de la red.
Si desea obtener información sobre el estado de un proveedor dental incluido en la lista, o si quiere
cambiar de dentista, comuníquese con el administrador de beneficios dentales de su plan, al (888)
679-8928 [TTY (800) 855-2881], de 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m., los días de semana, excepto los feriados.
Atención dental de emergencia fuera del área
Si está fuera del área de servicio de su plan y necesita atención dental de emergencia, puede recibir
tratamiento de cualquier dentista autorizado. Deberá presentarnos una reclamación para solicitar un
reembolso. Si recibe servicios por parte de un dentista fuera del área, comuníquese con nosotros al número
que figura en su tarjeta de identificación del plan.
Reembolso por atención dental de emergencia fuera del área
Para obtener un reembolso, envíe por escrito su solicitud de reembolso, el recibo de pago y la descripción
de los servicios recibidos a la siguiente dirección:
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  137
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Blue Shield of California
P.O. Box 272590
Chico, CA 95927-2590
Por lo general, las facturas de los servicios deben presentarse ante Blue Shield 65 Plus dentro del año de
recibido el servicio.
Para obtener más información sobre el plan dental opcional complementario, lea la Evidencia de
Cobertura del plan.
ALAMO, CA 94507
(925) 820-2688
Mark Brown, DDS
ID 11550532
(916) 333-1875
James Chen, DDS
ID 12081292
STE 100
(916) 725-4530
Carolyn Ghazal, DDS
ID 1280025
Simran Kaur, DDS
ID 2452784
Nancy Trinh, DDS
ID 1107185
(408) 871-9734
Steve Chu, DDS
ID 1546804
(916) 900-8521
James Chen, DDS
ID 12082849
(916) 965-6250
Adrian Sarchisian, DDS
ID 280068
(916) 944-1120
Angel Soto, DDS
ID 457278
(916) 967-7766
Sachin Patel, DDS
ID 3909076
(916) 727-1880
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 10904116
(925) 825-8900
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297174
Farnoosh Abbasi, DDS
ID 1771670
Manijeh Afshar-ebrahimi, DDS
ID 1535211
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250733
Huma Bayat, DDS
ID 1927353
Mitin Bhatia, DDS
ID 3276228
Wael Borham, DDS
ID 2156097
Emad Boutros, DDS
ID 1298814
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299837
Manu Chaudhry, DDS
ID 2300063
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
138  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Hasan Daoud, DDS
ID 736905
Aparna Desai, DDS
ID 1499534
Sascha Emami, DDS
ID 1535138
David Gordon, DDS
ID 3911914
Roxanne Gould, DDS
ID 1927052
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281227
Ihab Hanna, DDS
ID 717258
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 1250634
Manmeet Hothi, DDS
ID 2450875
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282732
Shadi Khasati, DDS
ID 222305
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299157
Zsolt Kissevich, DMD
ID 2023958
Ae Ran Ku, DDS
ID 12090869
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1214690
Victor Lopez Del Aguila, DDS
ID 1366152
Garrett Lum, DMD
ID 10402162
Veena Madhure, DDS
ID 1546886
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298544
Saeed Mokhayeri, DDS
ID 2160348
Ma Judina Morales, DDS
ID 1656741
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297494
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321756
Sapna Narang, DDS
ID 12074857
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1250216
Nedunchezhian, DDS
ID 11996728
Madhavi Neerumalla, DDS
ID 1265509
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557786
Regina Nguyen, DDS
ID 1593176
Noha Oushy Eissa, DDS
ID 12074392
Jacob Pai, DDS
ID 5670012
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 1265890
Chirag Patel, DMD
ID 3172590
Ramiz Petros, DMD
ID 1534748
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 1281068
Shikha Puri, DMD
ID 1140020
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1264129
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546263
Kushwantjit Randhawa, DDS
ID 6511820
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1825775
Azar Saeidi, DMD
ID 1365366
Saman Sajid, DDS
ID 12085248
Thomas Salacup, DMD
ID 1824604
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 1597959
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298174
Bassem Saweres, DDS
ID 1141789
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 457069
Swati Shirke, DDS
ID 688572
Parvez Taylor, DDS
ID 1499262
Walied Touni, DDS
ID 1192494
Kimthy Tran, DDS
ID 1821099
Nastassia Ulasik, DDS
ID 12107937
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321121
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821675
Alan Wakefield, DDS
ID 1400636
Paul Wang, DDS
ID 12072819
Pin Jung Wu, DDS
ID 2020566
Dong Yan, DDS
ID 12077561
Inphing Yang, DDS
ID 1365875
Claudine Ann Yu, DDS
ID 2018583
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  139
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
(925) 825-1081
Joey Salaveria, DDS
ID 12037929
(925) 827-2798
Shirin Hamed, DDS
ID 12094713
Navid Mehranpour, DDS
ID 12105175
Christina Vuong, DDS
ID 12097458
(925) 566-8738
Aaron Lee, DDS
ID 1364455
STE 100
(408) 725-2610
Kurosch Hatami, DDS
ID 3484115
Dalvir Pannu, DDS
ID 319142
STE 105
(925) 588-4444
Pooja Malik, DDS
ID 12005013
(510) 231-0147
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297186
Farnoosh Abbasi, DDS
ID 1771678
Manijeh Afshar-ebrahimi, DDS
ID 1535220
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250740
Huma Bayat, DDS
ID 1927357
Mitin Bhatia, DDS
ID 3276250
Wael Borham, DDS
ID 2089498
Emad Boutros, DDS
ID 1298811
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299849
Manu Chaudhry, DDS
ID 2300076
Aparna Desai, DDS
ID 1499550
Sascha Emami, DDS
ID 1535143
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 1192626
David Gordon, DDS
ID 3911911
Roxanne Gould, DDS
ID 1089109
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281243
Ihab Hanna, DDS
ID 1164581
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 692762
Manmeet Hothi, DDS
ID 2450325
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282744
Amardeep Kaur, DMD
ID 1660432
Farooq Khan, DDS
ID 457163
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299171
Zsolt Kissevich, DMD
ID 2024115
Won-joo Lee, DDS
ID 434483
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1214691
Victor Lopez Del Aguila, DDS
ID 1366160
Garrett Lum, DMD
ID 10402177
Nirmala Madala, DDS
ID 1769727
Veena Madhure, DDS
ID 1546889
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298568
Saeed Mokhayeri, DDS
ID 1399428
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297509
Eloy Munoz, DDS
ID 11550633
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321768
Nedunchezhian, DDS
ID 11996752
Madhavi Neerumalla, DDS
ID 1265518
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557780
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
140  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Regina Nguyen, DDS
ID 1593179
Jacob Pai, DDS
ID 5669974
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 1265904
Chirag Patel, DMD
ID 3172596
Ramiz Petros, DMD
ID 1534752
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 1281076
Shikha Puri, DMD
ID 1157596
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1264138
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546255
Kushwantjit Randhawa, DDS
ID 6511838
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1598602
Azar Saeidi, DMD
ID 1365360
Trishal Saini, DDS
ID 1400013
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298189
Bassem Saweres, DDS
ID 1321361
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 1263172
Swati Shirke, DDS
ID 1535618
Sergey Sirenko, DDS
ID 1825107
Parvez Taylor, DDS
ID 1499258
Walied Touni, DDS
ID 1538898
Kimthy Tran, DDS
ID 1821104
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321143
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821694
Alan Wakefield, DDS
ID 432555
Pin Jung Wu, DDS
ID 2020575
Inphing Yang, DDS
ID 1365880
Claudine Ann Yu, DDS
ID 2018592
(510) 231-0147
Weimin Jin, DMD
ID 12067147
Ae Ran Ku, DDS
ID 12090875
Sapna Narang, DDS
ID 12074846
Noha Oushy Eissa, DDS
ID 12074343
Nastassia Ulasik, DDS
ID 12107935
Paul Wang, DDS
ID 12072814
Dong Yan, DDS
ID 12077567
(916) 686-1101
Cesar Clarin, DDS
ID 12092299
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 10904124
STE 116
(916) 683-2000
Sasan Aghabeigi, DDS
ID 226809
Morteza Beheshtian, DDS
ID 226811
STE 101
(916) 686-9030
Harpreet Gill, DDS
ID 1367954
Inaksh Johal, DDS
ID 357991
STE 155
(916) 714-7771
Adriane Scortia, DDS
ID 1075566
STE 155
(916) 714-7771
David Park, DDS
ID 12076223
(916) 536-5151
Christopher Andonian, DDS
ID 1248185
Ronald Kim, DDS
ID 389769
Charles Rodgers, DDS
ID 389787
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  141
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
FOLSOM, CA 95630
(916) 984-4127
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297185
Nahid Afshari, DDS
ID 1143191
Mohamed Ahmed, DDS
ID 2157343
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 2299041
Gaurang Amin, DDS
ID 4822785
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250739
Igor Babenkov, DDS
ID 2452360
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299848
Rajwinder Dhillon, DDS
ID 4822530
Miguel Frisancho, DDS
ID 4474702
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 1923648
Maryse Gellad, DDS
ID 2159918
Kelly Goodin, DDS
ID 1598557
David Gordon, DDS
ID 3911910
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281242
Ayman Hashem, DDS
ID 2159070
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 1250674
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282743
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299170
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1320087
Mohamed Mahmoud, DDS
ID 720209
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298566
Mahmoud Mohamed, DDS
ID 2299227
Ehsan Mossavi, DDS
ID 2298963
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297507
Eloy Munoz, DDS
ID 11550631
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321767
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1147890
Madhavi Neerumalla, DDS
ID 1265516
Phuong-lien Ngo, DDS
ID 1821524
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557779
Ehab Nouged, DDS
ID 1245500
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 462002
Dhaval Patel, DDS
ID 1957126
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 1281075
Ahmed Rabie, DDS
ID 1597824
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1264137
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546254
Mohamed Riad, DDS
ID 1597932
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1598600
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 1597957
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298186
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 1263170
Hardeep Sidhu, DDS
ID 1825209
Khushvir Singh, DDS
ID 2160154
Sergey Sirenko, DDS
ID 1825106
Mohamed Soliman, DDS
ID 2023967
Eric Steinbrecher, DDS
ID 2620005
Khatereh Tolooei, DDS
ID 11331702
Khoi Tran, DMD
ID 2023002
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321140
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821693
Henry Vong, DDS
ID 4822455
Kristina Yekta, DMD
ID 2538868
FOLSOM, CA 95630
(916) 984-4127
Sameena Ahmed, BDS
ID 12037027
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12079546
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12068149
Ru Chen, DDS
ID 12041514
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
142  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12068148
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12067695
Alpana Gakhar, DDS
ID 12084155
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093214
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12041522
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12084154
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041568
Bernard Steinberg, DDS
ID 12062287
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12075126
STE 120
FOLSOM, CA 95630
(916) 984-9600
Jack Gorman, DDS
ID 1660365
Victoria Mosur, DDS
ID 1300147
FOLSOM, CA 95630
(916) 984-4591
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 12037232
GILROY, CA 95020
(408) 842-5000
Nader Tabibzadeh, DDS
ID 190041
780 1ST ST
GILROY, CA 95020
(408) 337-3620
Parul Aggarwal, DDS
ID 2160344
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 4589999
Bahareh Bakhtiari, DDS
ID 12093067
Richard Bulleri, DDS
ID 12084223
Monpreet Kaur Chattha, DDS
ID 1264167
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12050429
Anuradha Gade, DDS
ID 2020119
Tai Huynh, DDS
ID 1547617
Bhumika Jain, DDS
ID 3483831
Weimin Jin, DMD
ID 12067149
Harleen Kaur, DDS
ID 12074260
Jigna Khetani, DDS
ID 1550184
Kelly Konczal, DDS
ID 1819481
Steve Lim, DDS
ID 2158955
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12002663
Kavitha Manickam, DDS
ID 1365437
Deepika Nadella, DDS
ID 1299403
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1366395
Audrey Nguyen, DDS
ID 2160459
Thao Nguyen, DDS
ID 1499210
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 1822996
Trushyap Patel, DDS
ID 2022974
Shikha Puri, DMD
ID 2087806
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1301138
Manu Sharma, DMD
ID 12031069
Ratika Sharma, DDS
ID 5980012
Sumity Sharma, DDS
ID 2157045
Tam Tran, DDS
ID 8978259
Damandeep Tur, DDS
ID 2160125
Kristina Visic, DDS
ID 12086223
Robert Woolery, DDS
ID 2160601
Cheng Zhu, DMD
ID 4589895
STE 100
(408) 356-2049
Sapana Kothary, DDS
ID 3909793
STE 112
(408) 370-7733
Karim Tadros, DDS
ID 419500
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  143
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
(925) 372-7100
Aiman Jebrin, DMD
ID 135499
Farzin Khashayar, DDS
ID 1073965
Andriy Kulyk, DDS
ID 469367
Forrest Wendell, DDS
ID 1322925
(408) 778-4838
Susan Park, DDS
ID 12097304
(925) 313-9700
Alireza Moheb, DMD
ID 1203157
STE 41
(408) 946-8276
Tuyen Nguyen, DDS
ID 1247031
(408) 263-0371
Yoo Kim, DDS
ID 12001256
(408) 263-9714
Nisha Dharmani, DDS
ID 356672
(408) 778-4838
Alexander Gonzales, DDS*
ID 337068
John Maguire, DDS*
ID 713622
(916) 207-2723
James Chen, DDS
ID 12084168
STE 106
PINOLE, CA 94564
(510) 669-0350
Farzin Khashayar, DDS
ID 1073962
Andriy Kulyk, DDS
ID 467362
Forrest Wendell, DDS
ID 686709
STE 105
(925) 439-4773
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297193
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 1250680
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1320091
Victor Lopez Del Aguila, DDS
ID 1366162
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321770
Nedunchezhian, DDS
ID 11996754
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 1281083
Azar Saeidi, DMD
ID 1365372
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 1597960
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 457062
Parvez Taylor, DDS
ID 416072
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321152
Alan Wakefield, DDS
ID 1400648
(925) 439-4773
Ae Ran Ku, DDS
ID 12090877
Sapna Narang, DDS
ID 12074848
Noha Oushy Eissa, DDS
ID 12074345
Walied Touni, DDS
ID 12068757
Nastassia Ulasik, DDS
ID 12107958
Paul Wang, DDS
ID 12072803
Dong Yan, DDS
ID 12077575
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
144  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
STE 105
(925) 439-4773
Farnoosh Abbasi, DDS
ID 1771680
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250743
Huma Bayat, DDS
ID 1927359
Mitin Bhatia, DDS
ID 3276252
Wael Borham, DDS
ID 2089500
Emad Boutros, DDS
ID 1298812
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299853
Manu Chaudhry, DDS
ID 6964262
Aparna Desai, DDS
ID 408585
Sascha Emami, DDS
ID 1535142
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 1215722
David Gordon, DDS
ID 3911915
Roxanne Gould, DDS
ID 1927058
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281245
Ihab Hanna, DDS
ID 692874
Manmeet Hothi, DDS
ID 2450326
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282747
Farooq Khan, DDS
ID 1548808
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299174
Zsolt Kissevich, DMD
ID 2024117
Garrett Lum, DMD
ID 10402178
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298575
Saeed Mokhayeri, DDS
ID 2228377
Ma Judina Morales, DDS
ID 1656737
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297515
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1263841
Madhavi Neerumalla, DDS
ID 1265520
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557783
Regina Nguyen, DDS
ID 1593177
Abbas Nouri, DMD
ID 702416
Jacob Pai, DDS
ID 5669957
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 1265908
Chirag Patel, DMD
ID 3172599
Ramiz Petros, DMD
ID 1534754
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1598733
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546257
Kushwantjit Randhawa, DDS
ID 6511840
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1598603
Thomas Salacup, DMD
ID 1824606
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298195
Bassem Saweres, DDS
ID 1321337
Swati Shirke, DDS
ID 1825631
Kimthy Tran, DDS
ID 1821107
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821701
Pin Jung Wu, DDS
ID 2020577
Inphing Yang, DDS
ID 1365882
Claudine Ann Yu, DDS
ID 2018595
(925) 363-4455
Eva Bender, DDS
ID 1660435
Raul Contreras, DMD
ID 1821897
Joseph Sipin, DMD
ID 1250558
Louis Stromberg, DDS
ID 1264332
Kimthy Tran, DDS
ID 1296998
(916) 362-5201
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297191
Nahid Afshari, DDS
ID 1123132
Mohamed Ahmed, DDS
ID 2159068
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  145
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 2299066
Gaurang Amin, DDS
ID 4823039
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250742
Igor Babenkov, DDS
ID 2157578
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299852
Rajwinder Dhillon, DDS
ID 4822532
Miguel Frisancho, DDS
ID 5421242
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 447429
Maryse Gellad, DDS
ID 2159910
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281238
Ayman Hashem, DDS
ID 8822464
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 1250679
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282746
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299173
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1320090
Mohamed Mahmoud, DDS
ID 2088814
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298571
Mahmoud Mohamed, DDS
ID 2299246
Ehsan Mossavi, DDS
ID 2298994
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297512
Eloy Munoz, DDS
ID 11550634
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321769
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1263838
Madhavi Neerumalla, DDS
ID 1265519
Phuong-lien Ngo, DDS
ID 1821525
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557804
Ehab Nouged, DDS
ID 1245502
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 468889
Chirag Patel, DMD
ID 3172598
Dhaval Patel, DDS
ID 1957122
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 1281082
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1264140
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546284
Mohamed Riad, DDS
ID 1597933
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1598601
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 1597958
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298194
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 1263173
Hardeep Sidhu, DDS
ID 1825212
Khushvir Singh, DDS
ID 2160149
Sergey Sirenko, DDS
ID 1825113
Mohamed Soliman, DDS
ID 1213054
Eric Steinbrecher, DDS
ID 2620011
Gregory Thurston, DDS
ID 3911906
Khatereh Tolooei, DDS
ID 11331705
Khoi Tran, DMD
ID 12008336
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321151
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821699
Henry Vong, DDS
ID 4822456
Kristina Yekta, DMD
ID 3483191
(916) 362-5201
Sameena Ahmed, BDS
ID 12036988
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12079547
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12068151
Ru Chen, DDS
ID 12041515
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12068150
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12067696
Alpana Gakhar, DDS
ID 12084158
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093215
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12041523
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12084157
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041569
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
146  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Bernard Steinberg, DDS
ID 12062289
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12075127
10910 OLSON DR
STE 100
(916) 638-3780
Brenda Boyte, DDS
ID 1279407
Carolyn Ghazal, DDS
ID 1278950
Kevin Paige, DDS
ID 10405233
10910 OLSON DR STE 100
(916) 638-3780
Taimur Khan, DDS
ID 12026460
Jainy Vakharia, DDS
ID 12026463
STE 17
(916) 635-9800
Mohammad Anosh, DDS
ID 2462205
STE 21
(916) 859-0766
Anthony Dang, DDS
ID 1149357
(510) 223-8228
Charles Nip, DDS
ID 319238
1111 24TH ST STE 204
STE 201
(916) 442-5228
David Park, DDS
ID 417663
(916) 973-1200
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297173
Nahid Afshari, DDS
ID 2022593
Mohamed Ahmed, DDS
ID 2159061
Sameena Ahmed, BDS
ID 12037004
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 2299062
Gaurang Amin, DDS
ID 705361
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250732
Igor Babenkov, DDS
ID 2157533
James Barker, DDS
ID 12052732
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12079550
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12068157
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299835
Ru Chen, DDS
ID 12041474
Japneet Dhillon, DDS
ID 12048443
