STEM Career Challenge: Acoustical Engineer

Download: STEM Career Challenge PDF from Key Assets

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Acoustical engineers serve as environmental monitors by sampling and analyzing noise levels. Using specialized equipment, acoustical engineers take readings of noise levels in a variety of settings, often including construction zones and public areas. They analyze noise pollution and ensure a workable balance between commercial interests and public health, as well as among commercial interests, the environment, and community aesthetics.

STEM Career Challenges: You Can’t Be What You Can’t See

Students need opportunities to see what careers exist beyond their classrooms and community. Students must also understand how STEM factors into each career pathway. The ability to see how students’ passions and interests can extend to careers in STEM is critical to success in the future.
Discovery Education STEM Career Challenges engage students in scenario-based learning about STEM career pathways that students might not have considered otherwise. Connecting students’ passions to their individual futures helps capture student interest in learning. STEM Career Challenges allow flexibility and customization for each teacher, school, and district based on your own standards and curricula.

Download this STEM Career Challenge from Key Assets.

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