Animal Ask

Animal Ask


We optimise and prioritise future asks to assist the global efforts to reduce farmed animal suffering

Über uns

Animal Ask has been founded with the express aim to assist animal advocacy organisations in their efforts to reduce farmed animal suffering by providing research to help optimise and prioritise future asks. We provide organisations with in-depth research, narrowly targeted at key decisions between different animal asks, supporting organisations, individual activists, policymakers and donors so that they may do more good in the long term. We were founded through the Charity Entrepreneurship incubation programme in 2020.

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    🚨 The Animal Ask Impact Survey is coming to a close and we strongly encourage you to fill out the form. It will only take you 5-10 minutes to complete and submit! ⚠ Please note that there is no limit to the number of respondents per organisation. 🐔 🐟 This is our final call for participation in this important resource. As a research organisation dedicated to impact for animals, we think it is vital to assess whether our work is useful for decision makers and stakeholders within animal advocacy both in theory and in practice. To measure this, we would like you to have an opportunity to share how you have engaged with our existing research. 🏁 The deadline to complete and submit the survey is Friday, September 6 at the close of business in your region. #AnimalAdvocacy #EffectiveAnimalAdvocacy #AnimalWelfare #animalrights #effectivealtruism

    Animal Ask Evaluation

    Animal Ask Evaluation

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    Animal Ask needs you for 5-10 minutes tops. 🐟 🦐 🐛 ❤️ 📊 We are currently conducting an internal evaluation of our impact. To that end, we have created an easy-to-complete survey for animal advocates to help us determine how useful (or not) our research reports have been to you and whether they have influenced your decision making. ✅ There is no limit to how many advocates per organisation can respond. If you do not belong to any organisation we encourage you to respond as well. The same applies if you are a donor or work in the funding space. ❓ By completing and submitting this survey, you will help us understand how Animal Ask can better serve the research needs of the global animal welfare movement. You will also have the opportunity to suggest which research project you would like us to conduct in the future. 🚨 The survey deadline is Friday, September 6th at the close of business in your region. Thanks for helping us in our mission to help the animal advocacy movement.

    Animal Ask Evaluation

    Animal Ask Evaluation

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    📢 The last issue of our new, revamped newsletter is out. If you would like to get a bi-monthly summary of our activity, published and ongoing reports and news of interest to you or your organisation (e.g. when we launch new rounds to apply for our free services), subscribe now! ✅ Check out our July issue and subscribe to stay up to date with our work:

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    The latest Animal Ask report is out, and this time we cover a fundamental component of our work: how do we measure the subjective experience of animals, and therefore the results of different animal welfare interventions/campaigns? TL;DR: To guide our research on new interventions for the animal advocacy movement, we need a framework that allows us to quantify the subjective experiences of animals. For example, if we were comparing two campaigns—say, a) phasing out fast-growing breeds or broiler chickens and b) implementing more humane pesticides for use on crops—we would need to produce a quantitative estimate of the potential impact of these two campaigns. Note that we also consider many qualitative factors—this quantitative estimation represented by our framework is only one piece of information among many that we use. We chose to describe our framework in this article so we can be transparent about our research methods, allowing others to see how we reach particular conclusions and to improve on such methods. Please, help us spread the report by sharing this post. ❤️ #animal welfare #farmedanimalwelfare #research #effectivealtruism #moralphilosophy #animaladvocacy #animalscience

    This article describes Animal Ask's cumulative animal pain framework

    This article describes Animal Ask's cumulative animal pain framework

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    We are beyond excited to present to you our latest report, which we hope will be of help from many groups and animal advocates: Animal welfare in the United States: Opportunities for impact. From the Summary: "In this report, we give an overview of animal production in the United States. We explore which industries are responsible for the largest amount of animal exploitation in the United States. We touch on all major farmed and wild-caught sectors in the country, before taking a deeper look at egg production and chicken meat production. Looking at how animal production is clustered by state and county, we point out where there are opportunities for animal advocacy organisations to make the biggest impact on the lives of animals. We also provide an overview of the economic forces that determine how animals are farmed and killed, which can help us to understand whether any given campaign will deliver the impact that we intend." ----- We want to help you! Are you an animal advocacy organisation seeking to conduct a high-impact campaign? We would love to work with you—like the insights in this report, we can provide detailed, specific analysis for the campaigns that your organisation is interested in. This is an initial scoping report, and we have only scratched the surface. We can inform the choice of campaign to empower your organisation to do the most good for animals. ----- #animalwelfare #animaladvocacy #farmanimals #animalscience #effectivealtruism #farmanimalwelfare #EAGLondon #poultry #eggs