Rajwinder Dhillon, DDS
ID 4822548
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12068156
Miguel Frisancho, DDS
ID 693623
Alpana Gakhar, DDS
ID 12084132
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 1548148
Maryse Gellad, DDS
ID 2159905
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281226
Ayman Hashem, DDS
ID 2157426
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 1250632
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282729
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299156
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093204
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1320067
Dino Lirio, DDS
ID 9755882
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12041509
Mohamed Mahmoud, DDS
ID 2088806
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298540
Mahmoud Mohamed, DDS
ID 2299238
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297490
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  147
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321752
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1250195
Madhavi Neerumalla, DDS
ID 1265508
Phuong-lien Ngo, DDS
ID 1821518
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557811
Ehab Nouged, DDS
ID 1139787
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12084131
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041573
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 1265887
Dhaval Patel, DDS
ID 1957133
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 705371
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1264127
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546292
Terrence Reiff, DDS
ID 12075860
Mohamed Riad, DDS
ID 1597935
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 700363
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 8978035
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298167
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 1263178
Hardeep Sidhu, DDS
ID 1825214
Khushvir Singh, DDS
ID 2160145
Sergey Sirenko, DDS
ID 1597603
Bernard Steinberg, DDS
ID 12062198
Eric Steinbrecher, DDS
ID 2619946
Khatereh Tolooei, DDS
ID 11331650
Khoi Tran, DMD
ID 1243719
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321115
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821672
Henry Vong, DDS
ID 4589590
Kristina Yekta, DMD
ID 3483178
Michael Yoon, DMD
ID 1499025
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12074980
STE 135
(916) 641-7700
Mojtaba Golestan, DDS
ID 469417
STE 610
(916) 574-9400
Priya Patel, DMD
ID 714327
(916) 489-9990
Pabina Dhawan, DDS
ID 12068402
(916) 451-1111
David Park, DDS
ID 12054448
STE 110
(916) 285-6691
Shveta Basho, DDS
ID 1297300
Amardeep Gill, DDS
ID 387205
William Hughes, DDS
ID 395896
(916) 285-6691
Felix Tse, DDS
ID 12037666
(916) 286-7750
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297182
Nahid Afshari, DDS
ID 1139223
Mohamed Ahmed, DDS
ID 2159065
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 2299064
Gaurang Amin, DDS
ID 1245761
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250736
Igor Babenkov, DDS
ID 2157570
Harsimran Bains, DDS
ID 1235233
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
148  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299855
Warren Cheung, DDS
ID 1191672
Rajwinder Dhillon, DDS
ID 4822534
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12067606
Mohamed Elsayed, DDS
ID 1213987
Miguel Frisancho, DDS
ID 5421243
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 373511
Maryse Gellad, DDS
ID 2159909
David Gordon, DDS
ID 3911920
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281237
Ayman Hashem, DDS
ID 8667590
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 1250664
Vibha Jhawar, DDS
ID 1609973
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282737
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299162
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1320080
Mohamed Mahmoud, DDS
ID 2088809
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298559
Mahmoud Mohamed, DDS
ID 2299243
Ehsan Mossavi, DDS
ID 2298996
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297500
Eloy Munoz, DDS
ID 11550617
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321761
Phuong-lien Ngo, DDS
ID 1821529
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557798
Ehab Nouged, DDS
ID 1245497
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 1265898
Dhaval Patel, DDS
ID 1957116
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 711193
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1264134
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546280
Mohamed Riad, DDS
ID 1597941
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1598605
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 1249324
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298182
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 1263162
Hardeep Sidhu, DDS
ID 1825207
Khushvir Singh, DDS
ID 2160147
Sergey Sirenko, DDS
ID 1825088
Mohamed Soliman, DDS
ID 1143189
Eric Steinbrecher, DDS
ID 1139770
Khatereh Tolooei, DDS
ID 11331683
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321135
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821687
Henry Vong, DDS
ID 4822463
Kristina Yekta, DMD
ID 3483189
Michael Yoon, DMD
ID 1499029
(916) 286-7750
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12061865
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12067918
Ru Chen, DDS
ID 12041512
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12036438
Alpana Gakhar, DDS
ID 12084151
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093211
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12041572
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12084150
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041566
Terrence Reiff, DDS
ID 12043926
Bernard Steinberg, DDS
ID 12062222
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12075124
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  149
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
(916) 428-4000
James Barker, DDS
ID 12043272
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12053123
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12067917
Ru Chen, DDS
ID 12041510
Japneet Dhillon, DDS
ID 12052733
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12040624
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12067615
Manal Elmirahem, DDS
ID 12041585
Alpana Gakhar, DDS
ID 12084165
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093205
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12041531
Nedunchezhian, DDS
ID 11996737
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12046302
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041561
Farangis Partovi, DDS
ID 11997251
Terrence Reiff, DDS
ID 12075861
Bernard Steinberg, DDS
ID 12062199
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12074981
STE 100
(916) 515-4500
Carolyn Ghazal, DDS
ID 429335
Sergio Pereira, DDS
ID 1244527
Natsuyo Yamamoto, DDS
ID 1216145
(916) 344-2554
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 1297180
Aiman Abo Elala, DDS
ID 459606
Nahid Afshari, DDS
ID 703664
Mohamed Ahmed, DDS
ID 2159063
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 2299063
Gaurang Amin, DDS
ID 323234
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 1250735
Igor Babenkov, DDS
ID 2157561
Harsimran Bains, DDS
ID 1235232
Wei-yi Chao, DDS
ID 1299841
Rajwinder Dhillon, DDS
ID 4822538
Miguel Frisancho, DDS
ID 1165070
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 1923657
Maryse Gellad, DDS
ID 2159907
Roxanne Gould, DDS
ID 1659157
Mounir Guirguis, DDS
ID 1281229
Kazem Hosny, BDS
ID 1250652
Kelie Kang, DDS
ID 1282736
Daniel Kim, DMD
ID 1299161
Eric Lim, DDS
ID 1320076
Mohamed Mahmoud, DDS
ID 421118
Bedan Meimban, DDS
ID 1298555
Mahmoud Mohamed, DDS
ID 2299242
Ehsan Mossavi, DDS
ID 2298997
Mudiy-anselage, DDS
ID 1297499
Eloy Munoz, DDS
ID 11550609
Maria Nacpil-alvarez, DMD
ID 1321760
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 455905
Madhavi Neerumalla, DDS
ID 1265512
Phuong-lien Ngo, DDS
ID 1821522
Quy Nguyen, DDS
ID 1557790
Ehab Nouged, DDS
ID 1245496
Babak Pahlavan, DMD
ID 6964228
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 322372
Dhaval Patel, DDS
ID 1957137
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
150  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 256663
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 1264133
Shazia Rana, DDS
ID 1546276
Mohamed Riad, DDS
ID 1597942
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1105048
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 433853
Yasamin Sariaslani, DDS
ID 1298181
Nancy Saweres, DDS
ID 1263159
Hardeep Sidhu, DDS
ID 1825205
Khushvir Singh, DDS
ID 2160146
Sergey Sirenko, DDS
ID 1597626
Mohamed Soliman, DDS
ID 2022761
Eric Steinbrecher, DDS
ID 2619961
Khatereh Tolooei, DDS
ID 11331673
Khoi Tran, DMD
ID 1243721
Ricardo Valentine, DDS
ID 1321132
Sonia Vashist, DDS
ID 1821686
Henry Vong, DDS
ID 4822466
Kristina Yekta, DMD
ID 3483188
Michael Yoon, DMD
ID 701153
(916) 344-2554
Sameena Ahmed, BDS
ID 12036975
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12079542
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12068143
Ru Chen, DDS
ID 12041511
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12068142
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12067605
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093210
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12041535
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12084159
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041565
Terrence Reiff, DDS
ID 12075866
Bernard Steinberg, DDS
ID 12062221
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12075123
(916) 739-0474
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 452730
Sameena Ahmed, BDS
ID 379550
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 1557696
Gaurang Amin, DDS
ID 1245760
Navneet Aujla, DDS
ID 6964224
Angel Awad, DDS
ID 1250295
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12079545
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12068141
Chinglang Chang, DDS
ID 2156635
Warren Cheung, DDS
ID 1191673
Kanchan Dharma, DDS
ID 1927343
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12068140
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12067604
Manal Elmirahem, DDS
ID 12041506
Miguel Frisancho, DDS
ID 5421239
Alpana Gakhar, DDS
ID 12084138
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 1073011
My Huynh, DDS
ID 1536460
Alexander Jhang, DDS
ID 3920238
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093209
Wenbo Lu, DDS
ID 1957196
Mohamed Mahmoud, DDS
ID 1874551
David Mccann, DDS
ID 4822705
Mahmoud Mohamed, DDS
ID 2299240
Eloy Munoz, DDS
ID 1823355
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1366410
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  151
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12066333
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041564
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 1771374
Farangis Partovi, DDS
ID 11997252
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 1281084
Terrence Reiff, DDS
ID 12075865
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1958782
Gustavo Salazar, DDS
ID 1250555
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 8977981
Bernard Steinberg, DDS
ID 12062219
Khatereh Tolooei, DDS
ID 11331668
Khoi Tran, DMD
ID 12008332
Damandeep Tur, DDS
ID 2228728
Archana Wakode, DDS
ID 1957459
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12074983
STE 100
(916) 483-1903
Timothy Bennett, DDS
ID 1245974
Alexandr Doroshenko, DDS
ID 422685
Mohamed Elhassanin, DDS
ID 436866
(916) 688-1990
Van Dang, DDS
ID 458735
6880 65TH ST
(916) 399-1888
Mai Bui, DDS
ID 378216
STE 204
(916) 565-2570
Gregory Peterson, DDS
ID 10119765
STE 155
(916) 525-7635
Margaret Mcinerney, DMD
ID 1771379
Grace Min, DMD
ID 460486
(916) 509-3334
Haytham Abbas, DDS
ID 2461517
Nahid Afshari, DDS
ID 2088585
Mohamed Ahmed, DDS
ID 2159069
Sameena Ahmed, BDS
ID 12037023
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 2299072
Igor Babenkov, DDS
ID 2157591
Bahareh Behdad, DDS
ID 2160212
Mitin Bhatia, DDS
ID 3276260
Gurvinderjit Bhullar, DDS
ID 12079549
Wael Borham, DDS
ID 2089486
Chris Boseovski, DMD
ID 12068155
Ru Chen, DDS
ID 12041516
Rajwinder Dhillon, DDS
ID 4822551
Rashminder Dhillon, DDS
ID 12068154
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12067707
Miguel Frisancho, DDS
ID 5421252
Alpana Gakhar, DDS
ID 12084139
Lucas Gates, DDS
ID 2088350
Maryse Gellad, DDS
ID 2159919
Ayman Hashem, DDS
ID 8978266
Chi Ho, DDS
ID 6964226
Moninder Kaur, DDS
ID 2450526
Zsolt Kissevich, DMD
ID 2088348
Eunsun Lew, DDS
ID 12093217
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12041525
Mohamed Mahmoud, DDS
ID 2023897
Mahmoud Mohamed, DDS
ID 2299247
Saeed Mokhayeri, DDS
ID 2228379
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
152  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Ehsan Mossavi, DDS
ID 2299000
Eloy Munoz, DDS
ID 11550636
Ehab Nouged, DDS
ID 2088352
Felix Onuegbu, DDS
ID 12043888
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 12041571
Sherwin Panem, DDS
ID 2023857
Dhaval Patel, DDS
ID 2088349
Bach-mai Pham, DDS
ID 2088238
Shirin Rahimian, DDS
ID 2023595
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 2088574
Mahmoud Salem, DDS
ID 2023681
Khushvir Singh, DDS
ID 2160150
Sergey Sirenko, DDS
ID 2088231
Mohamed Soliman, DDS
ID 2088077
Eric Steinbrecher, DDS
ID 2620123
Khatereh Tolooei, DDS
ID 11331710
Khoi Tran, DMD
ID 2088237
Henry Vong, DDS
ID 4822492
Kristina Yekta, DMD
ID 3483193
Faher Ziadeh, DDS
ID 12075185
STE 100
(916) 525-3200
Chang Vong, DMD
ID 1224897
(916) 594-9474
Lorenzo Padron, DDS
ID 12048591
Angel Pinto, DDS
ID 12062466
STE 23
SAN JOSE, CA 95128
(408) 998-8383
Ramanand Kini, DDS
ID 316509
SAN JOSE, CA 95127
(408) 929-4321
Hai Lam, DMD
ID 1958739
1110 S KING RD
STE 60
SAN JOSE, CA 95122
(408) 273-7252
Manijeh Afshar-ebrahimi, DDS
ID 1241107
Parul Aggarwal, DDS
ID 2160343
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 1557704
Bahareh Behdad, DDS
ID 2160210
Rajvir Singh Bhogal, DDS
ID 1279030
Chinglang Chang, DDS
ID 2156636
Monpreet Kaur Chattha, DDS
ID 1367230
Sascha Emami, DDS
ID 1194696
Anuradha Gade, DDS
ID 2020128
Vananh Ho, DDS
ID 1534713
Tai Huynh, DDS
ID 1770728
Bhumika Jain, DDS
ID 3483829
Jigna Khetani, DDS
ID 1659044
Kelly Konczal, DDS
ID 1819468
Steve Lim, DDS
ID 2158954
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12002661
Kavitha Manickam, DDS
ID 1771973
Deepika Nadella, DDS
ID 1299402
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1366366
Krishna Neelagiri, DDS
ID 10402308
Audrey Nguyen, DDS
ID 2160457
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 1822995
Shilpi Patel, DDS
ID 11771662
Trushyap Patel, DDS
ID 1956680
Shikha Puri, DMD
ID 2087804
Ishita Shah, BDS
ID 1300774
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  153
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Ratika Sharma, DDS
ID 5980018
Sumity Sharma, DDS
ID 2157049
Vineeta Singh, DDS
ID 1262818
Tam Tran, DMD
ID 2299297
Damandeep Tur, DDS
ID 2160124
Sung-pin Wu, DDS
ID 2159337
Cheng Zhu, DMD
ID 3484423
1110 S KING RD STE 60
SAN JOSE, CA 95122
(408) 273-7252
Bahareh Bakhtiari, DDS
ID 12102681
Richard Bulleri, DDS
ID 12084222
Nam Dang, DMD
ID 12093999
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12050336
Harleen Kaur, DDS
ID 12074259
Maryum Tariq, DDS
ID 12074385
Maximilian Tsui, DDS
ID 12044719
Kristina Visic, DDS
ID 12089104
STE 201
SAN JOSE, CA 95132
(408) 732-3264
Mehran Chitgar, DMD
ID 10902751
STE 20
SAN JOSE, CA 95127
(408) 926-0110
Rachana Vyas, DDS
ID 442011
STE 102
SAN JOSE, CA 95121
(408) 923-6400
Muu Vu, DDS
ID 275212
STE 108
SAN JOSE, CA 95121
(408) 270-4211
Hai Thanh Phan, DDS
ID 2018385
SAN JOSE, CA 95118
(408) 264-7630
Neha Roy, DDS
ID 1248005
SAN JOSE, CA 95127
(408) 923-3073
Quyen Duong, DDS
ID 144004
SAN JOSE, CA 95124
(650) 365-8900
Parul Aggarwal, DDS
ID 2160335
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 1557695
Bahareh Bakhtiari, DDS
ID 12102685
Bahareh Behdad, DDS
ID 2160209
Rajvir Singh Bhogal, DDS
ID 1279029
Calvin Bui, DDS
ID 282607
Richard Bulleri, DDS
ID 12084219
Chinglang Chang, DDS
ID 2156637
Monpreet Kaur Chattha, DDS
ID 1367231
Nam Dang, DMD
ID 12093997
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12050334
Anuradha Gade, DDS
ID 2020120
Shawn Hofkes, DDS
ID 1282507
Tai Huynh, DDS
ID 1770726
Bhumika Jain, DDS
ID 3483810
Harleen Kaur, DDS
ID 12074265
Jigna Khetani, DDS
ID 1658806
Kelly Konczal, DDS
ID 1819486
Steve Lim, DDS
ID 2158947
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12002627
Kavitha Manickam, DDS
ID 366516
Deepika Nadella, DDS
ID 1135847
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1366367
Krishna Neelagiri, DDS
ID 10402306
Audrey Nguyen, DDS
ID 2160449
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
154  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 1822986
Shilpi Patel, DDS
ID 11771673
Trushyap Patel, DDS
ID 1956681
Shikha Puri, DMD
ID 2087799
Ishita Shah, BDS
ID 719489
Ratika Sharma, DDS
ID 5979990
Sumity Sharma, DDS
ID 2157052
Vineeta Singh, DDS
ID 1262814
Maryum Tariq, DDS
ID 12074360
Tam Tran, DDS
ID 8978246
Maximilian Tsui, DDS
ID 12044715
Damandeep Tur, DDS
ID 2228727
Irina Vaynshteyn, DDS
ID 670325
Kristina Visic, DDS
ID 12089296
Sung-pin Wu, DDS
ID 2159333
Cheng Zhu, DMD
ID 4589893
STE 800
SAN JOSE, CA 95122
(408) 928-6000
Lu Tang, DDS
ID 13791
SAN JOSE, CA 95116
(408) 923-6400
Muu Vu, DDS
ID 5335
SAN JOSE, CA 95125
(408) 979-1349
Ted Caldoni, DDS
ID 12948
SAN JOSE, CA 95116
(408) 258-2207
Huong Nguyen, DDS
ID 431692
STE 107
SAN JOSE, CA 95132
(408) 258-1323
Kalindi Patwa, DMD
ID 328384
SAN JOSE, CA 95113
(408) 293-7000
Parul Aggarwal, DDS
ID 2228416
Bahareh Bakhtiari, DDS
ID 12102683
Bahareh Behdad, DDS
ID 2159729
Rajvir Singh Bhogal, DDS
ID 1265286
Richard Bulleri, DDS
ID 12084984
Chinglang Chang, DDS
ID 2157655
Monpreet Kaur Chattha, DDS
ID 1367234
Nam Dang, DMD
ID 12093995
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12050329
Chi Ho, DDS
ID 2300908
Vananh Ho, DDS
ID 24903
Bhumika Jain, DDS
ID 3483809
Harleen Kaur, DDS
ID 12074263
Moninder Kaur, DDS
ID 2450513
Steve Lim, DDS
ID 6964511
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12002622
Kavitha Manickam, DDS
ID 1075963
Deepika Nadella, DDS
ID 1299399
Palka Narang, DDS
ID 2450644
Feroz Nawabi, DDS
ID 1366377
Krishna Neelagiri, DDS
ID 10402299
Audrey Nguyen, DDS
ID 2159860
Shilpi Patel, DDS
ID 11771692
Shikha Puri, DMD
ID 2088038
Mouna Rehayel, DDS
ID 691562
Ishita Shah, BDS
ID 1300778
Ratika Sharma, DDS
ID 5980015
Sumity Sharma, DDS
ID 2157040
Madhavi Sheth, DDS
ID 1324668
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  155
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Vineeta Singh, DDS
ID 1262812
Maryum Tariq, DDS
ID 12074379
Tam Tran, DDS
ID 2299290
Maximilian Tsui, DDS
ID 12044713
Damandeep Tur, DDS
ID 2160271
Susana Verbis, DMD
ID 467108
Kristina Visic, DDS
ID 12061855
Robert Woolery, DDS
ID 2160592
Cheng Zhu, DMD
ID 4589366
SAN JOSE, CA 95129
(408) 557-9830
Sara Jebraeili Hamed, DDS
ID 12097402
STE 30
SAN JOSE, CA 95118
(408) 723-4000
Nader Tabibzadeh, DDS
ID 9469
SAN JOSE, CA 95119
(408) 226-1600
Rita Mitbavkar, DDS
ID 1242292
SAN JOSE, CA 95112
(408) 515-3195
Tuyen Nguyen, DDS
ID 175859
SAN JOSE, CA 95112
(408) 287-0913
Jacob Pai, DDS
ID 1536807
SAN JOSE, CA 95122
(408) 998-1088
Suman Ramakumar, DDS
ID 439290
SAN JOSE, CA 95123
(408) 226-1060
Ramanand Kini, DDS
ID 385783
(510) 234-1414
Timmy Nguyen, DMD*
ID 461990
STE 130
(925) 362-3505
Azarmidokht Mahmoudi, DDS
ID 4250371
(925) 829-3111
Anju Aneja, DMD
ID 11772912
Sudha Chinta, DDS
ID 15849
(925) 803-9700
Anju Aneja, DMD
ID 12080530
Sara Jebraeili Hamed, DDS
ID 12097312
(925) 828-9422
Haritha Tirupathi, DDS
ID 329907
(408) 556-1333
Bashar Azar, DDS
ID 28257
Leonard Feld, DDS
ID 221702
Olaf Larson, DDS
ID 301401
My Hang Nguyen, DDS
ID 173262
Jorge Padilla, DDS
ID 295512
Manucher Zahroi-sani, DDS
ID 28256
STE 120
(408) 260-0770
Smita Rodrigues, DDS
ID 381702
(408) 343-4170
Mohamad Albik, DDS
ID 5060511
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing.
156  Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación
Bahareh Bakhtiari, DDS
ID 12102682
Bahareh Behdad, DDS
ID 3911903
Richard Bulleri, DDS
ID 12084224
Nam Dang, DMD
ID 12094000
Andrew Doan, DMD
ID 1826016
Naeil Elhussiny, DDS
ID 12050337
Anuradha Gade, DDS
ID 2020127
Harleen Kaur, DDS
ID 12074261
Kelly Konczal, DDS
ID 1821536
Steve Lim, DDS
ID 2158957
Mukesh Maheshwari, DDS
ID 12002664
Kavitha Manickam, DDS
ID 1771981
Rosanna Marshall, DDS
ID 12005172
Krishna Neelagiri, DDS
ID 10402311
Audrey Nguyen, DDS
ID 2160460
Ronaldo Opinga, DMD
ID 1822997
Shilpi Patel, DDS
ID 11771682
Trushyap Patel, DDS
ID 1956671
Martha Payne, DMD
ID 1824607
Shikha Puri, DMD
ID 2022081
Syed Rizvi, DDS
ID 1958785
Sumity Sharma, DDS
ID 2157050
Maryum Tariq, DDS
ID 12074386
Tam Tran, DDS
ID 8822432
Maximilian Tsui, DDS
ID 12044720
Damandeep Tur, DDS
ID 2160127
Kristina Visic, DDS
ID 12050082
Cheng Zhu, DMD
ID 4589890
STE 110
(408) 774-1200
Lora Costa, DDS
ID 390106
(408) 732-6931
Sahar Dadvand, DDS
ID 1534900
Mona Gokani, DDS
ID 1281052
Tatyana Tataro, DDS
ID 1545514
(408) 739-5311
Suman Ramakumar, DDS
ID 1820560
(408) 739-6520
Navjyot Panjrath, DDS
ID 398467
(408) 701-5882
Alaleh Zadmehr, DDS
ID 1432794
STE 145
(925) 937-9017
David Greenfield, DDS
ID 4590226
Lawrence Wu, DMD
ID 433826
Kain Yi, DDS
ID 423643
(925) 937-9017
Karam Abdou, DDS
ID 4822453
STE 206
(925) 279-3326
Alireza Moheb, DMD
ID 223771
(925) 279-3326
Jessica Kang, DDS*
ID 12062811
* Indica que no se aceptan pacientes nuevos al momento de la impresión.
Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory  157
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Skilled Nursing Facilities/Centros de Enfermería
Almaden Health And
Rehabilitation Center
2065 Los Gatos Almaden Rd
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 377-9275
BlueShiedl65 Plus
American River Care Center
3900 Garfield Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 481-6455
Antioch Convalescent
1210 A St
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 757-8787
Applewood Care Center
1090 Rio Lane
Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 446-2506
Arbor Nursing Center
900 N Church St
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 333-1222
Arden Rehabilitation &
Healthcare Center
3400 Alta Arden Expressway
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 481-5500
Atherton Healthcare
1275 Crane St
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 325-8600
Bayberry Care Center
1800 Adobe St
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 825-1300
Briarwood Health Care
5901 Lemon Hill Ave
Sacramento, CA 95824
(916) 383-2741
Creekside Care Center
9107 N Davis Rd
Stockton, CA 95209
(209) 478-6488
Brookvue Care Center
13328 San Pablo Ave
San Pablo, CA 94806
(510) 235-3720
Creekside Healthcare Center
1900 Church Lane
San Pablo, CA 94806
(510) 235-5514
Care Meridian/Sacramento
7601 Jacinto Road
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 688-3830
Crescent Court Nursing
610 S Fairmont Avenue
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 367-7400
Care Meridian/Santa Clara
11500 Center Avenue
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 686-0758
Crystal Ridge Care Center
396 Darsey Dr
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 272-2273
Carmichael Care and
Rehabilitation Center
8336 Fair Oaks Boulevard
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 944-3100
Chateau Convalescent
1221 Rose Marie Lane
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 477-2664
College Oak Nursing &
Rehab Center
4635 College Oak Dr
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 481-7434
Courtyard Care Center
340 Northlake Drive
San Jose, CA 95117
(408) 249-0344
Cupertino Healthcare &
Wellness Ctr
22590 Voss Ave
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 253-9034
Danville Health Care Center
336 Diablo Rd
Danville, CA 94526
(925) 837-4566
Delta Rehabilitation and
Care Center
1334 South Ham Lane
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 334-3825
Diamond Ridge Health Care
2351 Loveridge Road
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 427-4444
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group
Skilled Nursing Facilities, continued/
Centros de Enfermería Especializada, continuación
Driftwood Healthcare
Center-Santa Cruz
675 24th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
(831) 475-6323
Florin Healthcare Center
7400 24th St
Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 422-4825
Emerald Gardens Nursing
6821 24th Street
Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 391-6011
Eskaton Care Center Fair
11300 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 965-4663
Eskaton Care Center
455 Florin Rd
Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 393-2550
Folsom Convalescent
510 Mill Street
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 985-3641
Golden Living Center San
401 Ridge Vista Ave
San Jose, CA 95127
(408) 923-7301
Grace Healthcare of Moraga
348 Rheem Blvd
Moraga, CA 94556
(925) 376-5995
Gilroy Healthcare and
Rehabilitation Center
8170 Murray Ave
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 842-9311
Grace Hlthcare of Pleasant
1625 Oak Park Blvd
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 935-5222
Golden Gate Healthcare
2707 Pine St
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 566-3760
Gramercy Court
2200 Gramercy Dr
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 482-2202
Golden Living Center - Galt
144 F St
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-1537
Grant Cuesta Nursing &
Rehabilition Center
1949 Grant Rd
Mountain View, CA 94035
(650) 968-2990
Golden Living Center
1221 Rose Marie Lane
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 477-2664
Grove Street Extended Care
and Living Center
1477 Grove St
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 563-0565
Fairmont Rehab Hospital
950 S Fairmont Ave
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 368-0693
Golden Living Center Hy
4545 Shelley Court
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 477-0271
Guardian Concord
1800 Adobe St
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 825-1300
Fairmont Rehabilitaition
950 S Fairmont Ave
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 368-0693
Golden Living Center
2740 North California St
Stockton, CA 95204
(209) 466-3522
Eskaton Care Center
5318 Manzanita Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 331-8513
Eskaton Village Care Center
3939 Walnut Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 974-2191
Hacienda Care Center
76 Fenton St
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-1800
Homewood Care Center
75 N 13th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 295-2665
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Kindred Nursing and
2121 Pine St
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 922-5085
Kindred Transitional Care &
Rehab - Walnut Creek
1224 Rossmoor Pkwy
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 937-7450
Kindred Transitional Care &
Rehab Ignacio Valley
1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 939-5820
Lafayette Convalescent
1010 1st St
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 284-1420
LaSalette Health and
Rehabilitation Center
537 E Fulton St
Stockton, CA 95204
(209) 466-2066
Lawton Healthcare Center
1575 7th Ave
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 566-1200
Lincoln Square Post Acute
1032 N Lincoln St
Stockton, CA 95203
(209) 466-5341
Los Altos Sub-Acute and
Rehabilitation Center
809 Fremont Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94024
(650) 941-5255
Lytton Gardens Inc
437 Webster St
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 328-3300
Magnolia Gardens Care
1609 Trousdale Dr
Burlingame, CA 94010
(650) 697-1865
Manor Health Services Tice
1975 Tice Valley Blvd
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(916) 967-2929
ManorCare Health Services Citrus Heights
7807 Upland Way
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
(916) 967-2929
ManorCare Health Services
1226 Rossmoor Parkway
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 975-5000
ManorCare Health Services
1150 Tilton Dr
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 735-7200
Also located at:
1150 Tilton Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 735-7200
ManorCare Health Services
Walnut Creek
1226 Roosmoor Pkwy
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 975-5000
Also located at:
1975 Tice Valley Boulevard
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
(925) 906-0200
Mckinley Park Care Center
3700 H St
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 452-3592
Mid Town Oaks Post Acute
2600 L Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 321-9440
Mission Carmichael
Healthcare Center
3630 Mission Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 488-1580
Also located at:
3630 Mission Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 488-1580
Mission Skilled Nursing and
Subacute Ctr
410 N Winchester Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 248-3736
New Hope Post Acute Care
1527 Buthmann Ave
Tracy, CA 95376
(209) 832-2273
Nineteenth Avenue
Healthcare Center
2043 19th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94116
(415) 661-8787
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group
Skilled Nursing Facilities, continued/
Centros de Enfermería Especializada, continuación
Oak Meadows Extended
Care Center
350 Desoto Dr
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 356-9151
San Jose Healthcare &
Wellness Center
75 North 13th St
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 295-2665
Oak Park Convalescent
1625 Oak Park Blvd
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 935-5222
San Jose Healthcare Center
180 N Jackson Ave
San Jose, CA 95116
(408) 259-8700
San Miguel Villa
1050 San Miguel Rd
Concord, CA 94518
(925) 825-4280
Pacific Coast Manor
1935 Wharf Road
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 476-0770
San Pablo Healthcare &
Wellness Center
13328 San Pablo Ave
San Pablo, CA 94806
(510) 235-3720
Pacific Hills Manor
370 Noble Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-7346
Palo Alto Nursing Center
911 Bryant St
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 327-0511
Santa Cruz Healthcare
1115 Capitola Rd
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
(831) 475-4055
Pleasant View
Convalescent Hospital
22590 Voss Ave
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 253-9034
Rheem Valley Convalescent
348 Rheem Blvd
Moraga, CA 94556
(925) 376-5995
Sacramento Sub Acute
5255 Hemlock St
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 331-4590
San Francisco Health Care
1477 Grove St
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 563-0565
Saylor Lane Healthcare
3500 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 457-3500
Sherwood Healthcare
4700 Elvas Ave
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 454-4700
Shields Nursing Center/
Carlson Convalescent
Hospital Inc
3230 Carlson Blvd
El Cerrito, CA 94530
(510) 525-3212
Also located at:
606 Alfred Nobel Drive
Hercules, CA 94547
(510) 724-9911
Shields Richmond Nursing
Convalescent Hosp In
1919 Cutting Blvd
Richmond, CA 94806
(510) 233-8513
Skyline Healthcare
Center-San Jose
2065 Forest Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 298-3950
Spring Hill Manor Rehab
and Convalescent Hospital
355 Joerschke Dr
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 273-7247
4367 Concord Blvd
Concord, CA 94521
(925) 689-7457
Sunnyvale Health Care
1291 South Bernardo Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 245-8070
Terreno Gardens Extended
Care & Living Center
14966 Terreno de Flores Ln
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 356-8136
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Tunnell Center for
Rehabiliation and
1359 Pine St
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 673-8405
Vale Healthcare Center
13484 San Pablo Ave
San Pablo, CA 94806
(510) 237-5711
Vasona Creek Healthcare
16412 Los Gatos Blvd
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-2191
Wagner Heights Nursing &
9289 Branstetter Pl
Stockton, CA 95209
(209) 477-5252
Watsonville Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center
525 Auto Center Dr
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 724-7505
Watsonville Nursing Center/
535 Auto Center Dr
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 724-0671
Westview Healthcare Center
12225 Shale Ridge Rd
Auburn, CA 95602
(530) 885-7511
White Blossom Care Center
1990 Fruitdale Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 998-8447
Whitney Oaks Care Center
3529 Walnut Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 488-8601
Windsor Care Center of
501 Jessie Ave
Sacramento, CA 95838
(562) 860-2284
Windsor El Camino Care
2540 Carmichael Way
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 482-0465
Windsor Elk Grove Care and
Rehab Ctr
9461 Batey Ave
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 685-9525
Windsor Elmhaven Care
6940 Pacific Ave
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 477-4817
Windsor Hampton Care
442 E Hampton St
Stockton, CA 95204
(209) 466-0456
Windsor Manor Rehab Ctr of
3806 Clayton Rd
Concord, CA 94521
(925) 689-2266
Windsor Rosewood Care
1911 Oak Park Blvd
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 935-6630
Wolf Creek Care Center
107 Catherine Ln
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 273-4447
Woodside Healthcare Center
2240 Northrup Ave
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 927-9300
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group
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Página intencionalmente dejada en blanco
Aachi, Venkat 129, 130
Abalos, Anna P 36
Abalos-Galito, Marietta F 96
Abbas, Haytham 138, 140,
142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 150,
151, 152
Abbasi, Farnoosh 138, 140,
Abderrahmane, Sanaz 86
Abdou, Karam 157
Abe, Richard R 100
Abels, Alicia 53
Abi Hanna, Adel B 130
Abidi, Nicholas A 107
Abo Elala, Aiman 150
Abshire, James K 83
Abudayeh, Nabil K 71
Abusief, Mary E 98, 101
Achanta, Kranthi K 33
Ackerman, Jack L 125
Adams Berry, Kathy L 49
Adams, Anne M 49
Adams, Elliott L 46
Adamson, Geoffrey D 98, 101
Adamson, Philip M 25
Adeeb, Fareeda N 120
Adey, Geoffrey R 75
Adeyanju, Johnson O 60, 69
Adler-Bressler, Susan J 69, 79
Aducayen, Pacita R 60
Adusumalli, Murali D 86
Afshar-ebrahimi, Manijeh 138,
140, 153
Afshari, Nahid 142, 145, 147,
148, 150, 152
Afzal, Muhammad 53
Agarwal, Manoj 125
Agarwal, Namita A 78
Agarwal, Sanjay K 100, 101,
Aggarwal, Archana 23
Aggarwal, Gaurav 86
Aggarwal, Parul 143, 153, 154,
Aggarwal, Sonal 72
Aghabeigi, Sasan 141
Aghili, Shawn S 53
Aguilar, Michael M 47
Ahluwalia, Hardeep 108
Ahmad, Shirin 54
Ahmadpour, Nasrollah 45, 54
Ahmed, Mohamed 142, 145,
147, 148, 150, 152
Ahmed, Mohammed F 98, 126
Ahmed, Mohammed H 96
Ahmed, Natasha 92
Ahmed, Sabi 90
Ahmed, Sameena 142, 146,
147, 151, 152
Ahn, Jeanie J 23
Ahuja, Rajiv R 6
Ai, Everett 27
Akhbari, Kaveh 100
Akin, Paula L 87
Alavi, Munawar 97, 98
Albander, Hamoudi 23
Albik, Mohamad 142, 143, 146,
147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153,
154, 156
Albright, Ronald K 106
Aleman Martin, Margie F 14
Algar, Robert C 24, 75
Ali, Arshad 88
Ali, Khurram B 86
Ali, Sabina A 77
Aliabadi, Hamidreza 49
Allaman, Christen 106
Allen, Daniel B 31
Allen, Nathan H 49
Allen, Sally H 96
Ally, Z Nicola 79
Ally, Zahora 32
Almaden Health And
Rehabilitation Center 159
Almassi, Mehrnoosh 25, 75
Alocozy, Mohammad N 39
Alper, Michael R 6
Alpert, Russell T 1
Al-Salti, Musbah 47
Alshahwany, Sinan 74
Alwattar, Basil J 28
American River Care Center
Amin, Farzana 135
Amin, Gaurang 142, 146, 147,
148, 150, 151
Amirdelfan, Kasra 77
Amirikia, Kathryn C 47
Ammon, Robert J 18
Amster, Michael A 16, 30
Anagnos, Angela 24, 126
Anand, Shilpi 16, 71
Anasco, Megan H 87
Anaya, Emil A 101
Andal, Galicano C 7, 61
Andersen, Carlos E 61
Andersen, Steven C 27
Anderson, Daniel D 87
Anderson, David J 17
Anderson, Frederick R 75
Anderson, Jeffrey J 99
Anderson, Jennifer L 65
Andonian, Christopher 141
Andrae Hammond, Maria E 61
Andrews, Keith A 82
Andrews, Russell 126
Aneja, Anju 156
Ang, Robert C 100, 101
Angan, Anitha 22, 31, 78
Ankolekar, Sheetal C 109
Annadurai, Bala P 7
Anosh, Mohammad 147
Ansari, Adeela N 46
Antioch Convalescent Hospital
Anton, Steven L 17
Appelblatt, Nancy H 52
Applewood Care Center 159
Apte, Nikhil M 7
Aptekar, Robert G 99
Aquino, Josefina A 40
Araj, Ramsey A 33, 34
Aravamuthan, Manjari 92
Arbor Nursing Center 159
Arce, Cristina M 23
Arden Rehabilitation &
Healthcare Center 159
Ardilles, Elvio 78
Areen, Richard G 52
Arenson, David M 46
Argenal, Agustin J 17, 71
Arias Vera, Jose R 61
Armour, Ryan A 86
Arnold, Colin B 51
Arnold, Stephen B 17
Arora, Princy 106
Arora, Ravinder K 21, 74
Arora, Tarun 24
Arteaga, Diana L 81
Aryana, Arash 45
Asad, Navaid 105
Asaikar, Shailesh M 49
Asfour, Fareed R 22
Asghar, Fayaz 92, 96
Ash, Richard D 65
Askariyah Yazdy, Hossein 96
Aslan, Alex A 19, 72
Assali, Albert V 34
Asta, Lisa M 65
Astromoff, Nicholas 108
Athanassious, Nabil F 6, 34
Atherton Healthcare 159
Atkinson, Richard P 49
Atray, Naveen K 48
Aujla, Navneet 138, 140, 142,
145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151
Aurangzeb, Imran 45, 53
Austin, Suzanne M 114, 126
Avon, Mark R 34
Avula, Silpa 96
Awad, Angel 151
Ayer, Gopi N 114
Ayer, Mandeep B 114
Azar, Bashar 156
Aziz, Huma 120
Aziz, Shehzad 124
Babad, Joshua 106
Babbitz, Jessee D 49
Babenkov, Igor 142, 146, 147,
148, 150, 152
Bader, Semon R 28, 76
Bader-Omarali, Tasneem 61
