republican party

On the first night of the RNC, venture capitalist David Sacks took the stage to warn Republicans of “a world on fire.” 

VC David Sacks delivers a fire-and-brimstone speech at the Republican National Convention

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ proposal comes as founders and investors have called on limited partners, like pension funds, to be held more accountable for where their money goes.

Ron DeSantis’ proposed ban on ESG investments would be another blow for diverse fund managers

Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the weekly TechCrunch series that recaps the latest in mobile OS news, mobile applications and the overall app economy. The app industry continues…

This Week in Apps: Period tracking app privacy, Snapchat’s paid subscription, calls for TikTok ban

The personal information of 1.8 million Texas residents who filed insurance claims with the Texas Department of Insurance was exposed and publicly accessible for almost three years, according to a…

Texas exposed 1.8 million residents’ data for almost 3 years

Facebook has taken down a group that had amassed more than 300,000 members and was sharing misinformation and organizing around false allegations of impropriety during the 2020 elections. The group,…

Facebook takes down ‘Stop the Steal 2020’ group organizing around false claims of election chicanery

KKR, the multi-billion dollar, multi-strategy investment firm, has closed on over $1.3 billion for companies focused on social and environmental challenges. KKR Global Impact says its fund will focus on…

Financing for social impact and climate businesses gets a billion dollar boost with new KKR fund

Featured Article

Higher Ground Labs is betting tech can help sway the 2020 elections for Democrats

When Shomik Dutta and Betsy Hoover first met in 2007, he was coordinating fundraising and get-out-the-vote efforts for Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign and she was a deputy field director for the campaign. Over the next two election cycles the two would become part of an organizing and fundraising team…

Higher Ground Labs is betting tech can help sway the 2020 elections for Democrats

On Thursday, Attorney General William Barr released the long-anticipated Mueller report. With it comes a useful overview of how Russia leveraged U.S.-based social media platforms to achieve its political ends.…

Mueller report details the evolution of Russia’s troll farm as it began targeting US politics

Scooter startup Lime has sought to back peddle on an explanation given by its VP of global expansion late last week when asked why it had hired the controversial PR firm,…

Lime tries to back-peddle on VP’s line on why it hired Definers

A wide-ranging new poll yields some useful insight into how worried the average American feels about election threats as the country barrels toward midterms. The survey, conducted by NPR and researchers…

This is what Americans think about the state of election security right now

Following up on a recurring thread from Mark Zuckerberg’s congressional appearance earlier this month, the House held a hearing today on perceived bias against conservatives on Facebook and other social…

Pro-Trump social media duo accuses Facebook of anti-conservative censorship

If you’re a fan of Easter eggs hidden in source code, this is a pretty good one. Apparently, as Washington Post data reporter Christopher Ingraham observed on Twitter, some Trump administration…

Trump’s website is coded with a broken server error message that blames Obama

Since November, the Trump campaign’s possibly brilliant, maybe-just-lucky data strategy launched a thousand thinkpieces. Now, we’ve got a more intimate look at that data than we were ever meant to…

Exposed GOP database demonstrates the risks of data-hungry political campaigns

It’s clear Republicans hitched their wagon to a demographic they have successfully exploited at historic levels the last couple of decades. Yet in doing that they’ve still lost six of…

Data shows a downward demographic spiral for Republicans

Original post 2 p.m. PT. Scroll below for commentary and to watch the live stream with us.  Donald J. Trump is, to put it gently, not well liked within the…

Billionaire investor Peter Thiel is reason No. 1 to tune in to the RNC with us tonight

The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) announced this morning that it will throw financial support to the Log Cabin Republicans, a group that advocates for gay issues inside the Republican party.…

CEA, A Tech Group Backed By Apple And Google, Announces Financial Support Of Log Cabin Republicans