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Defense Tech Innovations

Про нас

BRAVE1 is the one-of-a-kind entry point for cooperation in a field of Ukrainian defense tech: companies, startups, government, defense forces, investors, volunteer funds, media and all who join forces for victory through technology. BRAVE1 – Ukrainian Defense Tech cluster co-founded by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

Оборонне та космічне виробництво
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2-10 працівників
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Працівники у BRAVE1


  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    We just held the 7th Invest Demo Day! 10 domestic companies pitched their solutions to over 40 investors, with the majority being international venture funds and private investors. The goal was to attract investment for the development and scaling of their innovations. Among the solutions presented were: ◾ A laser for destroying drones ◾ FPV drone guidance modules using artificial intelligence ◾ Water drones and ground robots ◾ Strike UAVs The next Invest Demo Day will take place as part of the largest investment summit in Ukrainian defense tech – Defense Tech Valley. The event will be held on October 3-4 in Kyiv and will bring together hundreds of domestic and international investors and developers. Want to be part of transforming Ukraine into a global defense tech hub? Register for the summit at: We look forward to seeing you at Defense Tech Valley!

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    🔥 Warchangers: a robot that can transport 20 mines The TerMIT platform from the Brave1 cluster developer is capable of transporting loads up to 300 kg and evacuating wounded soldiers from the battlefield. The platform can also be equipped with a turret for a machine gun and a module for dropping anti-tank mines. TerMIT is already operating on the front lines, assisting our military in achieving victories. Learn more about TerMIT in the latest episode of the YouTube project Warchangers.

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    ⚡ $3 millions to combat information threats! Ukrainian company Osavul, which has developed an analytical platform for detecting and countering disinformation, has secured $3 million in private investments. Osavul, a member of the Brave1 cluster, has attracted investment from three European venture funds – 42CAP,, and SMRK. The company plans to use the funds to scale its operations and enhance its artificial intelligence algorithms used for analyzing the information environment and countering information threats. Osavul's analytical platform is designed to detect narrative attacks and uncover insights within the media landscape. The platform's users include the public sector, security organizations, and businesses. 📌 Brave1 continues to match manufacturers with Ukrainian and international investors. On October 3-4 in Kyiv, the international Defense Tech Valley summit will take place, where developers will pitch their projects and investors will have the opportunity to select promising teams for investment. You can register for the summit and learn more about it at: Strengthening Ukrainian defense tech!

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    🌍 Brave1 at the NATO Innovation Conference Cluster leader Nataliia Kushnerska is participating in the first-ever NATO conference dedicated to defense innovations – NATO Open Innovation Conference & Expo (#NOICE). The event features innovators from NATO member states specializing in the development of technological defense solutions. A key topic of the conference is Ukraine's experience in creating and utilizing technologies in its war against the enemy. 💬 “Today, Ukraine is one of the global centers for defense tech. The successful use of technologies in real combat situations, the expertise of our engineers, and the speed at which Ukrainian innovators work impress our partners and are already setting an example to follow. We are ready to share our experience and jointly create technological game-changers. We are convinced that the Ukrainian defense innovation industry will become a cornerstone of NATO's security system in the future,” emphasized Nataliia Kushnerska. The conference also highlighted Brave1's efforts to support Ukrainian developers, including assistance with codification according to NATO standards, grant allocation for development improvements, and attracting investments. Partners were invited to the Defense Tech Valley investment summit, which will take place on October 3-4 in Kyiv. During these days, the Ukrainian capital will become the epicenter of discussions on Ukrainian defense tech and its path to becoming a global innovation hub. We continue to build the network of international partners in Ukraine's defense tech industry.

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    • Немає альтернативного текстового опису для цього зображення
  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    Ratel S robot from the Brave1 developer is capable of both detonating enemy targets and laying mines. Loaded with 4 anti-tank mines, it can not only inflict damage but also completely destroy enemy positions. Over 150 of these robots are already performing missions on the front lines. The developers maintain constant contact with the military and refine their solutions based on their feedback.

