Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Chinese poetry (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 100
List of Chinese-language poets (edit)
Chinese literature (edit)
Luo Binwang (edit)
Meng Haoran (edit)
The Poem of Seven Steps (edit)
Gao Qi (Ming dynasty) (edit)
Lament for Ying (edit)
Li Sao (edit)
Zhao Hun (edit)
Jiu Ge (edit)
Jiu Zhang (edit)
Yuan You (edit)
Bu Ju (edit)
Yu Fu (edit)
Huang Tingjian (edit)
Changsha (poem) (edit)
Reply to Li Shuyi (edit)
Chen Lin (Han dynasty) (edit)
Zhang Ji (poet from Hubei) (edit)
Sanqu (edit)
Wang Changling (edit)
Return to the Field (edit)
Jueju (edit)
Jiang Yan (poet) (edit)
Yuan Haowen (edit)
Pei Di (edit)
Zhang Ji (poet from Jiangnan) (edit)
Cen Shen (edit)
Gao Shi (edit)
Meng Jiao (edit)
Chen Tao (poet) (edit)
Chang Jian (edit)
Cui Tu (edit)
Du Shenyan (edit)
Liu Changqing (edit)
Du Xunhe (edit)
Wang Han (poet) (edit)
Wei Yingwu (edit)
Sikong Shu (edit)
Wang Jian (poet) (edit)
Qian Qi (edit)
Classical Chinese poetry forms (edit)
Classical Chinese poetry genres (edit)
Li Pin (edit)
Liu Zhongyong (edit)
Qiu Wei (edit)
Lu Lun (edit)
Shan Xing (edit)
Xie Daoyun (edit)
Pailü (edit)
Midnight Songs poetry (edit)
Gushi (poetry) (edit)
Regulated verse (edit)
Lüshi (poetry) (edit)
Song Zhiwen (edit)
Xu Hun (edit)
Shanshui poetry (edit)
Fields and Gardens poetry (edit)
Sun Chuo (edit)
Sun Zhu (edit)
Cui Rong (edit)
Yongming poetry (edit)
Huaigu (edit)
Sangluan (edit)
Love and the Turning Year (edit)
List of Chu Ci contents (edit)
Gong Dingzi (edit)
Wu Weiye (edit)
History of fu poetry (edit)
Quiet Night Thought (edit)
Wang Yi (librarian) (edit)
Nine Longings (edit)
The Great Summons (edit)
Sorrow for Troth Betrayed (edit)
Alas That My Lot Was Not Cast (edit)
Nine Regrets (edit)
Nine Laments (edit)
Nine Changes (edit)
Summons for a Recluse (edit)
Seven Remonstrances (edit)
Wang Bao (edit)
Ju Song (edit)
Xiaoxiang poetry (edit)
Ch'in Chia (edit)
Poetry of Cao Cao (edit)
Song of the Yue Boatman (edit)
Liu Fangping (edit)
Simians (Chinese poetry) (edit)
Geese in Chinese poetry (edit)
Autumn Day in Kui Prefecture (edit)
Wang Shen (Song dynasty) (edit)
Crow Terrace Poetry Trial (edit)
List of Chinese poetry anthologies (edit)
Star Gauge (edit)
Former Ode on the Red Cliffs (edit)
Hymn to the Fallen (Jiu Ge) (edit)
Popular fashion in ancient China (edit)
Chen Weisong (edit)
Tan Yuanchun (edit)
Wu Shuang Pu (edit)

Total: 1
Dynasties in Chinese history (edit) Dynasties of China (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 2
Antithetical couplet (edit) Duilian (poetry) (edit)
Dynasties in Chinese history (edit) Dynasties of China (edit)


Complete report...

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