



Advancing sustainable management

Our Mission

The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance sustainable management of forest resources through science, education, and technology; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and to use our knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic to ensure the continued health, integrity, and use of forests to benefit society in perpetuity.

We are the organization that represents forestry professionals and provides leadership to ensure that all members of the profession achieve excellence in sustainable forestry and natural resource management.

The Power of Belonging

Core Membership Benefits:

  • Subscription to Forestry Source, a monthly SAF newspaper covering national forestry news and information about SAF programs and activities.
  • Subscription to E-Forester, a weekly electronic newsletter covering the states, federal lands, biomass, forest products, international forestry, and more.
  • Subscription to Issues & Advocacy Now, an electronic newsletter from SAF's Government Affairs and External Relations team.
  • Opportunity to join a Working Group, which are communities of interest that help members connect with other members in a particular field of interest.
  • SAF Awards, to recognize outstanding achievement and advancement in the field.

  • Access to the SAF Member Directory.
  • SAF National Convention registration discount, up to 25%.
  • Access to the SAF Career Center, where you can post your resume and view current job openings.
  • Convenience of track your SAF CFEs online.
  • Grants, to support your efforts and initiatives funded by Foresters' and Science Fund grant programs.
  • Scholarships, offered annually for academic achievement, excellence in leadership, and to help the best and brightest travel to SAF National Conventions.
  • Internship programs, for student members.

The Southwestern Section
The Southwestern Section of SAF is one of thirty-two State Societies that make up the national organization of the SAF. Our members generally live and work across Arizona and New Mexico .

Forest Science and Technology
The National Forest Science and Technology Board (FS&TB) provides the Society an effective means for the development, dissemination, and use of forest sciences.

Forest Stewardship
Forests provide valuable resources and perform critical ecological functions and are vital to the wellbeing of both society and the biosphere. Our profession fosters stewardship of our forests.  

Biosketch Project

SAFSW is asking members to voluntarily complete this form to facilitate increased communication between  our members about individual careers and experiences and foster discussion. 

Participate in the SWSAF Biosketch Project!

We are seeking the voluntary participation of our members in this project.  For more details, sample forms and a form for you top complete, click here:

Biosketch Project

The Biosketch Project is designed to:

1. Facilitate increased communication between SWSAF members about our individual careers and experiences and foster discussion of ways we can work together to advance the SAF mission;

2. Provide information needed for SWSAF awards and officer nominations; and

3. Help the SAF National Office prepare accurate information for publication in The Forestry Source, local newspapers and other publications deemed appropriate.


Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

past events

2020 Virtual Meeting: 2020 Meeting

More past event links are at the Events Page


Here is where we could post special news other than events.

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