    Дрон-камікадзе став мінером, бо бійцям було шкода підривати “машину”

    Дрон-камікадзе став мінером, бо бійцям було шкода підривати “машину”

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    ⚡ Defense Tech Valley Summit is getting closer and closer! At the largest investment summit on Ukrainian defense tech, government officials, investors, and developers will discuss the defense innovation industry as a promising environment for technological progress and business success. One of the speakers at the summit will be Eveline Buchatskiy, Managing Partner at D3 Venture Capital Firm, which is already actively investing in Ukrainian companies. Eveline Buchatskiy:  “Access to capital is essential for Ukraine to keep its incredible defense tech innovation moving at record speed. The International Defense Tech Investment Summit in Kyiv is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for global defense investors to take a deep dive and be a part of the fastest moving miltech ecosystem in the world”. The fund’s portfolio includes Ukrainian manufacturers of reconnaissance UAVs, drones for mine detection, defense tech solutions utilizing artificial intelligence, and acoustic sensors for detecting aerial targets. D3 invests in defense tech projects at the Pre-Seed and Seed stages. The fund also assists developers with business development for their companies. 📌 Defense Tech Valley will take place on October 3-4 in Kyiv. The event will bring together hundreds of investors from around the world, Ukrainian and international developers of innovative solutions, military personnel, and representatives from key Ukrainian government agencies. You can register for the event at: Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the largest international investment event on Ukrainian defense tech!

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    🔥 Thanks to Brave1, the Ukrainian defense tech industry has attracted over $12 million in private investments since the beginning of the year. This is nearly twice as much as the total for last year. Currently, three more Ukrainian companies are finalizing deals with investors totaling over $1.5 million. Among them are manufacturers of artificial intelligence and machine vision solutions, guided munitions, and drones. One of the key factors behind this success is Brave1's comprehensive work in attracting investments to Ukrainian companies. This includes organizing pitch events, preparing pitch books, and providing mentoring support to manufacturers as they build successful businesses. To further increase investments in domestic defense tech, we are organizing the largest international investment summit on Ukrainian defense innovations – Defense Tech Valley. Investors and developers from around the world, Ukrainian military personnel with experience using technological solutions, government officials, and experts will discuss the technological future of modern warfare. Investors will also have the opportunity to assess the investment potential of the Ukrainian industry, while Ukrainian developers will pitch their solutions. If you want to be part of the most dynamic defense tech hub emerging in Ukraine, visit the summit's website and register for the event. 📌 The website is available at: Join us in creating the defense technologies of the future!

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    🔥 New grants for Ukrainian defense tech innovators! Developers can now apply for grants of 4 million and 8 million UAH. In addition to the new grants, the Brave1 continues to offer grants of 500,000, 1 million, and 2 million UAH. 📌 Who can apply for the new grants? Ukrainian manufacturers within the Brave1 cluster who have passed defense expertise and whose development meets the following criteria: ◾ Drones  ◾ Reconnaissance tools and instruments for collecting and sorting intelligence information  ◾ Automated management, communication, and information protection systems  ◾ Unmanned ground and naval robotic complexes  ◾ Rocket and artillery weaponry  ◾ Electronic warfare (EW) systems and cyber warfare  ◾ Weapons based on unconventional principles of operation  ◾ Weapons samples  ◾ Systems for the protection and security of troops Developers can allocate the grant towards R&D, product development, and the acquisition of necessary equipment and components. The Brave1 grant program was launched in July 2023. Since then, 299 grants have been awarded: 262 grants totaling $4.9 million and 37 grants totaling 67 million UAH.

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    Unmanned ground vehicles that can do it all! Cargo transportation, reconnaissance, mine laying and demining – Sirko-S1 from the Brave1 cluster developer is capable of performing a wide range of functions that are currently carried out by humans. The military is already using it and has given positive feedback about this development. More robots on the front line means more lives saved for our defenders.

    Новітній наземний дрон “Сірко” на службі війська! 

    Новітній наземний дрон “Сірко” на службі війська!

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для BRAVE1, зображення

    9 701 послідовник

    Ukrainian defense tech industry at the 32nd International Exhibition MSPO From September 3-6, one of the largest annual international defense industry exhibitions, MSPO, took place in Kielce, Poland. Over 600 companies showcased their best developments and established partnerships with one another. This year, the Ukrainian defense tech industry joined the event. Thanks to the organizational support of Brave1, 17 Ukrainian companies were able to hold B2B meetings with companies from Poland and Canada. The focus of all the meetings was on partnership opportunities for the joint development of innovative solutions. This includes the procurement of necessary technologies and components, collaborative R&D, and production of products. Ukrainian companies are interested in the best technologies and solutions from partners that can significantly enhance domestic developments and, consequently, improve the effectiveness of the Security and Defense Forces' operations. At the same time, international developers acknowledge the expertise of Ukrainian innovators and their experience in creating solutions that successfully operate in real combat conditions. Brave1 will continue to connect Ukrainian companies with foreign manufacturers. Together, we can both strengthen the Ukrainian military and develop technologies to protect democracy and freedom worldwide.

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    • Немає альтернативного текстового опису для цього зображення

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