Badger-Asaravala, Amy B 27
Badhwar, Leena 114
Badreshia, Sonia 72
Baig, Khalid A 1
Bailey, Lisa 34
Bailey, Ted 107
Baines, Veronica L 134
Bains, Harsimran 148, 150
Bakal, Jamie A 53
Baker, Michael S 73
Bakerville, Elizabeth B 103
Bakhtiari, Bahareh 143, 154,
155, 157
Bakos, John T 40
Balaa, Marwan A 123
Balasubramanian, Sangeetha
101, 132
Balboni, Imelda M 77
Baldwin, Scott W 124
Ball, Katherine L 18, 122
Ballenger, John R 48
Ballon, Samuel C 21, 97, 124
Banh, Co V 30
Banque, Caryn M 134
Bansal, Alok S 128
Banskter, Deborah A 25, 75
Bao, Yeran 69
Barad, Steven J 51
Barash, Muni M 7, 22
Barbara, Joseph C 109
Barger, James G 45
Barger, Leslie W 88
Barger, Michael T 88
Barker, James 147, 150
Barker, Thomas V 107
Barrie, Stacey F 25
Barsoumian, Krikor 99
Basho, Shveta 148
Baskin, Laurence S 34
Bass, Lawrence J 46
Bassiri, Ali G 100, 131
Bastasch, Michael D 32
Batiste, Stanley M 88
Batra, Vineet N 27
Batten, Kristine W 17, 71
Bausback, Kurt N 121
Bayat, Huma 138, 140, 145
Bayberry Care Center 159
Bayne, David A 45
Bayon, Fred 7, 61
Beatty, Kelly D 65
Becker, Edward V 18, 72
Beer, Robert 18
Beers, Daniel J 128
Begossi, Giovanni 33
Behamand, Ramin A 78
Behdad, Bahareh 152, 153,
154, 155, 157
Beheshtian, Morteza 141
Beland, Alison A 134
Bell, Richard E 30
Bellamy, Adam M 1
Bellamy, Amber Y 1
Bellinoff, Robert D 87
Bellum, Venugopal 81
Beltran, Lori M 1
Bemrick, Robert 88
Ben Zeev, Devorah E 69
Bender, Eva 145
Benjamin, David S 108
Benn, Andrew J 17, 71
Bennet, Justin D 105
Bennett, Timothy 152
Benninghoven, Scott 124
Benson, Frederick P 109
Benway, Eileen H 65
Bergren, John D 102
Berguer, Ramon 73
Berjis, Faraz F 72
Berjis, Vala 78
Berkeley, David 129
Berkowitz, Laurence 130
Bermudez, Rita 53
Bernens, Anthony T 69
Bernett, Jorge 22, 74
Bernstein, Philip 52
Berris, Craig E 53
Bertelsen, Carl A 124
Bertrand, Kari A 127
Betts, James M 77
Beutner, Karl R 18
Beyzer, Lyudmila 7, 61
Bhandari, Bhupinder N 7
Bhanot, Preete 98, 127
Bharucha, Parimal T 88
Bhaskar, Rohit 45
Bhat, Adarsh 48
Bhat, Anita 19, 61
Bhat, Anupama 54
Bhat, K Narasimha N 61
Bhatia, Amardeep 88
Bhatia, Anju R 126, 130
Bhatia, Mitin 138, 140, 145,
Bhattacharya, Joydip 106
Bhattacharyya, Alok K 24, 75
Bhogal, Rajvir Singh 153, 154,
Bhullar, Gurvinderjit 142, 146,
147, 149, 150, 151, 152
Bhullar, Narinder 106
Bhuva, Dinesh N 129
Bianco, Ylayaly K 25
Biedermann, Arthur A 96, 121
Bieselin, Ronald G 33
Biesen-Bradley, Rita A 49
Bigler, Terri E 83
Billow, Dakane A 82
Bilunos, Paul 53
Bindal, Ashwani K 7
Bindra, Archana S 19
Bindra, Sanjay M 17, 121
Binstock, Peter 22, 74
Birdsall, Marian 65
Birkbeck, Daniel P 21
Birnbaum, Peter L 108
Birndorf, Lawrence A 106
Bisharat, Katherine B 40
Bistrong, Lawrence D 46, 53
Black, Natalia M 40
Blackwell, Craig L 107
Blackwell, James A 7, 61
Blair, Gregory R 48
Bledsoe, Scott C 56
Blessing Moore, Joann C 121
Bliss, Lewis S 51
Bloch, Joy S 61
Block, Donald 23
Block, Steven M 121
Blumenfeld, Kenneth S 98, 126
Blumenstock, Edward M 25
Bob, Bruce A 49
Bobbala, Manjula 40
Boccio, James R 31
Bodnar, Shelli M 1
Boeye, Jerry J 39
Bogerty, Sharon A 96, 132
Bojanowski, Margaret E 81
Bokhari, Rashida 40
Bola, Parvinder K 49
Boldrey, Edwin E 128
Bommakanti, Sailaja R 114
Booth, Kevin C 28
Boparai, Navjeet 77
Boparai, Vandana 7
Borau, Nicole C 123
Borde, Madhusudan 17
Bordow, Richard A 31
Borham, Wael 138, 140, 145,
Borodulin, Tatyana V 109
Borrillo, Jesus L 128
Bose, Alok K 77
Boseovski, Chris 142, 146,
147, 149, 150, 151, 152
Bostrom, Stuart G 49
Boudreaux, Alison A 46
Boutin Jr, Frank J 87
Boutros, Emad 138, 140, 145
Bowers, Elyn V 85
Bowers, Kenneth V 69
Bowie, Constance R 100, 132
Boyte, Brenda 147
Bradbrook, Charles 51
Bradbury, Edward T 107
Bradshaw, David C 30
Brady, Katharine A 106
Braid, Christine L 84
Braley, Scott C 54
Brandeis, Judson M 34
Brandel, Joseph M 73
Brandle, Warren F 43
Braunstein, Anne S 46
Braunstein, Sheila M 46
Braverman, Gregory 135
Breaux, Barry E 27
Breckenridge, Anita L 128
Breen, Lydia A 135
Brenis, Mark 108
Brennan, James F 54, 88
Bressler, David I 61
Briarwood Health Care 159
Bricca, Gregory M 46
Brinton, Daniel A 76
Britz, Marie B 97
Broad, William G 109
Bronstone, Robert F 123
Brookvue Care Center 159
Brophy III, Donald R 18
Brown, Candida M 78
Brown, Katharine 65
Brown, Lidia K 98
Brown, Mark 138
Brown, Michael A 71
Brown, Paul R 88
Brown, Ryan A 71
Brubaker, Jacob W 51
Bruch, Herman R 31
Bruhn, Charles J 123
Bruzoni, Matias 77
BRY, JOHN D 35, 80
Bu, Dahlia M 49
Buckner, Dorothy J 122
Budd, Scott C 42
Buescher, Elizabeth A 127
Bui, Anh X 129
Bui, Calvin 154
Bui, David P 27
Bui, Hong H 92, 114
Bui, Mai 152
Bui, Rau V 90, 109
Bui, Viet Hong D 96, 120
Bulatov, Marina V 30, 78
Bulleri, Richard 143, 154, 155,
Bunch, George 104
Burbano, Emiro 96, 100
Burdoin Rogers, Erica M 96
Burgham, Jennifer L 65
Burkhalter, Jenifer L 40, 49
Burniston, Mark T 86
Burr, Robert C 135
Burroughs, Richard 18
Burt Jr, Donald W 100
Burton, Harold G 49
Busch, Jamie L 109
Bussey, Stuart A 1, 56
Butcher, Michael D 99
Butner, Alfred N 124
Cabaccan, Joselito C 123
Cabebe, Elwyn C 124, 128
Cahill, Julie A 69
Cahn, David A 109
Cahn, Michael S 114
Cai, Dung V 98, 127
Cajator, Pedro L 1
Calciano, Andrew S 105
Caldoni, Ted 155
Calhoun, Siobhan L 25
Calkin, Jacqueline M 46
Callaway, Jerry L 114
Calma, Jacques 7
Cameto, Robert L 51
Campbell, Leonard M 19
Campbell, Mark F 109
Canavero, Dina M 49
Canio, John M 46
Canoun, Karim C 31
Cao, Ying 125
Capulong, Dale A 98, 127
Cardoza, Larry J 85, 88
Cardoza, Mary K 33, 73
Care Meridian/Sacramento
County 159
Care Meridian/Santa Clara
County 159
Carey, Bart A 128
Carlson, Carl J 17
Carlson, Roger F 27
Carlton, Bruce 18
Carmel, Richard J 79
Carmichael Care and
Rehabilitation Center 159
Carolyn, Lacey S 71
Carrie, Brian J 98, 126
Carrigg, John W 29
Carrillo, Raymond R 98, 126
Carruth, Peter S 84
Carson, Kent S 122
Carstensen, Anita M 23
Carter, Kawanaa 49
Carter, Patricia S 56
Cartwright, Wade R 29
Castleman, Ellen 134
Catalya, Esther Q 74
Cathey, Richard 92, 114
Cecchi, Gary R 21
Centeno, Joseph M 28
Cepe, Joanabel S 97, 109
Cerruti, Michael A 51
Cervantes, Hector 100
Chahal, Resham S 27
Chahin, Jacques 71
Chakerian, Maia U 121
Chamberlain, Dennis 106
Chambers JR, Ronald G 36
Chan, Choon Weng 82
Chan, Eric S 97, 130
Chan, Michael 49
Chan, Samuel 54, 88
Chan, Simon C 7
Chan, Victor K 49
Chan, Virginia 127
Chanda, Ranjan 23
Chandler, Diane B 56
Chandra, Satish 103
Chandrasekaran, Prathibha
Chang, Anna R 72
Chang, Chinglang 151, 153,
154, 155
Chang, Christine M 69
Chang, Corrina 101
Chang, David C 1, 56
Chang, David F 128
Chang, David S 31
Chang, David W 132
Chang, Don 48
Chang, Gwendolen Y 23
Chang, Henry K 84
Chang, Kenneth H 33
Chang, Leatrice L 56
Chang, Li Hon 7
Chang, Li-Hon 43
Chang, Louis K 128
Chang, Margaret A 27, 51
Chang, Michael L 45
Chang, Michael Y 77
Chang, Natalie H 61
Chang, Richard M 71
Chang, Soter Ming M 14, 65
Chang, Steven C 1
Chao, Kuang Hwa K 32, 79
Chao, Wei-yi 138, 140, 142,
145, 146, 147, 149, 150
Chard, Paul S 20
Charney, Michael T 98, 125
Chase, Peter F 18
Chateau Convalescent
Hospital 159
Chattha, Monpreet Kaur 143,
153, 154, 155
Chau, Maggie S 92, 114
Chaudhary, Asad A 86
Chaudhary, Joceliza G 109
Chaudhry, Manu 138, 140,
Chawla, Varun 23
Che, Qi 23
Chechelnitsky, Marina S 128
Chee, David Z 7
Chehrazi, Bahram B 49
Chen, Anne A 7
Chen, Chris 16
Chen, Cindy 126
Chen, Eli 129
Chen, Gigi Q 74
Chen, Henry 17
Chen, Henry A 17
Chen, Howard H 99, 107
Chen, James 138, 144
Chen, Jeff S 77
Chen, Jessica L 99, 128
Chen, Kenny K 92
Chen, Kevin 7
Chen, Maggie W 92, 98, 126
Chen, May C 125, 128
Chen, Peggy C 107
Chen, Robert P 104
Chen, Ru 142, 146, 147, 149,
150, 151, 152
Chen, Terence L 75
Chen, Thomas T 125, 128
Chen, Tsung-Chang 115
Chen, William K 47
Chen, Yvonne Y 23
Cheney, Tamara 1
Cheng, Clement J 107
Cheng, David S 8
Cheng, Ernest Y 30
Cheng, Helen 82
Cheng, Huilan J 72
Cheng, Kimberly C 129
Cheng, Paul P 16
Chennapragada, Kausalya N
Cheong, Hui Min 87
Chern, Annie B 109
Chernne, Andreux W 74
Cherry, Suraj M 27
Cheruvattath, Rekha 47
Chetkowski, Ryszard J 22, 25
Cheung, Alphonsus 100, 129
Cheung, Catherine 31
Cheung, Ka Ling K 78
Cheung, Kam Y 15
Cheung, Kenneth H 86
Cheung, Norman L 29
Cheung, Warren 149, 151
Chez, Micheal G 45
Chhabra, Kushal 8
Chheda, Bela V 22, 74
Chhiap, Visoth 122
Childs III, John N 73
Chima, Biljinder 36
Chima, Surendar S 36
Chimenti, Robyn L 18
Chin, Brian T 73
Chin, Douglas H 21
Chin, John 45
Chin, Jonathan L 34
Chinn Jr, Franklin J 87
Chinn, Daniel M 32, 79
Chinn, Rebecca G 43
Chinnakotla, Arunasree 102
Chinta, Sudha 156
Chiong, Dominic M 115
Chipps, Bradley E 44, 53
Chirala, Anuradha 121
Chirurgi, Valerie A 22
Chitgar, Mehran 154
Chiu, John H 17
Chiu, May Y 75
Chiu, Noel T 18
Cho, John T 56
Cho, Kisuk J 115
Cho, Yoon Jung 115
Chodak, Lisa D 87
Choi, Ho Sun 99
Choi, Jiyon J 21, 27
Chong, Lindsay E 72
Chopra, Rajiv K 88
Choslovsky, Sydney C 100,
101, 120
Chou, Chia Y 40
Chou, Jenny 51
Chou, Tina M 27
Chow Kwan, Mei Y 61
Chow, Clement C 99, 107
Chow, Norman 109
Choy, Robert Y 31
Chu, Jason S 8, 31
Chu, Margaret W 127
Chu, Steve 138
Chu, Theodore J 121
Chua Lim, Cristina 65
Chua, Gabriel S 1
Chua, Henry S 110
Chui, David W 123
Chun, Richard B 40
Chung, Crawford K 8, 32
Chung, Hankyu 115
Chung, Peter K 90, 110
Chung, Yueh Ju Y 123
Chyu, Jacquelyn K 52
Ciccarone, Daniel H 19
Cimino, Bradley A 44
Cipoletti, Samuel J 110
Cipriano, Paul R 131
Cisco, Robin M 101, 124
Clarin, Cesar 141
Clark, Dwight E 51
Clarke, Randolph J 56
Clayson, Karl R 85, 89
Clerk, Alexander A 101, 125,
Cluck, Michael W 98
Clutter, Donald J 52
Coad, Victoria 134
Cobb III, Cully A 49
Coby, William F 133
Cockerham, Kimberly P 107
Coe, Gregory 2
Coe, Jeffrey 99
Cogen, Lorna A 33
Coggins, Dwain L 96, 122
Cohen, Erik N 127
Cohen, Michael L 78
Cohen, Stephen D 27
Cohn, Susan 134
Colburn, Gregory O 100, 131
Cole, Ronald J 51
College Oak Nursing & Rehab
Center 159
Collin, John V 129
Collins, David E 24, 75
Collins, Edward J 34
Collopy, Thomas P 16
Combs, Andrew C 125
Concepcion, Marc L 36
Congress, Miles R 123
Conlon, Donald J 115
Connolly, Ronald G 33, 79
Conrad Forrest, Carol L 49
Contreras, Claudio S 99
Contreras, David M 76
Contreras, Jorge V 110
Contreras, Raul 145
Cook, David A 16, 71
Coombs Jr, Jack L 115
Cooper, Daniel J 36
Cooper, Howard D 51
Cooper, Joanna A 24
Cooper, Ronald E 73
Corbett, Cynthia 134
Corbin, Kenneth L 84
Cordero, Mario N 127
Corona, Mario L 23
Corsiglia, Victor F 115
Cortes, Steven 102
Cortez, Paul S 65
Coscia, Joseph R 53
Costa, Lora 157
Cotsirilos, Peter J 135
Coufal, Christopher J 76
Coughlin, Richard J 122, 132
Couillard, David 54
Coulson, Michael J 102
Counelis, George J 75
Court, Sergio 92, 98
Courtyard Care Center 159
Cozzetto, Dana Y 88
Cragun, Jeffrey R 49
Craig Smith, Marcia 49
Crandell, Kerri A 105
Creekside Care Center 159
Creekside Healthcare Center
Crescent Court Nursing Home
Cress, Jonathan 107
Crevello, Albert J 105
Crockett, John A 2, 25, 75
Crow, Bradley D 29, 76
Crowder, John V 107
Cruz, Edwin A 86
Crystal Ridge Care Center
Cu, Joseph A 92
Cubre, Alan P 53
Culler III, Floyd L 52
Cummings, Cynthia 120
Cupertino Healthcare &
Wellness Ctr 159
Curkendall, Jay 49
Curran, Steven 2
Curzi, Mario P 75
Custer, Evan L 32
Cutting, Julie K 96
Da Roza, Ricardo 21
Da Silveira, Eduardo B 97, 123
Daane, Stephen P 31, 78
Dadvand, Sahar 157
Dai, Jing 25
Daigle, Robert D 123
Dalton, Laura J 56
Dam, Dinh X 92, 115
Damico, Daniel M 51
Danesh, Wali A 40, 46
Dang Vu, Bay 15
Dang, Anthony 147
Dang, Chau V 33, 73
Dang, Dan V 96, 121
Dang, Kim-Phuong T 127
Dang, Linh T 90
Dang, Minh O 18, 72
Dang, Nam 154, 155, 157
Dang, Phuc C 92
Dang, Van 152
Danialypour, Nourollah 39
Daniels, Mathias 107
Daniels, Stewart A 27
Danville Health Care Center
Dao, Sophie K 129
Daodu, Jennifer K 102
Daoud, Hasan 139
Darby, Earl M 20
Darwish, Fouad D 50
Dasari, Padma 2, 25, 56
Dasilva, Fernanda N 36
Dass, Sharad K 122
Dassah, Harry 8, 17
Dave, Neesha A 77
Davenport, Mary L 25
David, Floyd C 40
Davids, Heather R 87
Davidson, Robert 69
Davies, Robert W 75
Davis, Sally L 71
Dawkins, Patrick A 25
Dawson, John M 88
Dawson, Lindsey 40, 50
De Edwards, Sharon 25
De Monteiro, Chinnavuth P 8,
Deboisblanc, Michael W 73
Debose, Renee A 85
Debruin, Mark I 36
Debruin, Robert J 43
Decker, Joseph 128
Decleve, Gael F 104
Defelice, Richard D 48, 54
Degamo, Teresita 21
Degan, Terence A 36
Dehal, Himdip K 81
Dein, John R 45, 84
Deitchman, Jason K 81
Del Mar, Raoul B 42
Del Mundo, Judy T 96
Del Piero, Eric J 107
Dela Cruz II, Emmanuel 129
Delaney, Leslie R 30
Deleon Tallman, Maria T 65
Deleon, Baldomero 61
Delgado, Rosemary 25, 75
Delrio, Gerald R 61
Delta Rehabilitation and Care
Center 159
Delzotto, Thomas A 53
Demanes, D Jeff 32
Demartini, David R 27
Demeo, Anthony N 71
Dengel, Michael K 86
Dennings, Robin 30
Deol, Ajit S 47
Deol, Parminder S 85
Desai, Aparna 139, 140, 145
Desai, Kirtikumar G 105
Desai, Uma S 56
Dessouki, Amr A 99, 107
Devane, Barbara R 27
Devane, Matthew S 17, 71
Dewees, Edward C 110
Dham, Shefali 19
Dharan, Murali 18, 79
Dharma, Kanchan 151
Dharmani, Nisha 144
Dhawan, Archana 126
Dhawan, Kapil 54
Dhawan, Pabina 148
Dhawan, Sunil S 19, 97, 122
Dhesi, Rajpreet S 30
Dhillon, Gurinder S 17
Dhillon, Japneet 147, 150
Dhillon, Jatinder S 18, 34, 79
Dhillon, Kulbir 86
Dhillon, Rajwinder 142, 146,
147, 149, 150, 152
Dhillon, Rashminder 143, 146,
147, 149, 150, 151, 152
Diamond Ridge Health Care
Center 159
Diana, John N 29
Dias, Robert A 86, 88
Diaz Pagtalunan, Maria E 23
Dibbell Hope, Sandy 133
Dickens, Christopher J 27
Dickinson, Lawrence D 25
Dickinson, Shirley L 102
Dicus, Michael E 126
Didech, Dean M 130
Dierks, Ole 23
Digiacomo, Michael A 31
Dinh, Howard H 45
Dinh, Ngon H 129
Diperna, Costanzo 54, 88
DiSandro, Michael J 34
Divin, Cecilia R 81
Dixit, Rajiv K 33
Dixit, Rashmi B 33
Do, Christopher N 92, 115
Do, Hahn Nguyen 25
Do, Hong T 97, 122
do, Ly V 100
Do, Trang U 93, 115
Doan, Alexander D 126
Doan, Andrew 157
Dobbs, Leland G 32
Docharty, Carla I 53
Doctors Medical Center San
Pablo Campus 1
Doherty, Janna L 106
Dominican Santa Cruz
Hospital 102
Donaldson, Melvin S 2
Dong, Samuel 8
Donnelly, Joseph R 29
Donthineni, Rakesh 29
Doria, Miguel D 96, 122
Dormady, Shane P 125
Doroshenko, Alexandr 152
Dorrell, Sarah E 133
Dossick, Paul H 129
Doud, Robert B 23
Douglas, Bruce P 129
Douglas, Gregory E 50
Dover, Arthur 107
Dowlatshahi, Morteza 100, 132
Dowling, James E 27
Doyle, Donald R 32
Draeger, Jay T 40
Dreyfuss, Bruce J 101, 132
Driftwood Healthcare
Center-Santa Cruz 160
Drury, Bernard J 29
Dublin, Andrew 71
Duckworth, Amy L 53
Dudler, Jack E 2
Duffy, Carrie M 25
Duggal, Vandana 56
Duggan, John W 99, 128
Dugoni Jr, William E 33
Dumont, Peaslee F 2
Duncan, Robert C 81
Duncan, Vicki L 125
Dunn, Terris R 19
Duong, Hoang M 97
Duong, Quyen 154
Duran, Luisa A 72
Dutta, Sanjeev 78
Dyer, Wendy 84
Eadula, Sekhar U 123
Eaton, Scott D 25
Ebright, Patricia 28
Echaluse-Chiong, Lolita 8
Economou, Vasiliki 24
Edelman, Robert A 27
Edraki, Babak 21, 74
Edwards, Andrea G 106
Edwards, James L 57
Egasani, Matheresa V 74
Eglin, Linda 115
Ehling, Detlef K 2, 22, 72
Ehyai, A Reza 49
Eichbaum, Eldan B 25
Eichel, James E 2, 57
Eichhorn, Erwin A 50
Eigelberger, Monica S 73
Ein, Michael E 74
Eisan, Lee B 62
Eisenberg, Susan J 71
Eisenstat, Saul 124
El Gohary, Hussam I 30
Elahi, Rashid 98
Elchinoff, Brian 31, 78
Eldredge, Denten E 31
Eldredge, Kathleen L 131
Elhassanin, Mohamed 152
Elhussiny, Naeil 143, 146, 149,
150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 157
Elliott, Kevin S 47, 85
Ellison, Michael J 108
Ellison-Cole, Louanne L 133
Ellner, Laurence 31
Elmirahem, Manal 150, 151
Elsayed, Mohamed 149
Elyasi, Siamak 57
Emami, Mitra 126
Emami, Sascha 139, 140, 145,
Emerald Gardens Nursing
Center 160
Endicott, Mark E 51
Endo, Paul T 70
Eng, Grace S 19
Eng, Richard S 100, 129
Engel, Marvin L 19
Engelman, Christopher J 128
English II, Justin G 36
Ennix, Coyness L 18
Enrique, Louis A 2, 57
Entwisle, Christopher R 20
Epstein Jr, Ervin H 19
Epstein, Lawrence A 115
Equi, Robert A 27, 51
Erasmus, Desmond 25
Erburu, Lisa A 65
Erdman, Daniel 108
Erickson, Jon A 46
Erickson, Sonia E 31
Erlich, Kim S 22
Esfahani, Mahsa 125
Eshelman, Orval M 122
Eskaton Care Center Fair
Oaks 160
Eskaton Care Center
