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  • Image of lines connected by colorful dots on a grey background

    Explore data about climate, health, food, crops, shelter, emissions and more.

  • Aerial image of farm land in the Gaziantep Province, Turkey

    Understand the environmental impact of your fiber sourcing decisions.

  • Image of a map with white space in the middle with residential, non-residential and unknown color codes mentioned on top right

    See how cities and local governments can analyze emissions data and identify strategies for climate action.

  • A man stands in front of a quaint home with solar panels on the roof.

    Get your own personalized solar savings estimator, powered by Google Earth.

  • A man wearing a navy blue suit standing with his back to the camera, looking at a map of the world

    Learn about mapping global fishing with machine learning.

  • A woman with glasses wearing a blue shirt and white cardigan standing in front of a map, looking off to the left

    Explore data and tools for forest protection.

  • Swirl of light pinks and dark blues on a white background to signfiy surface water

    Get a global, highly detailed view of water on Earth.

  • Orange, teal and blue peaks on a graph to signify different energy sources in response to demand

    Discover some of the least expensive ways to decarbonize electricity.

  • Aerial image of the world

    Explore the far reaches of the world, right in your browser.

  • Aerial image of snow showing earth beneath, to signify glacier melt

    See how the Earth has changed over the past 40 years.

  • Aerial image showing a tan land mass next to a teal colored body of water

    Explore earth science data analysis at a planetary scale.

  • Jaguar

    Browse through the largest publicly accessible collection of wildlife photos taken from remote cameras in the world.

  • A image shows land cover imagery from Dynamic World with different types of land cover all over the world indicated by red, orange, yellow, blue, green and purple.

    Explore high-resolution near real-time global land cover data.