    Animal advocacy in the United States: Opportunities

    Animal advocacy in the United States: Opportunities

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    🤝 Animal Ask is thrilled to announce we are opening a new application round seeking partnerships with animal advocacy organisations around the world. 🙂 Thanks to our generous donors we can offer our services to the movement largely pro-bono, particularly for promising organizations that may otherwise not have the resources to conduct such vital research. We offer two different services to animal advocacy groups: Ask Prioritisation Program and Ask Consultation Program: ➡ Our Ask Prioritisation Program helps identify the most impactful campaign opportunities available to organisations working to improve the lives of animals in their region. ➡ Our Ask Consultation Program covers requests that do not warrant the full Ask Prioritisation Programme (e.g. an extensive report evaluating the impact of one particular campaign or research to boost the impact of an existing campaign). 🚨 The deadline for applications is June 3, 2024. If in doubt, we encourage you to err on the side of applying! You can apply by filling out the linked form.

    Ask Programme

    Ask Programme

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    🐟 New Study: Humane slaughter in Mediterranean sea bass and bream aquaculture: farm characteristics, stakeholder views, and policy implications. Animal Ask’s researchers Max Carpendale and Ren Ryba, along with Koen van Pelt , published this article in Frontiers in Aquaculture (open-access). From the Abstract: In this article, we provide an overview of stunning before slaughter in European sea bass and sea bream aquaculture, one of the largest finfish farming industries in the developed world that does not yet stun most of its production. Sea bass and sea bream stunning necessitates the use of electrical stunning equipment aboard harvest vessels, often a significant distance from the shoreline; this presents an interesting engineering and policy challenge. Together, Türkiye, Greece, Spain, and Italy produced over 400,000 t of sea bass and sea bream in 2020. #animalwelfare #fish #aquaculture #research #fishwelfare #slaughter #seabass #seabreem

    Humane slaughter in Mediterranean sea bass and bream aquaculture: farm characteristics, stakeholder views, and policy implications

    Humane slaughter in Mediterranean sea bass and bream aquaculture: farm characteristics, stakeholder views, and policy implications

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    New free resource launched! 🚀 We just launched a new service to the movement, our pro-bono virtual #OfficeHours! 🐔 🐟 🦐 Need guidance, support, or just a specialist to exchange ideas with? Join us online for personalised, pro-bono one-on-one assistance tailored to all and every stakeholder interested in animal advocacy effectiveness. How does it work? Just go to our website and choose what Animal Ask staff member you'd like to talk to, and easily book a time for a 30' session. We offer this new pro-bono service weekly. 🙂 Help us spread the word by sharing this post with your network! #animalwelfare #effectivealtruism #animaladvocacy #animalscience #research

    Pro-bono Office Hours | Animal Ask

    Pro-bono Office Hours | Animal Ask

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    Animal Ask recently published a new report exploring Shareholder Activism. 📈 What is shareholder activism?: buying the shares of corporations and leveraging the rights associated with that partial ownership. Author Max Carpendale explores the viability of this tactic for animal advocacy. 🐔 🐟 🦐 A couple of takeaways: – Shareholder activism campaigns rely on 1) some level of background public support for the reform in question or 2) some other financial or reputational advantage to the company. – Shareholder activism campaigns may work best when they are run alongside other animal advocacy campaigns also pushing for the reform in question. Any thoughts? Reach out with your comments! 🙂 Also: help us sharing the report in your network! 📢

    Shareholder Activism to help animals

    Shareholder Activism to help animals

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    Animal Ask has published a new report exploring a tactic not broadly used by animal advocates: Insider Activism. Insider activism covers examples of concerned citizens participating in activism within or against the institutions they work in. This report explores if insider activism could be utilised in animal advocacy. Author George Bridgwater explores existing attempts to transform institutions from within focusing on corporate and government insider activism. Some takeaways: – Previous examples of employee activism show case studies of success across a variety of causes. – However, some of the seemingly most successful tactics involve a wide number of employees and demanding tactics. So, even though most people support improvements to animal welfare, they need to be willing to take action and, potentially, personally costly action to engage in many of the tactics involved. We encourage to to reach out with your feedback and share this among your network!

    Insider Activism in animal advocacy

    Insider Activism in animal advocacy

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