Virtual International Authority File


Hallwylska museet BIBSYS German National Library National Library of Sweden

Hallwylska museet Stockholm National Library of France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France ISNI

Hallwylska museet (Stockholm, Sweden) NII (Japan) National Library of Australia Library of Congress/NACO

Hallwylin museo Wikidata

Hallwyl Museum National Library of Poland

Hallwylska Museet Stockholm, Sverige National Library of Lithuania

Hallwylska museet (Svíþjóð) National and University Library of Iceland (NULI)

VIAF ID: 145237174 (Corporate)


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Title Sources
Bergman på modet : om kläderna i Ingmar Bergmans filmer National Library of Sweden
Carl Herman Benckert j:r : möbelsnickare i Stockholm 1858-1909 National Library of Sweden
Catalogue of the collection of Chinese and Korean bronzes at Hallwyl House, Stockholm BIBSYS National Library of Poland RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Sweden National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Clothes from a household of bygone times Library of Congress/NACO
Dåtida, nutida, framtida : Nutida svenskt silver 1963-2013 National Library of Sweden
Det dubbla arvet : en utställning på Livrustkammaren och Hallwylska museet BIBSYS National Library of Sweden
Ett sekel av dräkt & mode : ur den Hallwylska samlingen. National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO
För en långt avlägsen framtid : en bok om Wilhelmina von Hallwyl National Library of Sweden
Hallwyl collection of oriental carpets and textiles National Library of Sweden
Hallwylska målerisamlingen = The Hallwyl collection of paintings BIBSYS RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland NII (Japan) National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO
Hallwylska samlingen : beskrifvande forteckning. BIBSYS National Library of Sweden National Library of France National and University Library of Iceland (NULI) Library of Congress/NACO
Inventering National Library of France
Julius Kronberg : monumentala sötsaker i grevinnans smak National Library of Sweden
Katalog över skulptursamlingen i Hallwylska huset Stockholm BIBSYS National Library of Sweden
Lettres National Library of France
Mariano Fortuny : modeskapare och allkonstnär National Library of Sweden
Min innerligt älskade : berättelsen om Wilhelmina Kempes och Walther von Hallwyls bröllop 1865 National Library of Sweden
Minas snäcka : en berättelse om hur Hallwylska museet blev till National Library of Sweden
Musée Hallwyl BIBSYS RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Sweden National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Skogen bakom palatset : om Wilhelm H. Kempe och familjeföretaget Ljusne-Woxna aktiebolag National Library of Sweden
Snigeljakt i Hallwylska palatset National Library of Sweden
Verksamhetsberättelse - Livrustkammaren, Skoklosters slott, Hallwylska museet. National Library of Sweden
Walther von Hallwyl : familjefar och företagsledare National Library of Sweden
Wilhelminas döttrar National Library of Sweden

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