Greenhaven 160
Eskaton Care Center
Manzanita 160
Eskaton Village Care Center
Eslami, Afshin 47
Esparza, Lluvia A 86
Estakhri, Mary E 33
Eswaran, Kali S 40
Ettinger, Jeffrey C 110
Etwaru, Gupta 27
Evans, Brian T 88
Evans, David A 52
Evans, James D 65
Eyvazzadeh, Aimee D 33, 79
Eyvazzadeh, Emil 25, 75
Ezeh, Uchechukwu I 25
Fainsztein, Evelyn G 87
Fairmont Rehab Hospital 160
Fairmont Rehabilitaition
Hospital 160
Family and Children Services
Fang, Ming 20, 72
Fann, Karen Y 129
Faraji, Jamshid 40
Farhangfar, Kamyar 82
Farney, Kent J 25
Farr, Hashem 97, 123
Farr, Morteza M 99
Farr, Sara M 125
Faruqui, Aamir A 78
Faryno, Violetta 98, 127
Fatima, Ruqaya 72
Fee, Henry J 122
Feezell, Sean A 2, 57
Feinstat, Theodor 47
Feiz, Vahid 76
Feld, Leonard 156
Feldman, Arthur B 120
Feldman, Robert C 17
Feliciano, Larry R 36
Fellmeth, Brian 88
Feng, Helen 101, 132
Fiedler, Faranak S 57
Fieser Jr, Carl W 77
Filuk, Robert 131
Finegan, Mary M 50
Fink, Diana F 110
Finta, Laurel A 50
Firman, William J 125
Firoz, Hadi A 82
Fisher, Jack E 130
Fisher, James R 108
Fisher, Monte P 54
Fishman, Alan 125
Fishman, Harvey A 107
Fishman, Martin L 128
Fiske, Charles E 33
Fitzer, Timothy A 2
Flores, Ronald R 36
Florin Healthcare Center 160
Floyd, Jon W 34
Foerster, James M 45
Fogarty, Yeeyie E 32
Foglar, Christian 99
Folsom Convalescent
Hospital 160
Fong Jr, Ralph 57
Fong, Arthur Y 44
Fong, Dennis Y 15
Fong, Hon 25
Fong, Juon K 21, 29
Fong, Karen J 52
Fong, Pau K 44
Ford, Keith B 131
Ford, Lloyd C 29, 77
Forest, Erin E 51
Forrest, Michael R 79
Forster, Robert S 29
Forte, Patrice A 133, 134
Foster, Zuzana U 33
Foundations Psych A Prof
Corp 134
Fowler, Wiley 50, 85
Fox, Andrew 49
Fox, Donald R 131
Fox, Jonathan J 105
Fox, Robert A 24
Francis, Patricia O 65
Frazier, John K 29
Freed, Robert P 54
Freeto, Brian D 29
Frei, Jeannette I 44
Freinkel, Robert 16
French, Andrea L 20
French, Barry N 49
Friedlander, Jack D 54
Friedman, Steven A 72
Friedman, Yaron 25, 75
Friesen, Howard L 2
Frisancho, Miguel 142, 146,
147, 149, 150, 151, 152
Fromlak, Tatiana I 50
Fruman, Neil S 57
Fuentebella, Judy T 77
Fujii, Scott K 51
Fujikawa, Kevin D 44
Fulkerson, Eric W 76
Fung, Barry Y 128
Fung, Jason F 19
Fung, Peter C 98, 126
Gaddini, Michael S 37
Gaddis, Alfred T 46
Gade, Anuradha 143, 153,
154, 157
Gafter, Lana 48
Gagnon, Michael R 27
Gakhar, Alpana 143, 146, 147,
149, 150, 151, 152
Galatin, Peter S 125
Galina Quintero, Doris Sofia
Gallardo, David 108
Gallo, Costantino T 122
Galofre, Gabriel F 86
Galt, Cynthia F 101
Gambarin, Yelena 62
Gamboa, Edgar A 106
Ganal, Besosie M 97
Gandhi, Gautam N 47
Gandhi, Tripty M 110
Gandhir, Garima 62
Ganey, John T 21, 22, 74
Gao, Biqi 2, 57
Garcia, Francisco L 37
Garcia, Jaime 65
Garcia, Judith A 102
Garcia, Ruel T 97, 123
Gardiner, Barry N 20
Gardner, Philip L 27
Garrison, Matthew C 88
Gartland, Patrick F 97
Gaston, Janet E 62
Gates, Lucas 140, 142, 145,
146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152
Gatschet, Hsinju R 54
Gatz, Marvin G 46, 54
Gazetas, Polyxene 124
Gear, Earl V 85
Geisse, John K 19
Gelfand, Elena V 48
Gellad, Maryse 142, 146, 147,
149, 150, 152
Gellineau, Victor M 2
Gendo, Karna 16, 71
Gentry, Yvette M 25
Gerdes, Carol A 25
Gerhart, Sherellen B 74
Gershony, Gary 71
Getman, Carolyn E 52
Ghaemi, Afshine 81
Gharagozlou, Parham 62
Ghazal, Carolyn 138, 147, 150
Gheorghiu, Ioana A 125
Gherini, Scott T 51
Ghimire, Shankar P 2
Gholami, Shahram S 132
Ghorbaini, Nourollah B 78
Ghoshal, Asish 49
Gibson, Lance R 57
Gidvani, Sandeep N 99
Giessman, Dale A 72
Gilani, Hussain A 23
Gilbert, David D 27
Gilbert, William M 50
Gill, Amardeep 148
Gill, Carol L 66
Gill, Harpreet 141
Gill, Tanya N 28
Gillogley, Katherine M 87
Gillum, Leslie A 24, 75
Gilroy Healthcare and
Rehabilitation Center 160
Gingery, Robert O 35
Girgis, Magdy H 25
Gisla, John F 84
Gladieux, Johanna 133
Glickman, Bobby S 33, 73
Gluhovsky, Inna M 134
Go, Henry 37
Goetz, Stephen C 46
Gokani, Mona 157
Gold, Michael M 122
Goldberg, Martin R 51
Golden Gate Healthcare
Center 160
Golden Living Center - Galt
Golden Living Center Chateau
Golden Living Center Hy Pana
Golden Living Center Portside
Golden Living Center San Jose
Golden, Julia B 54, 88
Goldin, Michael S 30
Goldman, Janet M 25
Goldman, Tracy B 70
Goldsobel, Alan B 96, 105, 121
Goldstein, Jeffrey A 47
Goldstein, Sandra E 70
Golestan, Mojtaba 148
Gollapudi, Ramakrishna P 20,
Golod, Mark 129
Golub, David S 135
Gong, Henry P 71
Gonsier, Amy L 124
Gonzales, Alexander 144
Gonzales, John M 121
Gonzalez Aguirre, Juana 62
Gonzalez, Gustavo A 107
Goo, Julie A 2
Good Jr, John C 3
Goodin, Kelly 142
Gook Park, Byung 90
Goradia, Tushar M 49, 86
Gordon, Carrie A 50
Gordon, David 139, 140, 142,
145, 149
Gorlick, Bruce D 53
Gorman, Jack 143
Gotham JR, David R 51
Gottlieb, Michael M 20, 73
Gottlied, Michael M 18, 34
Gould, Richard 53
Gould, Robert S 126
Gould, Roxanne 139, 140, 145,
Govea, Christopher J 33
Gowda, Alpana R 107
Grabenstetter, Jennifer L 25,
Grace Healthcare of Moraga
Grace Hlthcare of Pleasant HIll
Gracer, Erik M 57
Gracer, Richard I 57
Gracia, Carlos R 34
Grady, Jennifer A 100
Graf, Joy L 48, 53
Graham, Karen T 27
Graham, Richard S 19
Gramercy Court 160
Gramm, Gary A 37
Granader, Neil 127
Grand, Alexander 51
Grant Cuesta Nursing &
Rehabilition Center 160
Grant, Douglas 77
Grant, Joseph M 29
Granthom, Maria S 106
Graven, Nadine E 127
Graves, Gretchen D 66
Graves, Julia E 19
Greaves, Maria 104
Green, Akiba E 50
Green, Andrea L 32
Green, Scott D 53
Green, Stephen E 122
Greenberg, Robert G 19, 72
Greenberg, Roy A 37
Greene, Hunter S 51
Greenfield, David 157
Greenfield, Michael 123
Greenstein, Seymour 57
Greenwald, Leonard 100, 130
Greenwald, Ronald S 126
Greer, James M 31, 78
Gregg, Laurie C 50
Gregory Jr, Frank G 115
Greif, Jon M 34
Grewal Bahl, Ranu 32
Grewal, Ajita 128
Griffin, John R 31
Griffin, Michael L 130
Griffinger, Elisabeth P 25
Griffith, David L 110
Gross, Goldee H 25
Grosserode, Robert S 27, 76
Grove Street Extended Care
and Living Center 160
Grutzmacher, Richard D 51
Guanzon, Jose M 93, 115
Guanzon, Teresita V 93
Guardian Concord 160
Guarino, Edward J 100, 122
Gudapati, Surendra B 96
Guilfoy, Guy P 51
Guirguis, Lisa M 47
Guirguis, Mounir 139, 140,
142, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150
Guisado, Raul 126
Gulati, Anjali 121
Gulesserian, Hrair P 101, 124
Gupta, Anurag 72
Gupta, Ravinder N 8, 62
Gutman, Donald 41
Gwalani, Tulsidas R 100
Gwiazdowski, Steven G 30
Haagensen Jr, Darrow E 47
Habib, Taimur H 115
Habibi, Hossein 101
Hachigian, Greg 46
Hacienda Care Center 160
Hackert, John B 45
Hackert, Lynne 53
Hadar, Armine P 87
Hadeed, Adnan J 30, 31
Hadi, Ehsan M 86
Haesslein, Hanns C 50, 52
Haggerty, Jennifer D 110
Haghighat, Peyman 125
Hahn, Gregory P 66
Haidt, Sterling J 128
Haines, Philip 88
Hajiani, Rafieh 82
Halpern, Stephen J 102
Hamako, Conrad 107
Haman, Aissatou 8
Hambrick, Thomas L 25
Hamed, Shirin 140
Hamel, John M 135
Hamstra, William N 20, 73
Hanft, Rachelle T 57
Hann, Cynthia J 14
Hanna, Ihab 139, 140, 145
Hanna, Nadine B 75
Hansen, David C 33
Hanson, Charles H 66
Haque, Faizul 71
Har, Un H 127
Hargrave III, Thomas B 20
Hariri, Sanaz 129
Harpole, Patrick B 3, 57
Harris, Roy M 37
Harrison, David T 48
Hart, Karen 37
Hart, Stephen 3
Hartman, Gary E 78
Harwood, Maury K 129
Hasbun, Aida M 105
Haselwood, Douglas M 54
Hasenauer, Kevin J 102
Hashem, Ayman 142, 146,
147, 149, 152
Hashmi, Naeem U 93
Haskins, Ruth E 50
Hassani, Hossein 102
Hastings, Caroline A 77
Hata, John T 47
Hatami, Kurosch 140
Hatfield, Stephanie K 106
Haubach, Carol M 102
Haut, Lewis L 115, 126
Havey, John T 133, 134
Hawksley, Carlene A 105
Hayashi, Roger M 132
Hayat, G H 54
Hayatdovoudi, Saman 45, 54
Hayes, Paul G 89
He, Chenyin 75
Hearne, George 134
Hearth, Scott B 46
Heater, Richard D 51
Hedriana, Herman L 50
Heine, John P 34
Hekmat, Kiumars R 54
Helms, Ileana A 23
Helton, James G 77
Hembd, Dennis M 53
Henehan, Michael J 110
Henke, Artur Z 46
Hennessey, Sean P 3
Hennessy, Amy L 128
Henry, Michael J 53
Henstorf, Jan E 29
Herbert, Juliana B 66
Herndon, Christopher N 33
Herold, Edward E 105
Herrera, Lionel 14, 78
Herscu, Gabriel 35
Hersh, Layne 46
Herskowitz, Frederic N 32
Hewes, George R 128
Heywood, Christian 107
Hicks, Lawren S 70
Higa, Lisa K 72
Highsmith, Dwayne L 31
Highsmith, Maria J 31
Hilberman, Bernard 102
Hilger Jr, Leslie G 19
Hilger, Wesley S 50
Hill Phys Med Group-East Bay
Hill Phys Med
Grp-Sacramento 36
Hill, David 17
Hill, Jeffrey V 37
Hilliard, Denise M 62
Hilliard, General K 17, 71
Hilliard, Renee S 25, 75
Hinckley, Mary D 79
Hinsdale, James G 124
Hirahara, Alan M 52
Hirai, Thomas J 97
Hirschfeld, David S 121
Hisaka, Eric T 31
Hiuga, Stephen g 50
Hla, Tin T 93, 99, 125
Ho, Chi 152, 155
Ho, Jacqueline 50
Ho, Paul P 71
Ho, Philip T 129
Ho, Timothy C 100
Ho, Vananh 153, 155
Ho, Viet H 27, 76
Hoang, Hanh Ngan 98
Hoang, Hung G 37
Hoang, Khoi N 115, 126
Hoang, Sylvia H 3, 90, 110
Hoang, Tri Dung G 41
Hobert, Donald K 3
Hobson, Donnis S 31
Hockenbrock, Amy W 125
Hoda, Ali 127
Hoddick, William K 78
Hoffinger, Scott A 76
Hoffman, Anthony R 31
Hoffman, Paul J 88
Hoffmann, Victorina P 62
Hofkes, Shawn 154
Hogan, Colleen M 14
Hohman, Julia S 57
Hollander, Ethan D 57
Holloway, Earl 17
Holman, Herbert A 19
Hom, Louise 34
Hom, Melanie L 27
Homewood Care Center 160
Honbo, Brian A 57
Hong, Tina S 14
Hooberman, Peter A 20
Hooi, Steven S 3
Hook, Ernest J 53
Hopkins, Brian D 34
Hopkins, Thomas 41
Hopkins, William 108
Hopner, Dan D 110
Hopson, Christina T 22
Horn, Erich P 27
Horoupian, Rupert R 34
Hosny, Kazem 139, 140, 142,
144, 146, 147, 149, 150
Hosseini, Mehra 73
Hothi, Manmeet 139, 140, 145
Howard, Clairinda l 133
Howell, Stephen M 52
Howell, Thomas J 43
Hsei, Rex C 107
Hsiao, Kenneth C 34
Hsiao, Victoria F 72
Hsieh, Abraham G 30, 77
Hsieh, George C 97, 122
Hsieh, Kisseng 34
Hsu, Carmen P 103
Hsu, Hsien Wen 32, 70, 78
Hsu, Ronald K 47
Hsu, Saunders C 48
Hsu, Susan 3
Hsu, Thomas T 93
Hsueh, Frank C 8, 62
Hu, Charlene 24
Hu, Samuel J 87
Hua, Tuan 21
Huan, Eng H 93, 100
Huang, Barry P 25
Huang, Eric J 22, 24, 33
Huang, Frank F 120
Huang, Harry S 14, 66
Huang, Michael H 127
Huang, Paul I 131
Huang, Raymond I 121
Huberman, Robert P 33
Huberman, Sara B 14
Hudson, Lisa A 62
Huffer, Bruce R 99, 129
Huffman, Jason T 29
Hugh, Walsh G 132
Hughes III, Luman H 75
Hughes JR, Gerald E 99
Hughes, William 148
Hughes-Watkins, Elise M 62
Huibonhoa, Amy M 25
Humphrey, Jonathan B 58
Humphreys, Harold K 45
Hundal, Rajbarinder S 86
Hundal, Ravinder S 58
Hundal, Sarbjit S 27
Hung, Chia-Yi S 116
Hung, Sammy 32
Hunt, Ben 85
Hur, Jim R 120
Hurray, Alvie 108
Hurst, Austin 133
Hurwitz, Alfred L 97, 123
Husain, Shabnam 116
Hussain, Sayed A 8, 41
Hutchins, Mary 93
Huynh, Adric H 58
Huynh, Chau 116
Huynh, Dat T 93, 116
Huynh, Minh Q 93, 116
Huynh, My 151
Huynh, Tai 143, 153, 154
Huynh, Thuy N 120
Hwang, Albert D 87
Hwang, Dong H 26
Hwang, Ivan P 27, 76
Hwang, Steve D 37
Hwang, Virginia Y 25
Hwong, Yu 101, 132
Hyder, Shakir 20
Hyland, Thomas O 108
Ibanez, Marcelina G 37
Idowu, Olajire 100, 130
Ikeda, Daniel P 46, 54
Ikossi, Danagra G 132
Im, Carol Y 66
Imperato, Thomas J 47
Ingegno, Michael D 35
Ingram, Drew C 47
Iota-Herbei, Claudia I 23
Irani, Adil N 16, 96, 121
Irwin Jr, Charles E 16
Irwin, David H 21, 27
Isenberg, William M 26
Islam, Parvez S 41
Ito, Nobuko M 96
Iyengar, Jaideep J 129
Jackson, Ann-Marie 106
Jacobs, Joshua S 16, 71
Jacques, Dana R 50
Jafarian, Nasser 66
Jafarzadeh, Mehrdad 45
Jaffe, Julie M 106
Jain, Aditya 16
Jain, Ashit 16, 17, 93, 96
Jain, Bhumika 143, 153, 154,
Jain, Sanjeev 16
Jain, Sunita 41
Jain, Vinita V 8, 62
Jain, Vivekanand 8, 62
Jakobsen, Joelle L 85
Jalilie, Bertha S 110
Jamasbi, Babak J 16, 30
Janigian, Dena M 105
Jaojoco, Ethelynda T 53
Javaheri, Ashkan 85
Javeed, Mansoor 48
Javid, Athiya D 99, 127
Javidan Nejad, Javid 55, 88
Javidan, Javid 88
Jayaram, Attigupam R 24
Jebraeili Hamed, Sara 156
Jebrin, Aiman 144
Jedrzynski, Michael S 51
Jeffrey Starr, Nicole 26
Jegatheesan, Priya 126, 130
Jeiven, Susan D 77
Jennings, Jennifer S 49
Jensen, Bruce W 84
Jensen, Jorn T 122
Jensen, Kirk L 29, 76
Jet, Jennie 107
Jewish Family and Childrens
Services 133
Jeyapalan Noone, Manjula M
Jhang, Alexander 151
Jhawar, Vibha 149
Jin, Weimin 141, 143
Joelson, Eddy 44
Johal, Inaksh 141
Johl, Jewel 74
John Muir Medical Center
Concord Campus 1, 56
John Muir Medical Center
Walnut Creek Campus 1, 56
John Muir Physician Network
Johnson, Andria D 3
Johnson, Debra J 53
Johnson, Eric L 16
Johnson, Jay A 105
Johnson, Loche 51
Johnson, Matthew D 77, 78
Johnson, Matthew T 8, 22
Johnson, Robert N 27
Johnson, Sara 26
Jolin, Patrick V 3, 58
Jolly, Shashank 34
Jones, Joshua L 54
Jones, Richard A 51
Jordan, Donna R 84
Joseph, William P 22
Joshi, Ajay K 45
Joshi, Janardan S 100
Joshi, Nitin 21, 27, 74
Joshi, Tarla P 126
Joyce, William B 116
Joyner Jr, Ira T 50
Jue, Derek J 3, 58
Jue, Dyron J 97, 123
Juhn, Olivia T 50
Jumagdao-Sakai, Maria D 110
Jumper, James M 27
Junglas, William A 87
Kabbesh, Mohammad J 86
Kadas, Robert I 66
Kagel, Eric M 129
Kahan, Julia S 99, 129
Kahan, Norman J 130
Kahle, Robert A 52
Kahlon, Kanwaljit S 86
Kahlon, Ravinder 24
Kailath, Elizabeth J 44
Kailath, John M 48
Kaileh, Lyth H 116
Kaiser, Franz N 134
Kaku, Roy F 45
Kalauokalani, Donna Anne K
Kaldas, Nader 9
Kale, Ashay A 29
Kale, Shashwati S 110
Kalish, Loreta 62
Kalra, Ruben 77
Kalthoff, Katherine L 53
Kalyan, Ranjani 22, 48
Kamaraju, Manjula 110
Kamath, Sachin S 79
Kambhampati, Ganesh 48
Kamlot, Andreas 18, 34, 79
Kamra, Dheeraj 41
Kamras, Marvin H 41, 50
Kamrath, Richard O 70, 72
Kan, Michael E 110
Kanagala, Samata 9
Kandpal, Anjali 3
Kandula, Anuradhika 123
Kanel, Jeffrey S 130
Kanen, Nani 22
Kang, Dae W 120
Kang, Eugenia 73
Kang, Jessica 157
Kang, Kelie 139, 140, 142,
145, 146, 147, 149, 150
Kang, Steven 16, 17, 71
Kang, Tyler Y 21, 23, 74
Kang, Young M 34
Kankipati, Shoba 21, 23, 74
Kannan, Nirmala 9
Kansara, Rasik T 97, 123
Kantamueni, Uma 9
Kanwal, Tehmina 62
Kao, Helen S 21
Kao, John R 122
Kao, Lily 101, 132
Kao, Samuel D 21, 31
Kaplan, Alan N 21
Kaplan, Eugene 21, 34
Kaplan, Jeffrey H 124
Kaplan, Paul E 46
Kaplan, Robert 31
Kaplan, Steven M 58
Kaplon, Richard J 45, 84
Kapoor, Dhanu 90, 110
Kar, Aradhana 116
Karamloo, Sara 130
Karamlou, Kasra 74
Karan, John H 24
Karmakar, Amitabha 54
Karol, James B 34, 79
Karpel, Barbara I 16, 71
Karpman, Edward 132
Karupaiah, Sudha 93, 116
Kashino, Dean S 104
Kashyap, Rohit 48
Kasper, Sari J 75
Kasrazadeh, Monica R 50, 85
Kassels, Michael D 9, 62
Katler, Ernest I 33
Katske, Gordon E 132
Katta, Prasad V 9, 19
Katz, Andrew J 83
Katz, Gerald F 75
Kaur, Amardeep 140
Kaur, Harleen 143, 154, 155,
Kaur, Harrup 128
Kaur, Jaspreet 19
Kaur, Moninder 152, 155
Kaur, Shivinder B 26
Kaur, Simran 138
Kaushal, Manika V 111
Kavanaugh, Patrick E 17, 71
Kay, Donald M 19
Kaye, Brian R 33
Kazadi, Mwanga M 87
Kazemi, M Michael 32, 78
Kazi, Phiroze 111
Kearns, Lelanya B 127
Kearns, Michael J 52
Keet, Robert 103
Kelada, Youssary Y 37
Keledjian, Varujan A 20, 73
Kellogg, John S 121
Kelsen, Kenneth A 20
Kendrick, Narisse 127
Kennedy, William A 79
Kenney, Colleen 78
Kensky, Herman A 86
Kent, George P 120
Kent, Olson W 134
Kerlin, Deborah L 73
Kerman, Barry M 27
Kerr, Anna R 66
Kessler, Corby S 30
Khademi, Ali 105
Khaira, Ravinder S 43
Khakmahd, Oliver K 23
Khalil Kelada, Hayne Y 37
Khalilnejad, Heideh S 123
Khalsa, Prabhjot S 24
Khan, Farooq 140, 145
Khan, Junaid H 18, 34
Khan, Rana M 85
Khan, Shahbaz R 135
Khan, Shalla S 123
Khan, Taimur 147
Khan, Tanveer A 18, 35, 79
Khan, Wajahat M 83
Khangura, Sukhdev 41
Khanh, Tran C 96
Kharait, Sourabh P 48
Khasati, Shadi 139
Khashayar, Farzin 144
Khashayar, Ramin 78
Khasigian, Harry A 52
Khattab, Mahmoud 41
Khay, Darith S 90
Khetani, Jigna 143, 153, 154
Khetrapal, Rabin 9
Khodosh, Rita 122
Khonsari, Hamidreza M 3, 58
Khoo, Maureen 127
Khouri, Sami M 41
Khowong, Antoinette 50
Khuntia, Deepak 131
Khurana, Rahul 128
Khuu, Duke T 97, 122
Kiener, David J 52
Kilaru, Prasad G 21, 31
Kilkenny, Mary E 127
Kilker Jr, Richard D 3, 58
Kim, Alexis H 98, 101
Kim, Charleen L 73
Kim, Christopher J 101
Kim, Dai J 99, 127
Kim, Daniel 139, 140, 142, 145,
146, 147, 149, 150
Kim, Edward T 23, 75
Kim, Eun G 126, 130
Kim, Jeehee 128
Kim, Kenneth W 77
Kim, Kristina J 58
Kim, Kyong Mee S 107, 130
Kim, Kyung N 48
