Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Clube Náutico Capibaribe managers (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 1
Edgardo Baldi (edit)

Total: 57
Alfredo González (Argentine footballer) (create)
Aurélio Munt (create)
Borba Filho (create)
Caretaker manager (edit)
Carlos Viola (create)
Charles Muniz (create)
Cidinho (football manager) (create)
Cido (edit)
Clube Náutico Capibaribe (edit)
Dante Bianchi (create)
Didi Duarte (create)
Dudu Capixaba (create)
Edmur Ribeiro (edit)
Edílson Marcelo da Rocha (create)
Eládio de Barros Carvalho (create)
Eugênio Vani (create)
Ferraz Neto (create)
Geninho (edit)
Gilberto Carvalho (create)
Heron Ferreira (edit)
Hugo Benjamim (create)
Humberto Cabelli (create)
Ivanildo Souto da Cunha (create)
Joaquim Loureiro (create)
Jorge Costa (footballer) (edit) Jorge Costa (edit)
José Fiorotti (create)
José Mariano Carneiro Pessoa (create)
João Avelino (create)
Juan Miguel Pérez (create)
Jálber Carvalho (create)
Júlio Fernandes (edit)
Levi Gomes (create)
Luciano Sabino Pinho (create)
Luciano Veloso (create)
Luis Carlos Cruz (create)
Luiz Brotherhood (create)
Luiz Lázaro (create)
Manuelzinho (create)
Marcelo Antônio Sangaletti (edit) Sangaletti (edit)
Mituca (create)
Nélson Lucena (create)
Orlando Bianchini (edit)
Otacílio Gonçalves da Silva Junior (edit) Otacílio Gonçalves (edit)
Otávio Augusto Silva Leite (create)
Raul Carlesso (create)
Ribeiro Neto (create)
Ricardo Magalhães (create)
Roberto Brida (create)
Schiller Diniz (create)
Sávio Ferreira (create)
Sérgio China (create)
Tito Rodrigues (edit)
Válter Miraglia (create)
Zé do Carmo (footballer) (edit)
Álvaro Barbosa (create)
Édson Leivinha (create)
Édson Nogueira (create)

 Links to redirects

Total: 3
Jorge Costa (footballer) (edit) Jorge Costa (edit)
Marcelo Antônio Sangaletti (edit) Sangaletti (edit)
Otacílio Gonçalves da Silva Junior (edit) Otacílio Gonçalves (edit)


Complete report...

Generated: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:16:11 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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