

Professionelles Training und Coaching

ThreePieceLife is an online coaching course designed to help you get the balance that you're looking for in your life.

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eCoaching from Tim Johns to help you find a balance in your life

Professionelles Training und Coaching
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    After a lifetime of working in large organisations, consulting, and as a trained executive coach, I have now brought all my experience together into a new online eCoaching course. It's based on one universal observation: that most people struggle to find a happy balance in their life. Work tends to dominate, squeezing out all the other things that make us who we are. Some, like me, get burn out; some get bore out. Others realise far too late that their obsession with their work and their career has led to dysfunctional relationships, health problems, and a life lived running in the wrong direction. Throughout the 7-part ThreePieceLife course I use my own insight and experience to act as your guide to challenge you to find the balance that you know that you want in your life. It's your chance to pause and invest time and resources in your own well-being. Think of it as personal development before its too late. Watch the video, take the questionnaire, and start your own journey to getting a balanced ThreePieceLife.

    Are you happy with your work/life balance?

    Are you happy with your work/life balance?

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    Surviving and thriving in the corporate world can be tough. We all know what the pressures can be: to perform, to lead, to execute, and to stay ahead of the competition. And at the same time, to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a strong family life. I was talking recently to someone who is an advisor to senior executives in the Private Equity world. He said that often they don't want to talk about business issues but they just want to offload. He said that some feel so much pressure that they burst into tears in front of him. It's often assumed that executive coaches exist only to help people become better leaders, or more effective team players, or to use their time more effectively. But often the real purpose is simply to help people be comfortable with themselves. Sometimes we all need someone who can help us to reframe, to relook at our selves, and take stock. Seven years ago I wrote this article for Management Today. I described how being at the top can be incredibly lonely. Often all the people that you turn to for advice have their own agendas. And so, I said that getting a coach can be a really sensible move. In fact, looking back, it probably sowed the seed for my new Three Piece Life eCoaching programme which is all about helping people to get a balance in their lives. Work and careers are incredibly important, but they shouldn't be allowed to dominate our lives. So, before you end up either frustrated that your unfulfilled or burnout from too much pressure, think about how a coach could help you get the balance right. #worklifebalance #coaching #overwork #burnoutcoach

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    Barbra Streisand, when promoting her new book, recently said that she hadn't had much fun in her life. That's quite a statement from someone who has achieved so much and had so many extraordinary successes. And it's a salutary lesson for many of us. Having fun should be a integral part of our lives. Of course, there will always be things that need to be taken seriously; but life is too short and too fragile to live without fun. Some people are incredibly serious; some place their careers and ambitions over everything else; and some pursue happiness for its own sake. For a long time I worked too hard. I let work dominate my life. It squeezed out far too many other things, including having fun. I since retrained as a coach and help people be much more effective as leaders. And the first thing that I tell people is that in order to be good leaders they must first learn to lead themselves. And I've now developed a 7-part online eCoaching course to help people get a proper balance in their lives. Because no-one should look back on their lives having achieved so much but having missed out on having fun.

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    ome people dream of making it to the top. They want to be the boss. But do they know enough about what life is really like at the top of the corporate ladder; and are they prepared to make the kind of personal sacrifices and compromises that often come from letting work dominate their lives? My Three Piece Life online eCoaching programme is designed to make you stop and think about your work life. Thought-provoking videos and course work, all at your own pace, will help you really think about the life you are living and how you can get the balance that you know that you really want. Click on the logo, watch the latest video, and think about whether you should invest in yourself and try the Three Piece Life.

    Three Piece Life

    Three Piece Life

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    Are you someone who lets work dominate your life? Do have too little time to enjoy the things that make you who you really are? Many people found that lockdown made them re-think their relationship with work. Some found themselves questioning not just how they spend their time but why. My new online eCoaching course is designed to help you find the balance that you know that you want in your life. It's your chance to pause and invest time in your own well-being. Think of it as personal development before its too late. Watch the video, take the questionnaire, and start your own journey to getting a balanced ThreePieceLife.

    How do you feel about the balance in your life?

    How do you feel about the balance in your life?

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    Are you someone who lets work dominate your life? Do have too little time to enjoy the things that make you who you really are? Many people found that lockdown made them re-think their relationship with work. Some found themselves questioning not just how they spend their time but why. My new online eCoaching course is designed to help you find the balance that you know that you want in your life. It's your chance to pause and invest time in your own well-being. Think of it as personal development before its too late. Watch the video, take the questionnaire, and start your own journey to getting a balanced ThreePieceLife.

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    Are you someone who lets work dominate your life? Do have too little time to enjoy the things that make you who you really are? My new online eCoaching course is designed to help you find the balance that you know that you want in your life. Watch the video, take the questionnaire, and start your own journey to getting a balanced ThreePieceLife.

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    ThreePieceLife is a brand new online eCoaching course designed to help you get the balance that you want in your life. Too many of us allow work to dominate our lives, squeezing out the many other things that make us who we really are. I will be your guide and coach throughout the 7-part course and help you find your own unique answers. Click on the logo, watch the video, take the questionnaire, and then take some time out to think about how you could benefit from this course.

    3PL 01

    3PL 01

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