Kim, Ok Kyung 75
Kim, Paul H 58
Kim, Ran S 18, 20, 72, 73
Kim, Richard T 54
Kim, Ronald 141
Kim, Sunghoon 130
Kim, Teresa H 34
Kim, Yoo 144
Kim, Young M 26
Kimmel, Bonnie S 72
Kind, Gabriel M 31
Kindrachuk, Robert W 34, 79
Kindred Nursing and
HC-Victorian 161
Kindred Transitional Care &
Rehab - Walnut Creek 161
Kindred Transitional Care &
Rehab Ignacio Valley 161
Kindy Degnan, Nadine A 27
King, David 132
Kini, Ramanand 153, 156
Kipps, David L 108
Kirchner, Robert M 84
Kishiyama, Jeffrey L 96, 105,
Kisilyuk, Lyubov 122
Kissevich, Zsolt 139, 140, 145,
Kita, Mark S 129
Klebanov, Mark Z 9
Klein, Louis A 75
Klein, Stefan F 107
Kline, Richard A 124
Knaus, Martin A 121
Knight, John M 76
Knight, Orel H 50
Knight, Sue J 15
Knister, James 33
Knorr, Philip A 108
Ko, Wei Fang 20
Kochenburger, Richard J 26
Koenigsberg, Richard T 130
Kogan, Mark H 20
Koh, Anthony K 9
Kohal, Surinder S 58
Koldinger, Ralph E 47
Kolluru, Gopala R 17
Kolomey, Irina V 63
Komshian, Shahe V 116
Konczal, Kelly 143, 153, 154,
Kong, Li Kuo 22
Kong, Montgomery L 66
Kong, Wesley G 132
Kopelnik, Alexander 17
Kops, Richard S 32, 78
Koransky, Ada A 122
Korsunsky, Alexander 93, 116
Koseoglu, Selim T 27
Kosh, David L 37
Kostick, Barbara 3
Kothary, Sapana 143
Kou, Joseph X 76
Kouyoumdjian, Zepure 126
Kozina, Joseph 45
Kraft, Jack C 46
Kraft, John Kersten 132
Kram, Jerrold A 32
Kramer, Kristina 78
Kramer, Paul E 37
Kramer, Scott H 21
Kretchmar, Larry 132
Krishna, Alok 37
Krishna, Gopal G 98, 126
Krishnamurthy, Anita 63
Krishnan, Vidya 135
Kroll, Becky S 111
Kronick, Elwood L 73
Kronick, John L 76
Krouse, John R 71
Krupitskaya, Yelena 21, 23, 74
Ku, Ae Ran 139, 141, 144
Kubalik, Michael A 66
Kubo, Patricia L 105
Kudaravalli, Padmavathi 9
Kudlu, Purnima G 66
Kugel, Gregory B 85
Kujac, Tanja L 78
Kujok, Hussam 41
Kulyk, Andriy 144
Kumar, Raj 98, 126
Kumar, Smitha 111
Kumar, Surinder 106
Kung, Henry I 20
Kung, Mei P 9
Kunwar, Sandeep M 24
Kuppahally, Suman S 121
Kurio, Gregory H 77
Kurkjian, Elizabeth V 26
Kurtzman, Steven M 131
Kurupath, Vinod K 73
Kury, Kristina M 18, 32
Kushlan, Michael C 123
Kwa, Andrew T 121
Kwan, Diane 73
Kwan, Jeffrey W 123
Kwok, Hansen 47
Ky, Nguyen 100
Labban, George 125
Lafayette Convalescent
Hospital 161
Laghaee, Shahin 47
Lai, Donald M 17
Lai, Frank C 132
Lai, Minhtruong T 125
Lai, Shiau Yeng 90
Lake, Gordon A 3
Lakshmi, Avala 43
Lalchandani, Ram N 48
Lam, Hai 153
Lam, Hon-Wai K 19
Lam, Osama F 116
Lam, Tien H 58
Lamb, Carol L 70
Lambourne, Blake R 50
Landgraf, Robert L 3
Lane, Will H 73
Lanflisi, Robert A 34
Lange, Douglas M 76
Langham, James E 27
Lanouette Conley, Jan M 48
Lao, David S 84
Lapins, Nikolajs A 19
Lappen, Rhonda S 130
Laptalo, Luko M 48, 86
Larsen, Robert W 53
Larson, Olaf 156
Larson, Penny L 50
LaSalette Health and
Rehabilitation Center 161
Lattanza, Lisa L 29
Lau, Benjamin C 30
Lau, Chai-Kiong 9
Lau, Patrick C 37
Laver, David A 31
Law, Glenn K 43
Lawrence, Bruce P 3
Lawry, Monica A 46
Lawson, Candace M 44
Lawton Healthcare Center
Lay, Patrick C 129
Lay, Sophie A 66
Le, Chuong M 98
Le, Joe 37
Le, Stephanie P 90, 111
Le, Tuan 93
Leach, Richard 47
Leach, Timothy A 75
Leathers, Michael W 52
Leaton, Michael G 105
Lechleitner, Rita L 124
Lee Jr, Richard H 27
Lee, Aaron 140
Lee, Boo W 94, 116
Lee, Chi K 34
Lee, Christine K 26
Lee, Dennis D 16, 33
Lee, Erin M 66
Lee, Felix H 122
Lee, Gordon E 105
Lee, Howard E 106
Lee, Ivan Y 9
Lee, James F 38
Lee, Jin Young 97
Lee, Jin-Young 124
Lee, Kendrick E 21
Lee, Kevin K 9, 32
Lee, Linda W 85
Lee, Louis C 106
Lee, Marshall H 87
Lee, Michael A 16, 17, 71
Lee, Pandora 10, 63
Lee, Peter A 23, 75
Lee, Raymond W 94, 98
Lee, Sang K 116
Lee, Sarah Y 125
Lee, Scott E 27
Lee, Scott S 76
Lee, Stephen M 20
Lee, Steven S 76
Lee, Tennyson G 45
Lee, Timothy 88
Lee, Timothy Y 45
Lee, Tun S 26
Lee, Won-joo 140
Lee, Yen Chung A 20
Lee, Yi Sheng 48
Lehmer, Melissa A 24, 75
Lehr, Leonard K 50
Lehrich, William J 31
Lei, Calvin K 10
Lei, Thomas D 100
Leikam, Johnette K 14
Lembach, Lara A 14
Lemon, F Calvin 10
Lenoir, Pierrette 3
Leon, Jesus M 131
Leong, Craig J 27
Leong, Elizabeth T 25
Leong, Lillian W 58
Leoni, Peter V 20
Lepore, Vincent D 124
Lerner, Abraham D 50
Lerner, Dimitry L 74
Lerner, Hilary J 27
Leskovar, Joann L 135
Lesser, Donald Y 128
Leung, Cheung T 116, 121
Leung, Man Kong 24, 75
Leung, Roxanne S 121
Levenson, Toby 121
Levin, Dennis L 38
Levin, Peter S 128, 130
Levine, Leonard 132
Levine, Michael L 79
Levine, Zena A 127
Levinsky, Debra A 26
Levitt, Brian S 97, 123
Levy, Mark A 84
Levy, Matthew T 96, 122
Lew, Eunsun 143, 146, 147,
149, 150, 151, 152
Lewis, Donald M 76
Lewis, Richard A 51
Lewis, Samuel J 66
Lewis, William B 30
Ley, Robert D 107
Li, Franklin 88
Li, Gang 129
Li, Jiali 125
Li, Ming 97, 123
Li, Quinn 10, 41
Li, Tsuan T 30
Li, Victor 105
Li, Xin Nong 41
Lian, George J 52
Liao, Chung H 116
Lieberman, David M 129
Lieberman, Marc F 107
Lieberman, Roger A 48
Lien, John H 96, 122
Ligot, Benjamin P 24
Likar, Laura 108
Lilja, James F 124, 127
Lim, Cynthia C 6
Lim, Eric 139, 140, 142, 144,
146, 147, 149, 150
Lim, Jocelyn G 111
Lim, Jonathan R 4
Lim, Jung J 55
Lim, Mira 27
Lim, Steve 4, 143, 153, 154,
155, 157
Limanon, Chainaronk 50
Limvarapuss, Chainarong 21,
Lin, Allen I 46
Lin, Andrew P 26
Lin, Andrew Y 94, 116
Lin, Cynthia 98, 126
Lin, David H 20
Lin, Donghui 16
Lin, Eduardo I 30
Lin, George C 53
Lin, James M 20
Lin, James T 53
Lin, Janet F 75
Lin, Jennifer C 108
Lin, Jiin T 10
Lin, Jimmy J 116
Lin, Lonnie P 26
Lin, Morgan Z 17
Lin, Robert K 111
Lin, Stan 24
Lin, Terry C 123
Lin, Thomas T 127
Lin, Wendy W 84
Lincoln Square Post Acute
Rehab 161
Lindeken, Christopher M 50
Linehan, James W 129
Linfoot, Peter A 19, 72
Linn, Andrew J 84, 87
Lionetti, Geraldina T 77
Lipson, Brian S 16
Lipson, Edward H 103
Lipson, Scott R 48
Lirio, Dino 147
Lischner, Mark W 54
Lit, Eugene S 76
Littlewood, Steven C 87
Littman, William 19
Liu, Dennis M 88
Liu, James C 128
Liu, Jerome H 130
Liu, Joy 38
Liu, Leewen 117
Liu, Lynn X 94
Liu, Ming 101
Liu, Tom S 130
Liu, Tracy E 130
Livermore III, Norman B 76
Livingston, Carol 50
Lloren, Richard S 53
Lo, Fernandina G 10
Lo, Han P 101, 132
Lo, Justin L 100
Lo, Vincent 38
Lockyer, Timothy A 125
Lodewick, Matthew J 16, 71
Loeb, John M 33
Lok, Wai Bong 17
Lollar, Mark W 26, 75
Loman, Jane V 27
Lombard, Charles 130
Lombre, Christi K 14, 30
London, Stuart S 33
Long, Richard J 34
Long, Wen M 47, 85
Longton, William C 77
Loos, Benjamin M 30, 77
Lopez Bermejo, Melissa Z 103
Lopez Del Aguila, Victor 139,
140, 144
Lopez, Anthony C 96
Lopez, Fallon N 87
Lopez, Joshua D 111
Lord, Janet 30
Los Altos Sub-Acute and
Rehabilitation Center 161
Lou, Lay Hwa 10
Loube, Daniel I 54
Louie, John G 4
Louis, David 4
Louis, Elham J 111
Lovato, Estaban D 10
Love, Nikki R 49
Low, Alexander H 47
Low, Kenneth C 28
Low, Kenneth T 41
Low, Reginald I 45
Lowenbraun, Norman S 122
LPCH Medical Group 133
Lu, Pei Hua 125
Lu, Scarlett T 38
Lu, Wenbo 151
Lubianker, Leon 122
Lucco, Kerith L 26
Ludmer, Paul L 16, 17, 71
Luh, George Y 85, 88
Lui, Shiu Lan 4
Lulu, Sabeen T 86
Lum, Garrett 139, 140, 145
Luna, Manuel 4
Lunny, Peter L 23
Luong, Danny B 99, 128
Luong, Jean F 117
Lustig, Tobias E 66
Luu, Michael C 18, 32
Luu, Mychael 97, 122
Lydon, Malinda J 85, 86
Lynch, Karen 102
Lynd, Melody 130
Lyons III, Arthur E 48
Lytton Gardens Inc 161
Ma, Adrian O 96, 122
Maa, Ming Tyh 78
Maagdenberg, Tanya 50
Macdannald, Harry J 78
MacDonald, Stacie L 26
Macri, John R 52
Madala, Durga 122
Madala, Nirmala 140
Madan, Anand 47
Madarang, Elizabeth T 83
Madathanapalli, Padmavathi
Madhure, Veena 139, 140
Maganti, Kalyani 20, 73
Magee, Steven E 102
Magid, Morgan L 105
Magnano, Molly D 33
Magnolia Gardens Care
Center 161
Magorien, David J 45
Maguire, John 144
Mahajan, Shirish A 48
Mahal Tilley, Subena K 4
Mahal, Anmol S 10, 20
Mahal, Surjit K 4
Mahawar, Suresh K 30, 130
Mahdavi, Abbas 14, 67
Maher, Terry M 23
Maheshwari, Mukesh 143,
146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152,
153, 154, 155, 157
Mahmoud, Mohamed 142,
146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152
Mahmoudi, Azarmidokht 156
Mahoney, Cynthia 23
Mahoney, MIchael S 47
Mahrer, Richard A 117
Mai, Hugh D 97, 123
Mai, Nhat V 90
Maidan, Lucian M 86
Maier, Elizabeth 4
Maiman, Michael H 33
Maish, Mary S 34, 79
Majetich Jr, Nick 45
Majid, Abid 32
Majuk, Zenowij 106
Majumder, Sumit 125
Mak Fung, Michele W 122
Makhoul, Nicolas E 58
Malani, Narendra K 32, 78
Maldonado, Janet L 19
Malek, Reza 123, 131
Malhotra, Manisha 63
Malhotra, Siddharth V 106
Malik, Pooja 140
Mallavaram, Navin A 77
Malone, Michael H 67
Mampalam, Thomas J 25
Man, Martha C 125
Manaloto, Theresa B 58
Mancherje, Cyrus R 17
Mandal, Binita 84
Mandal, Vanessa J 85, 86
Mandreza, Rosalinda A 94
Manickam, Kavitha 143, 153,
154, 155, 157
Manjuck, Janice E 46
Manjunath, Veena 23
Mann, Barry S 24
Mann, Jeffery A 29
Mann, Roger 29
Mann, Rupinder K 28
Mann, Stephen I 53
Manor Health Services Tice
Valley 161
ManorCare Health Services Citrus Heights 161
ManorCare Health Services
Rossmoor 161
ManorCare Health Services
Sunnyvale 161
ManorCare Health Services
Walnut Creek 161
Manthiram, Vanni C 34
Mar, Timothy P 52
Maramonte, Shelly M 58
Marasigan, Erlinda R 38
Marasigan, Francisco J 44
Marchiano, Michael J 10
Marcus, Gary B 16
Mardanzai, Joseph Y 63
Margolis, Michael T 127
Marino, Joseph T 44
Marinoff, David N 22
Maris, Drew E 102
Mark, David B 128
Mark, Jeffrey C 73
Marquardt, Walt 45
Marquis, Kimberley A 18, 32
Marr, Clifford C 47
Marrero-Nasirov, Arlyn 43
Marshall, Rosanna 157
Marten, Brian 88
Martin, Dianne C 10, 22
Martin, Fatma 14, 67
Martin, Lesley C 23, 74
Martin, Melanie A 120
Martin, Robert E 29
Martin, Taliva D 28
Martin, William A 107
Martinez, Ariel 104
Martinez, Daniel B 92
Martinez, Eleanor M 127
Martinez, Gilbert 38
Martinez, Roy E 108
Martinez, Teresa 134
Marwaha, Dimple K 78
Marwaha, Jatinder P 63
Marx, Robert J 111
Marzouk, Joseph B 22
Masada, Marvin P 121
Maska, Patricia S 24, 75
Masri, Tony J 106, 108, 126,
Mass, Stuart I 131
Massen, Arkady M 6
Massih, Maliheh 130
Massullo, Vincent 32, 79
Masters, Samuel 107
Mastman, Robert S 128
Mata, Naomi R 58
Matarangas, Sandi E 130
Mathew, Lincy 10
Matossian, Cheryl A 38
Matsunaga, Allison T 77
Matsuoka, Gilbert M 28
Matsuyama, Roy M 47
Maw, Jennifer 129
Maxey, Michelle M 111
Maxwell, Andrew J 78
Maynard, Jeffrey D 15, 67
Maynes, Goldberry I 105
Mays, Aisha R 38
Mazolewski, Peter J 73
Mbadike Obiora, Maureen 58
Mbanugo, Collins 20
McAllister, Sherry D 122
McCabe, Robert E 22
Mccallum, William D 127
Mccandlish Thomas, Meghan
Mccann, David 151
McCleve, Bryan R 105
McCoy, Reginald V 124
McCracken, Marjorie F 130
McCullough, David W 111
McCullough, June 96
McDaniel, Clayton R 103
McDonald III, Alden J 16, 17
McDonald, Thomas J 28
McDowell, Brian A 53
McElvy, Sherrie S 53
McFeely, James E 18, 32
McGlynn Jr, Michael J 26
Mcglynn, Marie J 59
McGrath Jr, Allen K 117
McGuinness, Brian J 18, 20, 72
Mchugh, Kevin M 108
Mcinerney, Margaret 152
McKennan, Kevin X 52
McKibben, Dennis W 53
Mckinley Park Care Center
Mclean, Lynn K 45
Mcleod, Beverly F 23, 76
McMullen, Amy 106
Mcnabb, Alan G 54
McNamara, Melissa 33
McNamara, Michael J 10
Mcnemar, Thomas B 21, 31
McWhirter, Paul D 17, 71
Mealey, Forest H 32
Meceda, Victor J 4, 111
Meezan, Robin G 67
Mehandru, Leena 23, 75
Mehigan, John T 35
Mehranpour, Navid 140
Mehrany, Khosrow 123
Mehta, Mukulika 4
Mehtani, Janak 135
Meimban, Bedan 139, 140,
142, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150
Meinberg, Eric G 29
Melchione, Thomas E 50
Melnyk, Ostap G 21, 23, 74
Melton, Clifford R 34
Mendez, Sandra 50
Mendoza, Amelia D 81
Menkes, Andrew B 123
Mercy General Hospital 36, 81
Mercy Hospital of Folsom 36,
Mercy Medical Group 81
Mercy San Juan Hospital 36,
Merino, Lucia 134
Merson, John K 29, 76
Messian, Richard A 20, 73
Methodist Hospital of
Sacramento 36, 81
Metzger, Paul K 52
Meyer, Delbert H 42
Meyer, Melanie E 101
Michaud, Nathalie 59
Michlitsch, Michael G 77
Mickiewicz, Nanette M 106
Mid Town Oaks Post Acute
Mihalik, Andrew T 104, 123
Mikacich, Judith 50
Miles, Donald A 85
Miles, John B 87
Miller, Kenneth A 123
Miller, Kevin M 31
Miller, Lester 108
Miller, Linda R 106
Miller, Martin B 123
Miller, Robert C 133
Miller, Terina 23
Miller, Travis A 44
Milne, Lawrence W 47
Milojevic Kao, Jelena 21
Mimran, Ronnie I 24
Min, Grace 152
Min, Howard K 17, 71
Minevich, Gregory A 26
Minkner, Richard D 103
Minn, Ann Y 100, 131
Minooe, Arezou 125
Miranda, Gabriel G 4
Miranda, Ramiro A 76
Misra, Smrutirekha 10, 63
Misra, Sourjya P 34
Mission Carmichael
Healthcare Center 161
Mission Skilled Nursing and
Subacute Ctr 161
Mitbavkar, Rita 156
Mitchell, Dianne I 88
Mitmaker, Elliot 34
Mittal, Gunjan 111
Modir, Jamal 124
Mohamed, Mahmoud 142,
146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152
Mohammad, Sophia 91, 111
Mohammed, Imran 46, 54
Moheb, Alireza 144, 157
Mohebati, Arash 20, 73
Moilanen, Brita C 67
Moini, Marjaneh 32, 79
Mokhayeri, Saeed 139, 140,
145, 152
Moler, Robert L 104
Molina, Cesar R 96
Molina, Ricardo A 29
Momi, Jasminder 86
Monahan, Patrick M 99
Mondala, Alastair 85
Moness, Parween L 42
Moore, Michael D 87
Moorefield, James M 88
Moorstein, Bruce D 20
Moorthy, Murali 77
Moralde, Rochelle 86
Morales, Anjali V 123
Morales, Ma Judina 139, 145
Morgan, Daniel H 125
Morgan, Fredric C 59
Morgan, John K 67
Morganroth, Greg S 123
Morris, Allen S 45, 85
Morrison, Stephen L 84
Morrissey, Ellen C 23
Morse, Aaron B 108
Morse, Eric D 85
Morse, Kevin D 135
Morse, Sandra L 111
Morshed, Saam 29
Moses, Mabel 134
Moses, Stephanie C 15, 67
Mossavi, Ehsan 142, 146, 149,
150, 153
Mostaghasi, Taraneh 67
Mostofi, Afsheen 59
Mosur, Victoria 143
Motamed, Soheil 29
Mouratoff, John G 23
Moy, Jason F 73
Mozelsio, Nancy B 16, 71
Mudiy-anselage, Rathnasiri
139, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147,
149, 150
Mueller, Claudia M 78
Mueller, Leigh A 104
Mughal, Shazia K 4
Muir, Marsha L 106
Mukuno, Dwight H 88
Mule, Carmelina A 133
Multani, Jasbir K 24
Mumm, Stuart A 106
Munoz, Eloy 140, 142, 146,
149, 150, 151, 153
Murawski, Marta C 121
Murphy, Michael P 30, 77
Murphy, Peter J 54
Murray, Deborah K 19
Murray, Michael J 54
Murray, Michael T 129
Murrell, Gina 133
Murthy, Harish H 125
Musco, Dolores K 59
Musco, Mark P 59
Myers, James O 45
Myers, Melinda L 72
Myers, Robert G 50
Myint, Gerald H 10
Myint, San San 117
Naarain, Keshav 99
Nacamuli, Randall P 107
Nachtwey, Frederick J 32, 79
Nacianceno, Sally 94, 97
Nacpil-alvarez, Maria 139, 140,
142, 144, 146, 148, 149, 150
Nadella, Deepika 143, 153,
154, 155
Nadgir, Ulhas M 46
Naftulin, Brian N 55, 88
Nagaraj, Haritheertham 46, 54
Nagel, Michael R 122
Nagesetty, Rajiv 73
Nagle, Jackson 103
Naik, Mukesh H 4
Nakelchik, Masha M 117
Nakhla, Hany A 72
Nallamothu, Ratnaji B 48
Nalwa, Smriti 127
Nambiar, Anakha R 111
Nambisan, Raman N 79
Narang, Palka 155
Narang, Sapna 139, 141, 144
Narayan, Subhendu 73
Narra, Kishore B 11, 30
Naruns, Peter L 124
Naseer, Bilal 48
Nash, Andrew L 67
Nash, Carl R 127
Nassim, Arash Y 83
Nath, Kishore V 59
Nathan, Manjari 79
Nathan, Mark D 17, 71
Natt, Guneet 86
Nava, George A 85
Navani, Annu 129
Nawabi, Feroz 139, 142, 143,
145, 146, 148, 150, 151, 153,
154, 155
Nayak, Suresh R 99, 127
Neacsu, Anca V 127
Neagu, Cristian 31
Nealon, Shaghayegh S 85
Nedunchezhian, Sangeetha
139, 140, 144, 150
Nee, Alex C 85, 86
Neelagiri, Krishna 153, 154,
155, 157
Neerumalla, Madhavi 139,
140, 142, 145, 146, 148, 150
Neger, Robert E 100
Negin, Harley B 123
Nelson, H Preston 101
Nelson, Howard T 108
Nelson, Katherine S 121
Nelson, Lionel M 129
Nelson, Randi B 67
Nelson, Velvet D 86
Ness, Andrew 4, 59
Neubuerger, Christopher O 52
Neves, Robert B 28
New Hope Post Acute Care
Newkumet, Kathleen M 77
Newman, Barbara S 26
Newman, Frederic B 47
Newman, Ilene 127
Ng, Konrad H 100
Ng, Ramford 17
Ng, Stanley 11
Ngan Hoang, Hanh 127
Ngo, Hiep Quy 126
Ngo, Phuong-lien 142, 146,
148, 149, 150
Ngo, Trang 26
Ngo, Tuyen N 130
Nguyen, Anh Quan T 122
Nguyen, Anthony H 100, 124
Nguyen, Audrey 143, 153, 154,
155, 157
Nguyen, Chau T 94
Nguyen, Dan Anh T 99, 127
Nguyen, Dat T 18, 34
Nguyen, Denise H 38
Nguyen, Hai H 111
Nguyen, Hai Hoang 91
Nguyen, Hanh M 94
Nguyen, Hien N 98
Nguyen, Hoang 96
Nguyen, Huong 155
Nguyen, Huy A 97, 123
Nguyen, Huy T 97
