The Race Club

Swim Coaching Services


The Velocity Meter measures a swimmer’s propulsion and drag and films each swimmer side-on at the same time. At each point during your stroke cycle, the velocity meter synchronizes your body’s speed, acceleration and deceleration with the high quality video image, providing valuable information about propulsion and frontal drag. We analyze your strokes, one frame at time, defining which positions are beneficial and which positions are impeding your swimming speed. Only through this technology are we able to determine with accuracy and precision, the best swimming technique for you.

We test you while you’re here and all the data is gathered and put into helpful charts. We then schedule a video call with you to go over all the video and data. The call takes about an hour and can be scheduled a couple weeks after the test.

Fee: $1,000

**Velocity Meter + Pressure Meter Bundle: $1,800


The Smart Paddles (SM) measure the pulling forces applied by both hands during your swim. The forces derived from the paddles determine the amount of propulsion (pushing backward), lift (pushing downward) and lateral forces (in sweep or out sweep) for each pull. The Smart Paddles will help us determine how well you are holding water during your pull, or if you are losing force for whatever reason. We will be able to compare your hand force with other swimmers of your approximate age and gender. We will be able to determine whether you are pulling better or more efficiently with one arm than the other. Smart Paddle testing will help you become a better swimmer.

Fee: $1,000

**Velocity Meter + Smart Paddle Bundle: $1,800


We film both under and above water of you swimming all 4 strokes, starts and turns. We also interview you to get an insight into your swimming history and goals. The footage is then edited into a custom film with voice over analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your swimming. Each video about 12 minutes long and is a great visual analysis tool to refer back to long after your time with us.
Analysis and editing takes about a month and once completed, we will send you a download link for your video. Here is an example of what the video will look like: Analysis Video

Fee: $600


This video is similar to the above service, with an analysis of your strengths and abilities in swimming, and will also include an interview with TRC coach, highlighting the strengths of your personality for your college application. We have a very high success rate in helping our athletes get accepted into the schools of their choice or in matching best fit schools and athletes.

Fee: $750


Can’t get down to the the Keys or Coronado? Do you have video footage of you training or racing?

Either as part of the Lane 4 membership or as part of Online Coaching, we will analyze your videos from competition or training. Simply fill out our Online coaching form, email us your video or send us a Youtube link and let us help you improve.

The Race Club coaches will analyze your technique and swimming on your scheduled video conference call.


The Race Club clinics include 5 hours per day of comprehensive training (3 hrs in am and 2 hrs in pm) for four days. Camps that are shorter than 4 days are pro-rated for cost. The number of participants in the camp dictates what the camp will be like as far as individual feedback. We cover the same material at away camps as we do at our locations. Travel expenses, accommodations and meals for the coach (es) are not included in the below fees.

Fee: TBD


Coach Gary Hall, Sr. can deliver lectures on topics such as The Fundamentals of Fast Swimming, The Five Disciplines of Fast Swimming, New Technology in Swimming, High Performance Swim Training, Drills to Faster Swimming or Swim-specific Strength Training.

Fee: TBD