Virtual International Authority File


National Museum of American Art (U.S.) Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel NII (Japan) National Library of Australia

Smithsonian American Art Museum Wikidata Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

National Museum of American Art. National and University Library of Iceland (NULI) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

National Museum of American Art (Amerikas Savienotās Valstis) National Library of Latvia

National Museum of American Art (Estados Unidos) National Library of Chile

National Museum of American Art (Stati Uniti) Vatican Library

National Museum of American Art (États-Unis) Library and Archives Canada

National Museum of American Art (Spojené státy americké) National Library of the Czech Republic

VIAF ID: 146976922 (Corporate)


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Title Sources
Albert Pinkham Ryder National and University Library of Iceland (NULI)
Am. art (Online) Library of Congress/NACO
America past and present Library of Congress/NACO
American art at the nineteenth-century Paris Salons NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
American kaleidoscope : themes and perspectives in recent art Library of Congress/NACO
An American perspective : selections from the bequest of Frank McClure. Library of Congress/NACO
American photographs : the first century from the Isaacs collection in the National Museum of American Art Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan)
American scene (Washington, D.C.) Library of Congress/NACO
Art in New Mexico, 1900-1945 : paths to Taos and Santa Fe National Library of Latvia Library of Congress/NACO
Art of the gold rush Library of Congress/NACO
Aspects of collecting the modern, 1981: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
Bottlecaps to brushes : art activities for kids Library of Congress/NACO
Celebrate America : in poetry and art Library of Congress/NACO
Charles W. Hawthorne : the late watercolors Library of Congress/NACO
Creation & renewal : views of Cotopaxi by Frederic Edwin Church Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
East and West, painting/poems Library of Congress/NACO
Edward Hopper National Library of Latvia Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Elizabeth Nourse, 1859-1938 : a salon career Library of Congress/NACO National and University Library of Iceland (NULI)
Exposed and developed : photography sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts Library of Congress/NACO
Familiar but unique : the monoprints of Joseph Goldyne Library of Congress/NACO National and University Library of Iceland (NULI)
The First Ladies Hall NII (Japan)
Frederic Remington Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Gilbert Stuart Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
The Gilded Age, c2000: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
In search of the corn queen Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan)
Jacob Kainen Library of Congress/NACO
John La Farge : essays National Library of Latvia Library of Congress/NACO
John Singer Sargent Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
José de Creeft, sculpture and drawings, 1983: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
Katalog wystawy (National Museum of American Art ; Waszyngton ; 1982) Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Wikidata National and University Library of Iceland (NULI)
Library of American art (Harry N. Abrams, Inc.) Library of Congress/NACO
A life in art : Alma Thomas, 1891-1978 Library of Congress/NACO
Li'l Sis and Uncle Willie : a story based on the life and paintings of William H. Johnson Library of Congress/NACO National and University Library of Iceland (NULI)
Made with passion Library of Congress/NACO
Mary Cassat NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Metropolitan lives : the Ashcan artists and their New York Library of Congress/NACO
Modern American realism : the Sara Roby Foundation Collection Library of Congress/NACO
More than land or sky : art from Appalachia Library of Congress/NACO
N.Y. times, Nov. 3, 2000: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
Nam June Paik : global visionary NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
National Museum of American Art and its Renwick Gallery : [calendar]. Library of Congress/NACO
Newsletter Library of Congress/NACO
The paintings of Charles Burchfield : north by midwest National Library of Latvia Library of Congress/NACO
The Patricia and Phillip Frost collection, American abstraction, 1930-1945 Library of Congress/NACO
Paul-Manship Library of Congress/NACO
Picturing old New England : image and memory Library of Congress/NACO
Posters American style National Library of Latvia
The print in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present Library of Congress/NACO
Provincetown printers : a woodcut tradition Library of Congress/NACO
A Revision of the American two-winged flies of psychodid subfamily Bruchmynae National Library of Chile
Revisiting the white city : American art at the 1893 World's Fair Library of Congress/NACO
Romaine Brooks Library of Congress/NACO
Samuel F.B. Morse National Library of Latvia Library of Congress/NACO
Save Outdoor Sculpture! update. Library of Congress/NACO
Sawtooths and other ranges of imagination : contemporary art from Idaho Library of Congress/NACO
Secrets of the dark chamber : the art of the American daguerreotype Library of Congress/NACO
Silver and gold Library of Congress/NACO
Singular impressions : the monotype in America National Library of Latvia Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Smithsonian studies in American art. Library of Congress/NACO Wikidata NII (Japan) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
SOS! update Library of Congress/NACO
Stuart Davis Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Thomas Cole : landscape into history Library of Congress/NACO
United States. An Act to Rename the National Museum of American Art, 2000, Public Law 106-385: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
Visual poetry : the drawings of Joseph Stella Library of Congress/NACO
The West as America : reinterpreting images of the frontier, 1820-1920 Library of Congress/NACO National and University Library of Iceland (NULI) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Where shadows live : Alice Pike Barney and her friends : [exhibition] January 20-May 21, 1978, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Vatican Library
The White House collection of American crafts Library of Congress/NACO
Winslow Homer Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Wood works : constructions by Robert Indiana Library of Congress/NACO
Young America, c1999: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
поимник за лица и установи на SAAM Wikidata
مكنز شخص/مؤسسة في متحف الفن الأمريكي في سميثسونيان Wikidata

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