Nguyen, Joanna H 38
Nguyen, Julie 50
Nguyen, Karl P 131
Nguyen, Khanh K 97, 98, 124
Nguyen, Khoa D 99, 128
Nguyen, Lan T 99, 128
Nguyen, Lien H 99
Nguyen, Minh H 32, 79
Nguyen, My Hang 156
Nguyen, Nang T 97
Nguyen, Ngai X 94, 96, 117
Nguyen, Ngoc T 99, 128
Nguyen, Peter L 91, 112
Nguyen, Phuong C 107, 130
Nguyen, Phuong T 99, 127
Nguyen, Quy 139, 140, 142,
145, 146, 148, 149, 150
Nguyen, Quynh-Queen A 112
Nguyen, Regina 139, 141, 145
Nguyen, Richard T 97, 124
Nguyen, Thanh Tam N 125
Nguyen, Thao 143
Nguyen, Thinh V 94
Nguyen, Timmy 156
Nguyen, Trai Hoa T 67
Nguyen, Trang D 94
Nguyen, Trung 112
Nguyen, Tu V 129
Nguyen, Tuan N 94, 117
Nguyen, Tuyen 144, 156
Nguyen, Van Hong T 87
Nguyen, Vinh Q 94
Nguyen, Vu H 91, 112
Niaz, Qaiser 21, 27
Niazi, Zahid B 53
Nibley, Carleton T 71
Nicholas, Ryan H 84
Nichols, Michael L 81
Nicholson, Martina 106
Nicholson, William F 11, 17
Nickelsen, James A 16
Nickelsen, Julie A 4
Nieves, Miguel 88
Nikkari, Marilyn 33
Nineteenth Avenue Healthcare
Center 161
Ninh, Hung 94, 99, 127
Nip, Charles 147
Nirady, Alan K 108
Niranjan Kumar, Mylapore S
Nishime, Joy A 117
Nishime, Robert P 112
Nishio, Midori J 33, 79
Niven, Nicholas 106
Nix, Kelly A 131
No, David 46
Noh, Tae W 99, 127
Noller, David 132
Noller, Mark W 132
Noorani, Ashraf S 94, 98
Nord, Russell 29
Norman, Robert 112
Northey, Cheryl L 106
Nottingham, Paul B 76
Nouged, Ehab 142, 146, 148,
149, 150, 153
Nouri, Abbas 145
Novick, Jason 108
Nudell, David M 132
Nunes, John 26
Nurani, Rizwan D 131
Nurse, Nicole 59
Nusser, Richard A 32
Nutter, Helen 87
Nykiel, Matthew J 53
O Regan, Maeve 70
O' Connor Hospital 90, 109
O'Neill, Mary M 127
O'Riordan, Denise 67
Oak Meadows Extended Care
Center 162
Oak Park Convalescent
Hospital 162
Oberlander, Michael A 29
Obnial, Gonzalo P 35, 80
Ochoa, Victor M 106
OConnor, Michael D 19
OConnor, Patricia A 4
Odumakinde, Elizabeth A 21,
23, 74
OGrady, Christopher J 104
Ohanrahan, Tighe R 59
Ohmoto, Hisako 33
Ok, Joonha 88
Okamura, Neil R 63
Okereke, Chetachi A 79
Okumu, Kris 129
Oloff, Joan 131
Oloughlin, Brian J 33
Olson, Christopher R 81
OMalley, Patrick J 47
Omarali, Iqbal I 63
Omron, Edward 100, 131
Omski, Jolanta M 59
ONeill, Padraig G 45
Ong, Delphine W 48, 87
Ong, Kenneth C 131
Onuegbu, Felix 143, 146, 148,
149, 150, 151, 152, 153
Ooi, Kuo S 42, 48, 53
Oommen, Samuel C 18, 34, 72
Opinga, Ronaldo 143, 146,
148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153,
155, 157
Ornelas, Richard A 117
Osborn, Jennifer L 86
Osborn, Randall D 31
Osborne, Dennis M 31
Ostrander, Patricia L 85
Otero, Fernando R 73
Othman, marichelle M 11
Ottman, David W 51
Oushy Eissa, Noha 139, 141,
Outslay, Michael G 87
Overbey, Jennifer N 87
Overholt, Jon D 46
Overton, Katherine A 50
Ow, Randall A 52
Owen, Catherine A 70
Owens, Kimberly J 104
Oykhman, Vladimir 123, 124
Pacific Coast Manor 162
Pacific Hills Manor 162
Padgett, David K 30, 78
Padidar, Arash M 131
Padilla, Jorge 156
Padron, Lorenzo 153
Padula, Anthony S 33
Pahlavan, Babak 150
Pai, David S 48
Pai, Jacob 139, 141, 145, 156
Paige, Kevin 147
Palma, Rose 94
Palmer, James D 128
Palmer, Shawn L 51
Palnitkar, Rachana M 125
Palo Alto Nursing Center 162
Pammi, Neesha S 63
Pan, Lester C 42
Pan, Thomas 129
Pandipati, Santosh 125
Pandurangi, Keshav K 35, 80
Pandya, Chirag 18, 32
Panem, Sherwin 139, 141,
142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150,
152, 153
Panjrath, Navjyot 157
Pannu, Dalvir 140
Pantig-Astorga, Rowena D 81
Pantilat, Steven Z 15
Panvini, Robert P 132
Papillion, Gerlie L 132
Parameswaran, Vidya 132
Parekh, Hemal J 18, 32
Parekhji, Nilima B 127
Parello, Cory 104
Parello, Jill P 104
Parikh, Akik K 121
Parikh, Neil A 86
Parikh, Rakesh K 47
Parikh, Sachin S 130
Parise, Shawndra C 59
Parish, Rebecca A 70
Park, David 141, 147, 148
Park, Hyun Kyo 99, 127
Park, Jacqueline J 20
Park, Mi Ran 112
Park, Michael K 30
Park, Susan 144
Parra, Gustovo B 91
Parrish, Richard M 122
Parsi, Vida K 127
Parson, Nils 79
Parsons, Margaret E 46
Parsons, Paul M 88
Partovi, Farangis 150, 152
Parveen, Rafia 117
Pascal, Steven G 28
Pascua, Roeliza E 117
Paslin, David A 19
Pasto, Matthew E 131
Patchett, H T 51
Patel, Anit B 32
Patel, Arun C 28, 51
Patel, Chirag 139, 141, 145,
Patel, Dhaval 142, 146, 148,
149, 150, 153
Patel, Dipa H 33
Patel, Dushyant N 117
Patel, Gitanjali J 78
Patel, Hemant D 11
Patel, Hitendra t 77
Patel, Jayesh J 11
Patel, Kajal P 98
Patel, Milan C 106
Patel, Mittal 112
Patel, Nisha S 78
Patel, Nita H 67
Patel, Pragnesh M 19, 72
Patel, Priti H 70
Patel, Priya 148
Patel, Rakesh R 79
Patel, Rashmi J 95
Patel, Ravi J 87
Patel, Sachin 138
Patel, Shilpi 153, 155, 157
Patel, Sonya S 126
Patel, Swati P 23
Patel, Tarang B 49
Patel, Trushyap 143, 153, 155,
Patel, Ushir V 86
Paterson, Bruce F 71
Pathak, Ranganath 45
Patton, Douglas S 31
Patwa, Kalindi 155
Paul, Theodore O 28
Pavesi, Marco E 11, 32
Paxton, Lamont D 35
Payne, Martha 157
Paz, Lorna T 67
Pearlman, Joel A 28, 51
Pecha, Robert 47
Pedretti, Christopher W 72
PEERS Associates Inc 133
Pejham, Sam 67
Peled, Ziv 78
Pellegrin, James M 112
Pena, Andres 87
Penkala, Margaret M 45
Peralta, Robert J 28
Pereira, Sergio 150
Perez, Angelica D 87
Perlroth, Joshua D 22, 74
Perry, Charles W 53
Perry, Rod W 11
Pessaran, Alireza 4
Petersen, Glen W 18, 32
Peterson, David L 123
Peterson, Gregory 152
Peterson, Jeannette A 11
Peterson, Richard B 108
Petropoulos, Haralambos 18
Petros, James 130
Petros, Ramiz 139, 141, 145
Petrovich, Anna A 84
Pham, Bach-mai 139, 141,
142, 144, 146, 148, 149, 151,
152, 153
Pham, Benjamin V 100
Pham, Nga V 95, 117
Pham, Nhu Q 70
Pham, Timothy 100
Phamle, Thuthuy T 59
Phan, Bichvan 99, 127
Phan, Dennis N 98, 126
Phan, Dung My 91, 112
Phan, Hai Thanh 154
Phan, Kenneth T 99, 127
Phan, Laura T 99
Phan, Tuan V 91
Phelan, Timothy E 50
Phelps, Roger T 22
Phillips Jr, William H 26
Phillips, Tracy T 26
Phipps, Jeffrey A 133
Picetti III, George D 52
Pickersgill, Anne J 131
Pico, Elaine L 30
Pienkny, Andrew J 34
Pifer, Eric A 117
Pinilla, Claudia S 28
Pinto, Angel 153
Piplani, Kompal 112
Pirkle, Ross A 70
Piser, Joel A 35
Pitta, Himabindu 106
Plante, Deborah K 85
Pleasant View Convalescent
Hospital 162
Pleatman, Douglas T 46
Pletsch, Marie 107
PMG of San Jose 90
PMG of Santa Cruz 102
Polansky, Steven 50
Policy, James F 76
Polido, Phillip W 73
Polito, John F 26
Pollard, Angela M 127
Polner, Portia 134
Polskiy, Pavel M 38
Polussa, Arthur A 112
Poonamallee, Udayshankar R
55, 89
Poonia, Roopinder S 86
Pope, Rick S 28
Porciuncula, Generoso P 11
Portwood, Margaret 53
Posada, Juan E 91, 112
Potkin, Benjamin 105
Pottorff, Gregg T 29
Powers, Glenn A 52
Powers, Richard J 130
Prakasam, Gnanagurudasan
Prasad, Arun 76
Prasad, Gautam 32, 79
Prasad, Praveen 49
Prasad, Rajesh 122
Prasad, Sudeepthi 26
Prasertsit, Sara S 28
Preston, Charles F 76
Price, Christopher A 44
Price, Marilynn H 38
Price, Norman M 19
Priest Jr, Allen E 39
Prieto, Alejandro R 71
Prince, Lesley C 106
Pulley, Douglas B 128
Puri, Shikha 139, 141, 143,
153, 155, 157
Qadir, Maliha 5
Qoubaitary, Ammar 72
Quadro, Robert E 86
Quan, Cynthia A 15, 67
Quiamco, Benjamin A 86
Quinn, Paula S 105
Quinn, Robert P 107
Quinto, Ernesto S 42
Qureshi, Abid A 76
Qureshi, Ghayyar A 85, 88
Qureshi, Sharmin 91
Quwatli, Zakwan 85, 88
Rabie, Ahmed 142
Radke, Stephaine M 42
Radu Radulescu, Felicia 100,
Rafanov, Vladimir S 49
Raghavan, Anitha 118
Raghavan, Madhu 104
Ragi, Kashmira 11
Rahgoshay, Sorour 85
Rahim, Nazir A 47
Rahimian, Shirin 139, 141,
142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151,
Rahman, Galiba G 91
Rahman, Joseph E 45
Rahman, Sophia 79
Rai, Daljeet S 112
Raj, Kavitha M 127
Raj, Kavitha P 21, 23, 74
Rajagopal, Thiru 47
Rajagopalan, Sujatha 11, 63
Rajah, R S 32
Raju, Jagjit S 97
Raju, Tanuja R 44, 87
Rakesh, Patel R 32, 131
Ralik, Elena 44
Ramachandra, Srinivas R 34,
Ramachandran, Deepa 91,
Ramachandran, Rani V 98,
Ramakumar, Suman 156, 157
Raman, Raghav 88, 101
Raman, Rita S 127
Ramanujam, Thaila 108
Ramaswamy, Vyjayanti 63
Ramchandran, Asha 15, 68
Rana, Shazia 139, 141, 142,
145, 146, 148, 149, 151
Ranchod, Mahendra 130
Ranchod, Tushar M 28
Rand, Larry 22
Randall, Jeffrey B 24
Randhawa, Gurinder K 59
Randhawa, Kanwaldeep S 46,
Randhawa, Kushwantjit 139,
141, 145
Rangi, Jasbir S 47
Ransibrahmanakul, Kanat 47
Rao, Deepak 135
Rao, Ramineni V 34, 35
Rarick, Thomas L 127
Rasak, Jon 11
Rash, Dominique 88
Rasheed, Sabiha 33
Rashid, Imad M 53
Rashkis, John M 112
Rasi, Annette J 108
Rasi, Leroy M 107
Raskin, Curtis A 19, 72
Rasnow-Hill, Marina 38, 50
Rassai, Hamid R 21, 73
Rathi, Deepa K 125
Ratley, Mark L 85
Ratti, Jyothi 11
Rausa, Katherine 23
Ravago, Francisco L 103
Ravnik, Anthony S 15
Ravuri, Sreenivas R 46, 54
Ray, Courtney J 107
Ray, Leena S 23, 75
Ray, Sanjay 11
Ray, Subhransu K 28
Rea, Randall J 108
Redard, Ed W 81
Reddy, Moola P 53
Reddy, Srikanth A 21
Reddy, Thirupathi K 17, 96,
Reddy, Vinay M 53
Redor, Mark W 47
Reece Jr, James M 51
Reed, J Brian 28
Reed, John B 28, 51
Reen, Ranjit K 11
Rehayel, Mouna 155
Reier, Alice C 21, 23
Reiff, Terrence 148, 149, 150,
151, 152
Reinke, Janice R 85
Renner, Charles J 5
Renner, Elisabeth H 15
Rever, Barbara L 126
Revesz, Thomas I 38
Reyes Villa, Daniel J 113
Reyes, Norman D 55
Reynaga Rankin, Antonia M
Reynolds, Frank S 85
Reynolds, Paul C 121
Reynolds, Peter M 107
Reyzelman, Alexander 31
Reza, Mohammad S 82
Rezaee, Mehrdad 96, 122
Rhasin, Arvind K 42
Rhee, Jennifer 5
Rhee, Soo 63
Rheem Valley Convalescent
Hospital 162
Rhodes, Gregory A 73
Riad, Mohamed 142, 146, 148,
149, 151
Richard IV, John 99
Richards, Joshua C 21
Richards, Patrick 85
Ricker, Denise M 24
Riedel, J Frederick 28
Rifas, Donald C 44
Rigler, Mark L 105
Rijhwani, Meena M 63
Rikhy, Seema 12
Riley, Christine M 76
Rinard, Dean P 83
Rishi, Rahul 24, 75
Rivera, Veronica R 127
Rizvi, Syed 139, 141, 142, 143,
145, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152,
153, 157
Roark Jr, John W 20
Roberts, Deanne M 87
Roberts, Douglas E 54
Roberts, Jessica B 59
Roberts, Joan B 82
Roberts, John W 59
Robles, Robert L 74
Rochanayon, Pira 44
Rodgers, Charles 141
Rodiguez, Juan R 108
Rodrigues, Smita 156
Rodriguez, David 45
Rodriguez, Elias S 103
Rodriguez, Maritina S 106
Rofagha, Soraya 76
Rogalski, Gregory 88
Roganovic, Mira 83
Rogers, Hung Y 39
Rohaninejad, Mohammdreza
Rohatgi, Nitin 48
Rohra, Srikrishin A 71
Romea, Raul 54
Romo-Gritzewsky, Marylou
Rood, Lisa D 70
Roohparvar, Shahab M 118
Rosario, Marshal 98, 126
Rose, Melissa J 68
Rosenbaum, Lawrence C 103
Rosenberg, Jacob A 77
Rosenbluth, Evan M 79
Rossen, Ronald M 122
Rossiter, Stephen J 45, 85
Roth, Kevin M 29
Roth, Robert J 19, 123
Rothman, Kenneth L 5
Rothman, Leah R 5
Rouhipour, Varqa 99, 107
Rowe, F A 73
Rowe, Frederick A 20
Rowen, Eric M 20
Rowley, Robert D 5
Roy, Bakul T 16, 22, 64
Roy, Neha 154
Royo, Paris E 51
Rubaii, Jazim I 46, 48
Rubenstein, Martin D 125
Rubin, Oleg F 24
Rudnick, Craig P 135
Ruffy, Mauro B 129
Ruggles, Stanley W 49
Rush, Philip A 68
Russell, Michael 70
Rutti, Peter J 128
Ryan Jr, Paul H 28
Ryan, Manijeh 30
Ryan, Matthew M 107
Ryan, Susan M 53
Ryoo, Sung H 12, 64
Saah, Ibrahim D 96
Sabatini, Coleen S 29
Sabharwal, Maskeen K 28
Sabin, Adrienne C 100
Sabin, Alisa 46
Sablan, Adriana A 59, 72
Sacco, Francis R 127
Sacco, Michael F 29, 76
Sachdev, Harmeet S 126
Sachdev, Noor S 126
Sachdev, Tripta 130
Sachdeva, Gopal 32
Sachdeva, Kulveen 24
Sachdeva, Suresh K 68
Sachdeva, Virender K 95, 96,
Sachs, Harvey J 121
Sacramento Sub Acute 162
Sadiq, Ahmed K 12, 21, 23
Sadoff, Benjamin U 70
Sadri, Katayoun 126
Saeed, Anwar 83
Saeidi, Azar 139, 141, 144
Saephanh, Khae V 91
Safaya, Rakesh 101, 132
Saffarian, Amir 132
Saffouri, Bassam 124
Safianoff, David S 32
Sagdeo, Anjali V 118
Saha, Varsha 125
Sahai, Anjali 127
Sahud, Mervyn A 21
Said, Bassem M 30, 77
Saini, Trishal 141
Sajid, Saman 139
Sajjadi, Hamed 129
Sakamoto, Brian S 33
Sakamoto, Michael J 51
Salacup, Thomas 139, 145
Salais, A Joseph 134
Salama, Nancy N 123
Salata, Jennifer A 26
Salaveria, Joey 140
Salazar, Gustavo 152
Salcido, Dennis 97
Saleh, Mark 35
Salem, Mahmoud 139, 142,
144, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152,
Saltzman, Larry A 44
Saltzstein, Margaret J 68
Salyapongse, Aaron K 29
Samji, Hussein 129
Samplay, Hari K 64
Samuelson, Patricia L 38
San Francisco Health Care
San Jose Healthcare &
Wellness Center 162
San Jose Healthcare Center
San Miguel Villa 162
San Pablo Healthcare &
Wellness Center 162
San Ramon Regional Medical
Center 1
Sanchez, Richard 135
Sanders, Sarah R 64
Sandhu, Ajit P 12, 32
Sandhu, Anahat K 26, 76
Sandhu, Charanjit S 42
Sandhu, Kuldip S 47
Sandhu, Sukhwinder S 20
Sandler, Bradley J 28
Sandru, Marilena 12
Santa Clara County IPA 109
Santa Cruz Healthcare Center
Santana, Sonia R 14
Santoli, Frank A 21, 27
Santos, Pacifico 92
Saranto, John R 124
Sarbaziha, Raheleh 106
Sarchisian, Adrian 138
Sariaslani, Yasamin 139, 141,
142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151
Sarma, Jyothi 12
Sasaura, Paul M 52
Sastry, Raghunand C 99, 128
Satia, Jagat B 131
Sato Re, Mimi K 44
Satre, Lindsey C 88
Satterfield, Denise 51
Savage, Walter T 17, 71
Savur, Sheila A 124
Saw, Aman 17
Saw, Baijnath 17
Saweres, Bassem 139, 141,
Saweres, Nancy 139, 141,
142, 144, 146, 148, 149, 151
Sawhney, Rishi 21, 23, 74
Sawhney, Vinod K 12
Sawyer, Aenor J 29
Saxena, Deepti 5
Saylor Lane Healthcare
Center 162
Scarmon, George M 38
Scates, David H 50
Schadendorf, Steven M 75
Schaefer, Gabrielle S 26
Schafer, John A 86
Schaffer, Gerald N 20
Schechtman, Andrew D 113
Schemtz, Mark A 108
Schermer, Michael J 51
Schierman, Michael J 59
Schiff, David M 29
Schilling, John P 76
Schleuning, Elisabeth M 26
Schmidt, Bernd W 35
Schmidt, Paul K 45
Schmit, Gerard M 135
Schneider, Valerie A 79
Schneiderman, Gary A 52
Schoene, Robert B 18, 32
Schroeder, Bradley W 54
Schubart, Peter J 124
Schule, Steven L 52
Schultz, Harley S 12
Schwartz Jr, John T 21, 29
Schwartz, Elliott N 16, 22
Schwartz, Lawrence I 12
Schwartz, Paul 78
Schwartz, Steven M 122
Schwertley, Frederick W 113
Sciaroni, Charles A 29
Sciaroni, Laura N 29
Scivally, John 78
Scortia, Adriane 141
Scott, Jon M 113
Scott, Neal A 96
Scott, Timothy A 30, 77
Sears, Mary R 70
Seashore, Corina E 134
Seeman, Kenneth 135
Seftel, Marc 107
Segal, Perry R 135
Segall, Mark M 122
Sehgal, Rohit 17
Seibert, Jerral S 72
Seid, Patricia L 33
Seiver, Adam 46
Sekhon, Ardeep K 49
Sekhon, Navneet 42
Seminer, David S 49
Semkiw, Leo B 129
Senior, Janine E 76
Sennimalai, Geethanjali 83
Sequeira, Juan R 12, 64
Serdahl, Christian 51
Serebrakian, Armen 30
Sethi, Parminder S 35
Sethi, Prithipal S 55
Severance, Douglas E 60
Severin, Sanford L 76
Severin, Todd D 76
Sewell, Daniel S 38
Sfakianos, Peter N 52
Sgarlata, Carmelo S 79, 131
Shadle, Benjamin D 47
Shah, Devang S 118
Shah, Ishita 153, 155
Shah, Neha N 28
Shah, Nimisha H 118
Shah, Prince 124
Shah, Rakhee N 34, 73
Shah, Rina B 113
Shah, Rina P 68
Shah, Samir B 76
Shah, Saurin 79
Shah, Shaista I 12
Shah, Shefali 83
Shah, Srujal 122
Shah, Vidhi 125
Shaheed, Gurvinder S 86
Shahi, Kavian 49
Shahinian Jr, Lee 128
Shamash, Kamal E 5
Shammas, Rania M 33
Shang, Praise T 5
Shapiro, Robert F 54
Shareef, Mohammad O 83
Sharma, Anjali 50
Sharma, Kapil 45, 85
Sharma, Kavita H 118
Sharma, Kingshuk 83
Sharma, Konark 74
Sharma, Manu 143
Sharma, Padmaja 26
Sharma, Pooja 83
Sharma, Ranjana 5
Sharma, Ratika 143, 154, 155
Sharma, Rohit 24, 75
Sharma, Samir 99, 129
Sharma, Seema S 5
Sharma, Sumity 143, 154, 155,
Sharma, Vandana B 22, 23
Sharma, Vandana D 33, 79
Sharp, Roland C 105
Shatzel Jr, Alan J 86
Shaw, Gail N 50
Shaw, Linda L 104
Shea, Michael A 88
Sheikh, Firdos S 49
Shelby, Salim M 20, 73
Shen, Albert C 118
Shen, Timothy C 30
Shepard, Cecile R 78
Sher, Alan K 68
Sherlock, Phyllis 134
Sherman, Michael P 74
Sherwood Healthcare Center
Sheth, Madhavi 155
Shey, Jason J 24, 75
Shibuya, Barry E 33
Shields Nursing Center/
Carlson Convalescent
Hospital Inc 162
Shields Richmond Nursing
Convalescent Hosp In 162
Shields, David S 124
Shields, Molly C 105
Shifflett, Michael W 29
Shihabi, Samer 48, 86
Shin, Frank D 118
Shinaman, Richard C 77
Shingate, Manisha N 5
Shirke, Swati 139, 141, 145
Shirzadi, Ali 98, 126
Shiu, Gertrude 87
Shiu, Perkin M 71
Shlesinger, Yshay M 64, 72
Shortley Jr, Howard F 52
Shturman, Inna 122
Shuer Chaney, Mery L 134
Shulkin, Jeffrey A 42
Siao, Donald Y 113
Siddiq, Simin 12
Siddique, Shahzad A 86
Siddique, Shoab A 87
Siddiqui, Mohammed 54
Siddiqui, Shahid K 96, 121
Sidhu, Hardeep 142, 146, 148,
149, 151
Sidhu, Pramodh S 71
Sieben, Robert L 24, 77
Siegel, Joshua B 105
Sierra, Patricia B 51
Sifflet, Leo J 118
Sigler, Cynthia J 131
Siino, Joseph H 64
Silkiss, Rona Z 28, 76
Silva, Raymond 122
Silva, Robert P 118
Silver, Steven L 84
Silverman, Thomas R 104
Silvero, Peter R 29
Silverstein, Laura N 26
Silverstein, Marc A 46
Silvert, Mark 35
Simkin, Josefa F 105
Simmons, Christopher A 70
Simms, Erin J 30
Simon, Michelle L 104
Singer, Michael A 26
Singer, Paul H 126
Singerman, Jeffery 20
Singh, Amardeep K 84
Singh, Anup K 131
Singh, Baldev 131
Singh, Charan K 24
Singh, Devindar 12
Singh, Harpriya 20
Singh, Inder M 84
Singh, Karanjit 45
Singh, Khushvir 142, 146, 148,
149, 151, 153
Singh, Parul W 38
Singh, Rajinder 105
Singh, Satinder 12
Singh, Sundeep 73
Singh, Vandana V 18
Singh, Vineeta 154, 155, 156
Singhal, Shyamali M 101, 124
Sinha, Robert N 100, 131
Siopack, Jorge S 26
Sipin, Joseph 145
Sirc, Evan M 108
Sirenko, Sergey 141, 142, 146,
148, 149, 151, 153
Sirott, Matthew N 74
Sklar, Abraham J 21
Skor, Robert B 131
Skyline Healthcare
Center-San Jose 162
Slabaugh, Peter B 29
Slachman, Frank N 45, 85
Slack, Alison C 26
Slamowitz, Stuart A 100, 131
Slater Jr, Robert R 52
Slatkin, Neal E 126
Small, Tolbert J 12
Smalley, Alton J 53
Smith, Andrew D 35, 79
Smith, Gordon H 28
Smith, Jason A 29, 76
Smith, Matthew S 131
Smith, Ralph L 131
Smith, Trent W 30
Sneed, Theodore G 134
Sockolov, Alvin M 38
Sockolov, Ronald 39
Sohal, Jasleen K 60
Sokoloff, Howard M 31, 78
Soliman, Arseen E 64
Soliman, Hisham 135
Soliman, Mohamed 142, 146,
149, 151, 153
Solimani, Nezhat 128
Soller, Maria C 82
Solmaz, Nabipour 105
Solomon, Amy B 105
Solomon, Jason H 53
Sommer, Stephen J 60
Son, James C 118
Song, James J 28
Song, Kyle 31
Sood, Sunita T 85
Soohoo, Lillian F 123
Sorenson, Andrew L 28
Sorenson, Lionel W 28
Sosine, John S 18, 45
Soto, Angel 138
Southard, Jeffrey A 45
Spataru, Oana V 72
Spears, Colin P 48
Spears, Gregory R 84
Spencer, Geoffrey S 124
Spiegel, Jennifer U 50
Spilman, Daniel A 107
Spin, Gregory D 49
Spingola, Lawrence J 106
Spring Hill Manor Rehab and
Convalescent Hospital Inc
Sproul, Robert C 29
Sprowl, Lisa M 82
Squarer, Addy 121, 126
Sreenivasan, Purnima R 21,
Srivastava, Monica 49
Srivatsa, Arun 20
St Louise Regional Hospital
90, 109
Stack, Richard R 54
Stallone, Robert J 34, 35
Stampleman, Laura V 125
Stanten, Russell D 18, 34
Stanten, Steven A 34
Starkey, Randall R 24, 75
Stass, Frank J 135
Stein, Andrew J 21
Stein, David E 124
Steinberg, Bernard 143, 147,
148, 149, 150, 151, 152
Steinbrecher, Eric 142, 146,
148, 149, 151, 153
Stelling, Carla J 26
Stephens Jr, Claudell 5
Stephens, Raymond M 75
Stephens, Roger B 52
Stephenson, Christopher L 87
Stern, Earl L 28
Stern, Richard 17
Stevens, Michael B 113
Stevenson, John M 88
Stewart, Debra L 26, 76
Stewart, Robert D 108
Stewart, William P 78
Stinghen, Donato J 21
Stojanovich, Robert 18
Stoller, David W 33
Stollman, Neil H 20
Stone, Rebecca J 26
Stonebrook 162
Stoody, James C 49
Stratz, Caroline K 118
Strauch, Harold B 52
Straznicka, Michaela 71
Strieff, Larry 22
Stromberg, Louis 145
Strong, Evan H 24
Stuart, Kevin D 124
Stuber, Christianna M 87
Studemeister, Alex E 125
Su, Fannie W 16, 71
Sudan, Rajendra S 45
Sullivan, Drew W 131
Sullivan, John H 128
Sullivan, Preddis 51
Sullivan, Terry R 101, 132
Sultan, Sultan A 42, 48
Sum, John M 126
Summa, Christopher D 107
Sun, Frances R 113
Sun, Jason T 74
Sun, Peter P 24
Sun, Xihua 126
Sundar, Sam 12, 64
Sundar, Shalini P 24
Sundaramurthy, Saigeetha
Sunkavally, Rao V 35
Sunnyvale Health Care
Center 162
Sunseri, Rahnea L 103
Superfin, Diana 74, 75
Surdock, Nicole 108
Suri, Rajesh S 12
Sutkin, Howard S 100
Svahn, Tiffany H 74
Sverdlov, Dina M 13
Swamynathan, Kala 28
Swanson, Christian 85
Sweat, Jeffrey A 88
Sweeney, Denise L 50
Sweha, Amir R 39
Swensson, Lisa A 39
Sykes, Susan C 26
Sylvester, Karl G 78
Szeto, Ronald K 17
Tabibzadeh, Nader 143, 156
Tadros, Karim 143
Taifer, Joshua 25, 33
Taira, Al V 100, 131
Tajirian, Ani L 19
Tajlil, Ali T 55
Takagi, Timothy R 39
Takeda, Patricia A 45
Takekuma, Hiromi C 32, 79
Talaga, Kevin C 87
Talwar, Vikram 29
Tam, Betty M 13
Tam, Marylynn L 108
Tam, Michelle S 95
Tamurian, Robert M 29, 52
Tan, De 47
Tan, Kenneth I 126
Tan, Leon T 122, 130
Tan, Lorena H 5, 19
Tan, Maria N 43
Tan, Raymond C 131
Tanaka, George H 28
Tanaka, June 68
Tanaka, Ted S 31
Tandon, Rajeev L 131
Tang, Gordon 25
Tang, Jevon 22
Tang, Lu 155
Tangco, Angelita D 25, 75
Tarder, Gerald L 20, 73
Tariq, Maryum 154, 155, 156,
Tarrar, Aymel J 82
Tarsitano, Ben F 106
Tataro, Tatyana 157
Taugher, Karen C 87
Tay, David 24
Tay, Jafar 101
Tay, Theam L 82
Tayeri, Thomas 129
Taylor, Cecille G 51
Taylor, Daniel L 13
Taylor, Jennifer B 28
Taylor, Jo L 50
Taylor, Larisa 106
Taylor, Lynne M 134
Taylor, Parvez 139, 141, 144
Taylor, Stephen P 35
Teagle, Linda A 128
Tebben, Josie A 24
Tedesco, Maureen M 124
Tee, Grace K 95
Telander, David G 28, 51
Temkin, Michael T 13, 64
Teplin, Lawrence A 78
Tepper, Eric G 44
Terashima, Hiroshi 13
Terreno Gardens Extended
Care & Living Center 162
Tevrizian, Allyson 16, 71
Teymouri, Saman 42
Thai, Minh Q 91, 113
Thai, Nicole 95, 118
Thakkar, Smita H 135
Thakur, Dineshkumar M 17
Thames, Fletcher 28
Thanapathy, Jumnah 99, 128
Thelen, Michael E 54
Thiet, Mari-Paule 26
Thomas, Jeffrey E 24
Thorner, Nancy 106
Thornton, Brian D 49
Threewitt, Tanya A 70
Thukral, Nupur 101
Thukral, Vijay K 95, 118
Thurston, Gregory 146
Tiedeken, John 47
Tiedeman, Daniel S 87
Tigno, Donna D 32
Tilles, Steven M 118
Tilley, Spencer B 5
Timm, Robin 134
Ting, George O 98, 126
Ting, Vivian 78
Ting, William 72
Tirupathi, Haritha 156
Tischenko, George J 76
Titov, Vladimir A 13
To, An Ngoc 91
To, Rick M 91
Tobalina, Gina 39
Tobbagi, Habib A 95, 98, 119
Togba, Joseph N 31
Tolkan, Steven R 24
Tolooei, Khatereh 142, 146,
148, 149, 151, 152, 153
Toma, Louay 77
Toma, Maha B 64
Tomsky, Jana 60
Tonkaboni, Dariush 50
Toren Psychological Services
Inc 133
Torkildson, Joseph C 77
Torrano, Robert T 121
Torres, Elise C 113
Touni, Walied 139, 141, 144
Toussi, Mohammadreza M 82
Toy, Stephanie 68
Tracy, Ryan P 68
Tram, Thong D 42
Tram, Tracy P 95, 119
Tran, Don D 95, 119
Tran, Khoi 142, 146, 148, 151,
152, 153
Tran, Kimthy 139, 141, 145
Tran, Loan N 101, 131
Tran, Matthew T 131
Tran, Michael P 130
Tran, Sherman N 100, 130
Tran, Tam 143, 154, 155, 156,
Tran, Thai V 95, 119
Tran, Thang D 95, 119
Tran, Toan Q 95, 119
Tran, Tuan A 91
Tran, Vu A 100
Tran, Xuananh P 99
Tranduc, Matthew H 124
Traver, Christopher N 124
Trehan, Yogesh K 64
Trevino, Richard 100
Trinh, Hoang N 5
Trinh, Hoi K 42
Trinh, Huy 97, 124
Trinh, Nancy 138
Trinh, Thuan Hau T 105
Trivedi, Vinod 48
Truong, Ban G 46
Truong, Tim B 104
Tsai, Clark S 28
Tsai, Conrad T 42
Tsai, Jane 83
Tsai, Tony 28, 51
Tsai, Wen Yee 19
Tse, Felix 148
Tse, Phillip F 95, 98, 119, 126
Tseng, Hennessey 71
Tseng, Michael D 29
Tsoi, Danny W 45
Tsoi, Timothy G 17
Tsui, Maximilian 154, 155, 156,
Tu, Richard T 83
Tuan, Karen P 26
Tuan, Ke H 26
Tuch, Barry A 129
Tucker, Jennifer A 96
Tuffli Jr, Charles F 122
Tunnell Center for
Rehabiliation and Healthcare
Tur, Damandeep 143, 152,
154, 155, 156, 157
Turman, Lisa M 15
Turman, Steven L 22, 23
Tyler, Anthony 103
Tylor, Dale A 30
Tzeng, Frank S 72
Uddin, Poulina Q 86
Uhl, John 123
Uhl, Valery 32
Ulasik, Nastassia 139, 141,
Ullom, Jody L 68
Upadhyay, Ajay K 34
Upadhyay, Manish R 46
Urban, D Thomas 123
Ure, Herbert J 60
Uro, Michael A 53
Utrata, Petr 13
Uyeyama, Ronald R 119
Vafadouste, Gholamreza 17
Vakharia, Jainy 147
Valdez, Thomas A 82
Vale Healthcare Center 163
Valencia Jr, Benito O 13
Valentine, Ricardo 138, 139,
141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 148,
149, 151
Vallamdas, Usha 68
Vallero, Randell P 47
Valverde Salas, Vicky 5, 60
Van Den Bogaerde, James M
Van Gemeren, Arie 17, 71
Van Gompel, Joshua R 31
Van Hoozen, Brent E 46, 54
Van Tassel, Jason R 30
Van Woy, Teresa M 78
Van, Hoan 100
Vande Streek, Harley 134
Vankipuram, Shobana S 60
Vanwey, Carl C 32
Varav, Kalle 107
Vargas, Juan E 26
Varjavand, Bahram 131
Varma, Geetha N 125
Varon, David N 73
Varon, Michael S 60
Varughese, Biju 82
Varzos, Nicolette E 134
Vashist, Sonia 139, 141, 142,
145, 146, 148, 149, 151
Vasiliev, Nina T 87
Vasona Creek Healthcare
Center 163
Vastine, David W 28
Vatanparast, Becky 25
Vaughan, Winston C 52
Vaynshteyn, Irina 155
Veeragandham, Ramesh S
18, 35
Veerappan, Annamalai 20
Veille, Jean-Claude 48
Velarde, Voltaire S 13
Velastegui, Romel E 47
Velkuru, Vani 33
Veltman, Yevgeniy 35, 79
Vempaty, Hyma T 18
Vemulapalli Brahmarouthu,
Madhavi 26, 76
Venkatapathy, Ganesan 39
Verbis, Susana 156
Verch, Dana R 52
Vergara, Eduardo A 128
Verma, Nitun 22, 33
Verne, Allen Z 28
Verrette, Robert 131
Vesga, Liana 20
Viess, Stephen R 29
Viesti Jr, Carl R 133
Villagomez, Sylvia M 20
Villanueva, Benedict C 22, 74
Villaruz, Jeric C 103
Vincent, Catherine L 52
Visic, Kristina 143, 154, 155,
156, 157
Vittal, Harsha 97, 124
Vittal, Sudin 97, 124
Vo, Steven P 128
Vo, Thai D 123
Vogel, Joanne R 26
Vollmer, Michael E 22, 74
Volpi, Brad A 75
Volpicelli, Mark 129
Von Stieff, Fred J 6
Vong, Chang 153
Vong, Henry 142, 146, 148,
149, 151, 153
Vora, Samir N 13, 32
Vu, Chung H 95, 119
Vu, Cuong T 6
Vu, Giao V 99, 128
Vu, John D 17, 72
Vu, Muu 154, 155
Vu, Oanh N 135
Vu, Thanh V 103
Vujjeni, Valli A 128
Vuong, Christina 140
Vuong, Reed H 39
Vyas, Rachana 154
Wacht, Richard L 13, 16
Waddle, Brian J 106
Wagner Heights Nursing &
Rehabilatation 163
Wagner, David 68
Wagner, Robert G 19
Wakefield, Alan 139, 141, 144
Wakode, Archana 152
Walker, Brian K 34
Walker, Janette G 76
Walker, Judianne 78
Walker, Kristin K 19
Wall, William W 99, 129
Walters, Cathia T 133
Walters, Joseph J 113
Walvick, Matthew D 64
Wandel, Amy G 86
Wang, Catherine M 60
Wang, Edward 35
Wang, Gina R 16
Wang, Jennifer P 129
Wang, Michael L 28
Wang, Paul 139, 141, 144
Wang, Sheng-Yong 98
Wang, Timothy T 99
Wang, Ting W 68
wang, tung ho 125
Wang, Wei 98, 101, 126
Ward, Brian 99, 107
Ward, Deanna M 13
Ward, Mary T 87
Ward, Richard E 47
Waring, Avantika C 19
Warmerdam, Dorotheea O 51
Warne, James B 131
Warshal, William S 113, 124
Washington, Roger W 113
Wasim, Raja H 83
Wasserman, Ronald B 22, 74
Watson, Amy G 113
Watson, Carl W 21
Watson, Jack R 103
Watson, James A 99, 128
Watsonville Community
Hospital 102
Watsonville Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center 163
Watsonville Nursing Center/
East 163
Weber, Kenneth M 128
Weber, Robert J 103
Weckstein, Louis N 79
Weeker, Ellis 123
Weeks, Edwin L 113
Wei Shatzel, Julie R 82
Wei, Alan S 26
Wei, Timothy Y 25, 75
Weibel, Timothy S 98
Weil, Jane 135
Weil, Lawrence 77
Weiland, David S 17
Weinberg, Dean F 18
Weiner, Paul D 31
Weinstein, Joel A 106
Weinstein, Stephen G 76
Weinstock, Henry 113
Weiss, John W 19
Weiss, Jonathan D 26
Weitzman, Geri D 134
Weller, Stephen A 101, 131
Wells, Stephen R 76
Welty, Kathryn M 24
Wen, Chih Hsin C 35, 79
Wendel, Robert T 28, 51
Wendell, Forrest 144
Wenokur, Randall K 30, 77
Wesman, Robert M 30
West, Jeffrey A 18
West, Reardon 130
Weston, Robert J 83
Westview Healthcare Center
Wexler, Ann M 22, 23, 74
Whang, George A 113, 123
Wheeler, Cheri D 134
Wheeler, Paul K 13
Wherry, Jeffrey A 6
Wherry, Patrick E 132
White Blossom Care Center
White, Melinda M 103
White, Neal W 18, 72
Whiting, Neil K 85
Whitley, Careen R 6, 26
Whitney Oaks Care Center
Widroe, Harvey J 135
Wiedeman Jr, Geoffrey P 52
Wieder, Jeffrey A 35
Wiegner, Ellen M 88
Wieland, Mark R 129
Wiesner, Kenneth B 54
Wight, Diane B 70
Wild, Yvette 77
Wilkes, Craig A 53
Willey, Andrea 46
Williams, Clark 6
Williams, Jeffrey F 105
Williams, Richard A 108
Williams, Steven H 31
Willis, Sandra E 44
Willkom, Mignonette M 6
Willman, Susan P 79
Wilson, Byron E 23, 125
Wilson, Christopher J 48
Wilson, Frederick S 31
Wilson, Stephen A 131
Win, Sandra S 72
Windsor Care Center of
Sacramento 163
Windsor El Camino Care
Center 163
Windsor Elk Grove Care and
Rehab Ctr 163
Windsor Elmhaven Care
Center 163
Windsor Hampton Care Center
Windsor Manor Rehab Ctr of
Concord 163
Windsor Rosewood Care
Center 163
Winetz, Jan A 119
Winoto, Johan 49
Winston, Gary A 68
Wise, Alphaeus M 60
Wiseman, Craig M 77
Wolf Creek Care Center 163
Wolfe, James D 105, 121
Wolfe, Phillip A 20
Wolff, May C 134
Wolsztejn, Benjamin 34
Womach, John O 50
Won, Rosa H 76
Wong, Bill N 13, 32
Wong, Bowen Y 25
Wong, Bryan M 24
Wong, Cedric L 52
Wong, Christina M 26
Wong, Clifford 24
Wong, David C 119
Wong, David T 20, 73
Wong, Elaine 19
Wong, Frank Fook Y 99
Wong, Gordon W 131
Wong, Hung-Kwong 113
Wong, Kam Y 31
Wong, Kelly L 13
Wong, Kevin M 18
Wong, Peter P 22, 23, 74
Wong, Ritchie 39
Wong, Samuel J 24
Wong, Stephen K 51
Wong, Tsung-Pi P 6, 19, 60
Wood Jr, Neil L 54
Wood, Rachel 100
Woodbury, Kristin 30
Woodlief, Victor D 97
Woods, James J 64
Woods, Norman P 113
Woodside Healthcare Center
Woodworth, Gary R 18
Woolery, Robert 143, 156
Woolf, Murray A 30
Wortley, John M 114
Wotowic, Paul J 31, 78
Wren, Jeremy J 87
Wright, Allan 131
Wright, Dale R 31
Wright, Paul C 21
Wright, Randolph T 31
Wroblewski, Donald 100, 121
Wroblewski, Donald Z 99
Wrone, Elizabeth M 24, 75
Wrubel, Bradley T 25
Wu, Benjamin M 122
Wu, Chou Y 42
Wu, Danny W 20
Wu, David P 74
Wu, David W 33
Wu, Elizabeth 128
Wu, Gloria 129
Wu, Jerwin 98
Wu, Lawrence 157
Wu, Monte M 24
Wu, Nora W 48, 49
Wu, Pelen T 68
Wu, Pin Jung 139, 141, 145
Wu, Samuel W 119
Wu, Sung-pin 154, 155
Wu, Thomas 88
Wulff, Christopher W 18, 72
Wynn, Michael L 34, 73
Wytrzes, Lydia M 49
Wyzykowski, Richard J 77
Xu, Anlin 121
Yabroff, Lawrence 30
Yalom, Eve F 26
Yamahata, Wayne I 53
Yamamoto, Natsuyo 150
Yan, Dong 139, 141, 144
Yan, Qingwei R 35
Yanagihara, Ronald H 98, 125
Yang, Alice L 124
Yang, Dan 135
Yang, George S 129
Yang, Inphing 139, 141, 145
Yang, Jenny D 97, 124
Yang, Lucia Y 69
Yang, Michael C 52
Yarger, Jennifer L 26
Yarlagadda, Padma 98, 126
Yarme, Adam O 105
Yaskin, Inna 95, 97, 119
Yassa, Nadine H 49
Yassinger, Sidney 47
Yavari, Azita 98
Ybarra, Jessica M 91, 114
Yeap, Tricia 64
Yeates, Harry 39
Yee, Alan 54
Yee, Amber L 60
Yee, John W 13, 32
Yee, Philip C 73
Yeh, David D 98, 126
Yeh, George K 119
Yeh, James H 120
Yeh, Sandra T 123
Yeh, Tzuooming 97, 124
Yekta, Kristina 142, 146, 148,
149, 151, 153
Yen, An 46
Yen, Jerry 13
Yen, John K 49
Yen, Michael H 106
Yen, Thomas L 107
Yenikomshian, Agheg 130
Yeung, Yvonne 16
Yi, K M 97
Yi, Kain 157
Yim, Yung S 48
Yokoyama, Don S 84
Yoon Ferrell, Patricia S 28
Yoon, Edward J 18
Yoon, Michael 148, 149, 151
Yoshisato, Paige A 6, 60
Youker, Summer R 46
Youn, Peter Y 97, 124
Young, Douglas G 42
Young, Gabriel 120
Young, John W 85
Young, Steven M 73
Younger III, Edward W 52
Youssef, Youssef E 22
Yu, Albert M 69
Yu, Andy S 97, 124
Yu, Claudine Ann 139, 141,
Yu, Grace C 121
Yu, Jeanne 45
Yu, Yvone G 69
Yuan, Chiu J 114
Yuen, Daniel M 84
Yuen, Wing Yan C 82
Yumena, Lucia F 14, 24
Yusufzai, Mohammad A 83
Zadmehr, Alaleh 157
Zaffaroni, Alejandro 129
Zahroi-sani, Manucher 156
Zai, Dennis Y 20, 73
Zaidi, Syed A 85
Zaidi, Zaheer S 105
Zaka, Jamal J 79
Zaks, Walter J 60
Zaman, Ayasha 6
Zamani, Sam S 20, 73
Zammuto, Joseph A 6
Zand, Kambiz K. K 97
Zanker, Darlene A 105
Zara, Jojet L 82
Zare, Marc M 132
Zatuchni, Bettina 26
Zegarra, Peter J 45
Zeidler, Kamakshi R 130
Zeiger, Howard L 71
Zeme, Mark I 30
Zhang, Mark Z 50
Zhang, Wengang 64
Zheng, Dawei 39
Zheng, Hui 6
Zhu, Cheng 143, 154, 155,
156, 157
Zhu, Liangxue 114
Zhublawar, Mujda 28
Ziadeh, Faher 143, 147, 148,
149, 150, 151, 152, 153
Zielinsky, Ronald T 87
Zikria, Gul A 120
Zimmerman, Daniel L 27, 76
Zimmerman, Jay W 19, 72
Zimmerman, Todd W 47
Zink, John U 79
Zitman, Sheldon A 114
Zlatnik, Marya G 27
Zlock, Douglas W 72
Zopfi, John 21
Zuberi, Mansoor 135
Zusman, Edie E 24
Zwerdling, Michael A 69, 78
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After February 14, your call will be handled by our automated phone system on
weekends and holidays.
Blue Shield of California is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in
Blue Shield of California depends on contract renewal.
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